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A Lifetime With You (Falling For A Rose Book 5)

Page 18

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “It’s been a long time, Octavia,” Dr. Cooper began. “What brings you to see me today, and who’s your friend?” she asked with a calming voice.

  “This is Ayana Bradwell,” Octavia said. “She and I have the same problem. We were hoping you could help us out with that.”

  Octavia glanced to Ayana who sat next to her adorned in a simple blue blouse and a pair of denim jeans. Ayana looked at Octavia and held her hand out to which Octavia accepted. Their fingers linked, and Octavia winked then turned back to Dr. Cooper who had left her chair to lean against her desk in front of them.

  “I will most certainly love to help you two, if it’s the last thing I do.” Dr. Cooper’s smile was soft and honest. For the first time in a long time, Octavia felt reassured that she would finally be able to move past her troubles.

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  “Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred. Wooo! Man, you are on a roll today.”

  Quentin Davidson, Jonathon’s longtime friend and fraternity brother, lifted the weights from Jonathon’s fingers and sat them on the bar.

  “Thanks for spotting me,” Jonathon said, rising to sit.

  “Anytime, brother,” Quentin responded. “I don’t know why you insist on thanking me every time we come to the gym.”

  Jonathon didn’t respond. He stood from the bench, removing his training gloves, and grabbed his bottled water, draining it.

  “What’s got you working with such a fierce regimen today?” Quentin asked.

  Jonathon glanced at his friend and pulled the hand towel from the bench to blot dry his sweaty face. “I just need the extra routine.”

  Quentin folded his muscular arms. “This is about you avoiding Octavia, right?

  Jonathon let out a deep breath and walked away toward the locker room. Quentin followed closely with no plans to change the subject. It had been a week since Jonathon had spoken to Octavia. To be precise, a week, three days, fourteen hours and twenty-three minutes. Jonathon had accounted for every second because more than he would like to admit, the separation had been tearing him apart. In front of his locker, Jonathon popped the lock and pulled out a duffle bag, sitting it on the floor. He crouched and unzipped it before acknowledging his lingering friend.

  “I’m not avoiding her,” he said.

  “What do you call it? I’ve seen her number pop up on your phone, and you’ve ignored it, sometimes, sending her straight to voicemail.”

  “I’m busy,” Jonathon retorted quickly.

  Quentin rubbed his chin. “Damn man, what she do?”

  Jonathon glanced at Quentin then continued to rumble through his bag. “What are you talking about?”

  “We all know Octavia can do no wrong in your eyes. So, if you’re avoiding her, she must have done thee unthinkable. What’s up? Whatever it is, I know you want to talk about it.”

  Jonathon had talked about it. With himself, over and over again. Jonathon let out a deep breath, and his thoughts tumbled out of his mouth.

  “I don’t understand women.”

  Quentin cracked a smile. “Who does?” he said.

  Jonathon nodded. “I thought I knew her. Our connection is so damn strong it feels life threatening to be apart for so long.” Jonathon paused. He couldn’t believe he had just said that. And by the look on Quentin’s face, his friend couldn’t believe it either.

  “Daaaammmnn.” Quentin rubbed his jaw again. “I always knew you wanted her, but boy, it sounds like you’re in love.” Quentin eyed Jonathon closely. “Daaaammmnn,” he said again, “you are.”

  Jonathon let out another heavy breath. “Doesn’t matter,” he said.

  “You haven’t told her?”

  “I’ve shown her,” Jonathon said.

  “But you haven’t told her,” Quentin recited.

  Jonathon let out another frustrating breath. “She knows,” he said, “but to answer your question, no, I haven’t said those exact words, but she knows I care for her! And still she let that low-life piece of shit back into her life.” Jonathon shook his head. “She couldn’t possibly want this guy.” Feeling his anger rise, Jonathon stood and tossed the duffle bag over his shoulder then proceeded to the showers.

  “Let me get this straight,” Quentin said, walking in stride. “There’s some dude trying to take your girl, and you’re just going to let him?”

  Jonathon’s jaw ticked, and he turned on Quentin. “I’m not letting a damn thing happen. Octavia’s her own woman, if she wants his trifling ass then…” Jonathon shrugged and turned.

