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Naked Obsession

Page 3

by Rice, Rachel E.

  “You may have to tell him sometime. Remember you promised not to lie to him again no matter how horrific the story.”

  “I must have been drunk when I made that promise because nothing could be worse than this Heather.”

  “I don’t know Sydney; it could get worse before it gets better.”

  “What did I do to deserve this? Just when I thought I could be happy without problems, then this. I can’t take it anymore. I have children to think of and now I’m stuck with this. I knew something was going to happen when Danny invited his brother to live with us. I knew he wanted me, but I thought he had gotten over his infatuation.”

  “Look Sydney, stop feeling sorry for yourself. What is done is done. You aren’t even sure that something occurred. Do you have evidence?”

  “I washed it away. I’m sorry Heather. I can’t talk any longer.” Sydney clutched her head in her hands and began to cry again. She was a mess before, until she looked into the mirror and saw the swollen eyes and tears crashing down her cheeks.

  After putting the phone down, she wrapped herself in a robe, picked up a towel, wrapped it around her hair, and lumbered to the kitchen. Looking around she realized that Jeremy had taken the children for their morning walk. Sydney grabbed a hand full of ice and placed it in the towel and put the towel on her swollen eyes. No amount of ice could hide the bloated face Sydney saw staring at her in the mirror. Standing like a cold naked statue, Sydney gazed at her body that she now shared with Danny’s brother.

  “How disgusting,” she whispered.

  Sydney thought she had finally changed her life. No lies, no more men to complicate her life. She didn’t take into consideration that life is full of surprises.

  Jeremy shuffled into the house with his head aiming at the floor and his hands in his pockets; the children standing nearby scampered to their rooms to play games. Sydney knew she wasn’t losing her mind. She knew something had happened. She felt it through her body, she felt every moment of their lovemaking. From the time he suckled her breast and the pain from his passion. She felt him arousing her when he placed his tongue on her clit. She felt his rise and finally felt his flow. It was the gentle ease of his body; it was the pleasure of his body, which caused her to fall into a deep sleep.

  Jeremy’s face told the story. He had the eyes of a love starved lover who had finally been satisfied. Yet Sydney could not be sure.

  “Jeremy, I have to meet Danny in Madrid, can you stay with the children until the nanny returns? It will only be about two hours.” Jeremy’s head rose and met Sydney’s eyes. He put his head down again pretending he was looking for an object. He opened a cabinet door. Then slammed it, and then glanced off into the next room.

  “I can’t think of anything I want to do more. I promised the children that I would paint their portraits.” Even as Jeremy agreed to stay with the children, he became jealous. He didn’t want to share Sydney with Danny.

  “What are you looking for?” questioned Sydney.

  “I misplaced something, but I know where to find it.” With that statement, Jeremy wandered out of the house. Sydney felt sure she had an affair with Jeremy. She tried to think about that night, to remember why she couldn’t tell that it wasn’t Danny. Nothing seemed unusual. He looked, loved, and smelled like Danny. Sydney found herself standing in the dining area thinking.

  Jeremy returned after a few minutes, still searching around the house and avoiding Sydney. Sydney heard Jeremy and walked back into the kitchen, then sat at the table where Jeremy was eating an apple. She sat across from him to scan his expressions and his eyes. “Jeremy, can you take me to the airport?”

  “Sure Sydney, anything for you and Danny. You have been gracious enough to let me share your home.”

  “Jeremy, something happened last night and I’m not sure what, but I think you were in my room?”

  Jeremy didn’t become angry; he stated in a calm voice, “Sydney, I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  Sydney couldn’t hide her impatience for Jeremy’s answer and said, “You are lying Jeremy. I hear it in your voice and I see it in your eyes. I don’t remember walking to my room yet I woke in my bed.”

  “What are you talking about?” Jeremy said calmly. “I brought you to your room because you drank too much.”

  “You knew wine disagrees with me. You took advantage of me last night, and you are going to tell your brother. If you don’t I will.”

