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Rise of Humanity

Page 129

by <unknown>

  “I see a new rising star from the Swords Gate.”

  On the highest level of the Xiao Mang celestial temple, the Shan Shen priest laughed and said, “Feng the Sword God is indeed very lucky, being able to recruit the five innate bodies and such a bright man during the twilight of his life. Shouzhu, you humans have the sign of prosperity.

  Feng Shouzhu put up a happy face and he said humbly, “This Zhong Shan Clan’s little one is very naughty. I’ve been telling him not to cause a ruckus on the way here but there he is, causing so much trouble. Thank god this kid is humble as he did not even use thirty percent of his full strength.”

  The eyes of the few priests twitched as they heard what Feng Shouzhu said. If it was not simply an exaggeration, then this fact would be very terrifying.

  But judging by the expression of Feng Shouzhu who looked like a proud parent that praised his own kid, they felt that that statement was indeed just an exaggeration.

  Feng Shouzhu was a very famous man who had traveled everywhere across the various wilderness. Therefore, the few priests knew that he is a very reticent old man but their jaws still dropped onto the ground at the sight of him seemingly making a joke.

  In his heart, Feng Shouzhu was incredibly happy and he thought, Splendid job! Zhong Yue was never the candidate for the Rebirth level battle as he aimed for the Awakening level battle. After beating up the Rebirth level QI Practitioners of the Xiao Mang Celestial Race, they will think that they would not be able to win in the Rebirth level battle. With that, they will pay less attention to the Rebirth level battle, which would greatly increase Qiu Jin’er’s chances! If Zhong Yue then manages to win in the Awakening division, then the Swords Gate would win it all! But I still have to help him to reverse open a secret realm first and achieve the Dao Yi Wheel!

  As he was about to excuse himself, a cloud could be seen floating towards them. The cloud was fiery red and the expression of the Shen Ya priest changed slightly and he said happily, “The elder priest of my race has arrived.”

  From the Xiao Mang celestial temple, the many white-robed priests swarmed out together with the elder priest to welcome the new guest. Without any options, Feng Shouzhu also followed them to welcome the Shen Ya Celestial Race’s elder priest.

  The position of the elder priests in the celestial races was just like the headmaster in the Swords Gate. They all responded to Shui Zian’s invitation to help the Swords Gate to be the judge for the upcoming battle. Thus, Feng Shouzhu had to welcome them no matter what happened!

  Half a day had passed after a long hour of busy greetings with the new guest and shortly after that, the Gui Shen Celestial Race’s elder priest had arrived as well. Then, another new round of busy greetings occurred again. As soon as they were done with the second guest, the elder priest of the Shan Shen celestial race arrived! Feng Shouzhu was tensed up and eager to leave but he had no choice.

  He then thought, If only Shui Zian were here ... he would be able to settle everything smoothly on behalf of Swords Gate.

  After their arrival, the three elder priest immediately met up with the elder priest of the Xiao Mang Celestial Race. They then proceeded to discuss the details of the battles and Feng Shouzhu had to be present as well. He had to be there to ensure that he did not offend the elder priests and that the elder priests would not unilaterally decide on anything that would have devastation ramifications on the Swords Gate.

  Therefore, he had to be there even though he was eager to leave.

  The battle will be lost if I could not help Zhong Yue to reverse open the Dao Yi Wheel!

  On the other hand, Zhong Yue and the others had arrived at their accommodation under the guidance of the white-robed priest. Their rooms were not far apart and there were many Qi Practitioners of the Xiao Mang Celestial Race that stood guard outside of their accommodation to watch over them.

  In the air, there were also wooden eyes about the size of a basin. They were a type of soul weapon. These eyes flew everywhere in the air and there were also quite a few of them that flew across the hallway to act as surveillance over the Swords Gate Qi Practitioners.

  Tian Yanzong checked each of the rooms one by one and discovered that there were eye-shaped totem carvings all over the flowers in the flower pots in each room. He then smirked and said, “Be careful, the Xiao Mang Celestial Race used whatever ways they had to monitor our moments. They definitely want to sort out our skills and techniques through these ‘security measures’.”

