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On the Edge of Fear

Page 12

by Thianna D.

  A look of consternation covered his brother’s face and then a look of hope lit his eyes. “What if we head to the peninsula on Monday? I, uh, I might be able to tell you there. Away from here.”

  He assumed Luke meant away from their parents. “Monday it is. But if you feel the need to talk before then, I’m only a text away.”

  “That sounds like it belongs on a greeting card,” Luke said with a roll of his eyes. “When only the least will do, I’m only a text away,” he said in his best advertiser voice.

  “Shut up,” Ryan said with a laugh and smacked his arm. “All right. If you want to hold it in for a few more days,” he said in a long-suffering voice, jumping off the bed when Luke took a swipe at him. “I’m off to Lexi’s.”

  “Get fucked,” Luke encouraged.

  “I plan on doing the fucking.”

  His brother’s laugh followed him out of the room.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  After her shower, Alexis put on baby oil and then pulled the dress over her head. It looked even more beautiful than the day she’d tried it on. She could hardly wait for Ryan to see it. But she had no idea how long he’d be. While it felt divine on, it wasn’t exactly comfortable to sit in. It didn’t hurt, necessarily, but it felt like sitting on a bunch of hard knobs.

  Finally, she took it off and figured she could lie down and wait until she heard his knock. The light dimmed and went down outside until she watched the stars pop up in the sky above her. When the knock came, her breath caught. He was here.

  Thankfully the dress practically poured on and she ran down the stairs. When she got to the door, she grabbed hold of the knob and yanked it open. Ryan stood on the other side with a leather bag over his shoulder.

  He smiled at her and then his eyes widened. Slowly he looked down her body and back up. Eyes deepened with desire stared at her. “You look so fucking sexy,” he whispered, his voice hoarse.

  Beaming at him, she took a step back. “It was one of the outfits offered. Can you believe it?”

  He looked her over again and his jeans grow tight in the groin. Her body responded with a clench. “You’re wearing that at the Faire tomorrow?” he asked as he stepped inside.


  Ryan closed the door and took her hand. He led her toward the stairs. “To protect you, I want to put a collar ’round your throat. I don’t know if you’ve heard of them.”

  “I have,” she rushed to tell him as they reached the top and turned toward her bedroom. “Kendrick said I should wear one for protection.”

  “You should.” He dropped his bag on the dresser next to her bed and pulled her close to him. “And it should be mine,” he murmured and kissed her. Even through the dress, she felt the pressure and heat of his body. “Oh, Lex,” he whispered. “You deserve to be treated like a lady. I want to treat you like a lady. But damn. I also want to fuck you.”

  Heat flooded through her and wetness gathered between her legs.

  “I want you,” she whispered back. “I’ve never had sex with someone I wanted. Please, Ryan. Please.” Alexis needed to know it would be different. Better. Life changing. She needed for sex to mean something.

  “My beautiful Alexis.” His fingers unlatched the halter and the chainmail slid down her body.

  It was amazing to be touched by a man who wanted her for her and not just for what she could give him in that moment. Ryan touched her with reverence, drifting his fingertips over her jaw, down her throat and pausing over her breasts.

  “So beautiful,” he murmured as he drew a circle with his fingertips around her nipples until they stood out.

  She reached up and ran her fingers through his hair. This was so new, being touched as if she were someone special. And wanting to touch right back. Alexis was torn. She wanted it to last. She also wanted to know what it would be like. A need filled her. It had to be different than just leaning up against a wall and some guy thrusting into her until he came. It just had to be.

  With shaking fingers, she unbuttoned his shirt.

  His fingers slid around her waist and over her back. Before she could finish unbuttoning the shirt, he tugged lightly on her hair and she looked up. His lips pressed against hers and she moaned as he pulled her close. Ryan was wonderfully warm. She couldn’t help but wonder if all of him was that warm.

  “Get on the bed,” he murmured as he released her.

  Excitement raced up her spine and she stepped around him and climbed onto the bed. He turned and watched her as he shrugged his shirt off. While lanky, he did have some upper body strength. She could see the muscles in his upper arms flex as he moved. Alexis’s gaze followed his fingers as they unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. This was it. She would see what he looked like naked.

