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His Mate And His Mistress

Page 5

by Irtania Adrien

  Chapter 11- "...Or so I thought" *Third person's pnt. Of view* As Adelina descended the stairs, what she didn't expect was for the alpha to be standing at the bottom of the stairs, taking part in a make out session with Serena. The alpha hearing footsteps from the stairs, pulled away from Serena as his eyes connected to that of his mate, Adelina. For just a split second Adelina froze, she felt her heart beat pick up pace, and her breathing lost its pattern, but then she remembered, his cruel words, his treatment, his teasing and joking, and she cleared her mind. Her memories of his ruthless actions was like a dagger driven straight through her heart, but she wouldn't succumb to that weakness. Not today, not ever, not when she made the effort to move on from him. She broke their eye contact and walked straight passed Demitrey and made her way out the doors. Demitrey watched Adelina's every movement until she disappeared behind the doors, and he couldn't deny, he had a beautiful mate, and he wanted to cherish her, but he also couldn't place her in danger, he had to stay away. Or so he thought. When he noticed who followed Adelina out those doors his blood boiled, it was James', the pack's #1 player, and Cilia.

  He had no problem with Cilia, but when it came to James, he didn't want him nowhere near Adelina, heck he didn't want any one of the male species to approach her, and knowing Cilia and James, he had a feeling he knew exactly where they were taking Adelina. He was quick to follow them out the door, just as they got in a car and sped off. Demitrey quickly dialed his Beta's number, and ordered him to meet up front with the car. Once Kade arrived with the car, Demitrey jumped in and they rushed off after Demitrey's mate, not even sparing Serena a second glance. Meanwhile, the trio soon found themselves parking in front of "Dynasty", the hottest werewolf club in town, with the longest lines in the street, but with James having connections, they didn't have to wait in line. The scene was vibrant and alive. The music boomed in the speakers, while the bass enchanted your heart into beating into the perfect rhythm. Bodies bounced, grinded, and whined against one other, while the colored lights danced over the skins that occupied the dance floor. The scene was hot and erotic, you couldn't help but get involved in the action. James led the ladies over to a free table, and then went to the bar for drinks. When he came back with six shots, Adelina was about to refuse when she remembered that she was 21, and it was time to let loose. Heck, she needed to let loose. The image of her mate kissing another woman made her blood boil, filling her up with red rage, and green envy. She wanted to hurt them both, but most of all she wanted to forget them both. No in fact she just wanted to forget Demitrey. He didn't want her, and she has been trying to move on, and tonight was the perfect night to test her limits as a free woman, so in the blink of an eye, Adelina threw back all six of the shots, leaving both James and Cilia speechless, then she took Cilia's hand and led her to the middle of the dance floor. Tonight Adelina was going to forget, she was going to stop thinking about Demitrey, and she would stop fantasizing about them ever being together. She was going to let go. And just as she made her decision, the DJ dropped a reggeaton mix and the crowd went wild. The girls were quickly ripped away from one another, as two strangers teared them apart. Adelina didn't seem to mind, the alcohol buzzed in her system, and the music seem to hypnotized her, as her hips moved in sync with that of the mysterious stranger that seem rather excited to dance with her... if you know what I mean. The girls were ready to dance the night away, and to them the fun was just beginning. Soon however, Demitrey and Kade made their way into the club, they were quick to spot Cilia dancing with a random dude, that seem more interested in leaving kisses all over her, and Kade didn't seem too happy about that. In the blink of an eye, the guy was ripped from Cilia, and Kade took a possessive hold of her as he whispered possessively "MINE" and