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American Experiment

Page 342

by James Macgregor Burns

  New Deal programs, 26, 27, 31, 34, 568

  1970s, 555, 557-8, 559

  1980s, 640, 641

  unemployment benefits, 75

  unilateralism, 154, 234, 494, 496

  Union party (1936), 84, 85

  unions, labor, 27, 33, 45, 54-7, 96-101

  and automation, 273

  and civil rights movement, 371, 377

  company, 45, 100

  craft, 33, 54-6, 97

  and ERA, 439, 457

  federal, 55

  fight for recognition, 46-50, 55, 97-100; recognition by GM, 99; recognition by U.S. Steel, 100

  industrial, 33, 53, 54-6, 97-100

  membership statistics, 186

  open vs. closed shop, 186-7

  racial and sex discrimination by, 188-9, 457

  “red,” 53

  wartime problems, 186-7

  women’s, 457

  see also AFL-CIO; American Federation of Labor; Congress of Industrial Organizations United Automobile Workers (UAW), 187, 273, 392, 573, 577-8

  United Farm Workers, 452

  United Mine Workers, 46, 54, 187-8

  United Nations, 208, 209, 210, 211, 223, 227, 229, 235, 256, 386, 523, 584, 586

  Communist China admitted, 469

  Declaration of Human Rights, 523, 536-40

  Declaration of 1942, 178

  Human Rights Commission, 339

  and Israel, 525

  Khrushchev at, 260

  Soviet use of, 228

  United Textile Workers of America, 46

  Universal Negro Improvement Association, 385

  universities, 270, 553, 597-8, 622, 663

  University of Alabama, 370

  University of California, 396, 542, 653

  at Berkeley, 394-5

  University of Chicago, 291, 409, 560, 562

  University of Michigan, 407

  University of Mississippi, 365

  Updike, John, 619

  upper classes, 50-1, 669

  FDR and, 42-5

  war against labor, 45-51

  women, 436, 453, 459

  urbanization, 453

  of Southern blacks, 315, 385

  Urban League, 371, 387, 571

  Uruguay, 330

  USA Today, 612

  US Chamber of Commerce, 71

  United States Information Agency (USIA), 296

  U.S. Steel Corporation, 56, 99-100

  Utley, Freda, 123

  U-2 plane, 261-3, 334, 476

  Valenti, Jack, 608

  values (core, modal, instrumental), 598, 682

  Van Buren, Martin, 117, 648

  Vance, Cyrus, 412, 522-3, 524-5, 528, 539

  Vandenberg, Arthur H., 155, 163, 235, 285

  Van Devanter, Willis, 91, 93, 96

  Van Dyke, Vernon, 539

  Variety magazine, 194

  Venezuela, 330

  Versailles Treaty, 150, 151, 157, 253, 632

  veto power, 646, 647

  House, Senate over each other, 647, 655

  Vienna, 332-3, 335, 529

  Viereck, Peter, 626

  Vietcong, 342, 484

  Vietminh, 255

  Vietnam, 401-6, 474

  French colonialism, 341-2

  Geneva Accords of 1954, 342, 405

  see also North Vietnam; South Vietnam

  Vietnam War, 342-4, 390-1, 397, 401-7, 410, 417-20, 422-6, 475-6, 478-84, 493-4, 497, 538, 675

  bombing, 403, 405-6, 410, 412-13, 418, 422, 475-6, 479-80, 483-4, 527

  casualties, 391

  election issue: in 1968, 412-16; in 1972, 460-1, 479, 481-2

  genesis of, 342-4

  Paris peace talks and cease-fire, 481-4

  Tet offensive, 411, 412

  troop statistics, 343, 390, 410, 418

  Vietnamization, 417, 419-20, 422-4

  withdrawal, 480-4

  see also anti-Vietnam War movement

  Viguerie, Richard, 637, 638, 641

  Village Voice, 429, 614

  Vishinsky, Andrei, 206

  Vladivostok summit (1974), 488, 523

  Voice of America, 523

  Volcker, Paul, 562

  Volstead Act, 25

  Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), 566

  von Braun, Wernher, 579

  Voorhis, Jerry, 468

  voter registration drives, 661-2, 670

  South, 356, 378-81, 382-4

  voter turnout, decline in, 646, 661, 670

  voting rights:

  for blacks, 357, 366, 371, 378-84; discrimination, 355, 379-80; legislation, 321-3, 378, 383, 384, 389

