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Sharing Maggie

Page 12

by KT Morrison

  She nodded, pulled her lower lip into her mouth.

  He wiggled it into her. Just the head of it slipping inside her. She inhaled, her chest rose high and her nipples bunched and stretched.

  “What a nice little pussy, Maggie. All this time, all the days we spent together, we could have been doing this...”

  Her lips plopped out and she gasped, “Please just do it, God, you’re killing me...”

  “Maggie wants this big cock...”

  “Fuck, Cole, please give me that big cock...”

  He sunk himself some more.

  “Oh that’s it, that’s it,” she cried. “Yes...”

  “Fuck, Maggie, you’ve got such a tight little pussy...”

  “Oh Cole, ah,” she gasped, her knees rising higher, up to the backs of his arms, opening her flower up for his penetration. “Oh, ah-I’ve wanted this for so long...”

  With her knees up now, Max could see their sexes coming together. Saw Cole’s thickness push her apart, swell her shining mound, slide itself inside her body. He got deeper and deeper and Max saw his balls touch down and settle against her pussy as he sunk himself almost the whole way. His balls were very big. Maggie cried out and then slapped a hand over her own mouth.

  She sobbed into her own hand and her brow furrowed deep, a vein rose in her temple and disappeared into her hairline. A sweat broke out on her skin right before his eyes.

  “Oh fuck,” she gasped, the hand on her mouth turning to a fist and thumping down into the mattress. “Oh fuck, oh that dick...”

  “Mm, fuck,” Cole growled, “God, this pussy Margaret.”

  “Oh fuck, oh Max, his cock is so big, Maxy, oh he feels so fucking good,” she hissed, her head twisting lightly in her pillow, her sweaty skin blossoming red now, over her shoulders and across her cheeks. “Oh fuck, Max, oh, God...”

  Max stood, eyes glued to his Maggie, let his pants fall and stepped out of them, threw off his T-shirt. His best friend sunk himself deeper, then pulled back, about halfway and Maggie mewled, hand coming up and she bit her knuckle this time. Cole plunged into her again

  “Ah,” she cried, and as he drew out her eyes went wide like she’d been shocked. “Shit wait, wait...oh God...”

  Max settled next to her again, close enough to touch her.

  “Oh God, oh God, please, oh don’t move...”

  “What is it?” Max asked.

  She kicked her legs til they wrapped around Cole’s waist, her eyes were wide still, her mouth falling open. “Oh...oh...oh...” she gasped. Her legs kicked til she had his hips locked even tighter, her feet arching and wriggling, hooking over one another. Her hands formed claws and dug into Cole’s shoulders.

  “Shit, Maggie,” Cole growled, “Get it, get it...”

  “Ah, ah,” she inhaled and inhaled, now her eyes were on Cole’s like laser beams. He held still and she started to writhe on him. He gave her more cock to hold and her hungry little pussy swallowed him right up.

  “Oh shit, oh my God,” she gasped, nails digging harder, eyes trembling, face going beet red, mouth twisting to a snarl like she was suffocating. Tendons rose on her neck, her little hips went in wild circles and then she hitched another squeaky gulp of air and she moaned like a tomcat, eyes going narrow but still intent on the man that had his cock inside her.

  “That’s it, Maggie, that’s it, come on my cock, come for me, that’s my Margaret, God, you’re such an amazing girl...”

  “Ah,” she exhaled, a stream of spit leaped from her mouth and went over her chin, and she didn’t care. Her face twisted more and she sunk her pussy deep onto Cole cock. “Oh, ohhh,” she breathed, her nails lessening the dents they’d dug into him, “Oh,” she breathed and huffed, her exhales carrying the soft voice of her crying on it. “Oh wow, oh,” she whispered, her chest lurching up and down. Her hands caressed Cole’s face, smoothed and brushed his jaw. Her eyes looked a lot like love.

  “Oh Cole, oh...”

  “That was a day long orgasm,” he said.

  “You built that all day.”

  “I thought we’d do more fucking first.”

  She shook her head, a smile coming to her. “Oh Cole, oh my God...”

  “Was it good?”

