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His Mate And His Mistress

Page 7

by Irtania Adrien

  Chapter 17- "Happy ending" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* I was angry at myself, I was angry at him. I should've never acted the way did, I shouldn't have anything to prove to him, or anyone for that matter. How dare he make act this way? I huffed and puffed all the way to the room that Demitrey was supposed to sleep in alone. I received weird stares from passersby’s and in return I growled menacingly, and they would quickly look away. When we finally made it in the room, as soon as he closed the door, I caught him off guard by slapping him on the cheek as I demanded angrily "how dare you make me act this way? I shouldn't have to prove anything to you! You're my mate! How dare you accuse me of lusting after another?!"He slowly turned his head, his eyes dark as he stared at me, but then he smiled. He just smiled, and I would be lying if I said that my anger didn't melt a little. Key word: a little. "What are you smiling at?" I asked, anger still evident in my voice."You're cute when you're angry." He simply stated as he pinched the tip of my nose, and I quickly slapped his hand away, my anger suddenly rising.Then he chuckled shaking his head and walked passed me. And I became delirious. I turned and jumped on his back, my short self-clinging onto him as I started throwing punches at him, but all received was laughter. He was laughing at me! I wrapped my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist as I tried to choke him while clinging to his back. "I hate you! I hate you!" I said trying my very best to choke him. And when I thought I was winning because he staggered back, the last thing I remember was him latching his strong hands around my arms then flipped me over his shoulder and onto the bed as he said "play time is over." When I could shake the dizziness off, I found myself being held captive by my mate, as he pinned both of my hands on each side of my head, and laid in between my legs. You know for some reason I just keep finding myself ending up in these positions, I just don't get it. Anyway, I looked up to find his eyes dark with lust, yet there was a bit of amusement dancing there too, but it was faint. He smirked down at my flushed cheeks, then he nuzzled my neck as he said "never mind that, you're cute, and hot when you're angry, for a sec there it makes me want to take you." And his words sent me struggling. I tried to wiggle free, kick my legs, free my arms, but all I was doing was making the situation worse, because he pressed himself down on me, his eyes becoming dark as night, and I finally froze. I didn't breathe, I didn't blink, I didn't move. He stared, focused on every detail on my face, and all I could do was stare back. He leaned down, feathering his lips against mine as he whispered "you, are something else. A little fireball, yet sensitive, a little hot head yet very fragile. You're addictive you know." He chuckled, then he once again teased me with his tempting lips, and I couldn't help but open up in invitation. My nerves were going haywire, my wolf purring sensually at the feeling of her close mate. My heart once again seem to harmonize with his own as my eyes stared deeply within his. He leaned down, and his lips connected with mine so softly, unlike the rough way he has used to kiss me. I was caught off guard. My heart started palpitating, and my mind started freaking out. His lips danced softly against mine, non-invading, and I melted under him. I shyly started kissing him back, earning a soft growl from him, and I would be lying if I said I wasn't affected. He slowly freed my hands, and I latched my arms around his neck pulling him closer. His hands started exploring my body, his fingers leaving a trail of fire bursting on my skin, and for once I truly welcomed it, while red flags were going up in my mind. I shouldn't be this easy, or weak, I shouldn't allow myself to be so vulnerable. But then he left my lips, to nuzzle my marking spot as he whispered "my mate." And I lost it, my walls just burst, and before I knew it, I found myself opening up to him, submitting to him, but before it got further than just kissing, there was a knock on the door, and he groaned aggravated, as if he wasn't finished with me yet, and when he stared at me with promise in his eyes, I knew, he was nowhere near done with me. So he got off of me, and headed for the door, while I stood up and straightened out the sheets. And when he opened the door my back went stiff as a very familiar voice that I loathed sounded at the door "hi baby!" Screeched Serena. "Babe? What are you doing here?" He asked, his voiced slightly hushed."I missed you babe, and I didn't want to stay away from you for a whole three days. I wouldn't survive." She said overdramatically as she invited herself in, but then