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Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  “Kiss me.”

  He had his mouth on hers instantly, ran his tongue over her top and bottom lip, and pushed the rest of himself into her. “Put your legs around my waist.”

  She did as he asked, and gasped when he slid in even deeper.

  His hands were on either side of her head, his big body braced above hers, his strength immense.

  The thickness of his cock stretched her and made this delicious burn travel throughout her entire body. He worked himself in and out, stopping right at the entrance of her pussy, letting the tip fill her, and then pushing back into her.

  “Yeah, so feel so damn good, so right, Rosie.”

  And he felt incredible. She tried to relax, to not let the fullness overwhelm her.

  He pulled out until the tip was almost all the way out of her again, and then in one consuming move, he buried all of his thick inches into her pussy again. Over and over he did this, fast and hard. She couldn’t stop the cry of pleasure that came from her.

  “Yeah, Rosie, make those sounds for me, let me know you fucking like this.”

  He had his eyes closed, his jaw locked tight, and beads of sweat covered his brow and chest. He looked so good, like he was lost in the sensations. Her inner muscles clenched around him of their own accord, causing deep moans and curses to come from him. She loved that she was the one causing him to react this way. He stretched her so good, made her feel so full.

  Rosie smoothed her hands down his back, feeling his muscles clench and tense beneath her fingertips, feeling his flesh slick with sweat.

  When he opened his eyes again she saw the concentration on his face.

  “I’m trying so fucking hard not to come right now.” He grunted when she clenched her inner muscles around him once more. “But you’re so wet, so fucking tight and hot, that I can’t help myself. I have no control when it comes to you.”

  Good, she loved that, because she felt the same way.

  His forearms were still straight on either side of her head, and when he lifted up and pulled back slightly, it was so he could look at where he was buried inside of her body. His expression was one of pain, as if it was uncomfortable not to come. That turned her on even more.

  “Look at us, baby.”

  She lifted up slightly and looked down the length of her body, seeing his cock moving in and out of her. It was erotic as hell.

  Never taking his eyes off of her pussy, he started moving in and out of her faster, his breathing becoming more haggard. The sounds that came from him were hoarse and serrated, but then again she sounded like a wounded animal.

  They should have been quiet so no one heard them, but it felt too good, and she couldn’t control herself.

  The pleasure turned to something more carnal, and before she knew it she lifted her hips to meet his thrusts, needing him as deep as he could go. Rosie wanted her pussy filled all the way, wanted to always have that stretch. She wanted to be able to feel him inside of her even when he wasn’t. The ecstasy stole her breath, had her lips parting, and frantic sounds leaving her.

  Perspiration covered both of them, and she felt her hair stick to her temples.

  “That’s it, Rosie girl, lift those hips. Fuck yourself on me.”

  She felt her arousal grow at the way the muscles of his abdomen contracted and relaxed with every thrust he delivered. “God, Rebel.”

  “Yes,” he groaned out and tilted his head back, the muscles and tendons in his neck standing out from the force of his concentration. “You feel so fucking good.” He looked at her again and slammed into her hard.

  “Oh,” she cried out and felt her eyes roll back in her head as intense ecstasy moved through her. “Rebel.”

  “Say my name again, Rosie,” he grunted out.

  She stared right in his eyes. “Rebel.”

  He hummed in approval. Reaching out and cupping the side of her head, he leaned down over her so their chests were flush with each other. He latched his mouth onto her throat, and he ran his teeth along her neck, sending shivers through her. He wasn’t gentle with his actions, and that turned her on more.

  Over and over he worked his cock into her, sending this heat through her, searing her alive from the inside out. And then he slammed into her so hard she moved up an inch on the bed, tilted her head back, and cried out. He covered her mouth with his hand to muffle the sound, and if she wasn’t feeling so incredible she might have been embarrassed. The last thing they needed was their parents coming downstairs and seeing what was happening.

