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Rise of Humanity

Page 317

by <unknown>

  Peng Qianqiu was struck by a few hundred swords transformed from Peng Jinyi's feather, and Zhong Yue landed an almost lethal blow on his body. Zhong Yue's attack landed very close to Peng Qianiu's heart, but Peng Qianiu managed to narrowly escape death at the cost of his rib cage.

  Xia Zhongguang's and Peng Jinyi's situations were not much better as they were also continually hit with all sorts of attacks.

  Zhong Yue also suffered injuries; his arms and snake tail were cleaved off, and his teeth were all knocked out by Peng Qianqiu.

  Thankfully, after entering the Heavenly Dharma level, his regenerative abilities were greatly elevated as his arms began to regrow at a visible rate.

  Right after that, six more arms grew out again, and with his other two arms, he had eight arms in total. He then took out the soul weapons that he had robbed from the various celestial races of the West Barren and charged toward the other four people!

  Even with blood gushing out from their wounds, they just kept on fighting each other with seeming disregard for their own lives.

  Suddenly, the horn in the sky disappeared. And immediately, the five of them came back to their senses. As soon as they regained complete control of their mental faculties, they all shivered and retreated away from each other.

  Zhong Yue's now flattened head soon returned to normal again, something that gave the other four a shock as they felt envy toward Zhong Yue's healing abilities.

  This guy is just like a cockroach, why can’t he just die!

  As soon as they thought this, Celestial Emperor Bi Xie suddenly smiled as he looked at the countless corpses on the court.

  Wu lulu——-

  Out of nowhere, a gourd emerged in the skies.

  This gourd had an eerie appearance – it was much broader and longer than other ordinary gourds.

  Then, the gourd's lid opened and sucked the spirits of the dead gods into itself.

  "Gather their corpses and have them guard the tomb and the saint spirit," ordered Celestial Emperor Bi Xie.

  As he gave out his order, giant war chariots driven by muscular gods continually streamed out of the city, each carrying an enormous black coffin into which the gods threw the corpses that lay on the ground.

  Immediately, Zhong Yue realized the main cause of this incident 50,000 years ago!

  Celestial Emperor Bi Xie slaughtered so many gods just to cultivate the saint spirit! These six joints on the gourd represent the Great Wilderness' Swords Gate, the West Barren's Xiao Mang Celestial Temple, the East Barren's Black Mountain, the South Barren's Tian Hou Palace, and the North Barren's Frozen Ancient Capital. There are even countless god spirits within the round ball in the Devil Soul Forbidden Land!

  This incident that took place 50,000 years ago was incredibly bizarre, but now, after seeing the horn's effect on the gods' minds, and the gourd that sucked away the spirits of the dead gods, everything became even more strange and eerie.

  Wait a minute, the gourd has six joints; there is one in north, south, east, west, and another to represent the Great Wilderness. What does the final joint represent then?

  As soon as this thought crossed his mind, he suddenly saw Celestial Emperor Bi Xie stretch out his hand and slice his chest apart to extract a thumping celestial heart. He then took out another one!

  In the blink of an eye, he had extracted six hearts from his chest, and five of them were taken away by the gods collecting the corpses.

  The final heart then suddenly regenerated and expanded; it became larger and larger, and the severed veins of the heart grew back and burrowed the underground.

  In an instant, the many marvelous structures of the divine court and the celestial palaces became all covered in veins to look like cocoons.

  And a lady dressed as a court lady appeared at the Celestial Emperor Bi Xie's back with even more of the Bi Xie Celestial Race's people.

  Celestial Emperor Bi Xie maintained his calm expression, and as he stomped on the ground, the divine court cracked open, and underneath the ground was a gigantic underground palace. It was his celestial emperor tomb!

  Then, an emperor-level coffin flew out, and Celestial Emperor Bi Xie slowly entered it.

  “Fifty thousand years later, I will return to the world.”

  Then, his voice sounded out from the coffin, "You will all go to the Zi Wei Celestial Star and relay the message to retrieve me 50,000 years later! When the clarion horn is blown once again, the divine court will emerge again, and so will the underground palace."

  The court lady then grabbed onto the horn, and along with the Bi Xie Celestial Race's people, they all flew into the sky and disappeared.

  “Found them!”