  “You have no idea,” she said and she kissed his lips. He kissed her back, their sexes still joined, her legs still locked around him.

  “Ew, oh, ah,” she moaned. “No, oh, take it out. Careful.” She thrust both her hands between them and smoothed them over her mound around where he entered her. He slowly eased himself out of her and she hissed, her hands already starting to smooth her flesh. “Ha,” she said, mouth wide and brows tented.

  Cole laughed, “Maggie’s sensitive.”

  “Mm,” she hummed, rubbing herself. “That was crazy.”

  Cole admired her, his cock thrust between her knees, bobbing and wet from her.

  “Oh Max,” she said. “Wow.”

  His eyebrows were high, his eyes round, his expression was otherwise lifeless. He cleared his throat, said, “Was that good?”

  Cole kissed down her thigh, low, over her hands. She moved them, watched him between her legs.

  “Yeah,” she said, “it was huge.” She twirled a finger in a lock of Cole’s hanging blonde hair while he suckled a mouthful of flesh on her thigh, so low his chin grazed her sex.


  Secret Society

  Saturday, September 30th

  His stubble prickled her sensitive labia and she squirmed from him. He’d just given her the biggest orgasm of her life. It had suffocated her, squeezed the air from her lungs, and when it split from her, finally burst from its threatening swell she blacked out. Her vision went from dim to black and she saw sparkles in her eyes. The sound of Richard Lester’s cello playing the G10 Affettuoso became underwater and cotton. Cole had worked her into a frenzy, built her desire. Then she watched her best friend flick his hard fat cock until it fell into her folds and he sunk it inside her. The wrongness, the taboo, was off the charts. She loved taboo. The badder the better if it meant she would have another orgasm like that one.

  Cole kissed his way back up to her knee and she shut her legs, said, “I need a minute...I need just a minute...Where’s my Max?”

  “I’m here,” he said and he walked closer on his knees and got next to her, his hands planted on the bed. He looked beat up. She smiled for him. “Did you like that?” she said.

  “Yeah,” he nodded. “You’re so sexy.”

  She sat up, got cross-legged, looked at her two best friends. Still couldn’t believe they were here like this, but the more time she spent with them doing these things, being naked, the more natural it started to seem. She worried then what would happen when they went back to school. Would they stop?

  Her hand went up Max’s thigh. He’d stripped himself naked, his cock was hard, straight up from between his thighs. She wrapped her hand around it.

  “Get up for me, Max,” she said. Then, “You too,” to Cole. They both got to their knees and she held Max’s cock.

  She looked up at them both, their eyes turned down on her, both faces lustful. One confident, one worried. She knew what she was going to do, worried about the doing. Did it any way. Took Cole’s cock up and stroked it. Two cocks, one in each hand, her grip stroking and twisting on them. Her familiar Max, the cock that was hers, that she’d entertained so many times over the last four years. In the other, her good friend’s cock. Thick, bulbous, the glans set with an angry deep eye right now. He hadn’t come yet and she had a good mind to draw it out for him too, make him beg for her to let him come. That in fact was a quite arousing thought.

  She eased her mouth over it, let her lips glide over that tight porcelain feel of his cock head. He filled her mouth. She ran her tongue along the underside, swooped and tickled. Slurped off, licked her lips, looked to her Max. Then put her mouth over him. Stroked Cole with her wet and let Max’s cock sink deep into her mouth. Went deeper on Max, stuck her tongue out and wriggled it along
his underside. Drew back and plunged again, heard him moan.

  Then off, both her boys cocks gleaming from her spit. She jerked them lightly, drew them closer to her mouth. Max and Cole worked themselves nearer. Her legs opened and stuck straight out and they got their knees between her open legs. She smiled. She’d got them hip to hip. Max went back in her mouth, her other hand cradled and coddled Cole’s big hanging testicles. Examined their feel, imagined how she would draw them. The way they hung even when he was hard, their size and color, a dark brown with an underpainting of quinacridone.

  Put Cole in her mouth, circled Max and twisted her grip tight around his end. Bobbed and used her tongue to stretch his foreskin. Back to Max. Each time she worked on getting their hips to rotate, angling her head to draw her two boys to face each other. When she had them close, she gripped them, hand slipping up and down, looking up at them, switching from Cole’s eyes to her Max’s. Worked them closer and closer. Her tongue darting out and swiping wet over their already glistening ends.