  “Come for me,” he whispered against her skin, and just like that she was getting off.

  The climax that claimed her was swift, body numbing, and had everything else fading. Was it always like this? She doubted it. It was like this because she was with Rebel, the guy she loved.

  “Yeah.” He kept fucking her. “That’s it, baby. Come all over my dick, make it all creamy.” He breathed harder against her throat, and she knew he was in the throes of getting off, as well. The sound of him slamming into her, of his cock moving in and out of her wet pussy, filled her ears. She closed her eyes and felt him remove his hand.

  “Look at me as you come.”

  She opened her eyes just as her pleasure peaked, staring right into Rebel’s face. If possible, looking at him made the pleasure even more intense. And then she saw the expression on his face and knew he was getting off, as well.

  Oh. God. That is so hot.

  He had his jaw clenched tight, closed his eyes, and groaned deeply as he continued to push his dick into her and pull out, repeating the action over and over again before finally stilling in her. The root of his dick was pressed right against her clit, and even though he stopped thrusting and she knew he was coming, he started moving his hips back and forth, rubbing her clit with the base of his cock. Another smaller orgasm wrenched out of her and she gasped.

  He didn’t look away from her while he came, and all she could do was ride this pleasure out. Her inner muscles contracted around him, making the fullness even more vivid.

  When he finally stopped and sagged against her all she could do was run her hands over his back and breathe out.

  He had his head resting on her shoulder, and his hot breath bathed her skin. The fact he was exhausted was because of her, and that was a high all on its own. After several more seconds of being on top of her, Rebel finally rolled off. His chest rose and fell harshly as he tried to control his breathing, and the sheen of sweat on his body was visible.

  She turned onto her side to look at him, feeling this euphoria consume her. Rosie didn’t know what to say, or if she should say anything at all. In the end she just kept her mouth shut and stared at him. Rebel had his eyes closed, and his arm thrown over his head, his bicep muscle on clear display. Lowering her gaze to his cock, he still wore the condom, and wasn’t fully soft yet. Even semi-hard he was huge.

  “I love you, Rosie,” he said softly and opened his eyes, turning his head at the same time and looking at her. “Come here, baby.”

  She shifted over to him, and then he had his arm around her, pulling her flush with his hard, sweaty body. “I love you, too.” She rested her head on his chest, closed her eyes, and felt herself smile. She was happy, so damn happy.

  “Do you regret doing this?” he asked.

  She lifted her head and looked at him, her smile fading. “No, do you?”

  His gaze was penetrating, but after a second he slowly nodded his head.

  “No. I’m so fucking in love with you, and I’ve wanted you for so damn long.” He tightened his arm around her. “No one compares to you.”

  She sighed in contentment.

  There were no words for what they’d done, at least none that could really say how she felt at that moment. What she felt for Rebel was real, tangible, and hearing him say he loved her, too, made this feel so good and right. But what happened now?

  “Rebel?” she said his name softly, not sure if she should even say anything, but wanting to know what the next step was

  “Mmm?” He sounded sleepy, and looking up at him showed he had his eyes closed.

  “What happens now?”

  A moment of silence passed before he opened his eyes and responded.

  “It means you’re mine, Rosie girl. I’ve always thought of you as mine, but this cements things.”

  God, that felt good to hear.

  He looked at her, this seriousness on his face. Was it the same expression she wore? “Is that what you want, too?”

  She nodded, feeling how big her smile was. “It’s what I’ve wanted since I knew what it meant.”

  “I love you, Rosie, and I always will.” He cupped her cheek. “This wasn’t just me fucking you. It means you’ll always be mine.”

  Leaning up, she kissed him. “I love you, too.” That was what she wanted it to mean, as well. She wanted it to mean they were together, that nothing else mattered, and it seemed all her fear over tonight had been for nothing.

  Chapter Eight

  Rosie stared at Rebel across the breakfast table. Her whole body felt hot, and she felt like she was on edge, but in a good way.