just like that he swept Cilia off her feet, literally, and carried her out the club. Cilia was speechless, Kade was her mate... The Alpha's Beta was her mate, and she was ever so happy. The way he held her, and captured her eyes with his made Cilia's heart flutter, and she completely forgot about Adelina and James. James on the other hand was busy flirting and making out with one of the girls in the club, and he walked out leaving Adelina on the dance floor. It didn't take long for Demitrey to spot his mate, however, he wasn't too happy at the guy clinging on to her like a second skin, but what sent a dagger right through his heart was the fact that his mate seem to enjoy herself being in the arms of another, and soon his pain turned to anger. He took measured step towards the intoxicated couple, and in a matter of seconds the guy was ripped away from Adelina. "Hey bro, fucks the matter with you?" The guy said, aggressively pushing Demitrey, and Adelina gasped, waking up from her trance.Demitrey stepped up to the man and landed a punch square in his face as he said "keep your hands off my girl." The guy quickly got to his feet as he said "her? She not your girl, in fact," the guy added as he pulled Adelina to his body embracing her "this pretty young thing is all mine, and" the guy spun Adelina, flushing her back into his front as he kissed the spot where she was supposed to be marked "she is not marked, which means she is not your girl." The guy smirked smugly, and kissed Adelina's marking spot again, and Demitrey saw red. Before anyone could suspect, the guy went flying across the room, landing against one of the electrical pipes, as his body convulsed with thousands of electrical volts frying his insides. Everyone stood stunned at the sight. The alpha just claimed Adelina as his, yet they all questioned the fact that he didn't want a mate. Adelina stepped up to him, her fists balled as she said "What did you do that for? Huh? You said you didn't want me! I was moving on! I was trying to forget you! And the chance I get to finally have fun, and escape from you, YOU RUINED IT!" Adelina was seething in anger as she started daggers at the man who tortured her so, and Demitrey turned his dark face on her as he simply said "let's go", totally ignoring her angry outburst. Then he turned and started making his was for the exit, but when he sensed that his mate wasn't following he turned around and found her standing with her arms crossed in defiance as she said "no." And the crowd erupted in gasps followed by whispers as they gossiped "did she just say no to him? Omg she's his mate! Oooh she just defied the alpha." "No?" Was Demitrey's question."No." Was Adelina defiant answer. Demitrey shook his head then took three long strides towards Adelina, and before she could register what happened, she was hauled off the dance floor and unto Demitrey' s shoulders, then in a cool stride, not caring about the peering eyes, Demitrey made his way out the club, carrying his struggling mate with him. Demitrey struggled to place her in the car, and Adelina being a fighter was quite the challenge, she kicked, punched and scratched him, she was angry and relentless. When Adelina landed a strong blow to Demitrey’s head, causing him to see stars for a few seconds, he threatened her and said "keep struggling, and I'm putting you in the trunk." And just like that Adelina froze, she defeated got in the car, and soon they drove off. What they missed as they drove away from the club however, where the prying eyes that followed Adelina from the moment she step foot in the club. They missed the way their encounter in the club sparked an interest among a few of the individuals in the club, and most important, they missed the figure that moved and lurked in the shadows, observing their interaction. Meanwhile, Adelina sat staring out the window, anger waltzing in her veins. Her mind was buzzing with questions such as "how did he know where I was? Why did he come for me? Why did he call me his girl? I thought he didn't want me?" The effect of the alcohol seem to start fading from her system, and soon she became very sleepy, but before she fully drifted off to sleep, the last thought on her mind was that "I moved on... or so I thought."