  for women, 433, 440, 646-7

  Voting Rights Act (1965), 383, 384, 389, 397, 651

  wages, 669

  autoworkers, 573

  Carter restrictions, 559

  Depression, 19, 32, 40, 47, 48, 49-50

  discrimination: racial, 189; sex, 81, 82, 188

  New Deal measures, 32, 90, 106, 107

  Nixon freeze, 556

  union gains, 100, 187-8

  wartime increase, 184, 187, 648

  Waggoner, Hyatt, 299

  Wagner, Robert, 70, 75, 96, 112

  Wagner (National Labor Relations) Act (1935), 75, 90, 95-6, 107, 603

  Wagner-Murray-Dingell bill, 191

  Wald, Lillian, 122

  Wallace, George C., 367, 369, 370, 383-4, 415-16, 460, 637-8, 644, 656

  Wallace, Henry, 23, 65, 73, 102, 114, 118, 208, 234, 277, 337-8

  presidential candidacy, 234-7, 238, 286

  as Vice President, 164, 203, 234

  Wall Street Journal, The, 41, 612, 627

  Walsh, David I., 162, 312

  Walzer, Michael, 540, 598

  Ward, Benjamin, 565

  Warhol, Andy, 621, 623

  war-making powers, 495

  “War on Poverty,” 516, 566-7, 568, 570-1

  War Production Board (WPB), 185, 186

  War Refugee Board, 219

  Warren, Karl, 322, 506, 652, 654, 667

  as Governor, 191, 604

  Washington, Booker T., 352, 675

  Washington, George, 153, 218, 337, 507, 593

  Washington, D.C.:

  Civil Rights Rally of 1963, 371-2

  summit meetings: 1959, Khrushchev, 260-1; 1973, Brezhnev, 485-6, 488

  Washington Naval Conference and Treaty (1921-22), 152, 170

  Washington Post, 12, 465, 500-1, 612, 614

  Pentagon Papers, 425-6

  Watergate Affair, 498, 499, 510-14, 651

  cover-up of, 500-6, 508, 510, 512

  hush money, 501, 502

  sentences, 512-13

  smoking gun, 508, 509, 511-12

  tapes, 505-6, 507-8, 509, 511, 557

  water quality control, 389, 466

  Watson, James, 544

  Watson, Thomas J., 71

  Walls race riots, 397-8, 554

  Waxman, Chaim, 568

  wealth, distribution of, 17, 60, 128, 215, 566, 668-9

  Coughlin and, 58-9

  Huey Long on, 60, 62

  “wealth tax” of 1935, 76, 77, 78, 128

  Weatherman, 422

  Weaver, Richard, 627

  Weinberg, Jack, 394-5

  Weinreb, Lloyd, 519

  Weisberger, Bernard, 478

  Welch, Joseph, 251, 258

  welfare programs, federal, 466, 554, 556, 558, 560-1, 567, 630-1, 641

  Fair Deal, 236

  New Deal, 25, 34, 37, 40, 76, 81, 134, 213-14, 568, 570; 1937-39 recession, 104

  War on Poverty, 566-7, 568

  Welles, Orson, 136, 139

  Welles, Sumner, 154

  Wells, H. G., 13, 131

  Welty, Eudora, 615

  West, Nathanael, 605, 608

  West Bank, 486, 525-6

  Western Europe, 254, 294-6, 565

  Marshall Plan aid, 233, 265, 295

  US defense partnership, 265, 488

  West Germany, 233, 238, 476

  economic competition by, 556
  Westmoreland, General William, 406, 411

  Westwood, Jean, 458

  Wheeler, Burton, 61-2, 73, 76, 77, 94, 95

  isolationism of, 154, 169

  Wheeler-Rayburn (Public Utility Holding Company) Act (1935), 76, 214

  White, Andrew D., 611

  White, Byron, 362

  White, Ralph K., 234

  White, T. H., 603

  White, Theodore, 284, 636

  White, Walter, 113

  White, William Allen, 20, 122, 614

  White Citizens’ Councils, 351, 354-5, 365, 367, 379

  white-collar crime, 514-16, 517

  Whitman, Walt, 6, 142

  Whyte, William H., Jr., 280-1, 599

  Wicker, Tom, 520

  Wiener, Norbert, 274-5

  Wiesel, Elie, 635

  Wiggins, Charles, 508

  Wiley, George A., 570

  Wilford, John Noble, 584, 585

  Wilkins, Roy, 371, 372, 381, 387

  Will, George, 644

  Williams, G. Mennen, 28, 325

  Williams, Hosea, 356

  Williams, Tennessee, 277, 297, 300

  Williamson, Kris, 451

  Willis, Ellen, 430, 444

  Willkie, Wendell, 76, 163-4, 165, 202, 203, 208, 236, 593

  Wills, Garry, 466, 604

  Wilson, Charles E., 236, 575

  Wilson, Edmund, 19

  Wilson, James Q., 516, 518, 648

  Wilson, Woodrow, 5, 23-4, 41, 71, 72, 75, 87, 117, 127, 218, 312, 600, 632, 646, 657