  Suddenly, a young man's voice was heard, and when everyone looked toward the direction of the voice, they saw a young man walking toward them with a horn in his hand.

  When both Zhong Yue and the young man's eyes met, they were both slightly stunned.

  "Senior Martial Brother Bi Xie," called out Zhong Yue with a smile that exposed his newly grown teeth.

  The young man was the number one Qi Practitioner of the West Barren's celestial race, Bi Xie. He nodded at Zhong Yue and greeted back, "Senior Martial Brother Zhong."

  Bi Xie blinked, and as he looked at Peng Jinyi, Xia Zhongjin, and the others, he smiled and said, "Seems like it is a little inconvenient for Senior Martial Brother Zhong to fight me today."

  "Indeed. Senior Martial Brother Bi Xie has extracted the saint spirit in the underground of our Swords Gate. Are you planning to revive your ancestor, Celestial Emperor Bi Xie?" Zhong Yue asked politely as he spat out some blood.

  Instantly, Xia Zhongjin and the others took out their totem pillars and started informing the higher-ups of their respective factions of the news they just heard from Zhong Yue.

  Bi Xie, however, ignored them and answered, "Yeah. Previously, I was on a very important mission to retrieve the saint spirit, so please forgive me that I wasn't able to visit you."

  “Don’t worry, it is fine.”

  Zhong Yue coughed out the blood that was clogged in his chest and said, "I thought that Senior Martial Brother Bi Xie is someone born and raised here in the Ancestral Star. I did not expect that you actually came from the Zi Wei Divine Court. How did senior martial brother get here?"

  "I was sent here by the elders of my clan," replied Bi Xie.

  He then said seriously, "Senior Martial Brother Zhong, there will be someone incredibly strong that will arrive here soon. So, I will be taking my leave now."

  With a nod, Zhong Yue said, “Then go. I’ll be leaving soon as well.”

  They then both bade farewell to each other, and Bi Xie raised his hand, blowing the horn. The divine court then split apart, exposing the path to the underground palace. The young man then walked into it.

  Peng Jinyi and Peng Qianqiu immediately roared, flying toward the tunnel. Bi Xie had become their priority now; if Celestial Emperor Bi Xie were to be revived, it would not bode well for everyone on the Ancestral star, even for a race as hardened as the Kun Peng Celestial Race!

  Besides, there was also an enormous amount of treasures in Celestial Emperor Bi Xie's tomb.

  However, as soon as they got close to the tunnel, the doors of the tunnel immediately closed, caused them to collide into the solid doors at the entrance, which certainly didn't help with their already grievous injuries.

  Zhong Yue, on the other hand, took this chance to turn into the golden crow and fly away.

  If Bi Xie were never here, and if Zhong Yue hadn't spoken out Bi Xie's intent, Zhong Yue never would've had this opportunity to escape. But now, Peng Jinyi's and Peng Qianqiu's focus was diverted away from him to the door of the tunnel.

  They persistently attacked the door in the blind hope that something would happen, but they were disappointed. And just when they were out of ideas, the divine court trembled and suddenly sank into the ground.

  Without hesitation, they quickly flew up into the air while Xia Zhongguang and Xia Zhongjin used
their own methods to lift themselves up as well.

  "We will hand this matter over to Mr. Kun Da. We should chase after that brat and recover the Divine Wing Saber at all costs."

  The two Pengs then flew away and chased after Zhong Yue while Xia Zhongjin shouted quickly, “Brothers, wait for us!”

  "You two are too weak!" shouted Peng Qianqiu. His words angered Xia Zhongjin who rebutted, "If our hands and legs weren't broken by that old man of the Bai Zhe Clan, I would be able to defeat the both of you!"

  Chapter 430: Kun Lun Realm |

  "I really can't catch a break!"

  Zhong Yue looked back and his brows furrowed heavily after seeing the two Peng birds still chasing after him. In terms of speed, he was, in fact, only slightly slower than Peng Jinyi and Peng Qianqiu. But in terms of cultivation base, he was far below the cultivation level of the two magnates. All of these disadvantages were brought to light during the clash before the imperial court's emergence.