  Alexis had seen plenty of cocks over the last five years and had gone from repulsed to basically putting up with them. Would she feel the same way about his? Nervously, she nibbled on her lower lip as she waited. Ryan kicked off his shoes and socks and pushed down his jeans and underwear, removing them quickly. When he stood back up, she could see all of him.

  A strong chest fell to a smooth, narrow waist, down over muscled hips and thighs that surrounded his dick. It was already hard and she stared at it. It was tan like him and was long with a round head. Thrilled at not being repulsed, she reached out and wrapped her palm around it. Ryan let out a soft moan as she lightly stroked the velvety skin. Alexis glanced up into his eyes, which were filled with a look that made her heart beat faster and the liquid between her legs flow.

  He reached into his bag and pulled out a condom. Finally a man she didn’t have to insist with. Strangely, she found her heart beat a little faster at the idea of having sex with him with no protection. Don’t be stupid, Alexis.

  Ryan slid onto the bed on his side and she moved to be next to him. His firm, warm hands pulled her close as his lips touched hers. He pressed his fingers between her legs and slowly stroked over her clit as they kissed.

  It was magical.

  Her body thrummed with desire she’d never felt before and he seemed both firm and cautious at the same time. When he rolled her onto her back and slipped between her legs, she looked up at him. He reached between them and pressed his cock to her entrance. Then he looked into her eyes as he pushed in. “Lex,” he murmured.

  She held her breath as he filled her. There was no pain, not after everything she’d had to do. But it felt different. Instead of feeling invaded, she felt full. Instead of feeling used, she felt… treasured.

  “My beautiful Alexis,” he murmured again before he kissed her. Ryan pulled out and thrust back in. They both moaned.

  It felt good. He felt good. As if he’d been made for her. For this. He rested his elbows next to her shoulders. He thrust in and out, kissing her, whispering wonderful things between each touch of his lips. “So beautiful… so special… I’m so lucky.”

  Alexis wrapped her arms around his shoulders and thrust up to meet his hips. Ryan grunted and his hips moved faster, going from slow to passionate quickly. Their kisses turned more frantic. Biting. Needy.

  He pulled back at one point, looking like he was in pain. She wanted to ask him what was wrong, but he reached between them and rubbed over her clit. Surprised, her eyes widened as pressure leaped between her legs and need slammed into her. Whimpers left her throat and he gazed into her eyes, as if taking in her reactions. Pleasure burst within her and she cried out, her fingers digging into his back, her body no longer her own.

  He put both hands on the bed again and quickened his thrusts. At the third he moaned and rested his forehead against hers, his body stilling.

  Alexis blinked at him. That had been so much better than she’d hoped, better than anything she’d ever dreamed of.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Ryan panted softly and looked into her eyes. Had he done it right? God he’d wanted her to come. And she had. “Lex?” he whispered.


  “That was… wonderful.”

  She smiled. “Yes it was.”

  He pulled out and after tossing the condom in a receptacle, pulled the covers back. “Come on. Let’s get some sleep.”

  She slid between the sheets and he joined her. Alexis curled up to his body and he held her close.

  How could he explain his world had just gone off kilter? He’d known her for less than a week. She sighed softly and he pressed a kiss to her temple. Ryan fell in love with Alexis in just five days. That wasn’t supposed to happen. But it had.

  Now what was he supposed to do?

  Ryan strode toward the office in his Faire garb, his mind still blown from the previous night. He hadn’t said the words as he doubted she was ready to hear them yet. Hell, he wasn’t ready to say them. Love. He was in love.

  The whole morning felt new. He was scared out of his wits. He was just learning how to be a Dom and how to play safe. How the hell was he going to add being in love to the mix?

  Thankfully, the office seemed deserted except for James and Zippo.

  “Hey,” Ryan said as he climbed over the doggie door. “Hey, Zippo.” After giving the dog his welcome scratch, he walked over to the desk.

