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Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  “I was too fucking scared to say anything to you about it.”

  She closed her eyes as pleasure at hearing those words coursed through her. “Me too.”

  They stared into each other’s eyes for several seconds, and then he groaned right before he leaned down and placed his mouth on hers. The kiss started off slow, sensual and gentle even, but as the seconds moved by the more frantic it became.

  God, am I really doing this with Rebel?

  “I want you,” Rosie found herself saying out loud.

  Rebel pulled back, surprise clear on his face.

  Rosie swallowed, knowing she didn’t want this to stop, that she wanted Rebel to be the boy that took her virginity.

  “Is this really fucking happening?” he asked in a strained, tight voice.

  She nodded. Yeah, it’s really happening. “I love you.”

  He groaned before claiming her mouth again. She was pressed up against the wall as he kissed her with a passion she’d never thought she’d experience with him. Rosie wanted his hands all over her, taming this fire inside of her.

  “Fuck me,” she whispered against this mouth, and his grunt of a response was all he said before he had his hands on her breasts.

  He clenched the mounds through the material of her shirt, and a spark of pleasure filled her.

  “Take it off,” she all but gasped out. Before she knew what was happening he pulled the collar of her shirt down hard enough that it tore and her breasts spilled free.

  “Are you sure about this, Rosie baby?” he asked, even though she’d all but said that, and her tits were hanging free right in front of him.

  She didn’t even need to think about this. “I’ve never been more sure about anything. I want you to be my first, Rebel.”

  He groaned and started kissing her neck. While doing that he pushed down her lounge pants and panties, and she felt like her heart would beat right through her chest. He cupped her cheeks in both of his hands and started kissing her mouth again, his tongue pushing past the seam of her lips and plunging in deep.

  “Take off my pants, baby,” he murmured against her mouth.

  With fumbling hands she pushed down the material blocking her from seeing all of him. And then they were pressed together naked, his cock hard against her belly and the tip slickened with his pre-cum. His hands on her breasts were almost painful as he squeezed and released her flesh, but she wanted more, needed more.

  “You feel so good.” He slid his hands down her sides, moved one of them to cup her ass, and had the other one right over her pussy. A gasp left her when he speared his fingers through her soaked folds, and the gruff sound he made had her heart beating faster.

  Never had a man touched her in any way, and she was so glad Rebel would be her first.

  “I’ll be your last, too, Rosie girl,” Rebel said, and groaned deeply. His words, his whole demeanor, screamed possession. It was a side of Rebel she’d never seen, but had always wanted directed at her.

  Had she said that last part out loud? She must have, because his response spoke volumes. But she wanted to be honest with him about everything. Rosie didn’t want to hide what she wanted, or how she felt anymore. What was the point?

  Rebel started moving his fingers through her folds, rubbing her back and forth slowly until she curled her toes and felt her eyes roll back in her head because what he did to her made her feel so damn good.

  “Fuck, you’re so wet for me, Rosie girl,” he murmured against her throat as he continued to move his fingers up and down. She didn’t know if he was aware of the low grunts he was making, or the fact he was pushing his dick against her stomach, but God, were those things hot.

  Back and forth he moved against her, harder and faster with every passing second. The feeling of Rebel, of the arousal coursing through her veins, had all sanity and common sense leaving her. He continued rubbing her while he licked up her throat.

  “You feel so good against me.” He thrust his cock harder against her belly. “You taste so fucking good.” He ran his tongue up the length of her throat again. He teased her for several more seconds, rubbing her clit every time he stroked his fingers up her cleft, and teasing her hole on every down stroke. The sounds that came from both of them should have had Rosie embarrassed, but she wasn’t. She’d never been with a guy, never wanted to, in fact, but the pleasure and lust she felt for Rebel were unlike anything she’d ever known. It was empowering.

  He removed his hand, moved back just an inch so they could look into each other’s faces, and brought his hand up. She could see her wetness coating his fingers, and her heart beat harder, if that were even possible.

