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Sharing Maggie

Page 11

by KT Morrison

  “Lift your skirt for us, Maggie. Show us.”

  She bit her lip. Her heart moved to triple time. Max and Cole both watched between her legs waiting for her to reveal her most intimate part. Her pulse pounded up her neck. Her hands tugged at her skirt hem, pulled it high. She sat with her legs together, her knees touching, but they could see her flat belly above her thighs. If she hadn’t had Max shave her they would have seen her dense pubic patch. She felt a static tingle travel her whole body, raise every hair she had on her scalp. Both sets of eyes on her, looking to see her dirty little snatch, wanting so bad to see it, both their pants were bulging out. She was making them hard. Making them hard by showing them her body, making them hard by every action she made, communicating that both of them would fuck her tonight.

  “Spread your legs, us your pussy,” Cole said.

  She let her legs part, slowly. Slowly for them, slowly for her. She wanted this exquisite tension to last forever. Her legs went wider and wider. Her pussy made a wet sticking sound and then a liquid crackle. Both her lips sucked into her mouth and watched two boys peer between her legs and look at her most sacred space.

  “What do you think?” Max asked and she stifled a giggle.

  “Nobody’s seen this?” Cole said.

  She shook her head.


  She shook her head again.

  “Only Max?”

  And Jay. But she nodded. Whispered, “My gyno is a woman.”

  He sat next to her on the bed, put his middle finger in his mouth, his eyes on hers. Her belly tightened with excitement. Took his finger out and moved his hand between her legs. She opened wider for him. She stopped breathing. Watched his hand move. He touched her with his finger, stroked down between the cleft of her mound and she gasped, and tried to catch her sound.

  “What a pretty little slit,” he said. He worked his finger between her folds, up and down, tickling and smoothing, his touch so light he was going to make her scream. “Lot of boys missed out on one pretty little pussy.” His finger dipped into her, shallow, enough to make her eyes close and she grunted.

  Then he was up, standing again and looking around her room. He wore a slim black cotton sweatshirt and he peeled it up over his head, threw it over top of his jacket. Sauntered around her room in just a plain white T-shirt and cotton pants, his hands undoing his buckle and he let the two ends hang and swing while he admired her record collection.

  “What should we listen to?” he said.

  Max said, “We can’t play music after ten.”

  “They’re going to hear music. I’m going to make Maggie sing all sorts of songs,” Cole said, bent at her stacked and alphabetized vinyl, peering up through his eyebrows at her with a rakish smile.

  “Eh-el...” she stammered.

  “What’s that?” he said calmly.

  “L. Alphabetical. Lester, Richard. Cello. Chi-Chi Nwanoku playing double bass.”

  His finger rode the spines of her collection, pausing, then hooking and withdrawing her request.

  “Please, hurry,” she said as he read the liner notes.

  Cole set the needle down on the spinning vinyl. Unplugged the headphones from Maggie’s tube amp and the quiet sounds of a cello mournfully wavered from her speakers.

  “That’s beautiful, Maggie,” Cole said, ears cocked, listening to the music. He stripped his T-shirt off, and he was bare. Maggie’s eyes went over Cole’s body. Not jacked like Jay was, but still a fit looking guy. Narrow waist and broad shoulders, trim, arms muscular. He had a trail of darker hair from his chest down his belly. Max watched Maggie's eyes dance all over his best friend and she bit and chewed her bottom lip.

  Maggie eased up the bed, making room, inviting Cole to return. He came to her, plopped down over her, an arm on either side of her, hovered, took her mouth with a kiss. Her hands came up tentatively, afraid to touch his naked skin intimately. Sucked his cock last night but this was weird. Then she felt him. Two good friends, spent so much time together, and this was the first time she was feeling him with her hands in an intimate way. They touched, flinched back, touched again. They kissed. Then her hands settled on him. Smoothed in slow swipes over his shoulders. They kissed and sucked on each other’s mouths. Her hands explored. Over his shoulders, down his sides. Her skirt was sitting high, her bare legs open on either side of him. Her pussy would be bare between them. He wondered if Cole could feel its heat. He liked that when he made out with her. Sometimes when they kissed and rolled on the bed he would feel her hot little crotch press up against him and it drove him wild.

