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Rise of Humanity

Page 443

by <unknown>

  Zhong Yue immediately figured it out and he thought, So we have been teleported to the 3000th Six Paths World, and it is called the Prison Realm? With a few hundred demon gods here in the Left Fang Galaxy, it seems like they are quite a huge faction too.

  Not long later, through Chan Dongyuan, who had a lot to talk about, Zhong Yue and the others managed to obtain quite a bit of information from him.

  First of all, this world was much stronger than they imagined, and it is divided into the Heaven Realm, Earth Realm, Celestial Realm, Elemental Realm, Myriad Realm, and finally, the Prison Realm.

  The Heaven Realm was the living place for the supreme celestial race; the Earth Realm was for the royals, and the Celestial Realm was royalty among the supreme celestial race. The Myriad Realm was slightly more complex with all the races living together there, and Elemental Realm were for those with an even lower level bloodline.

  As for the Prison Realm, it was the worst as it was the last galaxy in the Six Paths World and those living in this place were often criminals that were condemned to this place for committing unforgivable sins and crimes. This punishment was also passed onto their descendants as well.

  Thus, the Prison Realm was also called the Crime Realm, a world filled with criminals.

  The Prison Realm’s surroundings were extremely harsh; the three solar systems they are standing on right now were considerate quite a nice place while the other places were just like hell. There was no heaven or earth spiritual power, and there was barely anyone that managed to thrive.

  Hence, being exiled to the Prison Realm was the heaviest punishment to everyone.

  This was all because once being banished into the Prison Realm, one would never be able to escape. This also meant that once the livings died in Prison Realm, they will return back into the Prison Realm to suffer after reincarnating.

  Meanwhile, in the other five worlds, even the low class living beings in Elemental Realm had the chance to be reborn into the Heaven Realm, Earth Realm or Celestial Realm and obtain extraordinary bloodline and power.

  Thus, not being able to reborn into the other worlds became the greatest punishment to those in the Prison Realm.

  Besides, since the ruler of this Six Paths World was one from the celestial race, he had his own prejudices against demons thus, those being banished into the Prison Realm were mostly those from the demon race. As a result, the demons became the major race in the Prison Realm and those living in Prison Realm mainly cultivated the demonic arts.

  Though the environment in the Prison Realm was harsh, the livings in this place formed a formidable faction too strong to be ignored; the Left Fang Galaxy was a part of the Prison Realm and it was a middle level faction under the lead of Emerald Heaven Dharma King.

  Apart from the Left Fang, there were still the Right Fang, Heaven Eye, Left Divine Eye, Right Divine Eye, Left Guard, Right Guard, Heaven mouth, Center Body, Left Divine Hand, Right Divine Hand, Left Nipple, Right Nipple and many other galaxies in the Prison Realm, all named after the body parts of Pan Gu Six Path Celestial Being,

  The rulers of the realms were called the Realm Lords while the conqueror of this whole Six Paths World was the Realm Monarch who resided in the imperial court in the Pan Gu Celestial Being. The Realm Monarch was fully in charge of the Six Path Reincarnation and he possesses the power to control who lives and dies.

  Thus, though this three thousandth Six Paths World had a low ranking, they were still a power far beyond Zhong Yue’s imagination!

  And this time, Zhong Yue and the others coincidentally ran into the ranking event of the Six Paths World.

  This was not a contest between the Realm Monarchs of different worlds nor the contest between gods but a fight among the Qi Practitioner to determine the rank of their world!

  They represented the future of their worlds and the outcome of this event determined how strong their world would become in the future.

  Back then, the Qi Practitioners would fight each other ferociously, killing each other to climb higher in the rankings, but each time, the Prison Realm was the last as there wasn't even one Qi Practitioner that represented them.

  This time, the Realm Lord of Prison Realm wanted to win, thus, he said that whoever won the Qi Practitioners from the other worlds, that Qi Practitioner will be granted a chance to leave Prison Realm and reborn into the Heaven Realm and gifted with the best bloodline!

  Immediately, the entire Prison Realm was shaken.

