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A Lifetime With You (Falling For A Rose Book 5)

Page 17

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Excuse you, sir, you’re all in my personal space.” She folded her arms.

  “I’m sorry,” he raised his arms, “but it is your fault.”

  Octavia cocked her head to the side. “How is it my fault?”

  A rueful smile crossed his face. “Because your sexy ass walk hypnotized me.”

  Octavia pursed her lips. “Maybe you should wait until the bathroom in the hallway is vacant.”

  “All right, I’m sorry, I promise to run in and out.” He put prayer hands together, and Octavia rolled her eyes.

  “Go, before I change my mind.”

  “Gracias,” he said, moving past her to enter her room.

  Octavia watched him walk into the bathroom before leaving her spot and going back to the kitchen. She strolled straight through to check on Selena who was listening to her iPod and lounging around waiting for volunteers. Adam sat at the hotline taking down information from a caller. Octavia returned to the kitchen and went to the bowl of potatoes she’d rinsed off. She grabbed a few more from an open bag and went back to the sink and turned on the faucet. Her thoughts traveled to Jonathon and the fact that she hadn’t heard from him. Octavia made it her mission not to interrupt Jonathon while he took care of his friend and whatever else he needed to do. She would be lying to herself if she said she didn’t care. She did, but there was nothing she could do about it.

  When a warm hard body leaned into her and strong arms circled her waist, Octavia jumped and turned full circle with a reprimand on her tongue.

  “What are you do— Jonathon,” she said, surprised. The smell of his cologne floated around her, and her body heated immediately.

  “Yeah,” he drawled. “Who else were you expecting?”

  Octavia opened her mouth to speak when he leaned in and placed a soft, succulent, soul snatching kiss on her lips.

  “Mmmm,” Octavia moaned into his mouth, slipping her arms around Jonathon’s neck. Her vagina thumped, and her panties were instantly drenched.

  Sturdy hands fell down her side, caressing her back, waist, hips, and ass as Jonathon drew Octavia so close the friction between them would undoubtedly cause a fire. “I’ve missed you so much,” he said into her mouth.

  “Mmmm,” was all Octavia could manage to get out at the moment. Her arms tightened, and she found herself trying to climb the length of him. Lifting Octavia by her bottom, the two indulged in the heat of their mouths, and the refreshment of being together again. Octavia hadn’t realized just how much she’d longed for Jonathon until this moment. But it had taken everything in him to continue helping Mia when all he wanted to do was get to Octavia. His hands explored her curvy bottom as he pulled his mouth from her to kiss down her face.

  “You taste so sweet, just like I remember,” he said.

  Octavia giggled, torched by his soft lips and warm breath.

  “You think I can take you out to lunch?” he asked. “This place looks pretty deserted.”

  “I would love to, but as soon as I leave…”

  Jonathon groaned and sat Octavia back down on her feet. He produced a bouquet of pink lilies from behind her back. Octavia’s eyes stretched, and she gasped.

  “Where did these come from?” She squealed.

  “I’ve had them the whole time, you were just too busy trying to get in my junk to notice them,” he teased.

  Octavia laughed and swatted him in the arm. “These are beautiful, Jonathon.” Her heart warmed, and she reached out to caress his face. Heavy footsteps trekked down the hall and when Steven passed the open doorway, Jonathon and he locked eyes. Steven threw his head back in a nod, oblivious to the disdain that Jonathon had for him. Jonathon’s smile turned into a scowl as his brows knocked together and his blood boiled for reasons that were not good for anyone in his way. His head snapped back to Octavia.

  “What the hell is he doing here?” he barked as Steven disappeared into the living room.

  Placing a hand on his arm to calm him, Octavia responded, “He’s a volunteer with the search party.”

  “Here, in this house?”

  “Yeah. I asked Officer Davis if he could spare other volunteers because I knew it would be a busy weekend. Steven was who he sent.”

  “So, he’s been here all weekend?”


  Jonathon turned to head toward the living room, and Octavia quickly stopped him, reaching out to grab his arm. He looked back at her.

  “Where are you going?” she asked.

  “To kick him out,” Jonathon said, stating the obvious.