  “You see how wet you are for me?”

  She nodded even though she had a feeling it wasn’t a literal question. While holding his gaze with hers, Rebel brought the fingers to his mouth and spread her wetness across his lips.

  Rosie felt her eyes widen, felt her mouth part at the sight of what he did, and she held her breath. He spread her wetness along the top, and then bottom lip, and before Rosie could say anything, Rebel kissed her. He made her taste herself on him, and damn, was that hot. He gripped the back of her head, tangled his fingers in the strands, and held her in place for his erotic onslaught.

  “Open for me,” he whispered against her mouth.

  She gasped, her lips parting. He pushed his tongue inside and stroked it along hers. There was a musky, sweet flavor that bombarded her senses, and she moaned for more.

  He broke the kiss and started moving his mouth and tongue down her neck once more, along her collarbone, and stopped when he was right above her breast. The small, hard, and hot pants of his breath bathed her flesh, caused her nipples to harden even further, and had her clenching her thighs together almost painfully.

  God, I’ve never felt this way, this inflamed.

  “I’ve wanted you for so long, Rosie.”

  She nodded, but wanted to tell him verbally exactly how she felt, exactly what she wanted.

  “I want you to be my first, Rebel. I need you.”

  He groaned deeply, but didn’t fuck her like she had hoped. Instead he latched his mouth onto her breasts, and sucked her nipple until her clit throbbed and more wetness spilled from her. Over and over, he tormented her breasts, licking and sucking at her nipples and gently pulling the flesh with his teeth. The pain and pleasure morphed into one, and she wasn’t just thinking of begging him, she actually was.

  “Rebel, be with me already.”

  She was nervous, sure, even scared that it would hurt, but she was so in love with Rebel that everything else dimmed in comparison. This certainly wasn’t what she had seen herself doing when she’d come down here. In fact, Rosie had thought he’d tell her there was nothing that would ever come between them. She’d mentally prepared herself. But this … this wasn’t anything she’d ever envisioned.

  And with one last drag across the stiff peak Rebel stepped back and looked at her. Then he went over to his dresser, grabbed a condom, and slid it on. She was transfixed at the sight of his huge erection, at the fact he was so thick and long, and it was all because of her.

  “You see what you do to me?” he asked and grabbed his dick, giving it a squeeze and looking her up and down.

  He walked toward her, pressed fully against her once more, and gripped the cheeks of her ass. A soft sound of female appreciation left her when he lifted her with a strength that made her feel petite.

  She was pressed against the wall fully once more, and parted her mouth as a gasp left her at the feeling of his latex covered dick.

  “Hold onto me, baby,” he said in a guttural voice that was so damn attractive.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed her breasts against the hardness of his chest, and sighed at how good this felt. She probably should have been more nervous given the fact this was her first time, but she trusted Rebel with her life, and knew he’d take care of her in all ways.

  He’d make this good for her.

r a second neither seemed to breathe as they just stood there, chest pressed to chest. But then he smoothed his finger along her bottom lip, watching the act.

  “I want to go slow because it’s your first time, because that’s what you deserve,” he seemed to say to himself. “But it’s fucking hard to control myself with you.” He lifted his gaze to her eyes. “But I need to make this good for you.”

  She licked her lips. “I know you will. I trust you.”

  And then he started kissing her, softly at first, almost gently as if giving her time to accept all of this. But as the seconds ticked by Rebel’s passion exploded. He kissed her brutally now, like a floodgate had been opened and she was drowning in it all.

  Never breaking the kiss, Rebel smoothed his hands over her ass, clenched and released the flesh, and then lifted her easily off the ground. He turned with her in his arms, walked them over to the bed, and gently laid her on the mattress. He took a small step back and just stared at her body, and this flush stole over her at how erotic that simple act was.