  Tian Yanzong glanced at him and said, “Do be careful of your actions before Elder Feng returns! Pay attention to the monitoring of the Xiao Mang Celestial Race when you take a bath, cultivate or anything else. Each and every single decoration in the rooms might also be a medium for monitoring. Other than that, do not eat the food and drink they provided, only consume the things you brought yourselves!

  Everyone nodded.

  “I’m a little bit scared….” said Qiu Jin’er to Zhong Yue.

  Zhong Yue hesitated and he said, “If you don’t mind, you could stay with me….”

  “Ok!” Qiu Jin’er said happily.

  ‘Shui Qingyan’ then immediately said, “Senior Martial Brother Zhong, I am scared too.”

  Zhong Yue eyes moved and he said, “If you don't mind, you could also stay….”

  “Ok!” said ‘Shui Qingyan’ excitingly.

  Zhong Yue quickly explained, “I am saying that you could stay with Senior Martial Brother Lei Teng.”

  The grateful Lei Teng immediately thanked Zhong Yue for the assist, but ‘Shui Qingyan’ humphed and walked away emphatically. Tian Yanzong coughed and said seriously, “Junior Martial Brother Zhong, Junior Martial Sister Qiu has some difficulty with her legs so she really needs some care. But I have to remind you that you shouldn't do anything irrational and the day after tomorrow is the day of the battle so you must conserve more energy.:

  Zhong Yue slightly blushed and nodded but the confused Qiu Jin’er asked, “Hall Master Tian, what irrational actions are you referring to?”

  Unable to explain properly, Tian Yanzong brushed over the matter and left. Then, the young girl and boy got to the boy’s room. The girl then slowly climbed onto the bed from her wheelchair and she closed her eyes. However, after a moment, she opened her eyes and said adorably, “Senior martial brother, I can’t sleep. My heart is pounding so fast….”

  With the girl just beside him, Zhong Yue’s heart thumped quickly as well and he had no idea what to do. Qiu Jin’er then dragged the blanket up to her neck while her silky black hair spread all over the white pillow as she blinked and said, “Grandmother Lu would always tell me stories if I couldn't sleep.”

  Zhong Yue thought for awhile and he said, “I only know a few stories so I’m afraid I’m unable to tell you any good ones … That’s right, I’ll tell you a ghost story!”

  Qiu Jin’er quickly replied, “No! Grandmother Lu says that any boy that tell ghost stories to a girl always has a bad motive.”

  Zhong Yue blushed slightly again and he proceeded to tell her a boring story which the girl listen to happily in rapture. She then requested for another one and like that, Zhong Yue continued telling her more. After a moment, Zhong Yue felt completely exhausted from telling her stories and realized that the girl had fallen asleep halfway through while grasping onto the blanket.

  Zhong Yue let out a long breath and wiped away the sweat on his forehead as he felt that the two hours of storytelling was much more exhausting than fighting a grueling battle with a strong opponent.

  If Grandmother Lu were here, she would have caused a ruckus and prevented us from staying together.

  He then looked at the beautiful girl who was sleeping quietly by his side and thought, Junior martial sister Jin’er is much cuter than the other girls out there… Strange, why hasn't Elder Feng come looking for me? If he has been stalled by some other matters, will I not be able to open the Dao Yi Wheel? Would I fail to enter the Awakening level?

  Zhong Yue felt a burgeoning sense of
insecurity and he discarded all his thoughts to the recesses of his mind as he thought seriously, Without a strong individual guiding me, the chances of me opening the Dao Yi Wheel are too low. If I fail, then the Swords Gate would not be able to win against the Xiao Mang Celestial Race. But Elder Feng is being held back by other matters and there’s not much time left. Should I risk it and try it myself?

  If I failed….

  The matter of reverse opening Dao Yi Wheel was too big for him to decide unilaterally as it was directly related to the future of Swords Gate. If it was not related to this, he would have done it by himself but now, he felt that he was bearing a huge responsibility his shoulders!

  “What a nice dream! I am wide awake now! Fuxi celestial race’s young man, your Master Xin Huo has now awaken from his slumber! Huh? What’s this place and why is there a girl on the bed?”

