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Rise of Humanity

Page 163

by <unknown>

  Zhong Yue was confused and he asked, “But if snakes cultivate diligently enough, they could turn into a Jiao Dragon. So why do the Jiao Dragons despise the snakes?”

  The servant then replied, “Master, after becoming a Jiao Dragon, a snake’s identity will change drastically from a low class being to a high class being, with that, will the snakes’ lowly identity matter to the snake that had already successfully transformed into a Jiao Dragon anymore?”

  Zhong Yue laughed but he felt pity towards Chi Liannu as he thought to himself, This monster will definitely run into some walls, this is bad. If she fails everywhere else, will she come back to me?”

  Not long alter, the servant led Zhong Yue and the others to one of the palace’s doors and she knocked on it. Moments later, a laugh could be heard and the doors opened while Ao Fenglou’s voice could be heard, “Junior Martial Brother Long, you have finally arrived in the Eastern Sea, I’ve waited more than enough!”

  Then, Ao Fenglou, along with an entourage of young men and ladies, walked out and welcomed Zhong Yue and the other girls before leading them into the palace. Ao Fenglou said with a laugh, “I’ve waited for too long and the elders of my Ao Clan were making so much noise and urged me to bring you here. They wanted to meet with you so badly and thank god that you have finally arrived! If you weren’t going to come soon, I would only be annoyed to death by these elders!”

  Zhong Yue then laughed and replied, “You’re exaggerating, senior martial brother.”

  Ao Fenglou then introduced Zhong Yue to the young men and women followed behind him, “Ladies and gentlemen, this is the Long Yue that has been making the rounds lately. Now, the many elders of our Ao Clan have made him the lord of East Barren and in the future when we dragons got back to the land, the East Barren will be his territory! Junior Martial Brother Long Yue, these talented handsome men and beautiful ladies are from the Jiao Clan, Li Clan, Yu Clan and Po clan. They are sent to acquire more experience for themselves under me in my Earth Courtyard!”

  As Ao Fenglou introduced his companions to Zhong Yue, Zhong Yue greeted every one of them with respect and they all reciprocated in Fenglou in kind, but there were also some that elected to ignore him as well. The cold shoulders Zhong Yue received made him slightly shocked but he immediately realized, Xiang Dragons are half-monster, half-dragon and their bloodline is not as pure as the pure dragons. With the matter of bloodlines being everything in the dragon race, the Xiang Dragons are destined to be looked at with contempt by the pure-bloods among the dragons.

  The dismissive gazes of these companions did not cause Zhong Yue to falter at all as his identity as a dragon was fake since the beginning and he only managed to be listed in the family book of the dragons through Ao Fenglou’s assistance. Therefore, the position of the Xiang Dragons among the dragons did not bother him at all.

  “Senior Martial Brother Fenglou, I am here because I have a request.”

  Zhong Yue then smiled and said, “My maidservants are now on the verge of becoming a Qi Practitioner but there were no other high-quality spirits for them to find so I brought them here to search for one. Could you please….”

  Ao Fenglou understood immediately and he replied as he laughed, “No problem, leave it to me!”

  He clapped his hand and a muscular sea race member came out. Ao Fenglou then gave a token to that sea race and said, “Bring these pretty ladies to the Million Soul Pavillion.”

  The sea race Qi Practitioner nodded and led Long Chun’er and the other girls away towards their destination.

  Zhong Yue felt relieved and Ao Fenglou said again, “Junior Martial Brother Long Yue, stay here for a few days and have a look around the Eastern Sea, now, excuse me while I notify the elders….”

  Before he finished talking, extremely loud noises could be heard from the ancient dragon city and the noises became louder and louder, and then, a powerful yet horrifying aura rose in the center of the city, rocking the entire city.

  “Bad news!”

  “The sea race’s Sea King Sha Qishan has rebelled and has secretly created a portal that allows the Kun Peng races in the Wood Celestial Star to teleport here!”

