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American Experiment

Page 341

by James Macgregor Burns

  treaty ratification power, 491, 495, 645-6, 648, 650; Panama Treaty, 525; SALT II abandoned, 529, 645

  Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 291

  Senate Judiciary Committee, 323

  Senate Watergate Committee, 502, 503-5

  Seventeenth Amendment, 646

  sex discrimination, 433, 439-43, 454, 459, 618, 635, 646

  against black women, 189, 452

  civil rights bill of 1964, 376, 378, 437

  in credit, 439

  in education, 433, 439

  in employment, 81, 188, 433, 437, 439, 446-7, 457

  outlawed, 378, 437

  in pay, 81, 82, 188

  sexual customs and mores, 533-5, 569, 628

  Sexual Politics (Millett), 456

  Shanghai Communiqué (1972), 474

  Shapley, Harlow, 269

  sharecropping, 40, 49, 66, 81, 314

  Share Our Wealth plan, 60, 62

  Shaw, George Bernard, 301

  Shays’s rebellion, 88, 673

  Shcharansky, Anatoly, 523

  Shepard, Alan B., Jr., 579-80

  Sherrod, Charles, 364

  Sherwood, Robert, 21

  Shils, Edward, 278

  Shimabukuro, Stanley, 189-90

  shipbuilding, wartime, 183-4

  Shirer, William, 150, 594

  Short, Dewey, 132

  Shouse, Jouett, 42-3

  Shriver, Sargent, 390, 458, 461, 521, 566

  Shultz, George, 617-18

  Shuttlesworth, Fred, 356, 367-8

  Sicily, Allied invasion of, 197-8

  Sidey, Hugh, 560

  Sihanouk, Prince Norodom, 424

  Silent Spring (Carson), 389

  Silk, Leonard, 555

  Silone, Ignazio, 277

  Simon, John, 621

  Simon, William E., 627

  Simon and Garfunkel, 430

  Simonds, Benjamin, 675

  Simpson, George Gaylord, 269

  Sinai Peninsula, 486-7, 526

  Sinclair, Upton, 69-70, 80, 117, 603, 604

  Sirica, John J., 501, 503, 505, 512

  sit-down strikes, 1930s, 96, 97-100, 107

  sit-in demonstrations, 189, 356-7, 395-6

  Sivachev, Nikolai, 131

  Six-Day War (1967), 486

  Skylab missions, 582

  slavery, 121, 353, 357, 358, 646, 655, 666

  FWP narratives on, 139

  Sloan, Alfred P., Jr., 98-9, 572, 575, 578

  Sly and the Family Stone (rock group), 427

  Small War Plants Corporation, 186

  Small War Plants Division, 186

  Smeal, Eleanor, 635

  Smith, Al, 4, 10-11, 42-3, 58, 79, 81-2, 119, 137, 656

  Smith, Alice Kimball, 549

  Smith, “Cotton Ed,” 110-11

  Smith, Gaddis, 524, 528

  Smith, Gerald L.K., 80, 84, 85, 169

  Smith, Hedrick, 642

  Smith, Howard W., 106, 112, 126, 375-6, 437

  Smith, Jerome, 369

  Smith, Margaret Chase, 245

  Smith, Mike, 583

  Smith, Miranda, 603

  Smith Act (1940), 243

  Smith-Connally bill, 191

  Smucker, Tom, 431, 432

  Snow, C. P., 547-8

  social change:

  avenues of, 124-5, 631

  for Boston Irish, 308-9

  for Southern blacks, 315-16

  wartime, 184-5, 188-90

  social criticism, 275-81

  Social Darwinism, 42, 308

  Social Democratic Federation party (1936), 84

  socialism, socialists, 564-5

  American, 42, 51, 53-4, 79, 122-3, 165, 631-2

  New Deal misconceived as, 43, 45, 102, 123, 128

  Niebuhr and, 292-3

  public schools as experiment in, 596

  Third World nations, 305; India, 339-40

  Socialist party, 14, 49, 53, 84-5, 122-3, 128

  social protest movements, 347-8, 460-2, 655-6, 659-61

  group-oriented participatory leadership, 358, 384, 395-6, 443-4, 455-6

  see also campus movement; civil rights movement; peace movement; women’s liberation movement