  Max flexed his hands, worked out the tension, cracked his knuckles. His cock was hard. Pressed into the front of his pants uncomfortably. He was hunched over, elbows on knees, intently watching his two best friends be intimate. His mouth was dry as sand. He adjusted his pants, pinched his fly and pulled a tent to ease his discomfort.

  Cole was on his knees now, over her, grabbing at her sweater and peeling it over her head. He tossed it to Max's feet. Maggie smiled up at him, nervous again, sheepish smile on her bashful little face. She had her arms folded over her bra. Cole reached around her and undid her bun, let her hair fall around her shoulders.

  “I want to see you naked,” he said to her.

  “You first,” she said, high and girlish. Cole reached around behind her again and he undid the clasp on her bra. Her straps jumped and slipped down the skin of her upper arms. Maggie was biting her lip again. Cole caressed her arms then his hand went down her bare back and he unzipped her skirt.

  Maggie's eyes watched Cole’s, looking to see what he would do next. Took the hem of her skirt and eased it down. Tugging a little at a time, inching it down her waist, down to her hips. She pushed her back into the pillows and he slipped it down under her rump, down her legs and onto the floor. She closed her legs up. Cole kissed her knees.

  “Is this my shy Margaret?” he asked her.

  She nodded, swallowed a smile.

  “Where's that little slut that sucked my cock?” Her swallowed smile blossomed, went wide, showed him her white teeth. Cole raised up, undid his zipper slowly and she watched it open. Pulled his cock out and showed it to her. Walked closer and her legs opened. He bent and kissed her lips once, then up again, held her head and pushed his cock into her mouth. She opened wide for him. Her hands came up and the bra fell, she was naked. He eased his cock in and out of her mouth, running his hands through her hair and holding it straight up over her, letting it fall back down.

  “That's a good girl,” he said. “So good at sucking cock. Okay, that's it, that's it...”

  He eased his hips back, took it from her and sat between her legs.

  “I want to look at you,” he said. “My little Maggie.” She lay back now, her breasts exposed, her nipples scrolled far from her body. Her eyes danced over Cole as he took her in. “My Maggie,” he repeated. “More beautiful than I even thought.”

  “You thought about me?”

  “Of course. I’ve jerked off to you. Sorry, Max.”

  “Did you?” she said, before Max could say anything.

  Max swallowed.

  “Sure.” He bent and kissed her bare chest, the spot where her heart was, right between her breasts. She heaved and her chest rose to meet him. “Yeah,” he said, “I think about you. You ever think about me?”

  “A little,” she said.

  “Now we can. Now we can.”


  Cole turned to him, frowned. “Come on, buddy. You going to watch...”

  “He likes to watch,” Maggie said.

  Cole’s frown deepened, deciphering meaning in that.

  Max got up before he asked if they've done this before and he walked around to the other side of the bed.

  Max said, “Did you really...jerk her...”

  Cole shrugged. “That's not bad. I never did anything about it. She’s always been my friend. Your girlfriend. I wouldn’t...”

bsp; His hand wandered over her body, lay flat on her belly button. “Spread those legs, Margaret.”

  She inhaled, a brisk rush of exciting air went into her lungs. She complied. Her legs opened wider for him, showed him her bare sex.

  “Do it?” she asked.

  Max said, “She’s nervous about her...”

  “You tell her? ...” Cole said to him.

  “Yeah,” he said.

  Cole said, “Maggie, you have a perfect little pussy. Tight and pink and wet. Show me how you touch it.”

  “No, Cole,” she sighed, her brows going worried.

  “Oh, shy Maggie,” he said. He kissed the inside of her knee with his eyes on hers. “Show me how you play with it, Maggie. Show me what feels good.” He kissed lower down her thigh by a fraction.