  Jeremy walked close to Sydney and said, “Are you sure you weren’t an active participant?”

  “What do you mean?” Sydney asked standing straight up. Jeremy smiled and looked Sydney in the eyes for the longest.

  “If I can remember and I will never forget that night, you put your hand on my face, looked me in my eyes, and told me to come to bed.”

  “I thought you were Danny!”

  “You mean that you don’t know the difference between me and your husband?”

  “I was tired and sleepy!” shouted Sydney. I can’t talk to you; I’m going to tell Danny.”

  “Think about what you are saying,” Jeremy took hold of Sydney’s arm when she tried to walk away. “I know you wanted me, I felt your passion.”

  “That passion was for Danny, not you!”

  “If you are going to tell him something then tell him this: I want you and I have always wanted you when I first met you in Rome. I wanted to heap all my love and devotion on you. I was so jealous when I stood outside that basilica when you married Danny. I wanted you last night and I want you now, and I will want you always.” Jeremy paused for a moment. “Can you live with that?!”

  He snatched Sydney, into his arms she fell, then he pressed his hard body next to hers. She resisted, but he held her and burned a kiss on her lips, and placed his hands tightly around her waist until she relented. She remembered that hot kiss; she remembered that hot body. Sydney told herself that she didn’t want to cry out because of the children. She was again dancing on dangerous ground playing musical chairs and she was afraid that she would be left without a chair. She pulled away and stepped back, and then silence filled the room, but her body spoke loudly—her lips flushed red, and her breathing hard.

  Sydney placed her hands over her swollen lips and Jeremy took notice. Leave me alone! I want you out of here when Danny and I return. You know I can’t tell Danny.”

  “You can tell him that you want me; I know you want me Sydney.” Jeremy said what he was trying to hide for months. It came flowing out as his body shook.

  “Do you think I would leave Danny for you? How could I want a man who tricks a woman into infidelity?” The look of disgust settled on Sydney’s face but that did not deter Jeremy.

  He shot back, “Don’t fool yourself, you may have fooled Danny, but you can’t fool me. You knew it was me in your bed, you knew it was me caressing your body, and you did nothing to stop me.”

  “I didn’t know Jeremy, I did not know.” Sydney looked at Jeremy praying that he would keep their secret and believe her as she cried out. Jeremy became angry.

  Jeremy became angry. “Sydney I want you and I’m going to tell Danny.”

  “Please Jeremy can’t you see that this is destructive. We have children, don’t you care about that?”

  It was those words which jarred Jeremy. He thought about what he was doing.

  “I’m not going to hurt the children or you. I love you, and one day you are going to come to me.” Jeremy did not say anything further, he smiled, looked at Sydney with his passionate green eyes that cast a spell on her, and then strode away.

  Sydney stood reeling and dazed as she stared into space not knowing what to think and what to do. She knew men well enough to know that this would not end as clean and as easy as she wanted it. Every-time a man declared his love for her, she knew that someone was in trouble and that someone was her and the man she loved.

  Her entire adult life had been filled with drama. What was she to do now? Now she had to concentrate on covering up a love affair
that she did not affirm or want. How was she to fix this mistake? It was a waste of time to dwell on how she could have prevented this from happening. It was an easy mistake. Who is she kidding, she thought.

  What was Sydney to tell Danny? Your brother who is a starving artist can’t stay in our extra house. No, your brother who only has you, your children, and wife can’t be part of your family, or your brother who made love to me can no longer live here.

  Every possible answer and question haunted Sydney’s mind. She knew it was not her fault. Would Danny know it was not her fault? Should she tell Danny before Jeremy? The possibilities were too many to consider. Again she had stumbled into one of life’s riddles!

  What is going to become of me if Danny finds out about Jeremy? He will never find out, because Jeremy will never tell him, she reasoned. With those thoughts in her mind, Sydney was now able to dress herself, and reluctantly ask Jeremy to take her to the airport.

