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Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2

Page 19

by L M Lacee

  When Melody came by to check on them and Peyton. Darby asked her why they were only taking twenty at a time. She told them Kate and Heather decided that the small number spaced apart, gave the medical team time to triage and care for the individual Turquall.

  Twenty minutes later, Peyton shifted and groaned a little as she woke. She managed to lever herself up and look around at the mayhem. Turqualls and Warriors, air floaters and medical personnel were everywhere in the cavern. In a husky voice she asked. ‘Is it my imagination or are there more than when I went to sleep?’

  ‘No.’ Darby answered as she passed her the other tube of green liquid. ‘It is not, they are coming out of the wood work or cave system, it seems.’

  ‘How do you feel?’ Trina asked her as she helped her to sit all the way up.

  ‘Better, thank you for staying with me.’

  ‘Where would I go, I am your Netta remember?’

  Darby’s eyes twinkled, her face serious as she looked over at her. ‘You make a good Netta, minus the knives of course.’

  ‘I choose to take that as a compliment.’

  ‘It was meant.’ Peyton and Darby assured her seriously. Smiling smugly, Trina looked toward the cave entrance and whispered barely moving her lips. ‘Peyton, we have company and they look unhappy.’

  Peyton looked over to where Trina indicated with her chin and as she did Rage, Rave and Fanharr moved toward them with Melody and Hawk following. Peyton leaned back against the stone wall refusing to stand and finished the tube of liquid. Afterward she took the tube of water offered by Trina whose eyes never left the Turqualls as she murmured. ‘They are big but not as huge as ours.’

  The three Turqualls near her turned to stare at her, she blushed and apologized. ‘Sorry!’

  Fanharr nodded her head and told her. Do not apologize, we are not used to being owned, in the sense you intended.

  Darby raised her eyebrows at the three. ‘You may want to get used to it. You are Maikonia Turqualls now and that carries weight and responsibility. We serve the Star Child through the Star Daughter, something these ones should remember.’

  ‘But they will not!’ Hawk stated quietly as they came nearer, he looked at Peyton and pleaded. ‘Please Madam, do not kill anyone.’

  With a twinkle in her eyes, she pouted. ‘I already said I would not.’

  He eyed her as he sighed. ‘Yet, my heart still trembles!’

  ‘Trust my Hawk… trust!’

  He nodded as they all realized the Star Daughter was in residence. The three Turquall looked at Peyton realizing something had changed.

  Melody softly told them. ‘You will recognize when the Star Daughter is with us, she glows and sometimes her eyes turn black and may hold flames. When the Star Child is here, her eyes turn black and fill with stars and she glows brighter, also her voice changes a little and becomes slightly singing.’

  Fanharr thanked her. Thank you Commander.

  They are here. Trina mind-sent.

  The obviously older and more aggressive of the two Turquall spoke first. You were supposed to attend the Ruling Pair, immediately on your arrival!

  Rage growled low, then he addressed Peyton making sure everyone could hear him, unlike the Turquall who had directed his comment toward Peyton only.

  Star Daughter this is pride member Lendera. He is third of twelve, who advise the Ruling Pair. He would like for you to attend the Ruling Pair in the public chamber.

  Ignoring the two Turqualls, Peyton addressed Rage. ‘Do the Ruling Pair have seconds as you do Rage?’

  The younger of the two Turquall snorted his contempt either at the question or for Rage it was unclear. Rave looked at him and lifted his top lip, which made him quickly step back. Trina sized the unknown male up and thought there was no way even in Rave’s condition the male could hope to win a fight.

  Rage answered Peyton. They do, Ramouos our Ruling Male, has a second, his name is Inkoru and Quineria our Ruling Female, has a second, her name is Dinkora.

  ‘I see thank you, Rage. Fanharr do you have a second?’

  Everyone felt Fanharr's start of surprise and heard her hesitant reply. I do not Star Daughter, it has never been needed.

  ‘Oh sweet Fanharr, it so has. I suggest you decide on one very soon. You are going to need her when we get home.’

  Fanharr smiled as she replied. Star Daughter, I choose Trina. She is delightful, curious, and very resourceful.