  Social Security, 75, 77, 78, 86, 90, 112, 566

  threats of cuts, 559, 640

  Wagner-Murray-Dingell bill, 191

  Sofaer, Abraham, 495

  Solidarity movement, 644

  “Solid South,” 251, 382, 460, 657

  Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr I., 489, 532, 538

  Sombart, Werner, 542

  Somoza, Anastasio, 330

  Sontag, Susan, 409, 623

  Sorensen, Theodore, 324, 332, 334, 374, 412


  black migration, 315, 385

  black voter registration, 356, 378-81, 382-4

  Democratic party in, 118, 354, 382, 460 (see also Democratic party, Southern wing) Democratic-Republican balance-shifting, 250-1, 382, 460, 640, 657

  “Other South,” 353

  poverty in, 313-18, 354, 567

  racial tension, 315-16, 321-3, 348-58, 361-9, 378-85; white anti-black violence, 352, 357, 361-2, 365, 368-9, 372, 380, 382-4, 386

  union organization lagging in, 48-9

  state government, 354

  white domination, 354-5

  Southeast Asia, 265, 337-8, 339, 341 (see also Indochina; Vietnam)

  Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty, 265

  Southeast Asia Treaty Organization, 189

  Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), 356, 357-8, 366-9, 371, 379, 382-3, 399

  Southern Tenant Farmers’ Union, 49

  South Korea, 240-2, 265, 578

  South of Freedom (Rowan), 314

  South Vietnam, 401-3, 411, 417-20, 480-4, 489, 493-4

  see also Vietnam War

  Souvestre, Marie, 8

  Soviet Union, 220, 265

  American perceptions and misperceptions of, 220-2, 227-8, 229, 233-4, 241-2, 254, 262, 526-8

  and Communist China, 260, 265, 405, 469, 472, 474-6, 485-6, 488, 526-9

  dissidents, 489, 523, 526, 539

  domination of Eastern Europe, 210-11, 221, 226, 229, 258, 469

  encircled with US bases, 265, 286, 334-5, 337, 527

  expansionism, 221, 228, 293

  5-year plans, 131, 227

  and India, 340

  invasion of Afghanistan, 529, 531, 626

  Jews in, 488

  Korean War blunder of, 241-2, 260

  and Middle East, 265, 486-7, 488, 526-7

  misperceptions of America in, 220-1, 233-4, 241-2, 260, 262, 301-2, 491, 527

  1939 pact with Nazi Germany, 151, 159, 197, 260

  nuclear weapons of, 259, 264, 333-5, 527; A-bomb, 239-40; H-bomb, 256

  postwar territorial gains, 206, 207-8

  space program, 259, 578-80, 581, 582, 584, 586

  Stalinism, 20, 202, 221; denounced, 260

  US recognition of, 36, 153

  US relations with, 202, 218, 220-2, 225-9, 232-4, 253-4, 476-9, 485-9, 523, 526-9, 643 (see also Allies, World War II; arms control; arms race; cold war; détente; human rights; summit meetings)

  and Vietnam, 405, 418, 476, 478, 488

  in World War II, 167, 175, 177-8, 180, 196-7, 206, 211, 223-4; as ally, 202; against Japan, 207-8, 225, 226

  space exploration:

