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Bittersweet: Can she rebuild her life?

Page 20

by Lyz Kelley

  “Will you dance with Heath, too? He’s been really sad.”

  Heath plopped his hands on his hips. “Have not.”

  Ellie gave him one of her stupid-adult looks every kid mastered by the age of four. “I wish he’d fart once in awhile so he could laugh again,” Ellie whispered, but just loud enough for Heath to overhear.

  On cue, Heath hitched up his hip and let out a stinker.

  Ellie’s and Leza’s jaws dropped in unison.

  The rumbling noise started softly than grew.

  “He’s laughing,” Ellie’s eyes opened wider, and she threw her hands over her mouth to cover her giggles.

  “Yes he is.”

  Oh, the joy. Leza tickled Ellie until she released the blissful child sound.

  Gunther barked so he wouldn’t be left out.

  Heath gathered up Ellie and spun her around before collapsing with her on the couch. “While we’re sharing surprises, I have one for you both.”

  Leza rocked back and sat on the coffee table. “You look excited.”

  “I am. I received the call this morning. Starting next month, I’ll have a new job.”

  Oh, no. He’s leaving.

  Elkridge had so few jobs to offer anyone. If he had a new job, he’d be moving to Denver or one of the larger cities.

  Her shoulders slumped. Maybe she shouldn’t have promised Ellie all those things. She closed her eyes. Why had she bought the business property? Why? Why? Why?

  “Leza. What’s wrong?”

  Could she tell him? Should she? What choice did she have? “I don’t want you to leave town.”

  He sat up and shifted Ellie to the side. “Who said anything about leaving?”

  “You said you have a new job, and I just assumed.”

  “Yeah, and you know what assume means.”

  “It makes and ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and ‘me?’”

  He scooched up and took her hand in his.

  “So does this mean you’re not leaving?”

  “Not leaving,” he confirmed, “I nailed the regional search and rescue job. I can work anywhere as long as I have the proper equipment. Jack, Joe, and some of the other guys on the rescue team put in a good word for me. To tell you the truth, I didn’t think I’d have a chance at being selected for an interview, much less the job—which is why I didn’t tell anyone.”

  “But why? You loved your deputy job.”

  “I love serving this community, and I can serve them better by coordinating emergency services when someone goes missing or there is a cross-unit response needed. You were right.”


  “Not everyone can coordinate a large rescue or search effort like I can. Besides, the job will mean I don’t have to put on a bulletproof vest, and I’ll be here for El.” He placed a hand on his niece’s knee. “She needs to know I’m not going anywhere, either.”

  “So you’re staying in Elkridge.”

  “Do you have a problem with that?”

  She let a little fist pump fly. “Yes.” Her face flushed. “I mean, no. No, I don’t have a problem with you staying in town.”

  In her excitement, she didn’t realize he’d moved until his warm lips caressed hers while she heard clapping and barking.

  “Yayyyyyy!” Ellie clapped some more. “Does this mean Leza and Truman will move in with us?”

  Heath chuckled. “Whoa. Slow down. This is a pretty big decision. We should vote.”

  Ellie pushed Heath out of the way, and hoisted her body into Leza’s lap. “When can you move in?”

  “Hey, Squirt. We didn’t vote yet.”

  “Well, I voted yes, and Gunther always votes with me, so if you voted no, then it wouldn’t matter. You’d be outvoted.”

  Oh, happy-joy-joy. The feeling of home and belonging swelled. “So how about it, Mr. Watson?” Leza lifted a brow to pose the question. “Do I get to move in?”

  “Well you can cook and braid hair better than I do, so I suppose it’s all right with me,” he winked.

  “I have one more secret talent neither of you know about.”

  Ellie waited with big eyes.

  “Well? Do tell?” Heath gave her a kick-starter nudge.

  Leza gulped in several mouthfuls of air and let out a bellowing belch.

  Ellie screeched with laughter.

  “That seals the deal. You’re in. I love you, Leza, belches and all.” Heath’s love warmed her all the way to her toes.

  “Can you teach me how to do that?”

  “Later, Squirt. We don’t want you in more trouble at school.” Heath pulled Ellie off Leza’s lap, set her on her feet, and headed toward the kitchen. “It’s movie night. Who wants some popcorn?”

  “Me. Me. Me.” Ellie and Gunther raced ahead of him to the kitchen.

  And just like that, Leza’s empty life zoomed from empty to full.

  Chapter 26

  Ten months later.

  “I’m so proud of you. You did it,” Heath wrapped his arm around Leza’s shoulders and kissed her on the forehead.

  “We did it together.” She took a moment to appreciate the changes in the large yoga studio and the people who came to help them celebrate. Joe, Mara, Ashley, Chase, Karly, Thad, Gwen, and Dale…just about everyone showed up to support her dream. Even Rachelle and Jacob flew in from out of town, which was extra-special, since the reunion gave Leza a chance to reassure Rachelle she didn’t hold any grudges against her for her father’s past sins.