  Peyton laughed with Darby and Melody when Trina’s startled yelp was loudly heard. ‘You what, you cannot be serious, can you?’

  Peyton said. ‘Oh, I think she can and just did. Congratulations Trina, you are the second to the pride of Maikonia.’

  Trina looked shocked and a little scared. Peyton took pity on her as she addressed Fanharr. ‘Fanharr, Trina’s path is slated to go another way. Would it be permissible for her to be your temporary second while we travel and settle on Maikonia? There is another who I think would be a better fit, for you to consider.’

  Fanharr bowed her head. That would be acceptable Star Daughter. Who is this other, that you speak of?

  ‘Citri, she needs to feel young and valued. She is in my opinion not old enough to unburden herself.’

  I will think on it, Warrior Trina what say you?

  ‘I accept, and it is Trina, Warrior no more.’

  Hawk looked startled. ‘What is this, why?’

  Peyton said. ‘For later I think Commander.’

  ‘As you say Madam.’ Hawk placed stress on the title Warrior when he turned to Trina and ordered. ‘Warrior Trina, please see me when we board.’

  ‘Yes Commander.’

  Peyton turned her attention to the two Turquall who had remained silent. ‘I made it clear I would attend the Ruling Pair, when my business here was finished.’

  The younger one commanded. ‘Yes, you are finished, now come.’

  Rage snarled. Have respect for the Star Daughter or you will be tailed.

  The young Turquall cringed at the threat, Peyton stood with help from Darby who surreptitiously pushed her to her feet. She told the two Turquall. ‘We will be there momentarily.’

  The older Turquall demanded. All actions will cease until the Ruling Pair have spoken.

  ‘No, it will not!’ She flicked the fingers on one hand and a bright ball of starlight shot through the cave and hung in the air. Peyton told the two Turqualls who stood in shock at the display. ‘This warning you may take with you. If anyone interferes with my people, any of my people this obviously includes the Turqualls, this net of Starlight will... well let’s just say it will not be nice.’

  She looked at Hawk. ‘See, not kill, just not nice.’ She wrinkled her nose at him, and he hid his grin as he said to the two hostile Turqualls. ‘We will make our way to the Chamber shortly.’ They both looked at Rage his brother and Fanharr and sneered. Peyton placed her hand on Rage’s head as Melody and Trina did the same to the other two. Then Peyton dismissed the two Turquall.

  ‘You may go. We will all be there soon. Now leave!’

  The two Turquall shook their heads as the ring of authority in her voice impinged on them and ricocheted around the cavern, causing everyone to cease what they were doing and the two Turquall to hurry from the cave. With their departure all activity resumed but in a more controlled and faster pace.


  Peyton addressed Melody as they watched the retreating Turquall. ‘Commander Melody you and Warrior Willian, please remain and get these guys moving faster, explain the situation to Heather and Kate. I do not trust that some official will not try to stop us, so do your best but get them all on board the Warbird.’

  Melody with a nod and a salute of her finger to her brow assured her she would. ‘Done.’

  Peyton looked around and frowned as she asked. ‘And why are they standing in the corner like that?’ She pointed to three young Turqualls standing together, one was snarling at the other two who were obviously younger. She started making her way to them with Rage
and Rave keeping pace with her. She dodged around Turqualls and Warriors alike, while the others followed her. When she reached the three juveniles she demanded. ‘What has happened that you are arguing at this time?’

  The oldest of the three snarled and raised his top lip at her. Rave stepped up and slapped the young male with a huge paw, causing him to roll along the floor coming to a halt three feet away and whimpering.

  Rave demanded. You will be respectful. This is our Beloved. Now answer the Star Daughter.

  One of the younger males answered. We are to go with the Star Daughter. Our nest mother will not have us stay any longer and she will not allow Kitolin to come with us. He wants us to stay, we are scared. We have always had Kitolin.

  Peyton kneeled and hugged the two Turquall. ‘What are your names?’

  The blue-eyed black striped youth told her. I am Tad. His blue-eyed brother said. I am Red.