  Soviet, 259, 278-80, 581, 582, 584, 586

  US, 259, 268, 542, 579-87; Reagan militarization of, 585-6

  space shuttle program, 582-4, 585

  Spain, Spanish Civil War, 149, 156

  Sparkman, John, 250

  special interest politics, 80, 126, 552, 592, 646

  Congress and, 107, 192, 642, 647-8

  special prosecutor, 505

  speech, freedom of, 281, 395-6, 654, 666

  Spencer, Herbert, 42, 560, 562, 625

  Spock, Benjamin, 409

  sports, 307, 609-11

  Springsteen, Bruce, 660

  Sputnik, 259, 391, 553, 578-9

sp; Square Deal, 7, 152, 359

  stagflation, 557-8, 559, 639

  Stalin, Josef, 7, 52, 105, 123, 151, 159, 160, 202, 259

  death of, 242, 253

  denunciation of, 260

  FDR and, 198, 207-8, 210-11, 217, 341

  and Korean War, 241-2, 260

  postwar stance toward West, 227, 229, 232, 233, 238

  purges, 20, 202, 221, 267

  and United Nations, 178, 208, 211, 223in World War II, 196-7, 207, 211, 222; at Potsdam, 224-5, 226; at Teheran, 195, 198-9; at Yalta, 159, 206-8

  Stalingrad, battle of, 182, 199

  Stanford University, 542

  Stars and Stripes (services journal), 188

  Stassen, Harold, 111, 191, 236

  State Department, 471

  charges of communism against, 231-2, 243-5, 252, 471

  states’ rights, 10, 11, 13, 43, 236, 562

  civil rights issues and, 352

  States’ Rights (Dixiecrat) party, 237, 238

  Steagall, Henry B., 24

  steel industry:

  Big Steel, 97, 99-100, 651

  JFK price rollback, 651

  labor unrest, 49, 97, 99-100

  Little Steel, 100, 187-8

  production, 101, 264; wartime, 183

  wartime female labor, 188

  Steel Workers Organizing Committee, 99-100

  Stegner, Wallace, 58

  Steichen, Edward, 593

  Stein, Herbert, 214, 554-5, 557

  Steinbeck, John, 141-2, 298

  Steinem, Gloria, 439

  Stennis, John, 376

  Stevenson, Adlai F., 249, 286-7, 289, 324, 325-6, 373, 494, 677

  in Cuban missile crisis, 334, 337

  presidential candidate: 1952, 249-51, 252; 1956, 257, 286, 287

  Stieglitz, Alfred, 593

  Stilwell, General Joseph W., 201, 470, 495

  Stimson, Henry L., 17, 41, 163, 169, 170, 180, 186, 216, 224, 236, 328, 593

  Stimson Doctrine, 170, 470

  Stockman, David, 639-40, 645

  stock market, 669

  Black Monday of 1987, 661

  Black Tuesday of 1937, 101

  1937-38 recession, 104

  1970s, 555, 556, 557

  Stokowski, Leopold, 605

  Stone, Harlan, F., 71, 82, 95, 130, 667

  Stone, I. F., 407

  Strategic Defense Initiative, 586

  strikes, 273

  air controllers (1981), 638-9

  farm labor, 49-50, 452

  1930s, 46-50, 97-100

  postwar, 230, 236; 1970 UAW, 573

  sit-down, 96, 97-100, 107

  wartime, 187-8

  Structuralism, 624

  Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), 358, 361-3, 364, 366, 379-80, 383, 384, 392

  and Black Power, 386-8, 399

  Women’s Liberation Workshop, 442


  in civil rights work in South, 380; lunch-counter sit-ins, 356-7: SNCC, 358, 361-3, 364

  1960s to early 1970s unrest, 394-7, 413-14, 421-3, 425, 460, 532, 548

  Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), 392-3, 407, 409-10, 417, 421-2, 442