  * * * *

  Sydney hated leaving the children, but she was relieved to get away from Jeremy. She could see in Jeremy’s eyes how he longed for her as he held the children to kiss her. When the twins leaned in to kiss Sydney, Jeremy leaned closer to her, smelling her hair and face, remembering her scent that would carry him until she returned. Sydney looked at Jeremy and noticed that Jeremy was missing a bracelet on his wrist and the thought of it being in her room frightened her.

  Chapter 3


  The sunshine slouched through the shutters amid the cool of the morning, which brought warmth and peace to Sydney’s mind. Danny and Sydney lay in their hotel room enjoying each other’s presence. The love they have for the other was evident by the way they smiled, exchanged glances, kissed, and held hands. They were indeed the beautiful people that the magazines wrote about. He had this wonderful body, that clothes adored, built from working as an action star; Sydney was as beautiful as when he first laid eyes on her. Sydney’s dark brown silk hair full and luscious fell gently on her shoulders, with a glorious tanned body, and an oval face with a flawless completion. Her light brown eyes sparkled in the sunlight. Their bodies made for each other, a perfect fit.

  When Danny and Sydney were together, they saw no one. They glided around gazing into one another’s eyes and spending all their time in bed. The love they shared was like no other. Nothing could surpass the attention Danny showered on Sydney.

  They loved their children because they were the product of their insatiable desire for each other. Danny needed no more than to love Sydney and share the unconditional love of their children.

  “You don’t have to do this Danny. Why do you want to risk your life? What are you trying to prove? I love you! I love you the way you are.”

  “I have to do this. I’m not alone; ask men why they do it. They will tell you, they have to.”

  “Can’t you find another way? This is just too dangerous,” Sydney said pleading. “What can I do to stop you?”

  “You can’t!”

  “Just be there to support me.”

  “I’m not going to let you go,” she blurted as she took hold of his arm.

  “You can’t stop me, not this time.” Danny rushed out of the bedroom early Saturday morning and into a stampede of hundreds of men being chased, all wearing red and white.

  “Danny! Danny!” Sydney shouted waving her hand in Danny’s direction.

  “I can’t make it Sydney, I can’t go another step.” With those words, Danny stepped behind the wooden barriers that protected the runners in Pamplona from the treacherous bulls. Danny could not catch his breath as he finally stepped behind the barricade that protected him and the other runners. The bulls were bearing down on him in the narrow path that led to the pens where the animals were kept. Sydney was relieved that it was over. Reality took hold of Danny and he knew that it was stupid to risk his life for a thrill.

  Sydney rushed from the balcony, down the stairs, and outside to greet Danny.

  How could Danny risk his life just to prove what she knew all along; that he was strong and fearless. She could have told him that if he had asked, but Danny wouldn’t. He never had to prove anything to Sydney. He had proven enough, but he was compelled to prove something to himself.

  He realized that he could not risk his life for a thrill because now he has a wife and children, which he loved beyond reason.

  Danny had shown courage when he kicked drugs, he showed courage and restraint when he saw his child and the woman he desired and wanted above all, with another man. He was a man and he acted like the Alpha male that he is. He had proven himself on many occasions. He confronted Phillip Cross, took Sydney from him, and did not waver when he saw his chance to be with Sydney and his children. He was all man and Sydney could prove it. There was no reason for Danny to prove anything to her anymore.

  Danny never questioned her about any of the men that were a part of her life. Sydney wondered why.

  She wondered what he thought of the men he had met, and the ones he did not meet. It appeared unnatural to her for a man to never ask what his wife thought of the men that had played a part in keeping them apart. Maybe it was because all these men were out of the picture. Phillip died in a car wreck, Robert committed suicide, and he never met Mike, Sydney’s first husband, because he died of a heart attack.

  Danny was probably secure in his thoughts that all his enemies had been slain. There was nothing to talk about, much less worry over. Danny did not realize that he had an enemy in his home. That enemy was his brother. Nevertheless, how could he view him as an enemy? An enemy is someone who causes you bodily harm that you can declare them an enemy. No one had threatened him or his family, so those thoughts were far from his mind. He had better things to think about. He wanted to move back to the U.S. to make more movies and maybe be a producer of his own movies, maybe concentrate on the movie company he had recently purchased.