  Trina kneeled next to him and Peyton, placing her hand on the head of the Turquall. ‘Hello sweet boy, aren’t you adorable.’ She grinned at Darby. ‘This is the exact color of the outback.’ At their blank expressions, she explained. ‘The outback is where the sand I was talking about earlier is, and this is its color.’

  Darby grinned in return. ‘I see.’

  The older brother who Rave had knocked down was like all the other standard colored Turquall, Peyton saw immediately why he was not allowed to go with his brothers. He stood up and slowly, making sure Rave was not going to object, moved toward Peyton.

  I am Kitolin, I am sorry I challenged you Star Daughter.

  ‘Oh sweetie, it is alright, I understand you are frightened for your brothers?’

  I am! He stood and was eye level with her, he looked into her soft eyes and cried. We have always been together, but I must stay with my mother and pride. I will miss my brothers, they will be sad without me.

  ‘I understand as do your brothers Kitolin, and I promise we will watch over them carefully. I know it will not be the same as if you were doing it, but on my honor. I swear I will make sure they are not hurt and they will be wanted, loved and safe. We will make sure there is plenty of food for them both and that they stay together. I hope when you are older, you will come to us. I promise you sweet Kitolin, your brothers will be there waiting for you.’

  Kitolin head butted her shoulder, and she hugged him as he whispered. Star Daughter, you vow this will be so?

  ‘My oath is my bond. Now sweet one, say your goodbyes and try not to fight anymore. Have good thoughts to remember each other by until you are together again.’ Standing she called. ‘Willian!’

  When he came to her, she said. ‘Allow them as long as you can, before they leave.’

  ‘As you wish Madam.’

  She turned around to see what was happening and encountered Nikolas. ‘Nikolas, you are here?’

  Smiling he inclined his head. ‘I am Madam.’

  ‘Did you hear we are to go see the Ruling Pair, is that not fun?’

  ‘If you think it is Madam. What would you have me do?’

  ‘Commander Melody will remain and is in charge. Willian will let you know who is to go, I am glad to see you Nikolas.’

  ‘You are?’

  Shaking her head at his tone of wonder, she assured him. ‘Yes!’

  He smiled. ‘As I am you Madam. I am to be your pilot when you are ready to leave.’

  ‘I did hope it would be you. I will see you when we return.’

  Hawk gently told her. ‘Madam, we have to go.’

  She nodded with another look around and agreed. ‘Okay.’ She bent over and kissed the head of each of the young Turquall in farewell. Take care Kitolin.

  Sadly he said. I will try Star Daughter.

  She felt sad for him but as she told Rave, she could not take him from his mother, as much as she wanted to. He agreed as he sadly looked back at the kit as they walked away. Fanharr told her. As sad as we are about leaving some like Kitolin, we must. We cannot break the law as much as we would like too. I know his brothers will miss him but for now he must remain behind.

  Peyton nodded as she said sadly. ‘I know Fanharr.’


  When they reached the tunnel entrance where her guards were waiting, Hawk organized Peyton and Darby to be placed between himself and Trina, who were surrounded by Lukkas and the large Warriors Kent and Sarn. They made a great-looking group Peyton thought as she hummed while they walked the wide tunnels with Rage leading the way.

  Fanharr paced next to Trina as they both watched Darby scroll and tap on her open tablet. Finally, unable to stand it any longer, Fanharr asked Trina. How does she know where she is walking?

  Trina smiled. I have no idea; I think she is so used to doing it; she has developed an ability to place herself where she needs to be.

  Oh, I see!

  Then Darby softly whistled. ‘Got it… yippee for me.’

  ‘What have you got?’ Hawk asked as he looked over to where she was walking, still looking at her tablet. ‘Lady Darby, remember what I said, we are already upsetting the balance here. Please whatever you did, make it not about the Turqualls!’

  Peyton hummed a little louder, then said. ‘Hawk, all is well. You know Darby will not endanger our mission.’

  He stared ahead, and she was positive she heard him mutter. ‘Until it blows up and then it is Hawk, my friend fix this!’

  ‘Sorry, what did you say?’ She asked innocently as he looked straight ahead. ‘Nothing, Madam, not a thing.’

  ‘Huh! Thought you spoke.’

