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Naked Obsession

Page 4

by Rice, Rachel E.

  After winning the Oscar for best actor, Danny could not enjoy the parties. He floated around like a zombie—expressionless, cold, humorless. He went silent that night, he did not talk to Rachael, and he did not have any interest for conversation of any kind. What he wanted all his life and finally obtaining it proved to be worthless without Sydney at his side. The journey of loving Sydney had more meaning than that night.

  The Vanity Fair party was the last stop and he and Rachael headed for her home.

  The limousine came to a full stop at Rachael’s Malibu door. The long drive home was a silent one with Danny staring into the lighted hills and Rachael holding her thoughts and words until she reached home.

  “Danny what’s wrong? Why don’t you get down and stay with me tonight? The sun is rising and I don’t want to be alone. You never spend any time with me. Danny… Danny…where are you? We are to be married soon, and I don’t even know anything about you except that you were involved with that bitch Sydney.” Danny’s face tightened. “You haven’t said a word to me since we saw Phillip and Sydney last night.”

  “Don’t call her a bitch! You don’t know her.”

  “So, you are defending her?” Rachael’s face tilted in Danny’s direction.

  “I’m not defending her, but it doesn’t become you to curse.”

  “I’m asking you if Sydney has something to do with you acting so strange.”


  Rachael looked into Danny’s eyes and face. Suddenly she realized that her words were dying before they reached his ears. He had heard nothing and did not see her. His thoughts were on Sydney and Phillip.

  “It is that bitch Sydney!” Rachael screamed out of frustration.

  “Rachael I can’t talk to you any longer. I’m tired, I’ll call you tomorrow.” Danny stepped out of the car, reached for her hand, and walked Rachael to her door, and kissed her on the forehead. The kind of kiss a brother would give a sister. Rachael wasn’t a fool. She could feel that ice cold kiss.

  Danny lost his passion for Rachael in a few hours after he saw the love of his life with another man— that man was Phillip and was then her husband.

  He remembered that it was that night that he ended his engagement with Rachael, and he had not seen her for some time and what’s more, she had not married. She was like he once was a vagabond actor, moving from picture to picture having a passing romance and leaving, never to see the conquest again. Danny had many such romances, where he can’t even remember names or faces.

  Now he was no longer lonely, he had his woman and children to be there for him. They were there kissing him and giving him the love he needed.

  * * * *

  “You’re not dressed yet sweetheart? We have front row seats to the Flamenco dance… I don’t like to arrive late,” Sydney reminded Danny.

  “It won’t take me long. Tomorrow is our last day in Spain? Where do you want to go? Danny asked as he dressed in a tailored off white silk linen suit with a black shirt.

  “I just want to stay in and have room service.” Sydney straightened Danny’s collar. “You look great. I’m going to be jealous when women look at you.”

  “I’m always jealous of you, if I believed a man wanted you or you wanted another man, I don’t know what I would do.” He stood with a piercing glance at Sydney, his green eyes glowing, and then he brushed aside her hair to give her a kiss.

  “Now you have lipstick on your lips.”

  “It is yours baby, so leave it alone.”

  “You can’t go around with lipstick on your lips.” Sydney grabbed a towel and wiped his lips, then scrutinizing his daunting green eyes, she kissed him again.

  “We could remain at the hotel and I could give you what I have been promising you.” Danny said looking with a mysterious smile and a full mouth of gorgeous white teeth.

  Sydney stared at his mouth and remembered how she was attracted to his mouth before even looking into his eyes. She remembered that it was his eyes and mouth, which determined her fate. The whole package was wrapped exquisitely—his walk, his voice, the goodness in his heart, and that body that took her breath away!

  “That sounds delicious, but I have never been to a Flamenco show and I need something to tell Steven and Heather about. They love to hear about my travels you know.”

  “Then are you ready my love?”

  “I’m ready Mr. McCloud. Lead the way.” Danny put his hand out and Sydney grasped it with an intensity that she did not want to end. She held Danny’s hand as if it was a life boat in a sea of sharks.