  In Zhong Yue’s psyche ocean, Xin Huo woke up from his sleep as he took in the surroundings through Zhong Yue’s eyes. As soon as he saw the girl who was sleeping on Zhong Yue’s bed, he was very happy and he praised, “Young man, so you have finally accepted the responsibilities of producing new generations for the Fuxi celestial race! How could you have done such a thing and keep it hidden from your Master Xin Huo… En, why is the scent of the Heavenly Dogs so heavy here? How did you end up here?”

  Chapter 171: The Beauty in the Moon |

  Xin Huo is awake!

  Zhong Yue was overjoyed, he could not even explain why was Qiu Jin’er on his bed, and he quickly told Xin Huo the recent events that transpired around him, he asked, “Xin Huo, Elder Feng is currently preoccupied, can you replace him in watching over me during my reverse opening of the realms?”

  “Reverse opening the Dao Yi Realm? Do you even need to be so cautious for such an easy task? It’s a very common practice – not that big of a deal. You can just do it yourself, there’s no need for so much hassle and all the trouble.”

  Xin Huo said nonchalantly, “You just go ahead and open your realms. But what I’m interested in is why is this beautiful young lady on your bed. You can slowly explain to me while you reverse open the realms!”

  Zhong Yue was speechless; after hearing the explanation from him, Xin Huo was discontent, “So you didn’t get to do anything at all because these dogs are peeking? These brats dare to obstruct the great Fuxi Celestial Race in the noble endeavor of reproduction? How devoid of conscience these dogs are! Young man, when you’ve ascended in the future, you should make their whole race eat shit as food!”

  Zhong Yue failed to restrain his laughter, shaking his head and said, “The noble Xiao Mang Celestial Race, blood of the Pan Ao, how can they possibly eat … Xin Huo, let’s put this aside and focus on the real thing — you said that it’s a common thing to reverse open the five Yuan Shen Realms, but the headmaster said differently, is there anything I should know?”

  “It’s only the Dao Yi Realm that’ll be dangerous, some Qi Practitioners had their heads blasted off as their preparations were insufficient. Unsuccessfully breaking through the void, causing the excessive energy from the eruption of the void or the excessive force they have exerted to have a small yet deadly explosion within their Yuan Shen’s head. Other than that, there isn’t much danger.”

  Xin Huo was puzzled and he said, “Reverse opening the Dao Yi Realm ... as long as you’ve found the right point, it won’t be an issue anymore, is there really a need to be so cautious?”

  “Finding the right point?”

  Zhong Yue was startled and he exclaimed in shock, “Wasn’t it just directly striking out all of the power from the light pool?”

  “Well then … now I understand all that caution.”

  Xin Huo said smilingly, “By doing that, nine out of ten would effectively turn into idiots, crippling themselves. Find the origin breaking point of the void in the mind, then blast the void from there and open the Dao Yi Realm. Well, if it’s as dangerous as what you’ve described, then nearly all of the celestials from the ancient era would be long dead. The Fuxi Celestial Race have their own ways of finding the origin breaking point – locating it with the guides from the stars, an art that was known as the【Cosmic Orbit Seeking Art】. This【Cosmic Orbit Seeking Art】linked the sun, moon and stars together with the acupoints in the Yuan Shen body, treating the Yuan Shen as if it were the cosmic universe. Every single acupoint represents a star. Joining the starry acupoints together, the nexus from which where they all originated from would be the origin breaking point.”

  Zhong Yue was overjoyed, while Xin Huo continued his exposition, “This origin breaking point is known as the Pangu Point; after blasting the void and opening the Dao Yi Realm, the god that was born within would be known as the Pangu – the god of your Yuan Shen in your head. The Pangu cleaved the void and created the cosmic stars — all the sun, moon and stars all originated from the Pangu Point. Hence, you can open the Dao Yi Realm as long as you’ve found the Pangu Point. Ordinary Qi Practitioners would cultivate progressively; opening the Wu Xing, Wan Xiang, Shen Cai, and Yin Yang before reaching the Dao Yi. By going through the course of opening the first four realms, one could then calculate the position of the Pangu Point. It’s just that using such a method would be harder and more complex. It was the common route taken by most of the celestials during the era of Fuxi; however, the Fuxi Celestial Race’s【Cosmic Orbit Seeking Art】was very much easier.”

  Zhong Yue nearly lost his mind. Pangu Point, void, god within the head — these were terms and concepts he had never once heard of before; but just by listening to it, he could tell just how abstruse and profound they were!