froze when she saw me."You? The fuck you doing here?" She asked addressing me, but then she turned around and faced the player himself "what is she doing here?!" She asked anger evident in her voice."I should be asking you the same question." I spoke up, my anger taking over, while my wolf growled menacingly in the back of my mind. She faced me surprised, in fact perplexed, but then she stalked her way towards me, her fist balled, and I stood my ground, waiting to attack. "What did you say?" She asked coming to stand in my face.I lifted my head and met her gaze Head on as I said "you heard m-" *SLAP* I felt my face turn at the impact. Did she just hit me? I breathed through my nose, and out through my mouth, and when I turned to face her, she didn't expect it when my fist connected with her jaw, sending her staggering backwards. She turned her head spitting out blood as she attacked while saying "Why you little bitch!" But I was quicker. I grabbed her arms while tripping her leg landing her on the floor on her back. I didn't hold back as my fist connected continuously with her face. She screamed out, as she tried to claw at my face, so I took her off the floor by the shoulder just to slam her back against the floor while straddling her. All I saw was red, and I was going to murder that bitch. She managed to land a blow to my temple, causing me to lose focus a few seconds, but it wasn't enough, I snapped back to reality quick, my punches becoming more furious. She seemed ready to pass out, but then just as I was about to knock her out, I found my body being wrenched off her by none other than Demitrey. He hauled me off her, and threw me against the wall as he held my throat in a threatening grip. His eyes dark, deadly, and dangerous. It started becoming very hard to breathe, and his nostrils were flaring. He leaned in as he said "how dare you put your hands on Serena? I will hurt you pup, keep trying my patience!" WHAT?! I tried to speak, but I could hardly breathe, and I found myself clawing at his hands, just to ease his grip. In my peripheral vision, I noticed Serena stand ever so wobbly, and she made her way to us. When she reached us, she wrapped her arms around Demitrey, and smiled a very bloody and evil smile as she told me "get this you little hoe, he will always choose me over you." At that exact moment something flashed in his eyes, and his grip loosened, until he finally let me go. He dropped me to the floor, then wrapped his arms around Serena. He looked down at me then turned as he made his way to the bed with Serena. He held her in his arms as she snuggled against him, both totally dismissing me, and with the speck of pride and dignity I had left, I held my head up high, took my suitcase by the door, and walked out, but as soon as I was a few feet away from the closed door of their room, I shattered. My tears blinded me, my hurt suffocating me. My chest heaved as I tried to breathe but the pain was too much. My wolf howled in pain, and I crawled to the nearest wall, placed myself in a ball against the corner, and cried my eyes out. I wasn't sure for how long I stayed there, but the agony was deafening, leaving a splitting headache for an aftermath. When I finally had enough strength, I dialed Peter's phone, and when he heard my voice, he already knew that something was wrong, and soon enough, he came and picked me up. When I saw him I didn't even have the strength to get up, and when he wrapped his arms around me, I thought there weren't any tears left, but I was sadly mistaken, because it was a though a da broke through, and tears flooded my eyes, as if they were trying to escape my numb and miserable being. I was stupid. I opened up, I let my walls down, and that was taken for granted, trampled upon, dismissed and discarded like trash. But no more. Truly no more. I was tired, I was done, and I would leave, if it’s the last thing I did. I managed to get up, and Peter took my suitcase. As I made my way by the door, my super hearing picked up the sounds of pleasure erupting from Serena, and the last piece of my heart just diminished. I was done with Alpha Demitrey, and he could rot in the depths of hell for
all I cared. I was done Alpha, you proved your point, I wasn't wanted, nor was I needed, and its okay, I'll leave, I'll get out of your hair, you won't have to worry about me anymore, I was moving on, I was no longer your obligation. I would get Peter and Clarissa to safety right after the wedding, then I would escape. Leave to never come back. Congratulations Alpha, you've had your happy ending, and now, it was time to make a new beginning for myself, one where a mate was no longer in the picture, a mate was no longer my priority. From this day on, Adelina Veraso was moving on, and hell would have to freeze over before she would think to let herself be fooled by that jerk of an alpha, or any other male for that matter.