  She skimmed her gaze down the hard planes of his chest, moved lower over his defined, rippled six-pack and that V of muscle that pointed straight down, and finally looked at his cock again. She wasn’t a prude, had made out, been fondled, and had seen porn, even if she was considered “geeky”, but Rebel was a work of art.

  I already knew that though.

  Yeah, she did.

  He ran his hand over his mouth, and made this deep, erotic sound in the back of his throat. Without saying a word he climbed up on the bed, wedged himself between her thighs, and stared right into her eyes. For long seconds neither one spoke or moved, their breathing matching intensity and speed, and the feeling of her heart beating a fast and erotic rhythm. This was what she’d wanted since she even realized what love and sex were.

  Rebel cupped her cheek and stroked her skin with his thumb. “You’re really sure?”

  She smiled, loving that he was so considerate of her. She knew he wasn’t a virgin, had heard stories back in the day of how wild he was, and had lived through some of it. But right here and now it was just them. She knew he’d never been like this with another girl.

  She just knew.

  “Be with me, Rebel, in every way.”

  He closed his eyes, and for a second he was motionless, as if maybe controlling himself. But then she widened her legs, reached between them, and grabbed his big dick. Rebel snapped his eyes open and groaned, and she saw the way his pupils dilated.

  “That feels so fucking good.” His words were distorted. “Having you touch me feels incredible.”

  She moved her hand up and down the length, and another guttural sound left him.

  “Put my cock at your pussy.” The way he said those words almost sounded as if he wasn’t himself. His voice had dropped deeper, his expression harder.

  Swallowing, Rosie placed the tip at the entrance of her pussy, held her breath, and removed her hand from between them.

  “It’s going to hurt.”

  She nodded. “I know, but I want this, want you.”

  Yes, she wanted this more than anything right now, and she didn’t want anything standing in her way … not even herself.

  Chapter Seven

  Without any more talk Rebel took her virginity. In one fluid motion he shoved all of his hard, thick, long inches into her body. She was pushed up the bed from the force of his thrust, and her own movements because of the discomfort that slammed into her.

  When he was fully inside of her he stilled, giving her time to adjust, maybe giving himself time, too. “You feel so fucking…” He didn’t finish speaking, but the groan that came from him spoke volumes. “Are you okay, Rosie?”

  She swallowed, her body tense, the discomfort real, but the pleasure of finally being with Rebel overcoming everything else. “I’m fine.”

  “Does it hurt a lot?”

  She shook her head. “I’m fine. I want this.”

  He pressed open-mouthed kisses along the column of her throat, over her collarbones, and then moved back to her mouth to kiss her possessively. He fucked her with his tongue, pushing it past her lips, stroking the interior, and claiming every part of her. The sheets were chilly against her overheated body.

  “Spread wider for me, baby.”

  She did as he asked and felt him go inside of her deeper, if possible.

  “Yeah, that’s so fucking it.”

  He pulled out and pushed back in, and an involuntary gasp left her at the feel of how deep he was doing, and how stretched she was. The base of his shaft pressed against her clit every time he pushed into her.

  “Fuck, Rosie,” he groaned against her mouth.

  “Rebel,” she breathed out his name as pleasure rocked her entire core.

  He broke the kiss and went back to sucking her breasts, licking them, running his tongue over every inch of them. Her nipples tingled, throbbed from his ministrations.

  “Fuck, you’re so damn wet for me, so juicy.”

  Yeah, she was so wet, and it was all for him. Her inner muscles clenched, and Rebel grunted in response.

  “I don’t want this to hurt for you, Rosie.” He pushed into her gently. “I want to make this good. I want this to be good for you.”

  “It’s good, Rebel.” It was uncomfortable, yes, but every second that passed the more it started to feel even better, more intense. “Just be with me, Rebel.”

  “Christ, Rosie.” He kissed her softly. “I’ve never wanted anyone the way I want you.”

  “I don’t want the sweet and gentle side of you, Rebel. I want the real you.”