  “You want second helpings?” her mother asked, but Rosie just shook her head. Rebel smiled, and Rosie couldn’t help but do the same. All she could think about was what they’d done just a couple of days ago, and how she was still sore between her legs. A shiver worked its way through her body, and she felt chills race along her spine. Even though it sounded cheesy, she felt so damn happy. Just a few days ago she’d been with Rebel in every possible sense.

  “Aidan, do you want seconds?”

  “Annabel, I go by Rebel,” he said, but he kept his focus on Rosie, this half grin on his face. She knew Rebel didn’t get annoyed that her mother refused to call him by his nickname, but more so he got a kick out of reminding her every time because it annoyed her.

  “You ready for school, Rosie girl?”

  She felt her face heat and glanced at her mother sharply. But her mom didn’t even glass their way, and instead was focused on her cell phone.

  “Rebel, your father will be home late tonight, and I have a meeting after work.” She turned and faced them then. “Looks like you’re fending for yourself tonight. Will you two be okay?”

  Rosie looked at Rebel and saw his expression was dead serious.

  “I think we’ll be good, Annabel.” He smirked at Rosie again, and she felt her face heat even further.

  Her mom came and gave her a kiss on the cheek, gave Rebel’s shoulder a squeeze, and was out the door. They sat there across from each other for long seconds, neither speaking nor moving.

  “I want to just fuck you right now,” he said and leaned forward, taking her hand in his and pulling on her until she stood. Rosie walked over to him, and in the next second she was pulled onto his lap.

  “Rebel, my mom could come in again.”

  He started kissing her neck, and despite the fact she should be worried her mother could walk in, and that’s not how she wanted this to get out, she found herself relaxing against him. Closing her eyes and just letting him do his thing, Rosie felt her body become pliant for him. Her pussy was wet, her nipples hard, and as much as she wanted to stay right here with him she knew she had to be stronger than her arousal.

  “Rebel,” she said softly and pulled away, knowing she was smiling.

  “Hmm?” he went back to sucking at her neck.

  “We’ll be late for school.”

  He groaned, but fortunately didn’t keep kissing her. Rosie didn’t know if she would have been strong enough to stop him a second time, because honestly she wanted him pretty damn badly right now. Just as he pulled away fully her cell phone rang. Pulling it out of her bag beside her feet she looked at the unrecognizable number.

  “Who is it?” Rebel asked, but didn’t seem all that interested.

  She shrugged. “Not sure.” Rosie answered the call anyway. “Hello?”


  She felt her brows knit as she stared at Rebel. “Yeah? Who is this?”

  “It’s Charleston.”

  Charleston? “Um, hi.”

  “Who is it?” Rebel said, not bothering to keep his voice low.

  “How did you get my number?” She covered the phone with her hand. “It’s Charleston.”

  The expression on Rebel’s face changed to annoyance. He went to reach for the phone, but she got off of him and smacked his hand away, smiling.

  “I’m not some stalker, I swear.”

  “Okay,” she chuckled a little awkwardly.

  “But you’re pretty easy to find online.”

  Yeah, I’d say that sounds stalkerish.

  “Okay, that came out weird as hell.” Charleston cleared his throat. “Anyway, if you’re not too creeped out by me, can I hit you up for those tutoring lessons?”

  She didn’t answer right away, glanced at Rebel and saw he was pissed, but didn’t want to straight out turn Charleston away. He’d done nothing bad to her, and just because there was this beef with him and Rebel, she didn’t want to be a bitch.

  “Sure, I can tutor you.”

  Rebel flared his nostrils as his anger was tangible, and she shrugged. Once she was off the phone and had it shoved back in her bag, she looked at Rebel.


  “I don’t like you talking to that asshole.” Rebel stood and picked up her bag from the floor.

  She followed him out of the house and locked the front door behind her. “Rebel, he’s been fine to me, nice even.”