  “Elder Council, all departments, your orders are to suppress the rebels with everything you have! Kill the Sea King, the Kun Peng races, and destroy the portal! You must not let the Kun Peng race’s godly spirit to come here together with them!”

  Huge waves formed and from the deepest part of the ocean came a horrifying aura, suggesting that there was a horrifying existence there. The huge waves were formed when the strong Kun Pengs teleported here!

  Ao Fenglou’s face changed rapidly and he quickly said, “Dear junior martial brothers and junior martial sisters, stay here at my place for a few days while I join the effort to suppress the rebels! Junior Martial Brother Long Yue, stay here in my place for a few days and we will discuss our matters after we eliminate the rebels!”

  Zhong Yue nodded and Ao Fenglou immediately walked away hurriedly.

  The surroundings suddenly became awkward and Zhong Yue looked at the few young dragon cultivators as he thought, These dragons look down on the people with low bloodlines. But it is a good thing if I do not have to deal with them.

  As he was about to leave, a Jiao Dragon young man suddenly provoked, “The lord of East Barren? How dare a low-class Xiang Dragon dare to become the lord of East Barren?”

  Zhong Yue stopped his steps and as he turned back, “Is there a problem with that?”

  Chapter 216: Greed |

  “Of course there is.”

  Rays flashed in the eyes of the young man from the Jiao Dragon Race. He sneered frigidly and said, “The East Barren is an enormously vast land, how could it be simply managed by a Xiang Dragon? There are more dragons with higher noble bloodlines than you and an even greater number of dragons that surpass you in terms of strength! The Xiang Dragon Race only holds a minor position that is only a fine line above ordinary sea races. How dare you ever think of becoming the overlord that rules over the East Barren. How should I describe your wild ambition? A completely absurd delusion or a gross overestimation of your capabilities?”

  Zhong Yue shook his head as he strode away and left, “It is true the East Barren is enormously vast; which means that there is plenty of unclaimed land for you and me to take for our own. If you are truly as talented and gifted as you proclaim yourself to be, you are more than welcome to establish your own territory in the East Barren. Build your own city or seize one, then you can slowly work your way through, one step after the last, until one day you become the overlord of the East Barren. However, if you can’t do it … then you might as well shut your mouth and just watch me.”

  The East Barren was the land of the monster race. All these years, Zhong Yue would be the only one who had established his own territory other than the traitor of the dragon race who was also the founder the Jade Dragon Keep – the Azure Dragon.

  The dragon-monster hybrid being that founded the Jade Dragon Keep held a great enmity against the dragon race. He had forged the Jade Dragon Keep into an impregnable fortress, a line of defense that stopped the dragon race from encroaching on the land. He, the legendary Azure Dragon, was the dragon race’s greatest humiliation.

  In the past, there would have been other dragons that tried to claim the land as their own, building a dragon territory; but they had never succeed as the monster experts would ambush and obliterate them. In so many years, Zhong Yue had been the only one to successfully establish and maintain a territory in the East Barren. This was why Zhong Yue held such an important position in the hearts of the dragon elders, even granting him the appellation of the East Barren Lord.

  However, Zhong Yue was indifferent to all these accolades, the Ao Clan of the dragon race was merely leveraging and taking advantage of him, stripping forty percent of his territory away for themselves. Even this trip to the dragon race was at the behest of the elders of the Ao Clan, as they intended to express their goodwill and win his loyalty

  While Zhong Yue also harbored his own intentions, and that was, to pressure the monster race with the potential invasion of the dragon race, keeping the monster race preoccupied so that they would postpone their actions on the Great Wilderness. He was planning to let the tigers fight one another, borrowing the strength of the dragon to protect the humans of the Great Wilderness.

  Otherwise, why would he risk himself by venturing deep into the land of monsters into the sea of dragons? Traipsing a long and arduous journey only to be met with the provocation of a young Jiao Dragon. Surely enough, he would not be happy with this sort of welcome from the dragon race.


  That young Jiao Dragon’s face was experiencing a comical medley of expressions. If he dared to leave for the East Barren, the monster race would surely regard him as an intruder and exterminate him callously!