  Darby looked up at him and said. ‘It is not about the Turqualls Hawk, I promise.’

  ‘If you say it is not Darby. I believe you.’

  ‘Oh good, it is about a planet we are going to blow up.’

  He took in a sudden breath and coughed. ‘Madam!’

  Trina hurriedly asked Rave. ‘Rave, what does tailed mean?’

  He snickered. It means to fight and remove a piece of your opponent’s tail. It is a great dishonor to have some or all of your tail removed and happens rarely.

  ‘Oh wow, does it grow back?’

  Yes over many yentas.

  Darby commented. ‘That does seem harsh, though.’

  Rave told her. We live in a harsh environment. We are Turquall.

  We have arrived. Rage told them effectively ending the discussion.

  They entered a large cavern with thousands of Turqualls, male and female, young and old all different shapes and sized, but all the standard tan color it. Trina thought it was like looking at a sandy beach. Peyton thought they looked boring, no texture and definitely no difference it was like a bland tide of Turqualls. The cavern itself was amazing, it was like stepping into a large amphitheater but instead of people, thousands of Turqualls filled the space. A hush fell over the gathering as they made their slow way to the front of the auditorium.

  It was not hard to miss that the walls and floors of the chamber were made from the same rock as Rage’s cavern, and just as shiny and smooth from many yentas of Turqualls rubbing and laying on its surface. They could see ledges jutting out from the walls and sitting or standing on them were hundreds of Turqualls watching their arrival. Several smaller ledges closer to the raised platform had large deep gouges on their edges, obviously from claws. Darby wondered as she looked around, if they used the edge of the ledge to sharpen their claws on, and if they did, which Turquall did so and were they near her.

  Noticing her quickening breathing, Peyton mind-sent. Calm down, We are here with you, you will not be hurt.

  Okay, yep, I know that!

  Peyton advised her. Think about something else.

  Good idea, any suggestions?

  Yes, look up at the ceilings.

  Darby gasped as she mind-sent. That sort of boggles the mind.

  Peyton grinned knowing as a distraction the holes in the roof should do it. Rage led them between Turqualls, who moved aside making a passageway for them to traverse, their group came to a stop before a
humongous, shell like raised platform where four Turqualls sat.

  Trina was shocked at how large the two males were and the females were not that much smaller, all four sat proudly just like royalty should. None of them looked as though they had missed a meal in yentas, their fur was shiny with vitality and good health. In fact, as Peyton looked around she saw that all the Turquall in the chamber appeared well fed and in good health, unlike the ones they had just left or the three that were with them.

  Darby stared up at the ceiling of the cavern and tried to find out where the light came from, finally she realized what she was looking at, there were large holes which had been drilled through the cave roof making solar lights. Trina was the one to ask Fanharr. ‘How did they do that, do you think?’

  Peyton looked up and answered. ‘The Star Son was tasked by the Tuarillians to drill the holes. The Tuarillians are the originals inhabitants of Porquiel. The ancestors to the Turqualls you see here today.’

  You know our history? A strong male voice stated, and Peyton knew it was the male Inkoru, second to Ramouos who spoke. She turned to the four and inclined her head. ‘Greetings, Inkoru.’

  She looked at Rage as he stepped forward. Star Daughter allow me to introduce you to the Ruling Pair and their seconds. Ramouos our Ruling Male.

  The huge male bowed his head to Peyton when he lifted his eyes to hers, she could read sorrow and confusion in his. Rage then respectfully introduced the female. His mate Quineria, the Ruling Female.

  She was beautiful an exquisite replication of the perfect female Tuarillian in coloring and size. She bowed her head to Peyton who was saddened to see that her eyes were filled with despair.

  Rage then introduced the other two Turquall. The Ruling Seconds, Inkoru and Dinkora!

  With that Rage stepped back and nuzzled Fanharr. Peyton looked from Fanharr who steadfastly looked away from the four on the platform, to the two Turqualls whose eyes were glued to her. If Peyton let herself, she knew she would feel the heart breaking emotions coming from the four parents. Firming her shields she inclined her head again, as Hawk stepped forward to make his introductions.


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