  They touched, and she squeezed her tummy in, seeing their soft wet plump cock heads squash and flatten, slip across each other. Hottest thing she could imagine right now, seeing those sensitive and secret parts of the two boys in the world who meant the most to each other. Knew that on their whole body there was nothing with more feeling, knew they would have jolts going up into their brains, that she was doing it, controlling them, making them be more bad than they had intended. Gripped them tight, worked their urethras against each other, winding in circles, over and over. Max’s narrow head pointed into the hollow of Cole’s bigger blunter one, mashed into it like it was going to get swallowed. A quiver trembled Cole’s tight belly. She moved her mouth to breathe against them, heard Max’s breaths come heavy. Ran her tongue over the seam where they connected. Ran it under their heads, tickled at the underside, wiggled it on their frenulums, Max’s tightly bowed.

  One week ago today, Max could not have predicted that this is where he and Maggie would find themselves. Couldn’t have predicted that Cole would be involved. Maggie held both of them. Max was as hard as possible. So hard he ached. Cole was hard too. His cock in Maggie’s hand, swollen and flush and wriggled with veins. Maggie slipped their tips over one another. The tip of his cock was pressed into Cole’s and he wanted to recoil. But Maggie’s hand held him firmly, ran their slippery tips together and it felt so incredible. Cole didn’t pull away. He let it happen.

  He watched what his cock looked like next to his best buddy’s. Cole’s head much bigger and fuller. His shaft thicker, barely curving Maggie’s petite fingers. Forced himself to accept it. Pushed it down. They were friends. It had been inside his future wife. It would be again. This was for Maggie now. Once it was for him, now it was for her. He’d have to open his arms and make this work.

  Cole put his hand over the top of her head, held his cock, eased it into her mouth, Maggie was eager, wriggled her face to accommodate it. She pulled him closer to her, his tip grazing Cole’s shaft where it entered her mouth. She guided him and Cole eased out.

  Then he watched his shy little girl try to get two cocks in her mouth at the same time. His eyebrows came up higher. Maggie full of dirty surprises. Worried where her limits were. She took Cole’s tip, tried to get Max in, then broke out laughing, spitting on their cocks and then covering her mouth, embarrassed. “Nope,” she said, wiping at her mouth. “Too much.”

  “Mm,” she said, then sighing, “Look at you two.” She gripped them tight, stroked them hard and slow, brought them close and moved them so they touched, worked their undersides together, belly to belly. Cole’s wider and longer, and Maggie using both hands to stroke them together.

  She said, “I’m ready again.”

  Cole cupped her head, ran his thumb over her eyebrow, traced its line, said, “That’s our little Maggie. That’s our little girl.”

  “What do you want us to do?” Max asked.

  “Mm,” she said, hands still stroking them. They’d eased away from each other and she had one apiece now. “I told you.”

  “Told me?” Max said.

  “I want an exorcism.”

  “That doesn’t sound good, Maggie,” Cole said.

  “Really? ...” Max said, starting to feel a worry.

  She nodded, her eyes steady on his.

  Cole asked, “What’d she tell you?”

  “She wants to...downstairs.”

  “The beach?”


  Maggie looked to Cole and said, “My music room.”

  Cole regarded her, his eyes narrowed, trying to comprehend her. So familiar with her, tuning in to her, getting her. Maybe more than Max. More accepting. While he’d allowed her this freedom to explore it had been initially very selfish. He saw in Cole an openness. A friendliness and support. It hurt to see a better connection between him and Maggie. But fuck, Cole wasn’t engaged to her. He was just her friend. He had no stake. He was, of course, the fun guy. The one who had no rules. Max chewed the inside of his lip.

  “Yeah,” Cole said. “An exorcism...”

  He took the tie in his hand, and he gently pulled it to raise her up to kneel between them. “I want that,” he said next to her ear.

  Max disagreed but he said, “Yeah, we can do that.” Just saying it made his temples throb. He could envision being caught. Could see the chaos if they were discovered. The shame for his Maggie. Their future with her family forever altered. His stomach knotted.