  He was a Rebirth Qi Practitioner, the dragon blood flowed within him granted him an inherently stronger prowess than his peers. But even so, it was impossible for him, a dragon Awakening Qi Practitioner, to carve a foothold for himself by himself in the East Barren. The only ending for him would in all likelihood be a horrible death!

  “Long Yue, you are only from the Xiang Dragon Race, a dragon race that is only slightly superior to the sea race. You, a little dragon-monster creature dare to think of taking down the whole East Barren to become its overlord?”

  A young girl from the Chi Dragon Race stepped forward and said, “Don’t you think that you’re asking too much? How vast and huge is the East Barren, how can it be handed over to just merely one Xiang Dragon? Without the Ao Clan, you are nothing! If you can do it, then surely we also can!”

  Another young man from the Fish Dragon Race nodded and said insouciantly, “Senior martial sister is right, her words ring true. The East Barren relates to whether if we could successfully conquer the land. Long Yue, the Ao Clan is just using you, they need you now and that is why, you are the East Barren Lord. But as long as you’ve conquered more land, the Ao Clan will clear you out of the way and claim the land for themselves! At that point in time, you … will be nothing!”

  The Po Dragon girl smiled and continued, “The Ao Clan is planning to claim the East Barren in their own hands, but how can we possibly just sit by and watch as they do it? The East Barren, will also be ours!”

  The young Jiao Dragon nodded, “The East Barren will be divided into five for the clans — Ao, Jiao, Chi, Yu, Po.”

  “And this is the perfect opportunity for us to become the East Barren Lord!”

  Rays of intelligence flashed in the eyes of the Fish Dragon young man, he was thrilled, “If we can settle it perfectly, the dragon race will reevaluate us as a greater existence; we don’t have to stay in this Earth Courtyard anymore, and instead, we will be the East Barren Lords!”

  The other dragon younglings were aroused, the East Barren was enormously vast, even if it was divided into five pieces, they would still be large pieces of land with an uncountable number of monsters and human slaves. The wealth that the land could bring is unimaginable!

  The Chi Dragon girl cast her gaze over at Zhong Yue’s face and said smilingly, “As for you, although the Xiang Dragons are a low and humble race, you have contributed greatly to our success. Hence, you will be remunerated with a substantial amount of wealth. All you need to do now is to sign an agreement with us, that you will divide the land into five pieces to the five of us!”

  Qing He’s heart thumped in fear as the conversation continued, her eyes were filled with terror as she gazed at Zhong Yue, He is really a dragon spy that is sent to the East Barren, trying to be the mighty ruler of the East Barren and bringing in the dragon race to enslave the monsters! What to do, what should I do? Teacher has already gifted me to him as a maidservant, should I still expose his secrets?

  The young lady’s mind was stirring in chaos, she had heard so many secrets and she feared that Zhong Yue would kill her in order to conceal his secret. She was now deep within the territory of the dragon race, there was no way for her to run or hide.

  “Four idiots, no wonder you all would be tossed to the Earth Courtyard for training.”

  Zhong Yue shook his head and left with Qing He, he summoned a sea race seneschal and instructed, “Bring us to our room.”

  The seneschal said humbly, “Young master, this way please.”

  Suddenly, blurred figures emerged a few steps before him, the four dragons stopped his path while the young Jiao Dragon said smilingly, “Don’t leave yet, or was it that you thought you could run away from this? The Ao Clan will not be the only one to claim the East Barren, the other four clans must also be included. You can rely on the Ao Clan, and you can also rely on us of the other four clans. Today, we’ll stamp and set down the agreement on the distribution of our territories in the East Barren, then the clan elders will further discuss into the details!”

  The Fish Dragon young man said smilingly, “You are too greedy, you don’t even know what the true meaning of being the East Barren Lord is. The East Barren is far too vast for the Ao Clan to secure themselves, they would inevitably distribute some to us of the other four clans.”