  “You worked just as hard as I did to open the center.”

  “You’re right. I think I need a massage,” he faked a wince of pain, “I tweaked a muscle in my back putting up that big screen, and we didn’t even use it for the grand opening. I don’t know why you insisted on putting it up.”

  She waved to Grant, the town lawyer, when he walked in with his scrumptious-treats-producing wife, Jenna, on his arm. Both leisurely following two kids to the game room. “Yes. Well. I wanted to have a contingency plan.”

  Harold Talbott, the general store owner and retired Air Force man, and Bill Mason, the hardware store owner and former Marine, slid up next to her, along with her mom, lagging a few steps behind.

  “Congratulations, Leza,” Harold gave her a fatherly hug.

  “Yeah. Congrats,” Bill added.

  “I’m so proud of you, honey.” Her mom gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Thanks. I’m so glad you all came. Would you keep Heath company for a minute? I’ll be right back. I want to see if Maggie and Noelle need any help with the food.” Leza slipped through the crowd before Heath could respond.

  Odd. She suddenly seemed distracted, and the Café’s owner never needed any help. The Harley-riding momma and her recently wed daughter Noelle were more than capable of handling a small crowd.

  “How are you settling into your new job?” Harold asked.

  “Fine. Just fine.” He watched Leza disappear through the back door, versus heading to the kitchen.

  Where is she going?

  “Gentlemen, I don’t mean to be rude, but I need to see if Leza needs my help.”

  Bill placed a hand on Heath's shoulder, effectively keeping him in place. “Once a Marine, always a Marine. Always wanting to pitch in and help. Trust me. Leza will ask for help if she needs it.”

  When a look passed between Harold and Bill, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up. He caught the twitch of a smirk teetering on Bill’s face.

  “Is this thing on?” Chase Daniels asked into a microphone, his voice echoing into the room. “I guess it is.”

  Heath glanced over the heads of several people to see Chase in the middle of the room.

  What’s he doing with El?

  Ashley and Gwen both stood behind Chase, each with a newborn snuggled in a body wrap, looking content and at ease.

  Chase adjusted El in his arms and raised the microphone higher.

  El looked so happy and adorable in the party outfit she and Leza picked out together. El insisted on a blue dress with gl
ittery, silver-slipper shoes. With her hair curled in ringlets, she looked just like her mom.

  A bittersweet joy circled his heart.

  “Okay, folks. Since we’re all here tonight, Ellie’s been working on a special song for her uncle, which she wants to sing tonight. Would that be okay with everyone?” Chase looked out over the clapping, happy audience.

  Chase set El down, knelt beside her, and pulled out his phone to hold it close to the microphone. When the first couple of notes of the song tumbled through the air, he understood why El had chosen the song.

  She sang, with enthusiasm, but terribly out of tune. Noelle and Mara, the town singers, stepped forward to help carry the beat of the song when El faltered.

  Bill joined in the chorus, as did others.

  Heath sang along as pride straightened his spine. “...the tiii-iitle of United States Marine.”

  He fought against the stinging in his eyes, and with a large gulp and a cough he camouflaged the emotions.

  Where’s Leza? She’s missing this special moment.

  El lay her head on Chase’s shoulder as her cheeks turned red from all the attention while the song continued and more and more people joined in. Ashley moved up to rub Ellie’s back. Movement drew his attention to the side of the room. The former general, Chase’s father-in-law, walked over to a small table in the center of the room. A few seconds later a light appeared on the very giant screen he’d only moments earlier complained hadn’t been used.

  “…by United States Marines,” Chase ended the song with a loud crescendo, then lifted El, placing her in his father-in-law’s arms before turning back to the crowd. The general took up his position next to his wife, Gwen, and newborn son.

  “There are quite a few former military members in the crowd tonight,” Chase scanned the partygoers. “Many of you know how hard it is to shift from service to civilian life when the decision is your own, or you’ve done your time and are looking to move on.

  “However, Heath Watson had virtually no time to prepare for his choice, and therefore he didn’t get a proper goodbye from his unit. So we prepared a little something to honor Heath today.”

  The screen flashed, and suddenly one of his military buddies appeared. A flood of emotions almost prevented him from hearing the pre-recorded personal message. He fought the tsunami back. Another buddy appeared, then another. The messages were spliced together, and almost all ended with a “miss you, buddy.” Several minutes later the video rolled to an end and two Marines in combat fatigues appeared.

  What the hell?

  The two shook Chase and the general’s hand, then beckoned him forward.

  “Neon, dude, what are you doing here?”

  “Hey there, Spoiler. KK and I got an email asking us for our help.”

  Kevin Krane, a.k.a. KK, Karly’s brother shook his hand, and then hugged his sister and brother-in-law.