  “Oh shit,” Quentin said, putting a balled fist to his lips.

  Jonathon turned back with a brow quirked up. “What?” he growled.

  “I’ve never seen you like this. The Jonathon I know,” Quentin shook his head. “The Q-dog, I know,” Quentin reiterated, “would never let someone take his girl.” Quentin whistled.

  Jonathon’s jaw ticked again. “We’re grown, Q, we’re not still in college. I can’t make someone do anything. It’s up to her, but she’s made her choice.”

  “Has she? Because from her incessant phone calls, I’d say she hasn’t made a choice at all, you have.”

  Jonathon frowned. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I’m just calling it like I see it. Octavia’s been blowing you up, and you’re avoiding her because your feelings are hurt. But damn that. Now’s not the time to be all woe is me, brother. Because you and I both know the longer you put things off, the longer whoever he is gets a chance to woo her. And, if Octavia thinks you’re done with her, she might just let him. Imagine that. Another man in her heart, her mind, her bed—”

  Jonathon grabbed Quentin’s thick neck with a massive hand and shoved him into the wall with a hard thud. His nostrils flared as his eyes wild out like that of a crazed animal.

  “You should watch your words… brother,” Jonathon warned.

  Quentin held his hands up. “This is what you should be doing to him. Not me. The truth hurts, but it’s the truth nonetheless. Quentin pushed at Jonathon’s hand in an attempt to free himself of his fierce chokehold. Jonathon put another fierce hand on him, and the two strong armed each other until Jonathon finally released him. Jonathon stepped back and locked his jaw momentarily. He dropped his head and braced his hands on his hips.

  “I love her,” Jonathon said, “so fucking bad my heart aches.” Jonathon pulled his attention back to Quentin.

  “Then you know what you have to do,” Quentin said.

  Jonathon nodded. “Are you coming over for Thanksgiving Thursday?” he said, changing the subject.

  “Hell yeah, you know I’m not about to Miss Norma’s food. Come on now.”

  Jonathon nodded. Norma was something like a mother to him. She’d been around as their housekeeper, friend, and all-around guidance counselor at times.

  “What about your folks?”

  “I’m going there first, but I wouldn’t miss Thanksgiving at your place for anything.”

  “Your eagerness to be in attendance wouldn’t be because of my sister, would it?”

  “Phoebe? Naw, man, you know I wouldn’t date your sister.” Quentin cleared his throat and avoided Jonathon’s eye contact.

  “Are you sure about that?” Jonathon didn’t let up.

  “Listen man, you should be focusing on not letting Octavia fall in love with another—”

  Jonathon’s hand was back around Quentin’s throat. “You didn’t learn your lesson the first time?”

  Quentin grabbed Jonathon’s arm, and this time was able to alleviate his grip.

  “That’s the last time Imma let you do that,” Quentin said.

  “Yeah aight.” Jonathon watched Quentin walk into the shower room, and never-ending thoughts of Octavia ran like an old school movie reel through his mind. He thought of Steven with an air of disgust, and Quentin’s warning nagged him. There was no way Jonathon would give up on Octavia, and now it was his turn to set out and prove it.

  Chapter Twenty-Four
  Thanksgiving Day

  Selena stood outside of Octavia’s front door with her cell phone to her ear. “I’m outside, are you coming?”

  Sitting on her bed, Octavia glanced down at her thin T-shirt and panties that she’d slept in. “Not quite,” she said.

  “Well, how long do you need?”

  Octavia pursed her lips. “About two hours, give or take.”

  Selena’s eyes stretched. “Octavia, open this door.”

  Octavia slinked out of bed and dragged her feet down the hallway. The chilling breeze that had been in Chicago’s atmosphere lately was oddly missing today. When Octavia opened the door, she was only greeted with sunshine and still air.

  Selena dropped the phone from her ear. “Well, at least your hair is done.” Selena rolled her eyes and crossed the threshold. “Come on, let’s get you ready.” Selena closed the door and grabbed Octavia’s arm, pulling her back into her bedroom.

  “What are you doing?” Octavia asked nonchalantly.

  Selena stopped walking and turned to face Octavia.

  “The question is, what are you doing, girl. You know today’s Thanksgiving, right? I called you, left messages. We’re going over to Daddy Rose’s house for dinner.”