  They lay in bed the following day and the next morning Sydney and Danny left Madrid and flew home to Italy and then took a limo ride home.

  * * * *

  “We are almost home and there are some things I think we should discuss before we reach our home.” Sydney bit her lip. “Danny, you talked about going back to the states, but where is Jeremy going to live?”

  “He can live with us. We have these large homes and so much room.”

  “Danny, I don’t want to spend my life as a threesome.”

  “What, what are you saying? My brother has no family but me and you and the children. Our father and mother are dead.”

  “Don’t you have other family members?”

  “No.” Danny said abruptly and annoyed. “What brought this about?”

  “We haven’t been alone for some time and I wanted it to be just you and me raising our family. You are gone often.”

  “Precisely, that’s why I want Jeremy with us. I need him to help you with the children, because I can’t be around. With Jeremy there, my children can feel that their father is still with them.”

  “What about Jeremy? When is he going to get a chance to have a family?”

  “Sydney, my love, if Jeremy wanted a family he would have had one by now. If he wanted a woman, he would have her. That is just how he is, he always got what he wanted when he wanted and trust me if he doesn’t have a woman or wife he doesn’t want one.”

  Sydney’s face turned the color of worn faded paint that had been seared by a summer storm. The thought of what Danny said made chills rise on her arms. She knew without a doubt that she had to figure out how to get Jeremy out of her life without Danny realizing that anything was wrong.

  The car pulled into the villa; Sydney and Danny rushed out to see the children as Jeremy lined them up outside waiting for their arrival. The children ran and held their mother and father; then Jeremy moved closer to kiss Sydney, and Sydney pulled away. Danny looked on curiously at what had transpired between Jeremy and Sydney.

  “Jeremy wanted a kiss for all his efforts and you don’t want to kiss him?”

  “I’m not feeling well, I feel as if I’m nauseous.”

  “You are not pregnant are you?” Jeremy said, as he looked at Sydney with a broad smile. Sydney’s eyes looked away and she took the children into the house leaving Danny and Jeremy outside to chat about Spain.

  When Jeremy heard that Danny became successful as an actor, he pushed on to try to become a well know artist, but fame came to Danny fast and first. Jeremy and his mother lived in a small flat in France where he got his training and then moved on to Italy where he heard that Danny was making a movie. Hoping to meet Danny, he hung around places he thought his brother might frequent, but found Sydney instead.

  “Well Danny how was your trip to Spain?” Sydney heard the question and walked in the men’s direction.

  “We visited Pamplona and Danny ran with the bulls. Have you ever tried that Jeremy?” asked Sydney.

  “I think I am running with the bulls now.” Jeremy walked away.

  “What does that mean, Sydney? I think you hurt his feelings.”

  “I don’t give a dam.”

  “Why are you acting so mean and strange Sydney?”

  “I’m not mean. I just had enough of your brother. We don’t have any privacy.”

  “He doesn’t live with us he has his own flat.”

  “Yes, but I’m not us
e to someone being so close.”

  “I just thought it would be a good idea because I’m working all the time and I hate leaving you and the children alone.”

  “I’m sorry Danny.” Sydney lowered her head.

  “We’ll be leaving soon and I can let him stay here and take care of the villa, or sell it,” Danny said.

  “He can stay here. I don’t want to come between you and Jeremy.” Sydney said with empty words.

  “I’m going to tell him we’re going back to California.”

  “Not just yet,” Sydney said, realizing that she had not thought through everything.

  “Why?” an unsettling look crossed his face.

  “Danny, Jeremy is upset and I don’t want him to think it was my idea.” Her voice broke out of fear.

  “He’s not that shallow. You don’t know my brother.”

  Sydney studied Danny’s face. She realized that he is still the same trusting and loving fool that she first met. It was his decency, which made her love him. Even as he grew in years, he did not lose that little boy quality about him. He still believed in fairytales and he believed he was Prince Charming. He would find his princess one day and he thought it was Sydney and they would live happily ever after.