  James gave him a shy smile. “How are things with Lexi?”

  “Good. Really good.”

  His smile widened. “That’s great, Ry. I fell for Alec really fast and it gets better every day.”

  Ryan sat on the edge of his desk. “When did you know you were in love with him?”

  James leaned back in his chair and seemed to ponder the question. “I knew I was attracted the first day. I’m not sure when it was that I knew I was in love with him. Maybe the first time he spanked me?”

  With a chuckle Ryan nodded. Playing could definitely intensify feelings.

  “No,” James said suddenly, shaking his head. “It was before that. It was the day that bastard tried to harm Zippo and Alec came charging in and held me. I knew then. But it was several weeks before I told him.” He gazed at Ryan shrewdly. “You love her.”

  Startled, Ryan stared at him wide eyed and then he nodded. “Yeah. I do.”

  “Good for you. Love is a wonderful feeling.” James looked over at Zippo who was happily curled up on his doggie bed. “I never even knew what love was until I got him. When I recognized a similar feeling with Alec, I knew. Now, you’re probably here for the collars.” He reached into a desk drawer and brought out three mesh bags. “These were my first attempts. So they aren’t art. But I hope one of them will work.”

  Not art? Ryan gawked at the braided collars as he poured them onto the desk. They were gorgeous. Each of the three had three thin strips of leather braided together. One had two burgundy strips and one tan. Another had two tan and one dark brown. But the third drew Ryan’s eye. Two strips of dark tan leather were interwoven with one that had been dyed black. “This one,” he murmured as he picked it up. It was like Alexis. Raven hair and gorgeous olive skin. “You put a connector on it.” The ends were tied to a simple gold connector.

  “Yeah. We could have left them loose for you to tie, but I wanted them to be perfect. Which is silly. They’re my first ones.”

  “Well, if those are your first, you’re going to be selling expensive collars very soon. They’re gorgeous, James. I mean it.”

  James preened. “Alec says when I’ve got a style I like and have made a few, he’ll sell them in his shop.”

  “Speaking of which,” Ryan said as he pulled out a five and handed it over. “Have you been to the Faire yet?”

  Pink flooded into James’s cheeks and he shook his head. “No. I… I just can’t. I feel like I should go in fetish wear. But what I want to wear, I’m afraid people will laugh at.”

  Ryan patted his shoulder. “Fuck ’em, James. Be your puppy self and come to the Faire. Anyone who knows you will kick someone’s ass if they say something. If you take the main fairway, it will take you right by me and to Alec’s shop quickly.”

  “Maybe.” James shrugged. “I’ll have to think on it. Maybe on Saturday or Sunday as I’d have to go home, change, and leave Zippo there.”

  Ryan grinned. “Maybe you should make him a costume and bring him. You’d be a team. Master Zippo and his puppy.”

  A bark of a laugh came from the hall and he looked over and spotted Craig at the doorway. “He’s Master Zippo now, is he? I suppose that’s fitting for the town’s mascot. Where’s Kendrick?”

  “He’s home getting ready,” James said.

  “All right. If you see him before I do, tell him I’ve fixed the problem in the dungeon. He’ll know what I’m talking about.”

  “Okay.” James nodded quickly. “I’ll do that.”

  Craig shook his head, chagrin on his face, before he left.

  “What was that about?” Ryan asked after they heard the outer door shut.

  James grimaced. “He scares me.”

  With a laugh, Ryan nodded. “You and every sub on the island.” He held up the collar. “Thanks, James. This is a beauty. Now I need to get some breakfast for Lex and me so I can put this around her throat and head to the Faire.”

  “Have fun,” James called after him.

  Ryan smiled as he strode toward the cafeteria. After talking to James, he felt a little better about already being in love with Alexis. Perhaps it wasn’t too soon.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Alexis took her time getting ready.

  She’d never masturbated so she hadn’t realized rubbing over her clitoris could feel so good. There had been a couple johns who had a weird thing about rubbing roughly over it. That had always hurt. What Ryan did had felt good.