  Who would be able to stand being a puny peasant? Thus, from the weakest to the strongest individuals in Prison Realm, they all worked hard and prepared themselves for a chance to obtain to have their students participate in this battle!

  And the battlefield of Left Fang Galaxy was held on the twin planets.

  So that’s how it is.

  Finally, after obtaining the required information, Zhong Yue, Jun Sixie and Qiu Jin’er exchanged eyes and he said, “We came from the Ancestral Star and if we don’t disguise ourselves, we will attract unnecessary trouble easily. It’d be best if we hide ourselves with a local identity but the problem is that I have no idea if we can beat the others as the cultivation heritage of our first Six Paths World is flawed.”

  Zhong Yue was confident that we was no weaker than the others, but when compared to the other Six Paths World, the first Six Paths World’s Reincarnation cycle was destroyed, resulting in the loss of certain laws of cultivation and greatly impacting the living beings born in the first Six Paths World.

  Besides, there were even an evil and sinister existence keeping a close eye and restricting the Ancestral Star, causing further impairment on the cultivation heritage in Ancestral Star, hence, increasing the difficulty of improvement among the Qi Practitioners in Ancestral Star.

  Shi Buyi’s eyes rolled around and he said, “Senior martial brother Chan, what should we pay attention of in this great event? Will these battles be a friendly match or?”

  “Of course!”

  Chan Dongyuan gave Shi Buyi a cruel laugh and he said ferociously, “They can do whatever they want! If one possesses such capabilities, he could even destroy his opponents’ bodies, suck their soul dry and do whatever he wants! Don’t hold back and don’t be worried, after all, the lives of Qi Practitioners in the Prison Realm mean nothing since they will be reborn in this world again!”

  His words caught Shi Buyi, Bai Canghai and the others off guard and they started to worry.

  Chan Dongyuan then summoned his disciple, also one from the Heaven Toad Demon Race and he was incredibly strong; he had been reborn four times, which meant that he had been cultivating all the way from the bottom four time. This undoubtedly did wonders for his foundations!

  With all of these advantages, even if he didn’t have an innate spirit body, his overall strength was already on par with Qiu Jin’er and Jun Sixie!

  “If he died in this battle, then so be it, he can just come back in the next life!”

  Chan Dongyuan grinned and said, “Chan Fangzhen, come, tell our dear senior martial brothers what I taught you!”

  Chan Fangzhen also put up a fierce expression and said, “Crush those who do not bow before me! I will kill those standing in my path!”

  Chan Dongyuan then laughed and said to Zhong Yue and the others, “Without such resolutions, one would not be able to survive in this place!”

  “Big toad, you are exaggerating again! Such big words coming from you!”

  A demonic god with cow head suddenly said, “Who do you think you are? My son will freaking kill all of you!”

  Suddenly, a god in golden armour appeared; he waved a huge banner and the totem carvings shrouding the entire twin planets disappeared and he said, “The time has come! Now, Qi Practitioners from Left Fang Galaxy, get down there and shed some blood!”

  The god in golden armour also put up a ferocious expression and he shouted, “Emerald Heaven Dharma King said that only ten Qi Practitioners will be representing our Left Fang Galaxy to fight with the others from the other wo
rld, which means that the event will only end when there are ten remaining on the battlefield!”

  Chapter 613: Wherever He Goes, Death Follows |

  As soon as the golden armoured god finished his sentence, the gods in Left Fang Galaxy got up and ordered their disciples to get down.

  At the same time, Shi Buyi and Old Man Six Path turned to Zhong Yue and waited for his answer.

  Though both were gods with power superior to Zhong Yue, he was the leader of the company, thus, whether or not they would participate in this event depended on Zhong Yue.

  Zhong Yue remained calm and when he looked at Jun Sixie, Qiu Jin’er and Bai Canghai, he noticed their collective excitement. With that, he lightly nodded his head and they all flew towards the twin planets.

  Chan Dongyuan also had Chan Fangzhen descend toward the world below, and together with Zhong Yue, they all started to descend upon the blue planet while some other Qi Practitioners flew towards the jet black planet.