  “Did you hear what I just said? He’s been helping all weekend, and we needed extra hands. Why kick him out?”

  Jonathon turned to face her. “I’m here now, so you don’t need him.”

  “We still do. If this place kicks into gear anything like yesterday, we’ll wish we had Desiree and Claudia back, too.”

  Just then, Steven entered the kitchen. He was just about three inches shorter than Jonathon, and although Steven had a solid build, it didn’t come close to matching Jonathon’s powerful frame. At the menacing look on Jonathon’s face, Steven turned to Octavia.

  “Are you okay?”

  Jonathon’s brows crushed together even tighter. “She’s fine,” Jonathon barked. “I can’t say the same for you, the longer you stand in our faces.”

  Steven stood tall and turned his focus from Octavia to Jonathon. “Oh yeah,” Steven said.

  “Don’t,” Octavia said.

  Steven turned back to her. “Don’t what? Yo’ boy here just threatened me.” Steven snapped his fingers. “I remember you, you are the best friend, right?” Steven rubbed his jaw, skeptical. “Right… is this the guy I’m about to steal you from?” Steven turned back just in time to see Jonathon drop his fleece to the floor. With an iron fist, Jonathon sent a right hook crashing into Steven’s nose.

  “Oh my God!” Octavia screamed as Steven went flying across the room. In two strides, Jonathon was standing over Steven, reaching down to drag him back to his feet by his collar.

  “I want you on your toes, sucka, so you can catch this fade one on one. I don’t want you to say I snuck you, or didn’t fight fair. More than that, when you look at your bitch ass in the mirror, I want you to feel the shame of getting beat for trying to come on to another man’s woman.” Jonathon shoved Steven against the island and took a step back, raising his fists.

  “No!” Octavia said. “Are you crazy!” She pulled and tugged at Jonathon just as Selena and Adam ran into the room.

  “Let’s go,” Jonathon said. “Let’s take this outside. It’s about time I put these hands on you after the way you mistreated my girl.”

  “Jonathon, stop it!” Octavia yelled.

  Steven rubbed his jaw and glared at Jonathon. “Looks like you’re the only one mad, dawg. Your girl and I talked it over the other night. We’re good.” Steven glanced at Octavia. “We’re good, ain’t we, baby?”

  Jonathon lurched forward, laying a three-hit combo on Steven’s face. It was as if Steven wanted to be brutally attacked. Octavia was almost too afraid to try and stop Jonathon with the volatile beat down he bestowed as his fist connected with Steven’s face over and over. Making her feet move, Octavia, with the help of Selena and Adam, lunged for Jonathon, pulling him off Steven.

  “What are trying to do, kill him?” Octavia shouted.

  Jonathon turned his frustration toward her. “What is he talking about?” he roared.

  Octavia drew back, and her thoughts flew catastrophically. “I couldn’t sleep, and I needed to get my mind off my dreams,” she fumbled for an excuse.

  “So, you called him over?!” Jonathon reeled.

  “I called you first,” Octavia snapped, “but you were with Mia!”

  With his voice high, Jonathon yelled, “I told you if you needed me,” he lowered his tone and stepped closer to her, “that I would leave, didn’t I?”

  “So, you would’ve left Mia, although she needed you because there wasn’t another person
in the world she could’ve called?” Octavia said with a snazzy snap.

  Jonathon grit his teeth. “That’s how it is, huh?” He brooded, his jaw set tight and his voice in a steely draw.

  “You’re overreacting,” Octavia said.

  “I’m overreacting?” Jonathon yelled.

  “Yes, you are. Steven being here is no different than you being at Mia’s place!”

  Jonathon couldn’t believe his ears. “You mean besides the fact that he’s a womanizing piece of shit who wants to be with you?” he continued to yell.

  Octavia leaned into her hip. “I find it hard to believe that Mia hasn’t come on to you in any way. Can you stand there and say she hasn’t?”

  Jonathon bit down on his teeth again, and Octavia could see his jaw clench. Reaching down to the floor, Jonathon swept his jacket up. “Fine, if you want to play this game, O, I’ll leave you to play it by yourself.” He moved around her and left the kitchen.