  Chapter 18- "Marked" *Adelina's pnt. Of view* When Peter and I reached their house it was about time, I was so ready to see my best friends, and spend time with them. I wanted to forget, and just live my life. As soon as I stepped out the car, I was slammed against the car while Clarissa suffocated me in tight hug. "Hey. Missed you too hun." I croaked out, in order to express the fact that her hug was secretly murderous."I missed you so much! You idiot! You bitch! You never called!" She suddenly pulled away shaking me, making my eyes play ping pong in their sockets."Her "mate" didn't allow her such freedom." Explained Peter with disgust. Clarissa's lips formed and "oh" as she took my hand and led me inside. Being used to them, it was easy for me to get settled, and after we've ate, laughed, joked around, it was time to get serious. I explained to them everything that has transpired between Demitrey and me, up to this day. I explained that I was moving on, and that I leaving would most likely start a war, and I explained that I wanted them away from danger. At first they were slightly reluctant to leave, but then they thought about our pack, my dead beat of a father, and the evil that spurs in the hearts of the pack members, and they were instantly on board. We made a plan to escape while everyone thought they were going on their honeymoon. When we reached the airport where we would separate, we would change our phones for new ones, and new numbers, and we would go in opposite directions. Wherever we land, we would manage to keep in touch, but no one else would be aware of our whereabouts. Once everything was settled, we called it a night. I laid in bed that night, finally allowing myself to revise the day, even if it meant going over every single details. Thinking about my situation I realized that I had a weak moment, but that's okay, cause what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I thought about my mate, how he could be hot and cold all at the same time. How he could play you for a fool, hurt you, and yet you still find would yourself falling for his tricks. He was sculpted physically in the most perfect way, such an alluring image you can't help but be drawn in. He was cold, calculating, dominating, and the mere thought of him demanded attention. His presence could silence an entire room, and he knew it. I even reminisced on one of the days where I begged him to reject me. *Flashback* Adelina was standing in his office, when she no longer could handle it, she ran over to Demitrey and got on her knees. "Please Demitrey, reject me, let me go and you can be with Serena forever, I can tell that you want her, and you hate me, so just do us both a favor." She begged tears streaming down her face.So she wanted to leave me? I bet it’s for another man. Well over my fucking dead body, thought Demitrey."I don't think so Adelina, you're not leaving, and just for speaking such words, YOU WILL BE PUNISHED!" *End of flashback* That day was the worse day of my life. He locked me in the room and starved me for hours, then when he came back he was as cold as ever. That was the first draw that influenced me into plotting an escape. He was so intense, yet intimate. He could make you feel loved, wanted, needed even, and just so he could crush you like dirt under his feet. I let my mind drifted over to what could happen after he realized that I would no longer be coming back. There would most definitely be a war, and I know for a fact that my "dad's" pack wouldn't survive, hence the reason why I would make sure Peter and Clarissa were safe. They are the only ones that truly has shown care and love for me, and I wouldn't be cruel and leave them in the line of fire. Finally I thought about what I was going to do after my escape, where would I go? I'll probably check out Europe, most likely Italy, or France I've always wanted to visit there. Yep, France it is, then I could move around to Italy, probably even check out Greece. With a smile on my face I drifted off to sleep, instantly dreaming about dancing baguettes and pizza. The next day arrived quicker than I expected, and Clarissa was losing her mind. The wedding party only included the fiancées, the maid of honor, yours truly, the best man, which happened to be Peter's cousin, and four of our high school classmates. Came preparation time everything was chaotic. While the bride was being hunted down by the wedding planner, I took the liberty to pack our bags secretly, for no one was to be aware of our plans. Once everything was prepared, our getaway car has been disguised as that of the newlyweds’ car, it was time for the wedding. Once we reached the chapel it was there I met Peter's cousin, and boy was he Gorgeous. Dark brown hair, unique turquoise eyes that had a hint of green, tall and well-built posture, and most charming as ever. Yet he carried this powerful aura and there was a slight tone of danger that followed him that kind of rose red flags, but I figured that's just the way he