  “I’m going to prove to you that he’s not what you think. Jeremy come here. Sydney and I have something to tell you.”

  Jeremy walked slowly and reluctantly from the kitchen, “I heard that you are planning to move back to the U.S. That’s a great idea. I hope you’re not leaving your only brother behind.”

  “Well…Well, I guess... you can come too.” Danny’s eyes opened and fixed on Sydney.

  “Great! When are we leaving?” Jeremy stated with no reservation, as Sydney cast a glance at Danny, and Jeremy leered at Sydney with eyes that said, I told you.

  Sydney didn’t know what to say, the room became silent, but only for a few moments.

  “We thought that maybe you would stay here for a while and take care of the villa for us. You don’t have to worry about the kids…” Danny added.

  “You can paint and maybe meet someone, fall in love and get married,” Sydney interrupted, eyeing Jeremy, letting him know that she did not want to make him a part of her life.

  “I see your wife has my life all planned out, but I have never been to the U.S. and I would love to go there. I don’t have any reason to stay here, you are my only family. Maybe I will meet a woman like the one you have Danny,” Jeremy said watching Sydney.

  Sydney could not believe the audacity of Jeremy. She scowled at Danny, hoping he could see the terrible game Jeremy was playing. Sydney’s eyes narrowed and she cast a look in Jeremy’s direction, and walked out of the room. She could not tolerate Jeremy any longer. He had seduced her and now he was going to be a constant reminder of what he had done.

  “I think that is impossible to find another woman the likes of Sydney, there is only one like Sydney,” Danny said, not knowing that he had just stabbed Jeremy in his heart.

  “I know there is only one like her. You are a lucky man. I just want to be with you and the children and I promise I will not get in the way. Please Danny let me stay with you,” Jeremy said playfully.

  * * * *

  Danny and Jeremy put the children to bed and sat on the veranda. Jeremy drank wine and Danny drank tea. They talked until early that morning. Finally, Danny realized that he should go to bed and that Sydney would be angry. Nothing as trivial as Danny talking with his brother would have bothered her, but the whole event had taken on a different face. Sydney saw Jeremy different now. Just as Robert Farrell had been after he tried to covet and steal everything that belonged to Danny. First Robert was her savior. Then he became her tormentor.

  Danny said good night to Jeremy. Jeremy stumbled to his small apartment in the rear of Danny’s large villa. He turned, fix his stare on Danny, and saw what he was lacking.

  Danny was sleeping with a woman he adored and wanted, while he was exiting to a cold, lifeless, colorless room—alone. He knew he could have any woman he wanted but he wanted Sydney.

  He began to plan how he would win her over. Whatever it took she would change her mind about him.

  Jeremy marched slowly in the direction of his room while his thoughts trailed behind him like a sick dog. He thought about getting Sydney anyway that he could. Lie. Cheat. A thought popped into his mind. Tell Danny a lie.

  A Convenient Lie

  Danny entered his bedroom and looked at Sydney lying on the bed and he could not contain his lust. His body throbbed for her. It was weak with sexual pain. He crawled into the bed beside her and proceeded to kiss her legs and Sydney pulled her body away from him. Sydney had never done this before. He sat up and peered at her. Her glance met his.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing is wrong; I just don’t want to have sex now.”

  “We’re not having sex; we’re making love, which is what two people do when they love each other.” Danny said with a strong voice.

  “You don’t need to give me a lesson on what love is.” Sydney said pulling the covers up to her neck.

  Danny was taken aback by the sharp coolness in Sydney’s voice. He could never bear to have her talk to him in such a manner. “What is wrong with you and don’t tell me you don’t know. You’re going to have to tell me something because I’m not going to take no for an answer. I cannot stand when you act this way. What the bloody hell is wrong with you?”

  “Don’t you swear at me; get out of this room. Now!” Sydney screamed. Danny was hurt at Sydney’s words.

  Danny stood up and glared at Sydney. He did not say a word, but Sydney could tell that he was hurt and he would not stay where he wasn’t wanted. He picked up his robe and ambled out of the room without another word to Sydney.