  Octavia’s heart sank.

  “Should we call the police?” Adam asked.

  “No,” Selena said, “we’ve got a first aid kit.” She turned to Octavia. “Honey, are you going to let him leave like that?”

  Octavia let out a deep breath. “Shit,” she said, moving around the others and stepping over Steven who was still rocking back and forth on the floor, holding his bloody nose. Octavia ran out the door to try and catch Jonathon, but the only thing she saw was the dust from his tires peeling off down the street.

  “Shit,” she said again. Her jealousy had gotten the better of her, and it was the second time she’d snapped at him when all he was trying to do was reason with her. Octavia hoped for her sake this wouldn’t be the last time she saw him.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  He had to leave. Jonathon couldn’t think with a clear head when he was angry and talking to Octavia didn’t seem to be working out in his favor. Jonathon made a sharp left and headed for the highway. He powered down the windows and let the frosty air swirl around him. She couldn’t know how bad it stung for him to find out Steven had been in her home all weekend and not just for purposes of the search. What was she thinking? Why would Octavia talk to him at all with the disastrous way their dating had ended?

  Feeling possessive, Jonathon took in deep breaths. If he had stayed any longer, there was no telling what he would’ve done to Steven. That asshole didn’t deserve her. He didn’t deserve to be in her presence, never mind get an invite from her. What messed with Jonathon even more was Octavia had reached out to Jonathon, and he was unavailable. To some extent, her argument held merit. The dreams were back again, and he hadn’t been there for her. Steven had.

  Releasing a streak of vile oaths, Jonathon tried to maintain his sanity. Yes, Mia had shown her interest in him. Sure, she’d flirted up until that very morning when he’d jetted as soon as her brother walked through the door. But unlike Steven, Jonathon had never been on a date with Mia. Jonathon had never shown any interest in her except for friendship. Octavia couldn’t say the same, and now it was as if she was punishing him for being there. He couldn’t understand it. Jonathon had a mind to turn the Rolls Royce around and go back to Octavia’s house. But he didn’t. As bad as he wanted her, Jonathon couldn’t play games with her. He needed to cool off, and the best way to do that was to stay away. For how long, he wasn’t sure, but for now, this was his best bet.

  The relief Octavia felt when everyone was gone settled her soul. This had been the worst day she’d had in a long time. Octavia didn’t want to think about anything, but unfortunately for her, there was no stopping the turbulent thoughts that shifted through her head. After getting Steven stitched up, Octavia had told him going to the hospital would be his best option, but he pretended to play hard and brush it off although every time he spoke, he winced from the pain shooting through his nose.

  “Serves him right,” Octavia spoke to herself, as she left the living room for her bedroom. She pulled the sweater over her shoulders and unbuckled her jeans, pulling them down her curvy hips. They fell to her ankles just as the doorbell rang. Rolling her eyes and groaning, she said, annoyed, “Now what?”

  Her first thought was to ignore it. Whoever it was could come back tomorrow, but as for now station three was officially closed. Then, the doorbell rang again. Whoever it was better have a bottle of wine and some good news if they were knocking on her door at ten o’clock on a Sunday night.

  Dragging her pants back up her thighs and tossing the sweater back on, Octavia took her time getting to the door.

  “This better be good,” she said, opening the door without checking the peephole. Standing on the other side in the shadows appeared to be a young girl. Octavia’s eyes stretched, and she flipped on the porch light. It flickered before shining a dull haze over the deck, and the girl’s appearance became clear. Gasping and covering her mouth, Octavia flung open the screen door.

  “Ayana!” she screeched.

  Ayana Bradwell cowered in the corner of the porch as Octavia stepped out. “Oh my God,” Octavia said. Her eyes jumped around as she glanced up and down the street. “Ayana, where did you come from? Did someone drop you off?”

  Ayana took a timid step toward Octavia. The young lady cleared her throat and rubbed her nose with a balled fist. Her hair albeit long and draping over her thin shoulders was disheveled as if it hadn’t been combed in days. Dark circles sat under her eyes, and by her looks, you wouldn’t have known she was a sixteen-year-old girl. There was no coat on her arms, and as the wind whipped around them, the small framed girl shivered.