  Chapter 12- "Anger" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* I found myself being shaken awake by a firm hand that belonged to none other than Demitrey. He shook me until I was shoving his hand away while I said "okay, okay, I'm awake, jeez."His cold glare just penetrated my own as we locked gazes in a fierce stare down. One of us was bound to look away first, and I would be damned if that was me. With one simple breath, and no blinking he simply stated "Get. Out."With a huff, I smiled sarcasti
cally as I said "gladly." And with a roll of my eyes, I opened my door and stepped out of the car, but by the time I was closing the door, I found myself wedged in between the car, and the solid chest of my mate. His glare was cold, domineering, and unforgiving. My mind begged for me to look away before I got affected, yet my pride willed me to stay put. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?" He questioned, his tone low, sending shivers dancing across my entire being."And if I did?" I mustered the courage to ask.He chuckled, his glare unwavering, then next thing I knew, his fingers were caressing my cheek with feather light touches, and I forced myself to turn away, unwilling to give into him, unwilling to give into my feelings. I was trying to get over him for heaven's sake. His eyes became hard at my actions, and he placed his hands on both sides of my body, caging me in, as he moved his body closer to my own. He smirked once he felt my racing heart, and he simply asked "feeling feisty today aren't we?""Go to hell." Was my heated reply, and he gripped my chin firmly, not enough to hurt, but enough for me to know he was stronger. He leaned in, his lips brushing softly against my own, and before even realizing, I found myself leaning in, but he pulled away teasingly as he said with a lust filled tone "that mouth of yours, those lips, they're going to get you in a lot of trouble." His eyes were dark with lust, his voice giving away his feelings, but I forced myself back, I wouldn't succumb, nor would I submit to my feelings for him. He seem to read my mind for my eyes held a glare similar to his own, so he backed up, and gave me enough space, then he turned around but before making his way inside he ordered "you're sleeping in my room tonight." And just like that he left, leaving me standing speechless. That arrogant bastard! I was steaming! Elated at his actions, and he had the absolute audacity to say that I'm sleeping in his room?! We'll see about that. I stomped my up way to my room, slamming and locking the door shut, then I stripped and headed for a shower. "What a perfect way to end our birthday." I noted the sarcasm in Aden's voice."Tell me about it." I replied back."What are you going to do?" She asked, a tone of excitement slightly visible in her voice."What do you mean?" I asked, confused."Well... are you going to go to his room?" She asked giddy, and I could tell, my wolf is in my head, and she has been nonstop bugging me about that asshole, and she seem to have forgotten that he rejected us."No! How can you even ask something Like that? Did you forget already what he has done to us?" I asked suddenly fuming, the mere thought of him made me angry."Well, technically he didn't actually reject us, he just wants to stay away from us, and maybe he's trying to protect us or something." Aden tried to reason. Wait... Was she defending that asshole?"PROTECT US? HA! FROM WHAT? He's my mate, when we know each other, yet we stay away, that only makes us weaker, and it hurts! Okay? I hurt because of him, but nooo, he wants to stay away! FINE let him stay away!" And with that final outburst, I blocked Aden from my thoughts. My mind cleared, just to reveal my white knuckles, choking my towel.I shook my head and jumped in the shower trying my best to cool off. When I finally could breathe normally again, and my mind was filled with happy thoughts and memories, I made my way back to my room with the towel wrapped around my body, but as soon as I opened the door, I froze. There, lying on my bed was the alpha, shirtless, with his eyes closed. I stood frozen, contemplating my situation in my mind, while my eyes seem to access my situation of a mate that seem to lie comfortably in my bed. It seems as though my eyes developed a mind on their own, as they seem to study every inch of his perfectly toned structure, as if they were memorizing every sculpt of his wide shoulders and fit chest, the way he laid carefree made it seem as though he had all the time in the world. If only I could lay next to him, drive my fingers slowly over his built being, if only I could ki- Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! WOAH! Get your mind out of the gutter Adelina. "Or leave it there... I don't mind." Came Aden's sultry voice in mind. How the heck did she get back in? "Enjoying