  Suddenly, Shi Buyi thought of something and he quickly asked Chan Dongyuan, “Senior martial brother, if the Qi Practitioners from the other Six Path World die in our world, will they still be able to reborn in the next life?”

  “Of course not.” Chan Dongyuan answered.

  He said, “If they die here, they will really be dead forever.”

  Shi Buyi’s expression changed immediately; Zhong Yue and the others were all Qi Practitioners from the other world, and if anything were to happen, they would be doomed!

  This is bad, Master Zhong and the others don’t know about this. I hope they will be fine!

  “Be careful of the Pure Yang lightning!”

  Meanwhile, Zhong Yue shouted as they were about to enter the Pure Yang lightning zone and they could already see that the tremendous power in the level have been triggered, with the lightning showing signs of turning into Pure Yang Lei Zhe!

  This was also a test; if they failed to reach a speed twenty times faster than the speed of sound, they will trigger the Pure Yang lightning zone’s power and be incinerated by the Pure Yang Lei Zhe Celestial Dragon!

  Back in the Heavenly Dharma level, Zhong Yue had already been able to do this and now, with his Golden Crow and Star Toad True Spirit cultivated into Innate True Spirits while he himself was in the True Spirit level, he could easily reach a speed forty times faster than that of sound!

  Meanwhile, Jun Sixie and Qiu Jin’er, who were both on the verge of cultivating their spirit into Innate True Spirits, could also do this. But Bai Canghai, who was slightly weaker, couldn’t do it.

  Thus, Zhong Yue took Bai Canghai along with him, and when he looked at Jun Sixie and Qiu Jin’er who were both evading the Pure Yang Lei Zhe Celestial Dragon’s attack, he finally chased away his worries over the girls. On the other hand, Chan Fangzhen indeed was very strong as well as he had also managed to outrun the Pure Yang Lei Zhe Celestial Dragon!

  “The living styles of the Prison Realm’s Qi Practitioners are very brutal, you must all be careful.” Zhong Yue warned the other three while they were on the way to their destination through his psyche.

  For someone who killed countless of people and caused tons of damage everywhere, even Zhong Yue had to admit that the style of those in the Prison Realm was extremely barbaric; in this place, lives were nothing more than just numbers.

  The lives of Qi Practitioners were as puny as grass; not even their own teacher would give a damn about their lives, and the disciples were also rather ruthless with themselves as well.

  “So be it! Just start again after we are reborn!”

  This was the phrase that constantly hung around in the mouth of the Prison Realm’s Qi Practitioner.s

  With the experience they obtained in the past life, each time they start all the way from the bottom after they were reborn, they would often acquire achievements far greater than that of their previous life.

  Chan Dongyuan’s disciple, Chan Fangzhen, who had died four times, was a good example.

  Unlike the Qi Practitioners of the Prison Realm, the Qi Practitioners from the other five realms had to worry about them being reborn into the other realms, afraid of being unable to awaken the memories of their past lives and be anxious that their teachers couldn’t find them.

  To all Qi Practitioners that were reborn, they were all afraid that they wouldn’t be able to awaken their memories, this outcome would completely eliminated their advantages.

  In order to awaken their past lives’ memories, one would need someone to help them and this responsibility often fell upon the shoulders of their partners, family, or teachers.

  As for the Qi Practitioners in the Prison Realm, no matter how they died, they would always be reborn into the Prison Realm, thus, t made it a very easy task for their teachers to find them back as long as their teachers wanted to.

  With that, they naturally stood in a higher starting point than the others.

  Hence, this resulted in their reckless style of cultivation, as most of them were not afraid of dying. This allowed them fight with fewer restrictions and made them into warriors with enhanced combat senses, fighters that weren’t shackled by things that would concern most other cultivators! This made it fighting them exponentially more dangerous.

  Although Jun Sixie, Qiu Jin’er, and the others had also experienced fierce and cruel battles, they probably had yet to experience a battle like this. But this was also a rare opportunity for them to experience the differences between Qi Practitioners of Ancestral Star and other Six Paths Worlds.

  This was the first time they had ever left the first Six Path World. Only by knowing the strength and limits of the others will one be able to know his or her own limits and see their future more clearly.