  In the West Barren imperial court, the godly auras that filled the place suppressed their arcane energies so that they couldn't fly in the sky. During that time, the unknown force contained in the horn also manipulated their minds. With his mortal body and the Golden Peng Sword, in addition to the other seven treasures, Zhong Yue was able to fight against them and inflict a considerable amount of damage to them.

  However, if it weren't for the suppressive effects of the godly auras, he wouldn't be able to fight against any one of the two Kun Peng magnates.

  Of course, at this point in time, Xia Zhongguang and Xia Zhongjin were no longer part of the picture. If only their mortal bodies were in their perfect state, Zhong Yue would surely stay as far as he could away from them. But that wasn't the case now, the two Martial Heavenly Masters' limbs were severed, and they were left with only less than 30 percent of their usual strength.

  After all, he was still just a Heavenly Dharma Qi Practitioner. It wasn't possible for him to fight squarely with a True Spirit magnate.

  By now, Jin'er should have arrived at the snowy mountain already I suppose? Zhong Yue thought as he was flying.

  Meanwhile, in the mountainous location, many magnates arrived one after another, landing around Xia Zhongjin and Xia Zhongguang. They were Feng Wuji, Mister Kun Da, Clan Master Xia, the high priests from the Shan Shen Celestial Race, the Bi Fang Celestial Race, the Gui Shen Celestial Race, and the Shen Ya Celestial Race to name a few. All of them were the Imminent Deity magnates!

  The sudden appearance of the West Barren imperial court and Celestial Emperor Bi Xie had shocked the world. The godly rays pierced through the sky, and the divine auras filled the surrounding air. It felt they had been brought back to a time 50,000 years ago!

  By now, the imperial court had already disappeared, and the Imminent Deity magnates' brows were furrowed as they scanned at the surroundings.

  Clan Master Xia saw Xia Zhongguang and Xia Zhongjin lying helplessly on the ground with their clothes torn and their limbs severed. Their blood soaked the ground, and even their hair was gone — they were in the sorriest state that a Martial Heavenly Master could ever be in.

  Clan Master Xia's frowned deepened. Just as he was going to keep his two subordinates in his Yuan Shen secret realms so that their appearance would not further embarrass the Zhong Li Celestial Race; Mister Kun Da then said, "Why don't the two little brothers of the Zhong Li Celestial Race tell us what just happened?"

  Clan Master Xia then stopped, and his tone was placid as he said, "Mister Kun Da asked something. Answer his question."

  Xia Zhongjin and Xia Zhongguang clearly saw Clan Master Xia's gloomy face, and immediately, they quickly recounted everything that had happened; starting from the sudden emergence of the West Barren imperial court, to the sounding of the horn that started a massacre, and finally with Bi Xie going into the imperial court with the horn.

  "Celestial Emperor Bi Xie is going to be resurrected?"

  The celestial leaders' face changed drastically, and Mister Kun Da then said solemnly, "My grand ancestor left a message about this: If anything like this ever takes place, I am to awaken him at the first second!"

  "The Xia Clan was also given the same order!" Clan Master Xia also said solemnly.

  Feng Wuji also mumbled, "So was the Xiao Mang Celestial Race."

  The celestial leaders exchanged their looks, and the atmosphere suddenly turned incredibly tense. Awakening the grand ancestor's spirit was not a small matter, the Xiao Mang Celestial Race was still alright as the Xiao Mang grand ancestor was not too strong of a god during the time. But the Kun Peng and Zhong Li Celestial Races' grand ancestors were lord-tier gods. Their status was only a level below Celestial Emperor Bi Xie's!

  Awakening the spirit of the Deity Overlords was a huge decision to make!

  Other than these three races, there were still the grand ancestors of the Bai Zhe Clan, the dragon race, and the demon race that had escaped death 50,000 years ago. The other races back then didn't have that same fortune.

  Feng Wuji then said decisively, “If that’s the case, then we shall execute the orders left for us. We will awaken our grand ancestors before making further plans!”

  The crowds then dispersed, returning to their respective factions. Mister Kun Da used the totem pillar to contact the Kun Peng grand ancestor on the Celestial Wood Star. Moments later, a blurry figure appeared on the other end of the teleportation portal, and a giant fish swam out from it. The Kun Peng grand ancestor's spirit who forged the Divine Wing Saber had arrived in the West Barre.