  Heath scratched his jaw. “An email? From who?”

  “Some woman. She wrote and asked if we had any time off to visit Colorado. Chaser said the email was solid, so we formed a plan. We weren’t sure if we’d get leave, but I think the general, here, called in a few favors.”

  “Damn straight.” The general winked and grinned. “I’d better be able to get a few guys stateside for all the years I put in.”

  “That’s great. But what woman are you talking about?” Heath turned around. Leza stood just off to the side, holding El’s hand, a sly smile sliding across her face.

  Busted. He turned to Neon and Kevin. “Was the person who contacted you named Leza?”

  “What do you think?” Neon tried to smile, but the scar on his lip from a rifle butt made the grin a little lopsided. “Glad to see you’re doing well, buddy.”

  “Same here.” The words were simple, but the giant sentiment spread. Neon pointed. “I think your lady has something to say.”

  Leza walked forward with a microphone in hand. “Ladies and gentleman, give a round of applause for some of our finest United States Marines.”

  Hoots and hollers filled the yoga hall.

  “And now, Ellie and I have a question for Heath.” The room quieted as the two women who made his world rotate walked up to him.

  El looked at Leza, and she nodded. Leza lowered the microphone. “Uncle Heath? We were wondering if you would marry us.” El shoved a small box in his direction.

  The stinging behind his eyelids came back. Even with a room full of people, he couldn’t hear a sound other than his heart making a racket in his ears.

  He accepted the box. “El? We don’t need to get married. We’re together, you and me…remember?”

  Her little face drooped, and he went down on one knee and pulled her close.

  Leza whispered in El’s ear. El nodded, then her hopeful eyes looked at him. “I don’t want you to be my uncle anymore. I want you to be my dad.”

  Oh, God. Instantly the dam of tears broke. “You want me to be your dad?”

  She nodded. “Leza said she’d be my mom if you agreed to be my dad.”

  He reached out a hand to connect with Leza. “You want to get married?”

  “Watson, I’m starting to worry about you. You’re a little slow on the uptake,” she said with the brightest glow.

  She tightened her hand around his. “Ellie and I had a chat. She told me that more than anything in the world she wants us to be her mom and dad, and I want to give that to her. I love you, Heath Watson. You healed my heart. From now on, I want to wake up beside you every day, whether the day be happy or sad, easy or difficult. I can’t imagine living my life without both you and Ellie. However, if a day comes when something happens and we can’t be together, I will face that day knowing I had the joy of the time we shared.”

  He stood and pulled El and Leza in close while the crowd erupted with applause and whoops.

  “Let’s celebrate!” Maggie and Jack each held up a bottle of champagne and popped the corks, mist of bubbles flowing over the top of both bottles. Noelle and Jenna started handing out glasses.

  “Wait,” Harold shouted. “He didn’t answer your question.”

  Leza scooted back and tugged the little box out of his hand and opened it toward him. “Heath Watson, will you marry us?”

  “Are you serious? Yes. Actually. Hell, yes!” he shouted while he pulled her close and hugged her tight. “Babe, I will marry you any place, anytime.” He ran his hand over El’s curls. “I will marry you both.”

  He laughed away his tears while his heart did a thundering F-16 flyover, spreading the excited thrill.

  The relaxed softness in Leza’s eyes gave him a thump to the chest.

  The fear was gone. She was present. No longer in the past. She’s mine.

  He leaned in and kissed her long and hard, sliding a hand around her neck to cradle her head.

  “Break it up, you two,” Neon nudged Heath. “We got more partying to do,”

  Heath pulled back, but she gripped his arm like she didn’t want him to go.

  Don’t worry, love, I’m all yours.

  He took her hand. “Let me formally introduce you to this knucklehead.”

  “Hey, watch it,” Neon beamed.

  “Neil Doucette, I would like to introduce my fiancée, Leza Nickerson, and my daughter, Ellie, or El or Squirt, for short.”

  “Hey,” El gave him one of her scrunched-face disapprovals.

  Heath brushed El’s hair over her shoulder and pulled her in tighter.

  “Ma’am, it’s a pleasure to meet the woman who is amazing enough to bring down the Spoiler.”

  A low, heartfelt groan escaped. “Okay. Okay, Neon. Don’t be talking out of school.”

  “It’s true. He always got the girls because, one, he could dance, and two, he wasn’t interested in long-term. Girls did their best to change his mind. But no one could until you.”

  Heath shrugged. “I thought I’d never get married. A guy has a right to change his mind.”

  Leza snuggled closer. “That’s why we’re perfe
ct for each other. We both chose to compromise.”

  He tucked her scrumptious body in close. “Yes, we did. And we finally found our family.” He glanced around the room. “Our rather large family.”

  I’m so glad you could join Leza and Heath on their journey to their happily ever after.

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