  Octavia arched a brow. “Daddy Rose?”

  “Yeah, girl that’s his name, and I’m claiming my spot in the Rose family next. I’m not letting you heffas take all the good men off the market.”

  “In case you didn’t notice,” Octavia said, “I’m not in the family either.” Octavia moved past Selena and went to sit on her bed.

  “What’s going on here?” Selena said. “You’re not going?”

  “Why should I? I haven’t heard from Jonathon. He won’t even respond to my text messages.”

  “This is the perfect time to talk to him. If you’re there, you’ll be face to face. He can’t escape you then.”

  “Does it look like I’m in the mood to chase after him?”

  Selena looked Octavia up and down. “Yes,” she said, “you do. With that untamed looked you got going on, you look like you’re about to chase after a family of cheetahs.”

  Octavia rolled her eyes. “Whatever.”

  “Listen, because I know both of you are probably looking pitiful and feeling miserable, I’m going to take it the extra mile and help you get ready. Hey, I’ll even run your shower and pick out your outfit. But you’re going to have to wash your own ass. I ain’t doing all of that.”

  Octavia rolled her eyes again as Selena sashayed into the bathroom and disappeared. Images of Jonathon ran through Octavia’s mind. The last time she saw him they’d had a big fight, but before it happened, Jonathon had kissed her with so much fervor that it had practically sucked in her soul. A chill ran through her as she relived the moment. In truth, Octavia was missing Jonathon so bad her heart felt broken, and seeing him again would be everything, except he had cut her off, and Octavia regretted pushing him to that point.

  Selena traipsed out the bathroom. “All right, you’re good to go.” She strode across the room straight for the closet. When she didn’t feel Octavia move, Selena turned back with a hand on her hip. Slowly, Octavia slinked off the bed and trudged into the bathroom.

  Two and half hours later, Selena and Octavia left the house and climbed into her car. The ride over to Christopher Lee Rose’s home was filled with Selena chatting and Octavia half-listening. Jonathon had taken over her thoughts, and honestly, Octavia hadn’t felt this unsure of herself in a long time. Was cornering him at his dad’s house a good idea?

  “You can’t back out,” she heard Selena said.

  Octavia turned to her. “What?”

  “That look on your face tells me you’re contemplating breaking free and running back to the house but you can’t. I’m driving.” Selena shrugged and poked her bottom lip out, mocking Octavia with a bat of her eyes.

  Octavia bit her bottom lip and turned her focus toward the window.

  “Oh come on. Seriously, Octavia, wouldn’t you rather be with him? Even if it’s just to say whatever it is you’ve been trying to say with all your attempts to reach out.”

  Octavia turned back to Selena. “That’s the only reason why I’m here. I don’t expect him to say much, but at least I can speak my peace.”

  “God girl, you sound like you’re going to a funeral. Perk up. I’m certain it won’t be as bad as you think.”

  “How’s that?”

  “We’re talking about Jonathon here. He’s loved you for a long time.”

  Octavia stared at her friend as she exited the highway. Octavia wished she could feel the confidence Selena felt. They passed two other highways before turning on Russet Way. The closer they got, the more nervous Octavia became. It was so unlike her, and she didn’t know how to snap out of it. When the house came into view, Selena smiled delightedly.

  “I think we’re late,” Selena said. “It’s already getting dark.”

  Octavia read the dashboard time. “Better late than never,” Octavia said.

  “That’s the spirit,” Selena responded, giving Octavia’s leg a quick tap. Selena pulled in and parked, and the ladies left the vehicle.

  “Shouldn’t we have brought something?” Octavia said.

  “Girl, you know they have everything.” Selena turned to Octavia with a frown. “Why are you acting brand new, like you’ve never been here before?”

  “How am I acting like that?”

  Selena squinted at Octavia. “Come on,” she said, linking her arm through Octavia’s. The doorbell could be heard on the porch when Selena pressed the button. They waited, and Octavia’s heart knocked as the nearing footsteps on hardwood floors approached. The door swung open, and Norma smiled, holding her arms out.

  “Happy Thanksgiving, ladies, we weren’t sure if you would make it,” she said.