  “He’s bad news.”

  “How can you possibly know that? He’s been at the school for such a short time.”

  Rebel stopped and faced her. “Because he’s like me, and I know what an asshole I can be.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. Looking around to see if anyone was outside, Rosie grabbed his hand and pulled him back onto the porch where they were partially hidden. Then she rose on her toes and kissed him. He groaned and gripped her nape, pulling her even closer and he stroked her lips with his tongue. She pulled away before it got too intense.

  “Is it that you really don’t like him, or that you’re just jealous?” she asked, kind of teasing, but hoping he’d come around and see that not everyone was this bad guy. True, she didn’t know Charleston that well anyway, but it wasn’t like she’d just agreed to go on a date with him or anything.

  “Both,” Rebel said honestly, and without any hesitation. He leaned down and kissed her again, but it was a quick peck. He grabbed her hand and led her to the car, and once inside he cranked the engine. Although he seemed fine now, looking over at him showed that Rebel was still tense.

  Well, her guy certainly was a “bad boy”, and Rosie knew that came with a lot of things. But it’s also one of the massive reasons she’d fallen so hard for him.


  Rebel reached out and took hold of her hand, pulled it closer, and downshifted while their fingers were entwined.

  “What do you think my mom and your dad will say when they find out?” she asked, and he could see out of his peripheral vision she was looking at him. “Or do you think we shouldn’t tell them? They’ll probably freak out.”

  Yeah, no doubt they would, because their parents saw them as one big happy family. They might be that, but he’d never seen Rosie as a sister, and the very thought of her in that way made him disgusted. He loved her, wanted her, and now that they were past all the bullshit of hiding how they truly felt, he didn’t want anything getting in the way.

  “No, I think they need to know, but if you’re not comfortable telling them anytime soon I won’t push you.” He glanced at her and gave her hand a squeeze. “But I’m not letting you go, and sneaking around will be hell, but I’ll leave the ball in your court, Rosie girl.” He loved that her cheeks heated.

  “I like when you call me that.”

  He couldn’t stop his grin. He liked calling her that, his little pet name for the girl he was in love with.

  When he finally pulled up
at school and cut the engine all he wanted to do was lean over and kiss Rosie. He wanted her, wanted to fuck her until she couldn’t walk straight. Hell, he was semi-hard right now just having her in the seat beside him, but there were people all around, and he knew just because he’d finally slept with her, and they’d professed their love, that she may not be ready for the type of PDA he wanted to give her. Rebel also knew even if they did kiss and hold hands, and do all that sweet shit, she’d have nothing to be worried about concerning people giving them shit. He’d fuck up anyone, kick their asses, hell, he’d just have to look at them in a fucked up way and they’d shut the fuck up.

  But he could control himself.

  “Lunch?” she asked and smiled, her cheeks still pink.

  “Of course.”

  She glanced around, and surprising the hell out of him she leaned forward and kissed him right on the lips. Her face got redder when she pulled away, and she glanced around, but it didn’t look like anyone saw them.

  “Damn, baby, I’m hard as fucking steel right now.” He grinned. “How am I supposed to walk sporting this thing?” He gestured to his dick.

  She reached out, her gaze on his, and rubbed him through his jeans. “You’ll figure it out.”

  And then she was out of the car and waving to him as she headed inside.

  Damn, she was a little tease, and fuck did he love it.

  Chapter Nine

  Rosie made her way to the next class, her mouth still tingling after the kiss she gave Rebel, even hours later. She found herself touching her lips, and knew she was smiling. It had been a spur of the moment kind of thing to kiss Rebel, knowing anyone could have seen them, but also not being able to help herself. Since they’d slept together that’s all she’d been able to think, all she’d been able to feel. But until they told their parents she didn’t want to risk them finding out. What a shock that would be.


  The voice in front of her had Rosie stopping and looking up. Charleston stood just a few feet from her, his expression stoic.


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