  Studs Lonigan (Farrell), 143-4

  Styron, William, 620

  suburbia, 278-9, 280, 285, 436, 453, 573-4

  Suckley, Margaret, 212

  Suez crisis of 1956, 257, 286, 288

  Sullivan, Ed, 430

  Sullivan, John L., 307

  summit meetings, postwar, 488

  1955, Geneva, 257

  1959, Washington, 260-1

  1960, Paris, aborted, 261-2, 476

  1961, Vienna, 332-3, 335

  1972, Moscow, 476-9, 485, 488

  1973, Washington, 485-6, 488

  1974, Moscow and Vladivostok, 488, 523

  1979, Vienna, 529

  Sumner, William Graham, 42, 560, 625

  Sumners, Hatton, 93

  Sundquist, James, 321

  Sun Yat-sen, 337

  supply-side economics, 639-40, 641

  Supreme Court, US, 87-96, 116, 321, 646, 651-5, 667

  Bakke quota system case, 653

  Burger Court, 505-6, 652-4

  court-packing plan of FDR, 93-6, 105, 118; alternatives to, 89-92

  Curtiss-Wright case, 156

  Dred Scott decision, 652

  free speech cases, 535, 654

  Gold Clause cases, 72, 89

  invalidation of New Deal legislation, 72-3, 74, 82, 89-90, 91, 652

  makeup of, 652-4; in 1935, 71-2, 87; in 1954, 321

  Miranda doctrine, 654

  Nixon tapes case, 505-6, 507-8

  “preferred position” doctrine of, 667

  prior restraint overturned by, 426

  Rehnquist Court, 654, 667

  Roe v. Wade, 448, 653, 654

  Roosevelt Court, 652

  and search of vehicles, 653-4

  segregation and civil rights cases, 352, 365, 596, 651, 652, 653; Brown v. Board of Education, 321-2, 347, 651; Plessy v. Ferguson, 314, 322

  Warren Court, 322, 652, 654

  women’s rights cases, 653, 654

  Sweden, 571-2

  Sweezy, Paul, 564

  Symington, Stuart, 325

  Syria, 486-7, 574

  Szilard, Leo, 545-6

  Taft, Robert A., 111, 163, 169, 190, 203, 233, 234, 236, 243, 245, 253, 625

  in 1952 campaign, 246-8, 249-50

  Taft, William Howard, 236, 247, 466

  Taft-Hartley Act, 320

  Taiwan, 240, 254, 265, 472, 474, 578

  US break with, 529, 644

  Talmadge, Eugene, 65

  Talmadge, Herman, 503

  Tamiris, Helen, 138

  Tammany Hall, 8, 10

  Taney, Roger, 652

  Tarbell, Ida, 122

  tariffs, foreign trade, 17, 36, 490

  Tawney, R. H., 461

  taxation, 559

  1960s, 554-5

  Nixon/Ford policies, 556, 558

  Reagan policies, 639, 641-2

  redistributionist, 76, 215

  Revenue Acts: 1935 “wealth tax,” 76, 77, 78, 128; of 1942, 191-2

  Taylor, Frederick W., 271

  Taylor, Myron C, 19, 71, 100

  teachers, 597-8, 663-4

  Teamsters Union, 46, 188, 573

  Technics and Civilization (Mumford), 274

  technology, 266, 267-9, 394, 541, 542-3, 550-3, 572

  automation, 272-3, 274-5, 543, 550

  socio-psychological impacts of, 274-6

  space, 584-7

  Teheran Conference (1943), 195, 198-9, 206

  telecommunications satellites, 582, 585, 611

  television, 284-5, 605-6, 607, 610, 611, 612-14, 615, 620

  Nixon and, 472-3, 495, 511

  presidential campaign coverage by, 324, 613; debates, 326

  presidential use of, 495

  Teller, Edward, 549, 578

  Temporary National Economic Committee, 104

  tenant farmers, 49, 66, 81, 314

  Tenant Farmers’ Union, 49, 65

  Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 26, 34, 40, 77, 131, 213, 316-17