  If they were afraid of new challengers, then they might as well go back to Ancestral Star!

  “While the Six Path Reincarnation was very good, it also created a bad side; the resources are all controlled by someone!” said Zhong Yue as he voiced out his opinion, allowing the other three to understand more about the situation.

  As they quickly descended towards the bottom, Qiu Jin’er and Bai Canghai both tensed up, but Jun Sixie felt excited as she couldn’t wait to fight with the Qi Practitioners from Prison Realm to find out the flaws in herself.

  Jun Sixie had always been someone who loved to fight, only restraining herself after becoming the headmaster of Swords Gate. Now, she was like a bird let loose from her cage and her desire for battle revealed itself.

  “They who live in the Prison Realm do not appreciate life at all, they are all criminals that are condemned to be reborn in the Prison Realm for eternity. Thus, no one in this place fear death.”

  “From what Chan Dongyuan said and how he sees us, there are little innate spirit bodies in the Prison Realm, which also suggest that those in the higher ups of this Six Path World hold resources such as innate spirit bodies and bloodlines in their hands, causing the massively lack of innate spirit bodies and high level bloodline in Prison Realm. With that, the Prison Realm is weaker than the other five realms in this field. The Qi Practitioners in Prison Realm may be strong but that is if you compare them with the Qi Practitioners from Ancestral Star. In truth, they are the weakest when you compare them with the other five realms.

  “The other realms, especially the Celestial Realm, Earth Realm and Heaven Realm, had the most resources. I’m afraid that there are also an abundance of innate spirit bodies!”

  “The rare resources are very concentrated in the other realms, thus, the Qi Practitioners in the lower level realms will have to put their lives on the line if they want to be successful. This Six Path World that is ranked last among all Six Path Worlds, and the Prison Realm is the last in this Six Path World. If we can’t even win in this, we might as well go back to Ancestral Star and hide there forever!”

  Zhong Yue then said again, “This time, I will hold myself back as much as I can so that all of you can test yourselves and eliminate your own flaws.”


ally, they landed on the peak of a huge mountain, smashing the mountain into the ground while the Pure Yang Lei Zhe above them dispersed.

  Hong hong hong—

  Far away, streaks of light fell onto all parts of this blue planet; those were the demonic gods’ disciples, each of them being True Spirit and Imminent Deity level magnate Qi Practitioners.

  To be able to get past the Pure Yang lightning zone, their speed was obviously fast enough.

  However, shrieks could be heard coming from the skies as in just this short time, quite a number of those True Spirit and Imminent Deity level magnate Qi Practitioners got killed in the lightning zone.

  Meanwhile, Chan Fangzhen landed somewhere not far away from Zhong Yue and the others.

  Zhong Yue immediately looked at him and asked, “Senior Martial Brother Fangzhen, may I ask you something?”

  With a ruthless presence and a cold expression, Chan Dongyuan replied, “You can ask, but I may not tell you. Now speak.”

  Zhong Yue frowned and replied politely, “Answer my question and I will point out a lethal flaw in your methods. Could you please tell me the dangers of reborning?”

  “We run the risk of being unable to regain our past lives’ memories, but this could be solved by having someone to help you.” replied Chan Fangzhen.

  “Then if the Qi Practitioners from the other Six Path Worlds come here, will they be able to be reborn if they were killed?”

  “No.” Chan Fangzhen answered without hesitation.

  “Then how does one completely kill their enemies in this realm?”

  “By destroying their souls and spirits, but this is basically impossible under the protection of Six Paths of Reincarnation!”

  “Thank you.”

  “Senior Martial Brother Fangzhen, your weakness is a common weakness in all Qi Practitioner of the Prison Realm, which is not fearing death. Bravery is a good thing, but you people have already gone far beyond that into the realm of foolishness. You are too focused on attacking, ignoring your own safety and leaving too many opening you when you attack. These openings are all very lethal in front of any real experts. And this is also the reason as to why the Qi Practitioners of the Prison Realm fail every time. If you really want to survive, you really should strengthen your defence.


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