carried himself. "Adelina this is Valinick Monteroso, he is my cousin, and he will be your escort for the evening," started Peter, as he introduced me to his cousin, "Valinick, this is Adelina Veraso, she is the lovely lady I spoke to you about, and also my best friend." Concluded Peter."Pleasure to meet you." I spoke up, a genuine smile on my rosy cheeks."Oh gorgeous," he said with a thick Italian accent, "the pleasure is all mine." He finished, as he leaned down, landing quite a charming kiss on the top of my hand, causing my blush to deepen. He kept me entertained until the wedding began and I even managed to come up with a nickname for him, Val. When we made our way down the aisle, my elbow locked with his own, I felt two daggers hunting down my back, and when I reached the altar and took my spot, the twin daggers belonged to none other than my mate himself, glaring in anger. Usually, at a time like this, I would be worried that I did something wrong, but this time there was nothing. I was immune to him, well I tried my very best to be immune to him. I stared him down, then with a smirk I looked away, this was going to be a fun day. The wedding ceremony was beautiful, when Peter was saying his vows, I could tell he was trying his best to not cry, and Clarissa looked gorgeous in her dress. Everyone was happy, even my "family" was here, but I avoided them like the plague, I could care less for them. We had a few minutes before the wedding party would head to the reception hall, and while the bride and groom were receiving congratulations, I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. Except I never made it there. On my way to the bathroom, I was suddenly snatched off my course, and stuffed into a closet, with none other than my mate holding me captive. He looked murderous as his eyes glared at me, but it was no match to my icy gaze. "May I help you?" I asked my voice clipped."Yes, you may. Can you tell me what the heck was that you pulled back there? Leaving the hotel? Just for me to find you in the arms of another man the next day?!" He demanded."No," I simply answered, then I added “fuck off." I went to open the door, just for my body to be wrenched away, and for my back to make contact with a firm chest. He was breathing hard and deeply, his strong arm latching around my waist, keeping me pinned to him. I wanted to struggle, but I wasn't going to, there was no more fight left in me for him. I was done. He kissed my marking spot, and it took all my willpower not to succumb to his seduction. When he realized that I wasn't going to react, he sighed then said in my ear "you're leaving me aren't you?" And my heart stopped. The pain was evident in his voice, and my wolf howled, knowing that her mate was emotionally hurt. She wanted to comfort him, be there for him, but no, Adelina wasn't going to allow it. I was tired, battered and bruised, and I wouldn't stick around for such treatment. I was worth way more, so much more, and I knew my self-worth. So with a proud and relieved sigh of my own I spoke up with a smile and said "yes, yes I am." And just like that, I opened the door, and pulled myself from his grip, because I knew if I stayed there for another second, my plan w
ould've been forgotten, I would've stayed with him, and there would be no going back. But again, I was pulled back, as he pushed me against the door, closing it. He stared at me, while in his eyes I could see hurt, pain, regret, anger and possessiveness. The tingles from his touch caused by the mate bond was nagging at the wall I built around my heart, and it was becoming irritating. He leaned down, once again nuzzling my marking spot, and I felt my eyes close while I absentmindedly started to enjoy his touch. One more time. No, one last time. I'll allow him to hold me, just one more time. I felt his lips brush over the spot, and a moan got clogged in my throat, and then I felt it. The scorching pain caused by his canine teeth puncturing my skin. I was about to scream out when he placed his large hand over my mouth muffling the noise. I struggled against him, but he wouldn’t relent. Instead his teeth sunk deeper into my skin, and tears pricked my eyes. No, not like this. It hurt, my heart hurt, but then, as soon as the marking was complete, I was taken over by pleasure. I felt good, I wanted to get even closer to him, and I wanted him on a much deeper level. He finally retracted his teeth, and kissed his mark, then he kissed me, it started out soft and sweet, but when I didn't respond, it turned rough, branding. He kissed my salty tears, he kissed my shattered heart, he kissed my hurt pride, but most definitely he kissed a defeated Adelina. When he finally pulled away, he smirked and said "have fun on your escape, but just know, you will always belong to me." And just like that he left. He moved me over, straightened his jacket, opened the door, and left. Out of the closet, out of my life, and out of my heart.


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