  idealism of, 152, 217, 465, 522

  internationalism of, 11, 12, 465

  and 1918 congressional election, 190-1

  and World War 1, 490

  Wilson Administration, 92, 152

  Winfield, Dave, 610

  Winner, Langdon, 552

  Winthrop, Diana, 613

  wiretapping, in Nixon administration, 499

  Wisconsin, progressivism in, 68, 108

  Wolin, Sheldon, 396

  women, 551, 667

  and New Deal, 120, 122

  in party politics, 458, 648

  support for FDR, 83

  as wartime labor, 188, 453

  Women Against Daddy Warbucks, 421

  Women: A Journal of Liberation, 447

  Women’s Bureau, 438

  Women’s Equity Action League (WEAL), 439

  Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell (WITCH), 446

  women’s issues and rights, 40, 81, 376, 433-4, 436-60, 466, 551, 646

  abortion, 439, 440, 447-9, 452, 458, 628, 654

  battery, 449, 534

  Eleanor Roosevelt and, 10, 29, 113, 433-4

  ERA, 434, 438-9, 452, 457, 458-9

  legislation of 1960s and 1970s, 378, 439

  pornography, 449, 534-5

  rape, 449

  suffrage, 433, 440, 646-7

  Supreme Court decisions, 651, 653, 654

  see also sex discrimination

  women’s liberation movement, 436-60, 659

  blacks in, 451-3

  dualisms in, 441-9, 451, 454

  genesis and growth of, 453-4

  and lesbianism, 450-1

  national coalition of groups, 440-1

  question of electoral and lobbying politics, 456-8, 460-1

  radical groups, 443-9, 454, 455-6

  younger vs. older branch, 441-3, 454-5, 457-8, 460-1

  Women’s Political Council, 349-50

  Women’s Trade Union League, 10

  Women Strike for Peace, 392

  Wood, Grant, 138

  Woodin, William, 23-4

  Woodrow Wilson Foundation, 155

  Woodstock festival, 426-7, 431, 432

  Woodward, Bob, 501

  Wooley, Mary, 122

  worker participation in management, 565, 578

  Workers’ Alliance of America, 132, 570

  working class, 45, 52, 57, 564

  see also labor

  working conditions, 46, 48

  hours, 32, 90, 100, 106

  NRA reforms, 32, 33, 106

  Works Progress Administration (WPA), 76, 104, 191, 213

  Federal Art Project, 134-5

  Federal Theatre Project, 135-8

  Federal Writers’ Project, 139-41

  World Court, 63, 70

  World War I, 177, 193, 219

  World War II, 337-8, 402-3, 453, 497

  Allied conferences, 195-9, 205-9, 224-5, 226

  battle of Atlantic, 169-70, 171-2, 173, 175, 180, 197, 217

  danger in Europe, 149-51, 153, 155-9

  danger in Pacific, 168, 170-1, 172-4

  in Europe, 159-64, 166-70, 177, 180, 182, 196, 199-201, 206, 211, 223-4; cross-Channel attack, 177-8, 180-1, 196-201, 207

  North African operations, 178, 181, 197

  in Pacific, 174-80, 196, 198, 201-2, 206, 207, 211, 224, 225

  Pearl Harbor, 174-6

  question of second front, 180-1, 196-9, 202, 207, 221-2

  unconditional surrender requirement, 211, 217, 224, 225

  US and, 174-90, 192-5; aid to Britain, 161, 162, 164, 166-70; FDR pledge to stay out, 160, 161, 162, 166-7, 170; growing US intervention, 167-74; war production and labor, 182-4, 186-9, 199, 268, 272, 648

  V-E day, 224

  V-J day, 225, 226

  Worsley, Peter, 304

  Wright, Frank Lloyd, 593

  Wright, Richard, 145, 615

  writers, writing, 605, 665

  Depression era, 141-6

  New Deal programs, 139-40

  1970s, 615-20

  postwar, 296-301

  and red-baiting, 132, 139, 140, 141-2

  and the State (PEN Congress), 617-20

  Wyman, Jane, 606-7

  Yale University, 270, 542

  Yalta Conference and agreement, 159, 205-9, 210-11, 226, 252-3

  Yamamoto, Adm. Isoroku, 180

  Yasgur, Max, 427

  Yeager, Charles E., 268

  Yeats, William Butler, 681, 682

  Yom Kippur War (1973), 487, 574

  Yorktown, U.S.S., 179, 180

  Young, Andrew, 352, 592

  Young, Neil, 587

  Young, Owen D., 15

  Young, Whitney, 371, 387

  Young Americans for Freedom, 637

  Young Communist League, 603

  youth culture of 1960s, 394, 426-32

  Youth International Party (Yippies), 414-15

  youth programs:

  New Deal, 76, 104, 113

  War on Poverty, 566

  see also Civilian Conservation Corps Yugoslavia, 149, 169, 260

  “yuppies,” 599, 660

  Zangara, Joseph, 21

  Zappa, Frank, 427

  Zhdanov, Andrei, 227, 229

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  The Vineyard of Liberty copyright © 1982 by James MacGregor Burns

  The Workshop of Democracy copyright © 1985 by James MacGregor Burns

  The Crosswinds of Freedom copyright © 1989 by James MacGregor Burns

  Cover design by Morgan Alan

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