  Octavia reached out to her. “Come in, please.”

  “I saw your house on the news,” Ayana spoke. Her voice was clear but held a profound depth that one would hear coming from a grown woman’s voice. “I would’ve come sooner.”

  “What happened to you, honey?”

  Ayana shivered again, and this time Octavia went to her and covered Ayana in her arms, slowly helping her over the threshold into her house. Octavia’s mind ran rampant. The first thing she should do was call her grandmother, but Octavia was so struck by Ayana’s appearance that she only stared at Ayana and waited for her to speak further.

  Ayana’s eyes glazed over, and tears sprang down her face. “I would’ve come sooner,” she cried. “I didn’t mean to hurt my nana.” Ayana broke down and fell to her knees.

  Octavia dropped to the floor with her and cuddled Ayana in her arms.

  “What happened, Ayana, did you run away?”

  Ayana’s chest rose and fell as she tried to pull together her words.

  “Yes,” she said softly.

  “But, why?” Octavia asked.

  “I can’t get them out of my head,” she said.

  “Get who out?”

  “My mom,” Ayana sniffled, “and dad.”

  Octavia wanted to coach the girl into finishing, but she waited for her to gain the courage. Ayana sniffled some more but didn’t move further.

  “What happened, Ayana? Tell me and maybe I can help you.”

  Ayana’s tears flowed down her cheeks as she spoke. “They died. Two months ago, in a house fire. I wasn’t there. I couldn’t help them.” Her tears streamed faster as she shook in Octavia’s arms. Octavia thoughts went back to the news segment. Ayana’s parents had suffocated from smoke inhalation. Without warning, a flashback of Octavia’s own demons cruised through her mind like that of a slideshow. If anyone knew better, Octavia did.

  “I feel so alone.” Ayana continued to cry. “I’m sorry.”

  Snapping out of her thoughts, Octavia shushed Ayana. “Everything will be okay. I know exactly what you’re going through.”

  Ayana looked up, hopeful. “You do?”

  Octavia gave her an encouraging smile. “I do. My parents died in a car accident. I was there, and I still wasn’t able to help. Trust me, it’s worse when you relive the accident. I know it doesn’t seem like it now, Ayana, but you were spared from witnessing the horror of your parents’ deaths. I know that doesn’t make
it any easier, but we can get better together.”

  “How?” Ayana asked.

  Octavia thought for a moment. How could she help Ayana get over something she had yet to beat herself?

  “I have a doctor,” Octavia said. “I’m going to see her Wednesday. She helps me deal with my parents’ deaths so I can live without fear, regret, or shame. Would you like to go with me? I’m sure she could help you as well.”

  “You’re not kidding?” Ayana said, still hopeful.

  “No. If your grandmother says it’s okay, we’ll go together.”

  And that’s precisely what they did. After contacting Ms. Monroe about Ayana’s reappearance, the senior woman had been over the moon with happiness. She’d agreed to let her granddaughter attend the upcoming session with Octavia. Ms. Monroe wanted more than anything for her grandchild to gain some closure if it were at all possible.

  When the news broke that Ayana had returned home safe and sound, the neighborhood rejoiced, and the very next day a welcome home celebration had been thrown in honor of Ayana. The young woman had never felt more loved, and it hurt her even more that she’d caused everyone so much grief.

  No one blamed Ayana. Her aunts and uncles understood as well, and they were all ready and willing to do whatever needed to be done to help their niece get better.

  Octavia didn’t hear from Jonathon until Monday night when he’d called to ask her how she was doing. When the news broke, the reporter made it known that Ayana had come to the place she’d seen on the news several times, the place where everyone had been searching for her, Octavia’s house.

  Their conversation was brief, and after Octavia had reassured Jonathon that she was okay, he’d promptly told her to take care and ended the call. Now more than ever, Octavia was worried that she’d pushed him to his limit. Every man had one, but that was the last thing Octavia had wanted to do.

  The week started at a snail pace but quickly picked up by Wednesday morning, and before she knew it, Octavia and Ayana were sitting in Dr. Celia Cooper’s office.


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