  Max’s hand smoothed across her belly and up high under her breast. She looked in his eyes. He was scared and that was good. Cole wasn’t, his hand on her neck, his mouth close, wanting to kiss, his cock touching her belly, hot wet, slipping easily across her skin as they both breathed.

  “I want you both to fuck me down where I used to play.”

  “You’ve got me so hard, Maggie,” Max whispered.

  She felt him, stroked him, gazed in his eyes while she did, built his courage. He kissed her, his other hand coming up under her other breast and he tried to sit her down. She went with it, but she knew her Max, knew what he was doing.

  “Maxy, Maxy,” she said around his kisses. He had her sitting, and she held his arms for balance. “Take me downstairs.”

  “Let’s do it here,” he whispered.

  She spun on her butt and got her legs out to the side of the bed, put her feet on the floor. Got up, naked, crossed to her turntable and raised the needle. The room was quiet. She turned, saw both their eyes on her, felt very vulnerable and naked. Weird, because she was intimate with both of them, but being seen at a distance like this made her feel self-conscious. She fought the urge to cover her nipples.

  “I want to go downstairs.”

  Cole smiled. He got off the bed and joined her and she felt her own happy face spreading.

  “Yeah?” she said.

  He held a hand out to her and she took it. “Max?” she said.

  “Maggie...” Max worked his head around, trying to frame his argument. She knew what it was. Knew he was right. But she wanted this bad. Compulsively. This was what needed to be done.

  “Max.” She repeated.

  His face had no humor. His brow was worried but he moved to get his pants.

  She said, “No, Max. Naked.”

  “Yes,” Cole laughed, excited by the danger.

  “Naked?” Max said.

  “Come on, Cole,” she said, going to the boy who was supporting her right now. She went to his arms and he took her, wrapped them around her. He felt good pressed to her, bare skin to bare skin.

  She posed with him for Max. Pressed her cheek to his strong chest, let his cock appear at her side, touching her along her ribs. She writhed her body against it. “Come with us, Max.”

  “Maggie, it’s too crazy...”

  “No, it’s not, Max.”

  Cole said, “Let’s go, Maggie. Max’ll follow.”

  Max put a foot through the leg of his pants and she said, “Max, if you put your clothes on don’t ev
en bother coming down.”

  Martin and Carol would freak the fuck out. Without a doubt. What would Martin do? Would Martin get physical? He could see it. See it play out in his mind. Imagined himself finding his own future-daughter fucking two guys in his house while he slept. Laughing at him. So disrespectful. He would be furious.

  “Guys...” he said.

  Maggie kissed Cole on the lips, up on her tip-toes to do it.

  “Come on,” she whispered then, and they both laughed. Hopped across the room, her tight little body giving a shake when her feet touched down. Cole's erection wagging. They ran to the door and bold Cole opened it and looked around the hall. Stuck his head out, looked left and right.

  Came back in and said, “Coast is clear.” He took her hand, said to Max, “Come on, Max. This is fucking exciting.” He guided Maggie past him, said to her, “Ladies first,” and she stepped nervously into the hall, covering her breasts and putting a hand over her crotch. She looked up and down the hall.

  Cole looked back to him, deviously closing the door, said, “How much would you give me to lock her out right now?”

  “Don't,” Max said, his worried face pinching down. More worried.

  “I’m kidding, buddy. Come with us...”

  Then Maggie reached in, one thin arm coming through the doorway and her hand holding Cole’s cock. She pulled him out to the hall by his manhood. They were both giggling.

  “Guys, wait...” he said. He pulled his pants up and made his way to the door quickly. He peeked around the edge of the door.

  They were being quiet but he could still hear them. Watched their two gray-blue bodies trot on the hardwood floor in bare feet. Maggie's tight little butt working next to Cole’s. Cole slapped her ass with an open hand and she yelped, grabbed both her cheeks, and as they disappeared down the hall into the darkness he caught one last glimpse of his fiancée as she glanced over her shoulder at Cole. Her face was happy, eyes bright, biting her lower lip like she always did. Having fun without him.


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