  He always slept with Sydney. He did not want to sleep alone as he had done when he was off on location. He could have slept with the young actresses that were always flirting with him, but now he was a married man and he didn’t want or desire that distraction, especially since he had all that he ever wanted in life.

  He didn’t know what was eating at Sydney and at that moment he did not care. He was consumed with anger. Danny had done everything possible to contain his feelings and not envelop Sydney in his jealousy and insecurities. He wanted to put all the feelings about Robert Farrell and Phillip Cross to rest. He was only human. He knew he could forget only because these men were dead. But every time Sydney rejected him, his mind jostled his body. His mind created an uneven balance within his soul.

  Reluctantly, Danny walked to the spare bedroom that he used whenever he came home from a long trip, when he had been too tired and caught up in jet lag. Then Sydney and his children would greet him with a kiss to wake him.

  He woke the next morning to the kisses of his children, but not his wife. Danny felt that Sydney was being stubborn, and he decided to overlook her rejection of him. This only created a yearning for her body and a thirst for her presence.

  Danny dressed in a tee shirt and jeans. He walked down the stairs hoping Sydney was there, but Jeremy sat having tea and then a smoke on the terrace.

  “Jeremy, give me a cigarette,” Danny said gesturing with two fingers parallel to his mouth.

  “I thought you quit.” Jeremy said noticing a change in Danny.

  “Never bloody mind, give me a cig.”

  Jeremy handed Danny the pack of cigarettes and Danny took five, “What’s that about? What’s with you?”

  “Nothing, just wanted a smoke.” Jeremy stared at Danny, he never saw Danny unhinged. Danny always hid his feelings, even when he was being pummeled by love, life, and lack of money. After he solved his problems then he would explode. Jeremy watched, waiting for the explosion.

  Sydney and the children walked into the room and Danny quickly dropped his cigarette and stepped on it.”

  “Come on my loves give daddy a big hug and give Uncle Jeremy one too.”

  The children ran to Jeremy and Danny and show
ered them with kisses and hugs. Sydney stood and looked at Danny, then turned and ran to her room. Danny felt embarrassed in front of Jeremy.

  “What’s wrong with Sydney?” Jeremy said.

  “I don’t know, but I’ll find out.”

  He never observed that behavior in Sydney. She had been so much fun since they had been married, now she appeared to be depressed and now the crying. He was perplexed. He stepped angrily to her room. He took the time to knock but she didn’t say a word, so he walked in.

  “Sydney what the bloody hell is wrong with you?”

  “I’m pregnant again can’t you tell.”

  “Oh baby when did that happen?”

  “That is a stupid question Danny.”

  Danny ran and whisked Sydney into his arms and twirled her around. “I love you, I love you; you have made me so happy. I can’t wait to tell Jeremy.”

  “No! No! Don’t tell him!”

  Danny froze in his footsteps, “Why not, I’m so proud and happy.”

  “Wouldn’t he feel badly, he doesn’t have a child or a wife? You have so much more.”

  Danny stood, listened, and realized that Sydney was right. “I won’t tell him now, but when can I tell him?” Danny said, sounding like an anxious teenager.

  “Not now Danny, please not now!”

  Chapter 5

  The Celebration

  Danny kissed Sydney’s hand and left after she fell asleep. The children were playing and Jeremy sat in his studio painting when Danny stepped in with the broadest smile. Danny stopped, looked around, and wondered why he had never taken the time to look at his brother’s work.

  “My God you’re good!”

  “You’re not the only one with talent. Your little brother has a little bit of talent,” Jeremy stated proudly. “You didn’t get it all.”

  Danny stood in amazement, not believing his eyes. “Have you tried to sell your work?”

  “Yea, but I don’t have the right place to display my paintings,” Jeremy added, turning to face Danny, then waiting for him to make a suggestion. Danny continued walking, pulling away the cloth placed over a canvas. He stood in place and fell silent. The picture jolted him.


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