  “Of course,” Selena said, stepping into Norma’s embrace. They hugged and Selena moved inside the house. Octavia followed suit, leaning in to hug Norma. Immediately the sweet smell of candied yams, roasted turkey, and other soul food dishes attacked Octavia’s senses.

  “Goodness, it smells delightful,” she said.

  “Thank you, Ms. Davenport, I hope you enjoy your dinner just as much.”

  “I’m sure I will.”

  Norma reached past her and closed the door. “Everyone is at the dinner table. Follow me.”

  They walked behind Norma, and memories of the flag football game they’d played over the summer flashed through Octavia’s mind. It brought a smile to her face thinking about how the girls had used their womanly curves to distract the guys so they could score touchdowns to ultimately win the game. The men had called it cheating, but the ladies had called it fair game.

  “It’s such a beautiful day that we’re having dinner on the deck out back,” Norma announced. They all went through the screen door to a half lit wooded deck that housed a large rectangular dining table. All of the family was in attendance. Sitting next to each other on one side was Samiyah and Jonas, Claudia and Jaden, Santana and Josiah, Desiree and Julian, and Phoebe and Quentin. On the other side sat Eden, Jasmine, two empty seats, Christopher, Adeline, Martha Jean, Jordan, and Jacob. At the head of the table was Jonathon. Octavia swallowed back a knot in her throat as all eyes turned to them.

  “Hey!” Samiyah and Claudia chimed simultaneously.

  “Hey, hey,” Selena said. “I’m sorry we’re late, blame her,” she teased.

  Octavia pursed her lips and cut her eyes at Selena but only briefly as they were pulled back to Jonathon.

  “Sorry for the tardiness,” Octavia said. The apology was for everyone in the room, but her eyes stayed with Jonathon. Seeing him after two weeks made her heart thump even harder.

  “It’s okay, we were just about to make an announcement,” Samiyah said with a beam.

  “Please do,” Octavia said.

  Samiyah’s eyes cruised up to Jonas with a belated gleam in her eyes. Jonas pulled her close and pushed a kiss against her fo

  “Samiyah’s having my baby,” Jonas’ smooth voice boomed.

  “I knew it!” Martha Jean shouted.

  Adeline rolled her eyes and mumbled, “You didn’t know shit, sit down.”

  Martha Jean turned sharply to Adeline, but Jonas’ deep voice halted her next words: “I would appreciate it if you two could get along, long enough for everyone to enjoy this news.”

  Slightly ruffled, Martha Jean sat back down but not without rolling her eyes at Adeline. “I’m so happy for the both of you,” Martha Jean said.

  “Thank you,” Jonas said.

  With high-pitched squeals, the women jumped and closed in to hug Samiyah, while the men congratulation Jonas. After shaking his son’s hand and hugging him profusely, Christopher walked toward Octavia with outstretched arms.

  “How are you?” he asked.

  “I’m okay,” she said.

  “Are you? I saw on the news that the missing girl reappeared at your home. How is everything?”

  “She’s much better and getting better by the day. We are currently both going to therapy together.”

  This brought everyone’s attention back across the room. They all tuned in to Octavia and Christopher’s conversation, including Jonathon.

  “Come,” Christopher said. “Sit.”

  Christopher pulled a chair out next to Adeline, Claudia’s mom. On the other side of her was Martha Jean, Samiyah’s mother who sat with a scowl on her face. If it was up to Martha Jean, she would be sitting next to Christopher, but Adeline had managed to get to the chair before she could.

  “So, you are taking her to therapy?” Claudia asked, confused.

  Octavia let out a sigh. She wasn’t sure if now was the time to reveal her demons to everyone in the room, but since they were all waiting for an answer, Octavia figured now was as good a time as any.

  “My parents passed away sixteen years ago today.”

  Octavia scanned the table quickly. Some of the surprised looks on their faces were expected. “We were in a car accident that was fatal for them, but I survived. To make a long depressing story short, I ended up in therapy, which seemed to help for a while, so much so that I stopped going altogether thinking I could maintain on my own. However, every year during this season I have nightmares of the accident.” Octavia cleared her throat, feeling a bit uneasy being the topic of conversation. “They’d gotten pretty bad this year, but a good friend of mine encouraged me to reach out to my therapist.”


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