  as socialist experiment, 123, 128

  Test Ban Treaty (1963), 390, 392

  Tet offensive, 411, 412

  textile industry, 1934 general strike, 48-9

  Thatcher, Margaret, 633

  theater, 615, 620, 624

  charges of communism against, 132, 138, 231

  Depression era, 138-9, 145-6

  New Deal programs, 135-8

  Theatre Guild, 136

  Thieu, Nguyen Van, 419, 480-4

  third parties, 108, 118, 655-7

  bias of American system against, 238

  1912, Progressive party, 118-19, 236

  1924, Progressive party, 46, 416

  1936, Union party, 84, 85

  1948, Progressive party, 235-7, 238; States Rights’ Dixiecrats, 237, 238

  1968, American Independent party, 415

; 1970s conservative debate on, 637-8

  Third World, 296, 306, 328-32, 325-44, 451-2, 539

  GNP statistics, 304

  liberation movements and revolutions, 338, 341-4

  poverty, 303-5, 669

  This Is War! (radio program), 193

  Tho, Le Duc, 481-2, 484

  Thomas, Norman, 14, 18, 53-4, 84, 122, 154, 293, 631

  Thomas Aquinas, 57, 537

  Thompson, Dorothy, 93, 165

  Thompson, Kathleen, 449

  Thompson, Kenneth, 536

  Thomson, Virgil, 593

  Thoreau, Henry David, 338, 352, 368, 595, 673

  Thurmond, Strom, 376, 644, 657

  Dixiecrat candidate in 1948, 237, 238

  Till, Emmett, 352, 378

  Time magazine, 68, 202, 276, 284, 456, 560, 612, 622, 640

  Titov, Gherman, 580

  Tobin, Dan, 55

  Tobin, James, 461

  Tocqueville, Alexis de, 125, 294, 519, 548, 593, 595, 599, 600, 665, 667, 671, 679

  Tocquevillian void, 125, 214, 294, 518-19, 548, 593, 595, 665, 667-8, 671

  Toffler, Alvin, 597

  Tojo, Hideki, 175, 201

  Tokyo, bombing of, 179, 225

  Toledano, Ralph de, 627

  Tong, Rosemarie, 535

  Tonkin Gulf incident and Resolution, 403

  Townsend, Francis, 66-8, 79, 80, 84, 85, 604, 661

  trade deficit, 557

  Trento, Joseph, 584

  triangular diplomacy, 469, 474-6, 488, 496, 527-9

  Trilling, Lionel, 629

  Trudeau, Garry, 624, 636

  Trujillo, Rafael, 329

  Truman, Harry S, 219, 222-3, 287-8, 293, 319, 448, 593

  and Kennedy, 324, 325, 333

  as President, 212, 230, 246, 248-9, 253, 277, 466, 561, 656; and A-bomb, 224-6, 288; cabinet of, 223; and civil rights, 236, 249, 321, 359, 657; Fair Deal of, 236, 239, 359; foreign policy, 229-30, 232-5, 239-43, 285-6, 289, 290, 340, 342, 347, 402, 468, 490; Korean War, 241-3, 651; loyalty program, 230, 232, 239, 245; at Potsdam, 224-5, 226

  presidential candidacy in 1948, 236-8

  quoted, on Nazis vs. Soviets, 221

  as Senator, 185-6

  as Vice President, 223; candidacy, 203-4

  Truman Doctrine, 232-3, 234, 235, 239, 289, 347

  Tubman, Harriet, 451

  Tugwell, Rexford, 13, 14-15, 17, 24, 28, 30, 33-35, 64, 74, 118-19

  Tully, Grace, 3, 212

  Tunney, Gene, 609

  Turkey, 229, 232-3, 239, 265

  US missile bases, 334-5, 337

  Turner, Nat, 355

  Twain, Mark, 299

  two-party system, see party system

  Tydings, Millard, 110-11, 119, 164, 245-6

  Udall, Morris, 521

  Ulam, Adam, 242

  “ultra-conservatives,” 123


  of blacks, 571

  counter-measures, 561-2

  of Depression years, 5, 18-19, 31, 39, 40, 47, 58, 81, 215, 648; 1937-39 recession, 101, 104, 113, 214


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