  She saw his pupils still dilated, could see the change in his expression, and she knew Rebel was about to show her the real him, the feral and intense side of him.

  “You want the crazy side of me, Rosie?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I want you to fuck me like you mean it.”

  He closed his eyes and thrust into her again, harder this time. “You want me to be fucking dirty with you, filthy in the good ways?”

  She could only nod.

  He stared at her for a second before speaking again. “You want me to fuck you with my big cock?”

  A gasp of pleasured surprise left her at his dirty words.

  “You want me to stretch out this virgin pussy so it fits perfectly around my dick?”

  “God, Rebel.”

  “Yeah, I’ll have you screaming that before the night is over with.”

  He started thrusting in and out of her a little harder and faster than before.

  “I want to hear you say it, baby. I want you to ask me for it.”

  This was what she wanted. She wanted this free and bad boy Rebel that she’d fallen in love with.

  “I want you, Rebel.”

  He shook his head. “Say the fucking words, Rosie.”

  “I want your cock stretching me.” It felt weird saying that, but it also felt freeing. But he stopped moving and pulled out of her.

  “Ask me for my mouth on your sweet pussy. Ask me to lick you until you come.”

  His words fueled her, made her stronger. But when she opened her mouth nothing came out.

  “You want that?” he asked again, now having his hands on her inner thighs and smoothing them closer and closer to her pussy.

  “I want that,” was all she could say.

  And then Rebel was between her thighs only seconds later. He used a little bit of force to spread her thighs even wider, his warm breath puffing along her exposed pussy.

  “Oh. God.”

  She loved when he groaned, the noise vibrating throughout her whole body, centering right on her clit.

  “I am going to eat you out so fucking hard, Rosie. I’m going to make you come all over my mouth and beg for more.” He licked her from the opening of her pussy to her engorged clit at the top of her mound. He’d then slide back down again. He repeated this action over and over again until Rosie couldn’t breathe, let alone thinking of anything else. Her climax was a
pproaching swiftly, and she didn’t know if she’d survive it.

  “Rebel,” she gasped out. “I’m so close.”

  Rebel groaned and had her clit in his mouth and a finger inside of her pussy in a matter of seconds. He sucked hard and fast on the engorged bud, finger-fucked her until she was gasping for air and her vision blurred, and she couldn’t comprehend the type of pleasure she felt.

  “God, yes.”

  He added a second finger into her pussy, and the stretch of the penetration, the way he scissored those digits, had her coming undone for him.

  Ecstasy washed through her, stealing her breath, her sanity, hell, making everything around her vanish.

  “You taste so fucking good, so sweet and addictive,” he murmured against her as she came for him.

  Rebel continued to drag her orgasm out. She thrust her pussy against his mouth and arched her chest, not able to control herself. Rosie’s legs shook as she kept them spread, her pulse beat in her clit, and she felt herself getting even wetter.

  Legs shaking, heart racing, and sweat beading her brow, Rosie felt her orgasm start to dim, but the pleasure never fully left her.

  Rebel moved up her body again, licking a path over her belly, across her breasts, and kissed her right on the mouth. She tasted herself on his lips, a musky but sweet flavor that had her moaning.

  “Hold on to me, baby, because I’m going to fuck you so good.”

  Rosie gripped his hair and opened her mouth wider, sucking his tongue into her mouth, relishing in their combined flavors. He reached between their bodies, grabbed himself, and placed his dick at her entrance again. Rosie lifted her hips, needing him inside of her again despite the fact she’d gotten off already.

  She was so ready for him.

  “I want this to last,” Rebel said, his eyes closed again as he slowly started to push into her. “But I know it won’t, not with how good you feel.” He pushed in another inch. “Hold onto me, Rosie girl.”

  She grabbed onto his biceps, dug her nails into his flesh, and felt his muscles tense beneath her palms. He hissed, maybe because she was digging her nails into him too hard, but she couldn’t stop, and his groan that followed told her he didn’t want her to stop either.


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