  “Sydney, what do you think about renting out our villa and buying an apartment in New York and selling the house in Los Angeles?”

  “Danny I knew it would come sooner or later. I’m happy that you want this. When can we leave?” Sydney threw her arms about his neck and nibbled at his ear, “I love you so much.”

  “Wow I didn’t expect that.”

  “See I can always surprise you,” Sydney said kissing Danny on his cheeks and mouth. We don’t have to worry about buying an apartment because I have one.”

  Danny’s feet came to a sudden stop. “I don’t want to live any place that Phillip bought for you.”

  “No…No, it’s my apartment. Remember the time you visited me and you were so tired that all you did was sleep, well that was my place. I paid for it with my money.”

  “I remember asking you, how could you afford that?” Danny said, pausing for an answer to his long awaited question.

  “I told you I had been married before and my husband died, well he left me a lot of money.”

  “I don’t want to know any more.” Danny admitted, turning his head.

  “What’s the matter Danny? You know these things already, so why are your eyes glaring? I don’t like that look.”

  “I just don’t want to think about you being with someone else and I want to be the one to provide for you.” They hurried into the hotel room and closed the door.

  “I can’t give that money away. It’s mine.” Sydney dropped her dress and stepped out of it. Her breast sat up and her nipples peaked. She stood in front of him naked. His voice cracked.

  “You don’t understand Sydney and you never will; you aren’t a man.”

  “Well thank God for that,” Sydney said as she stepped closer to Danny, pulling his face to her breast. She bent and kissed him on his neck. “Would you like me if I were a man?”

  “I would want you and love you anyway. You are you and I don’t think you would be any different if you were a man, except you couldn’t have our wonderful children, but we would adjust.” Danny turned to Sydney and they both laughed, then he gently kissed her and their
bodies eased down on the bed.

  He looked into her eyes and said, “I love you more than I have loved you before. I am needy; I need your love, your kisses, and your body. Give me all of you.” Danny began to kiss her breast with a hunger that he did not know existed. His eyes surveyed her breast, her stomach, her legs. His hands moved slowly from her lips, then her nipples as his mouth touched her thighs softly, and Sydney opened her legs. His breath parted them.

  He ravished her body endlessly with his hands and mouth. Sydney was breathless from the desire that she possessed for him. Their love-making rivaled any before, and then she remembered Jeremy. It was the way Danny kissed her thighs, the slow deliberate kiss. It was the way he took his time to satisfy her sexually that caused her to remember Jeremy. She saw Jeremy’s face in Danny and felt Danny’s body enter her, reminding her of how much she still loved Danny.

  Chapter 4

  The Big Lie

  Sydney strode from the shower naked, drying her flowing hair. Turning her head, she blew him a kiss. Danny flashed Sydney a carefree smile. His thoughts were on the last time he saw Sydney after she married Phillip Cross. He mused about her lovely body. He nursed the thought that in the years they have known each other and lived with other people, they have been in love—crazy love—lust and greed, could only express some of what they felt for each other’s body.

  * * * *

  Even as Danny prepared to marry Rachael, his thoughts were confined to his love for and devotion to Sydney. The night of the Academy Awards sealed his fate; it was that defining moment that he realized that he could never be happy without Sydney. There was no possible way he could feel the way he did for anyone else; and he knew he could not marry Rachael once he saw Sydney, especially since she was with another man. His body crazed with longing and desire, and jealousy. His body heat and energy was like a bomb that had detonated.

  The light from Sydney’s face revealed her thoughts for Danny. Danny read her mind and it spoke. He knew that she would be his all her life. Was that a piece of his imagination screwing with an empty unhappy soul? Was it nature tearing down his last defense, only to force him to be forever tormented by Sydney, who had full control of him?


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