  Maggie’s chest began to surge with her breaths. Hands came to her belly, folded nervously together where she used to have hair. Her eyes narrowed on Cole. Slowly her middle finger extended, curled. Slipped lower over her tightly packed slit. She stroked herself while they both watched, graceful middle finger slipping up and down her slippery pink sex. She was wet already and now she produced more while they watched. Her skin gleamed. The curve of her mound picking up the LED shine and making her high points shimmer white. She trickled her wet. Moved and wiggled her mound apart, brought her labia out for them, worked them open, showed them her bright pink wings, her bubble gum interior. Her hips started to moil against her moving hand. Middle finger hooked and gently inserted, a moan built in her throat but wasn't uttered. “That's it, Margaret. You're a bad girl. You did this a lot in this room...”

  She sucked her lips in, held back a gasp, closed her eyes and nodded.

  “Such grace, Maggie, look at those elegant fingers. So talented, you play so beautifully.” He lowered between her legs and Max felt his heart race now but he only kissed the back of her hand. Maggie's belly bounced when he did. She moved her hands away, Cole was a breath from her bare and eager pussy. She pushed her sex to him, wanted him to kiss her between her legs. But he retrieved her hand, held it, pulled it to his mouth. Took her shining middle finger that had just been in her body and he took it in his mouth. He sucked her finger and Maggie's mouth fell open.

  It was almost too much for Max to take. Weren’t they supposed to just fuck? What was with all this voodoo? He stopped himself from saying something. Wanted to interject, make a funny noise, say something stupid to make them laugh and break this fucking spell between them, but he heard Cole's words echoing from those white-painted Trinity walls. Saying he should commit to this. Wild Man. Do it for her. She was in ecstasy right now. It hurt his heart that it was with his friend but he couldn't take this from her. He rested his hand over her knee closest to him, felt her familiar thin feel, let his fingers drag up the inside of her leg. She liked it. Responded to it. Her eyes were still locked on Cole and her finger disappearing into his mouth but her lips had fallen wider.

  Cole raised up, a suspicious smile on his face.

  She watched him between her open legs. Kneeling between them, confident, shirtless, hand in the pocket of his pants, doing something. His belt was unbuckled, his fly down but his cock had slipped back inside there, evident against the fabric, but hidden. The light cast from low, up high across his body, threw deep shadows on his face, showed his masculine angles. His shoulder muscles flexed as he worked something out of his pocket. He held it bunched in his fist, extended the fist towards her, opened it, and let the silky fabric scroll and dangle between them. The tie he’d worn today, the one she’d smoothed her hands over when they stood on the pulpit, the spot where she and Max would wed.

  Cole held an end in each hand, leaned and hooped it around behind her head, sawed it in place along the back of her neck. His hands worked it into a loose Windsor knot. Max’s eyes were wide, could not believe what he was watching. Neither could she. He held the knot, worked the wide end of the tie down her chest, drew the knot up close to her throat. Pulled her by the tie then, drew her up to sit, her mouth at his waist. Her hands went up the front of his pants, rubbed his cock through the cotton.

  She could not believe this was her friend. Knew Cole had a reputation, didn’t know it would be so intimidating to be with him. He was so dominant, so controlling, and she was falling into it, doing it willingly, wanting to feel what it would be like to be taken over. She’d spent so much time with him and there had never been a thing between them. Drank pitchers of beer, got drunk, did homework, movies, hours of video games. She knew he was hot. Saw him play lacrosse before, saw him shirtless before. Innocent. Not sexual. Knew he had a hot body. When they were in public she liked to be seen with him, wanted other people to know they were friends. Liked to put her hands on him innocently, liked it when he played around with her. Just good fun. Couldn’t believe where they were now. Max was allowing something incredible but it was beginning to appear it might be more than either of them expected.

  “Put your hand in my fly.”

  She did, slipped her hand between the unzipped flaps. He wasn’t wearing underwear and she ran her fingers along the base of his cock. He thrust his hips towards her and her hand went under, brushed his scrotum hanging loose. She cradled his balls.

  “Oh, Cole.”

  “You like those?”

  “Your balls...are...they’re so huge.” They were. Bigger than Max’s, bigger than Jay’s even. They were hot and loose in his dangling hairy scrotum. She fondled them carefully and looked up into his eyes.