  The Chi Dragon girl said, “If you only work with the Ao Clan, they will snatch over everything you’ve worked for! But if you work with the other four clans, you can still benefit from it!”

  Zhong Yue, however, remained placid and replied, “Get lost.”

  The dragons were piqued, they yelled in unison, “What did you just say?”

  Zhong Yue’s tone was nowhere near as friendly as when they first greeted each other as he shed all pretenses of decorum, “Who are you, and what position do you hold that gave you the audacity to think you can negotiate about distribution the East Barren? Even the elders of your clans can only talk to me if they position themselves as the same status as me. Even the Ao Clan elders have to be careful of the way they treat me, requesting me to come over and offering me wealth. So, just exactly who are you all? I’ve already shown my courtesy by asking you lot to get lost.”

  The young Jiao Dragon laughed out loud as greed continued to engulf his heart. He took a step forward as he said, “One needs to have the strength to match their status! If you want to talk to the elders, then I shall teach you the ways on how to have a proper conversation with the noble dragons!”


  Five light wheels emerged on his back, spinning rapidly while he erupts his draconic aura. Casting his five Yuan Shen realms, he directed their pressure onto Zhong Yue while he sneered coldly, “Xiang Dragon is only one of the many low-level dragon races. You could only enter the East Barren because of the impure monster blood in you! How dare you, a low-level dragon with an impure bloodline, being so presumptuous in front of a noble dragon!?”

  He blasted out all of his prowess, the totem patterns that formed his skills stirred and morphed into a ferocious Jiao Dragon, blasting over at Zhong Yue!

  Casting the Jiao Dragon skill to its fullest potential, the air became flooded with an imposing and dignified aura that suppressed Qing He and the other sea races around them!

  This was the inherent bloodline suppression that flowed in their blood. The other low-leveled races could only lower their heads in front of this pure and dominating draconic aura, always subject to the will of their superiors without the slightest modicum of resistance!

  Zhong Yue raised his hand and lashed out his palm, the palm mark that was half a mu in size slammed down, crushing the totem patterned Jiao Dragon into ash. Meanwhile, a loud boom suddenly came from the middle of the palm mark as it slammed over towards the young Jiao Dragon.

  The young dragon was shocked, he raised his hand in an attempt to block down the palm. Boom—— a loud din trembled the air, and it was as if he was a nail that was being hammered into the stone slabs.

  The stone slabs were covered in totem patterns that augmented their hardness and durability; this was, after all, the Earth Courtyard where Ao Fenglou stayed in, a heavily gu
arded place of the Ao Clan; everything in here including the stone slabs, pillars or even the lamps were all enhanced with the totem patterns so that they would not be broken during combat.

  And yet, Zhong Yue could nail him down into the stone slabs with just one strike, one could only infer how strong the palm strike that he released before was!

  The young Jiao Dragon spout out a mouthful of blood, his visions blurred and his head spun. The dragon fangs in his mouth were broken and shattered. Shocked and humiliated, he struggled to get out but all his efforts were in vain as the stone slabs that contained him were so sturdy that it made all efforts futile!

  Zhong Yue heavily stomped on his head, completely nailing him into the stone slabs with only his dragon horns in the air that looked like little saplings.

  “When I was still a Rebirth Qi Practitioner in the land of monsters, I was the strongest; and when I advanced into the level of Awakening, I am still the strongest. All this allowed me to be highly valued by the monster race, while at the same time being the object of their envy and jealousy. Do you really think that I am the East Barren Lord because of the Ao Clan?”

  Glancing around at the other three dragons, Zhong Yue remained placid and said, “My dominion in East Barren isn’t backed by the Ao Clan or anyone else, but the blood of those that I’ve killed! You lot are so naive to the point that you can be said to be idiots. Today, allow me to teach you.”

  Is he really that strong?

  The other three dragons were shocked, they knew things had taken a turn for the worse and they were planning to retreat, It seems like it's impossible to force him to hand over the East Barren, we’d better tell the elders first….


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