  The fish flicked its body and turned into a Golden Peng celestial being. He then said placidly, "Is Xiao Mang awakened?"

  A three-headed Pan Ao then strode out to the roof of the supreme temple and turned into a three-headed celestial being, saying, "Xiao Mang greets Lord Kun."

  "Spare me the formalities."

  Lord Kun's godly spirit then said, "Although the dragon race and I are rivals, this is a matter for which we must temporarily set aside our differences. We need to let the dragon race know about this. You will notify Lord Bai, and I will personally deal with those five tiny skyworms."

  Xiao Mang's godly spirit nodded and immediately, he sent his psyche out to the North Barren, and his voice sounded out in the sky above the Frozen Ancient Capital, "Lord Bai, Lord Bai! Celestial Emperor Bi Xie is trying to resurrect. May Lord Bai come over and meet us here!"

  The Frozen Ancient Capital turned dead silent in just seconds. A few moments later, Bai Zhenguang rose into the sky, and he shouted, "Senior, our grand ancestor fought with his life to exterminate the mother insect god. His spirit has perished, and he has died in honor."

  “Lord Bai’s spirit has perished?”

  The three-headed celestial being, Xiao Mang grand ancestor retrieved his psyche and frowned.

  Lord Kun conducted his sound right into the Dragon Palace of the Eastern Sea. Lord Dragon's godly spirit was aroused, and he quickly awakened the other four grand ancestors of the four dragon clans. He then ordered the dragon disciples, "Celestial Emperor Bi Xie is resurrecting, this is the time that will decide the fate of the whole Ancestral Star. From now on, all of you shall worship us every single second without fail!"

  The five godly dragon spirits then soared into the sky and disappeared into the clouds.

  Inside of the Heavenly Lord Palace of the South Barren, a godly spirit stood on two fire dragons and rushed toward the West Barren — Lord Xia and his two godly fire dragon spirits.

  Lord Xia's godly spirit arrived at the West Barren, and he said solemnly, "I've notified Lord Demon, but he is a coward, there is no guarantee he will come."

  Just as he finished his sentence, a wave of demonic clouds billowed over before descending to the ground. A thousand-armed demon god spirit walked out as the demonic clouds were sucked into his body. He laughed out loud and said, "The resurrection of our dear Celestial Emperor Bi Xie, this is not a small matter. It relates to the survival of everyone on the Ancestral Star. How could you think that I won't

  The spirit of nine Deity Overlords had gathered together, their godly auras shattered the clouds into pieces, and even a hole was created in the Pure Yang lightning zone above them. The whole of the Ancestral Star was trembling in fear, including the cultivators that were feeling uneasy.

  "He must be stopped. We were all his subordinates and were loyal and devoted to him. We crowned him our emperor and executed his commands without fail, and yet, what were we rewarded with? If we were any weaker back then, we wouldn't even be standing here today at all.

  "When he was dying, he did not touch us and had hidden his people away from us. He was afraid of our vengeance while he hid in his tomb. No one can do anything to him. No one can make him pay for what he's done. However, if he is resurrected, we will have a chance to kill him once and for all."

  The other godly spirits nodded in agreement, and Lord Kun raised his head and looked at the sky. He said, "He had slaughtered tens of thousands of gods. It is time for him to pay for what he's done."

  The Xiao Mang grand ancestor frowned and said, "The six-saint spirit he nurtured will give him the greatest Saint Spirit Body. If he is resurrected, he will be much stronger than before. However, if the six-saint spirit falls into our hands, we can also become much."

  The Ao Clan dragon ancestor then said solemnly, "Let's not tarry anymore and hunt for him now!"


  Lord Demon then suddenly said, “Celestial Emperor Bi Xian, is he dead or alive? If he is still alive…”

  "Absurd! Even the Heavenly Monarch would not be able to live for 50,000 years!"

  The godly spirits then moved and said, "Lord Demon, you are such a wimp! This time around, we will kill him and grant him the death he should've had 50,000 years ago! We will enter the imperial tomb and exterminate Celestial Emperor Bi Xie for good!"

  Lord Demon hesitated for a second before he followed the other godly spirits and left. These Deity Overlord spirits were receiving the worship of their people every single second. Their powers returned with every passing moment, and they launched various skills down at the mountains!


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