  “You want to see what’s in them?”

  “I do,” she whispered.

  “I’ll show you. Take my cock out.”

  Max had seen Cole naked before. Showers at the gym, once when they roomed at a conference in Washington D.C. He averted his eyes. Could tell he was doing all right down there. Had heard from two girls that he was hung. Last night saw that he was indeed endowed. Now from Maggie’s own lips he was learning that his best friend had a big set of balls. It turned his stomach. Seeing Maggie with her hand in his fly and then remarking at how big they were had twisted him further, and he thought he’d been flexed to maximum density already. He sat on his knees right next to them, folding his arms up with his hands under his armpits because he didn’t know what else to do right now.

  Maggie gripped Cole’s cock, admired it. Held it loose, her hand not enough to come right around his girth, his fat glans peeking at her from its tight sleeve. She pulled it back, let the foreskin peel behind the flared rim.

  “Suck it, Maggie, get it wet,” he said.

  She took him in her mouth again, sucked and twisted her hand on his shaft.

  “Easy, easy,” he said, “not too much. Lots of spit.”

  She slowed and he gently humped her open mouth. Maggie hummed around it, made lots of wet sounds. “Thats it,” he said, running his hands through her hair, then tying up her tie again, like they were about to head into church. She was naked except for his tie, sitting on her knees, sucking his cock, and he thought she was more beautiful than ever. The tightness loosened, a warmth spread over him. He could enjoy it. She certainly was.

  “That’s it, more spit...we want it wet, don’t we?”

  She nodded with his cock stretching her lips wide and her eyes squinting as it went in and out.

  “Yeah, nice and wet...”

  Max frowned, said, “Don’t you...shouldn’t you wear a condom?”

  “With Maggie?”


  “Not my Margaret. She’s as clean as they come. She’s my little virgin.”

  Maggie moaned.

  “I’m always protected, but not for her...she wants my bare cock...”

  She nodded again, hummed an affirmation.

  “You sure?” Max said, trying to get her eye.

  She nodded again, stroking and sucking.

  Cole said, “Max, it’s Maggie—I’m not fucking around, she’s my best friend...”

  “Okay,” he said. Excited and frightened at th
e prospect.

  Cole said, “Okay, Maggie, okay, that’s it, girl,” he held her cheeks in his hands and pulled her mouth slowly off him until it was free and bobbing in her face. It glistened with her spit, saliva filled his creases, spilled from the groove where his foreskin bunched up at the glans, a long wiggling rope of Maggie’s spit fell to her bed.

  He unbuttoned his pants and slipped them down his thighs, said, “Nice and wet, Maggie. Now I can fuck you. You want this cock, don’t you?” he said, guiding her to lay back.

  “I want that cock so bad.”

  “Tell me. Tell me how bad you want it.”

  “I want that cock so bad, Cole...”

  “That’s it—say my name...”

  “I’ve been aching for that cock all day, Cole... You got me so wet...”

  “That’s it,” he said, getting between her legs.

  “Max,” she said, her eyes still on Cole’s.


  “Don’t sit there with your clothes on, take them off.”

  “We’re going to have a lot of fun tonight, Maggie,” Cole said with her on her back, him over her, still cradling her face. “I’m going to fuck you every way tonight, but I want to look in your eyes when I put it into you.”

  “Oh,” she gasped, her wet eyes going wide, the two of them staring into each other. Cole put his hands out on either side of her, on all fours over her, while she spread her legs wide for him. He was in position.

  His face hovered over hers, his cock thrust up between them. He was rock hard. So thick, a curve bending it back so the tip pointed upward now. He bounced it, made it tap her belly, moving lower and lower between her legs while they still said nothing but stared into one another’s eyes.

  Max unzipped his pants and unbuttoned his shirt while he watched. He swallowed hard.

  Maggie ran her hands up Cole’s arms, Cole bounced the plump end of his cock til it touched her pussy. Maggie jolted, gasped.

  “Mm,” Cole said, “feel that pussy, mm, Maggie I’ve wanted this for so long.”


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