the show?" Came Demitrey's voice, pulling me away from my thoughts."I've seen better." I shrugged, looking away, trying to avoid the heat that washed over me. He stood up, and sauntered his way over to me, and it took all my will power not to run and lock myself in the bathroom. Wait a second, lock. "I locked the door! How did you get in?" I demanded, anger slowly rising in my blood stream."Have you forgotten, this is my house, I can go wherever I want." He replied coolly, as though he was the king of the world."Yeah, whatever." I huffed, tightening my hold on the towel. His eyes seem to catch my actions, and his pupils dilated, as his voice took a deeper, darker note, and he breathed as he said "I thought I ordered that you sleep in my room tonight.""Mmh, you did, but see I don't usually take orders from pompous, arrogant, assholes, and plus," I added, making my way by the bed " I like my bed a bit more, so, I'll have to decline that offer, but you can surely see your way out." I could've sworn I saw steam coming out of his ears, as his whole stance screamed: ANGER. Mmh, guess the alpha is not used to people turning him down, if anything a girl. But then he turned and smirked. Wait he's smirking... why is he smirking? He once again took calculated steps towards me, until he was standing just a few feet away. He shrugged and placed his hands in his pocket as he said "you're right. My bed only belongs to me and my mistress, what was I thinking by inviting you in there?" And I saw red. Before thinking twice, my fist went flying, but in quick reflex he managed to catch it, seconds before it connected with his beautiful jaw. But that didn't stop me, I sent my other fist flying, but to no avail he also caught it, except this time, using his strength, his pulled my arms closer to him, then slammed our bodies on the bed. And just like that, we ended up in a very compromising position. I found myself laying on my back, a flimsy towel the only thing keeping my body from the eyes of the ruthless alpha. Both my hands were held captive on either sides of my head, while my knees were propped up, apart from each other, with the alpha lying right in between my legs.

  Chapter 13- "Heated Jealousy" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* We laid still in that position for a few, not a word travelling between us. Our locked gazes, and heavy breathing was our only mean of communication. The tension developed its own language, and the environment translated it perfectly. I don't know what was going through his mind, but for all I know, I would stay as still as log, just to avoid any more awkwardness. I knew the towel wasn't doing much to conserve me. I could feel the breeze bathe my upper thighs, and his breath tickled the revealed skin through the towel's opening at my belly button. His breathing became slightly heavier, his eyes growing darker, and slowly, almost torturing, his burning gaze started gliding down my skin, over my exposed cleavage that was saved and cut short by the towel. His scrutinizing slow, yet heated glare started nearing the towel opening, and I couldn't help the excitement that tingled my dirty mind, but the proud Adelina inside wasn't going to succumb just because a sexy alpha male was lying on top of her, adoring her body with smoldering gaze. I found myself snapping my fingers as I said "hey, buddy! My eyes are up here." And his gaze suddenly met mine, as he smirked and said "I've seen better." For some reason that hurt, but hey, that's all he has been doing to me since we met, so I sucked it up and said "you've seen nothing yet." Then a mischievous idea popped into my brain and I smiled almost sweetly as I said "James, however, has seen a lot more." And his eyes darkened, his grip tightened, and his breath was coming out clipped and short. "What did you just say?" He growled out angry."You heard me." I said, smirking, keeping up the act. His eyes flashed as various emotions danced in his eyes. And for a flicker of a second, I could've sworn I saw hurt, but maybe it was a figment of my imagination, because as soon as it came, it was replaced by anger, his usual emotion. "Well, then, if he has seen so much... How much has he done?" He bluntly questioned, as one of his hands suddenly started caressing my side."Wh-what d-d-do you m-m-mean?" I asked, suddenly nervous, and totally forgetting my act."Oh you know..." He stated almost suggestively, as his skilled fingers slowly sneaked under my towel, his eyes never leaving mine "if you show, you might as well give, so how much as he done? Did he caress you? Was he gentle?" He started whispering, his lips teasing my own with feather light touche