  Today she was going to walk around and everyone would see her in that dress. They’d see her nipples and… Well, there wouldn’t be any hair after she was done. Shaving one’s mound was not easy. She didn’t know how women did it. Alexis was worried she’d cut herself and that was an area she’d rather not do so.

  Finally, though, she had the hair gone and she stepped out of the shower. After covering her body with baby oil, she combed out her hair and went back into her bedroom. It still smelled slightly of Ryan and sex. It made her smile.

  “Yo ho!” called a male voice from the first floor. “It’s Kendrick. Can I come up?”

  Surprised, she quickly donned the dress. It didn’t cover up much, but it was better than being completely naked. “I’m dressed. Come on.”

  She sat down on the bed and pulled on her shoes. A few seconds later, Kendrick walked into the room. He looked the part of a pirate king, which was his persona at the fair. Knee-high boots, tan pantaloons that left nothing to the imagination about his cock, and an open shirt that showed off his chest. Alexis had to admit he was a fine looking man. Though he still scared her a little. He was power in human form.

  “Good morning, Alexis,” he said with a smile. “It’s a beautiful day for the Faire and you look amazing. I wanted to let you know you’ll be getting a roommate today. She’ll go into the other bedroom. I didn’t want you to be surprised.”

  “Thanks.” She stood up and picked up the small advertisement and hung it from the dress.

  “No protection?” Kendrick asked, a small frown crossing his face. “I’d like to put something around your throat that marks you as protected by—”

  “No need.” Ryan walked in, a huge grin on his face. “I’ve got that covered.”

  A twinkle entered Kendrick’s eyes. “Well then. I shall leave. I have a sub to torture. Have fun at the Faire. Alexis, if you have any questions, ask James. If you spot me on Faire grounds, feel free to ask me there, but it will be difficult to find me otherwise.” He raised a hand, gave a flourish of a bow, and left.

  Alexis grinned. “He loves this whole pirate thing, doesn’t he?”

  Ryan nodded. “He makes the perfect pirate king. Now… I have breakfast for us downstairs but first. You look amazing, Lex.” He stared at her. “So fucking beautiful.” He glanced into her eyes and winked. “Makes me proud to be your Dom and at the same time makes me w
ant to cover you with a sheet so nobody else can see your scrumptious body.”

  Heat flooded into her cheeks, but she couldn’t stop her smile. “Thanks.”

  “Come on. Let’s eat and then I’ll show you the collar I got.”

  She placed her hand in his and went downstairs, her fingers drifting over her throat. What would it feel like to have a collar around her neck? Constraining? Tight? Like she couldn’t breathe?

  Ryan was in a bright mood and he chatted as they ate omelettes. “I told James,” he said as he finished his plate, “that he should create a costume for Master Zippo. Then he could go as his puppy.”

  She had no idea what that meant, exactly, but was too nervous to ask.

  When they tossed their containers, he led her into the living room and to the sofa. Once they sat down, he pulled a mesh bag out of his pocket. “James made this. I hope you like it. It reminded me of you.” Not sure how a collar could remind anyone of a person, she watched as he upended the bag and a small pile of braided leather fell into his palm.

  It was not what she’d expected. The collars she’d seen at the Faire the previous week had been thick and tall and uncomfortable looking. One woman had had to walk around with her chin jutted up due to the collar she wore. This was understated. And beautiful. “Oh.” She leaned in and looked at it as he laid it flat over his palm. “It’s so pretty.” Alexis reached out and trailed her fingertips over the soft leather.

  “I agree. Do you like it?” His voice turned hesitant. She nodded quickly. “Good. Now, I know I’ve mentioned that a collar will protect you at the Faire. But it also has a significance with us. It means to anyone in the know that you’re taken. Couples who are in permanent relationships have words engraved into them.”

  “Oh. Like James’s. His says ‘Alec’s Pup’.”

  “Exactly. And Becca’s simply says ‘MINE’.”

  She laughed softly and imagined wearing a collar that said she belonged to Ryan. A little shiver went down her spine. Did she like the idea? Oh yes. She did. Because her heart already belonged to him.


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