  The first headmaster of Swords Gate, he probably didn’t have such a complex calculation either, his success in the reverse opening of Dao Yi Realm would merely be a lucky event, Zhong Yue thought to himself.

  “I’ll teach you the【Cosmic Orbit Locating Art】, relax your mind and reach out to the starlights in this heaven and earth, I’ll help you in locating the positions of your starry acupoints!”

  Xin Huo then imparted the【Cosmic Orbit Locating Art】to Zhong Yue. He studied it carefully and moments later, he visualized the orbital paths of the cosmic stars, reaching out to the starlights falling down from the sky.

  For each and every star he sensed, one of the acupoints in his Yuan Shen’s body would light up — it was utterly marvelous!

  Xin Huo entered his Yuan Shen’s body, moving around and locating the positions of the Yuan Shen starry acupoints; for every star acupoint that was lit up, Xin Huo would leave behind a tiny flame.

  After a long while, the cosmic starry acupoints were all marked out.

  All of a sudden, Xin Huo stopped down and frowned, “This doesn’t look good, the lunar star acupoint is an issue….”

  “What is happening?” Zhong Yue tensed up, he quickly asked.

  “The Yuan Shen’s lunar star acupoint resembles the lunar moon in the sky, and as of now, the moon’s core and spirit were stripped off from the moon by the celestial dog. Its orbit path was sent into disorder and the whole orbital patterns of the cosmic stars were disrupted.”

  Pacing back and forth, Xin Huo mumbled, “A small discrepancy in the beginning would lead to a thousand miles of error. It’d be nearly impossible to find the Pangu Point without the linking the moon and lunar star acupoint together; we need to find the moon spirit. No wonder the【Cosmic Orbit Seeking Art】was lost in history, proceeding recklessly without locating the position of the lunar star acupoint will be a sure recipe for death….”

  Zhong Yue pondered and then said, “Find the moon spirit? The Xiao Mang Celestial Race stole the moon’s core and spirit away, they would probably be hidden somewhere near the Xiao Mang Celestial Race. I have the moon spirit in my Yuan Shen and I might just be able to reach out to the moon’s core and spirit. Does it work in locating the position of the lunar star acupoint?”

  Xin Huo ran the possibilities through his mind and responded, “It might actually work….”

  With a thought, Zhong Y
ue then cast the moon spirit in the Yuan Shen moon pupil, morphing himself into a six-eyed, three-legged celestial being, reaching out his psyche in search for the moon spirit.

  Soon, he could sense a seemingly familiar aura deep from the Xiao Mang Celestial Race, resonating with his moon spirit.

  All of a sudden, his thoughts and consciousness were attracted by the moon spirit that was suppressed deep within the Xiao Mang celestial temple. His perception was blurred for a split second and his consciousness was drawn out of the room, moving forwards down the long corridor.

  There were wooden eyes hovering in the corridor, overwatching the surroundings, but all of them ignored him as if he was non-existent.

  His consciousness was drawn by the marvelous force, ‘walking’ through temple after temple, hiking up the mountains and passing through the grandiose celestial palaces. Along the way, he had seen countless celestials, most of them were the experts of the Xiao Mang Celestial Race, he even passed through their bodies without any hindrance — it was a truly surreal experience.

  The marvelous force compelled him forward, and eventually, he reached the supreme celestial temple of the Xiao Mang Celestial Race. Abruptly, he took a sharp turn and rammed into a picturesque stone wall which was engraved with all kinds of seals and totem patterns, but there was not any hindrance as he phased through the wall.

  Behind the stone wall was a tunnel which was also covered in seals; he continued moving towards the marvelous force, leaving the seals untouched as he moved.

  Moments later, bright lights were emanated right in front, Zhong Yue ‘lifted his head’ and gaped at the sight he saw.

  It was a vast and wide space in front of him, there was an enormously huge crystal ball hovering in mid-air, and a mountainous Pan Ao statue on the side with its dreadful heads gnawing on the crystal ball!

  While in the core of the crystal ball, there were jade-like liquids flowing around a peerlessly beautiful lady like silver ribbons. The lady’s eyes were closed shut, and she seemed to be in a deep slumber.


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