s, and his fingers, although moving softly against my skin, igniting a fire that only spread by the second. This was a bad idea... teasing the monster. My breathing was no longer under my control. My heart beat seem to beat with his own. My mind turned to mush, and my body seemed hypnotized, as if it no longer belonged to me. His soft caress was playing my body and nerves like a skilled violinist telling a story on his instrument. Then his gentle touch turned rough, as his palm caressed my outer thighs, kneading the skin, while his other hand possessed my neck, showing full domination, as his eyes became stormy dark and he firmly demanded "Or was he rough? Was he harsh? Did he give it to you how you liked it?" He dipped his head, in a measured slow tempo, and nipped on my earlobe, as he teasingly whispered "tell me, how you like it... mate?" His anger was taking over... but was it just anger? Or did I sense a little jealousy? He came from hot to cold, and repeat. It was hard to keep up. One second rough, the next gentle, a sensually teasing pattern. His hold became aggressive, almost possessive. And I found myself paralyzed. "D-Demitrey, stop." I whispered."TELL ME!" He suddenly roar."Did you enjoy having him? DO YOU LIKE BEING DOMINATED BY HIM? ANSWER ME!" Oh this was getting serious, this is what I get for playing with fire!"N-no, I don't like it, in fact I've never been taken by him, or anyone." I succumbed to telling the truth."You're lying." He stated, his eyes darker than complete oblivion."N-no, I'm not, I've saved everything for my mate..." then my eyes turned boldly to his as I said "for you." He froze for a minute, then before I could register anything, he kissed me, and not the romantic kiss, but instead the "you're my girl, and you belong to me" kind of kiss. The kiss that is so mind-blowing, possessive, and the one kiss you will never forget. The one that causes you to wake up with swollen lips the next morning. I was barely able to keep up with him, my wolf was encouraging my actions, while my logical side was screeching at me for not being able to resist. Then I snapped out of it, I couldn't allow this, he just insulted me. I placed my hand on his chest, to try and push him away, but he only kissed me harder, and it was suddenly becoming very hot, and very hard to breathe. My stomach turned into an acrobatic all-star, doing all types of flips and tricks, and my treasured place seem as though it was a good time to start feeling more moisturized than usual. I had the sudden urge to be touched there, or just have something there, something big, warm, and satisfying. Wait! No! No! No! No! No! NO! Get a grip woman! I scolded myself. I tried to close my legs, but my hunk of a mate was making that impossible, and when his hips started grinding sensually against my own, I lost it. "Aah, Demitrey." The moan escaped before I could control myself. He finally moved away from my lips, but his hips kept it's teasingly slow yet very sensual rhythm. He moved down to my ear kissing it as he whispered oh so sexually "that's right baby, only I can make you feel this way, only my name gets to come from your mouth in that way. Your body, your needs, your sounds of pleasure, they all belong to me. Let me hear it, sing for me baby.""Ooh alpha." I voiced out in an alien tone, as he thrust his hips into me, causing a friction to build up somewhere near my uterus."Who’s alpha?" He growled out possessively. As his rhythm picked up pace, his lips leaving heated pecks on my marking spot."Aah..." Was all I could muster at the moment. My brain was a goner, as well as my body."WHO’S ALPHA?" He gruffly whispered, his hip rhythm unforgiving and pleasing."MY ALPHA." I declared, and I felt myself explode. My body was in a frenzy, I was floating, I was high, and breathing for me was non-existent. There was no intercourse. I was still physically a virgin, but that was a mind blowing orgasm. My first ever orgasm, given by my one and only mate... The mate who didn't want me. My foggy mind was suddenly cleared, taken over by anger, and before anything, I mustered up the strength, and pushed him off of me. "Get off of me! And stay the hell away from me!" I raged. He landed a cool gaze on me, and he shrug and said "as you wish... mate, but do me one favor, the next time you think to get me jealous, think again. Because I don't like sharing." "You can't share something that you don't own. I don't belong to you.""You sure about that...? Because that wasn't what I heard a few minutes ago." He said smugly as he turned to leave, but then he paused after opening the door as he said "Oh and put some clothes on, wouldn't want anyone walking in on such explicit image." Then he winked, and was out the door before I could hurl more of my anger at him. Instead, I laid still staring daggers at the door which the asshole just exited from, and the only thought that seem to circulate my mind was that I hated him... But then again... did I really?


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