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Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2

Page 20

by L M Lacee

  ‘Please allow me to introduce the Star Daughter. I am Commander Roeah, Lady Kline, Warrior Brown and Warriors Devet, Jeyer and Lischer.’

  They all bowed their heads as the Turquall had done. Peyton said as Hawk stepped back.

  ‘To answer your question Inkoru, second to Ramouos. As the Star Daughter, I have been blessed with all the knowledge gifted to me from the Star Child.’

  That is what you say? You look like no Star Daughter to me! Said a large male as he walked from the middle of the crowd nearest the platform.

  A murmur of agreement ran around the cavern as he moved closer to the group. Peyton looked to the group that he stalked from they were obviously his pride as they all looked similar to him even the females. She looked toward the platform and saw the four were not going to interfere.

  ‘You have met many Star Daughters, first pride member Denner?’

  A low growl of voices rumbled throughout the cavern as the Turqualls all asked the same question.

  How did she know who he was?

  Peyton smiled as her people shuffled uneasily next to her, she ignored the huge male as he came to a halt just short of her group. Rage, Rave and Fanharr stood close with her guards. Peyton mind-sent to her people. Remember no weapons, no provocation. I will deal with this. She continued on as though the male had not spoken. ‘To answer your question Trina, I too was trying to figure out how this whole place came about, then I remembered it was the last Star Son who made the world livable for the Tuarillians. He must have admired them very much to go to so much trouble. To hue out kiltos and kiltos of the dead star to make it safe to live within.’

  She lowered her eyes and looked over the crowded cavern, finally coming to rest on the four ruling Turquall. ‘The Tuarillians also asked the Star Son if he could create a way to bring the light naturally into the caves, all the caves. So he made solar holes and placed a stone filter over the top, so only light could shine in. Every ten yentas or so the Turqualls must go and clear the filters of litter and dust which the winds do not remove, when they scour the planet. He did this, so the filtered sunlight would fill their lives underground. While he was creating the caverns and tunnels he also managed to bring water up from the ice, which the Star Child provided at the core of the planet. All for the comfort of those he admired and their descendants.’

  They all looked at the waterfalls that fell softly into large bowls in the corners of the chamber. Darby asked unable to help herself. ‘How did he make it a waterfall, if it comes from the center of the planet? I am guessing it was not with pipes?’

  They all, including the Turqualls looked at Peyton. ‘What… I do not know everything. I do know there are many bowls of water throughout the cave system.’ She did know how it was done but did not want to go into the mechanics of it, an impossibility is very hard to explain.

  Fanharr also stated. Bathing chambers are in other caves, there are large pools of warm and cool water. We also do not understand how the water can be hot, it is a mystery.

  Darby nudged Trina and murmured as she nodded toward Peyton. ‘I bet she knows!’

  Trina grinned as Peyton nodded to Fanharr. ‘The bathing chambers were also a wish of the Tuarillians.’ She turned again to the Ruling Pair which seemed like a long winded title, but Hawk had assured her it was the correct form of address, her voice hardened and she began to glow as she addressed the four royal Turqualls.

  ‘First, we are asked to come to your world, then you demand us to take your byways, so we do not upset your people. Then we are requested to attend you here in the public gallery, the game you are playing is dangerous, so explain yourselves. My patience is waning.’

  Several Turqualls close to them snarled and rumbles of growls were heard throughout the cavern. Peyton swept her arm around the cave which brightened as she did so, stilling the sounds of discontent. She moved onto the bottom step of the platform that the royal four sat upon and looked from the crowded cavern to the large male Turquall in front of her who had spoken earlier.

  ‘You wish to go against me first pride member Denner, have you all forgotten your histories? Have you forgotten who I am, who it is that I host. They are neither benign nor generous. You have already violated the laws and tenets set down by your ancestors, and now you wish to challenge me!’

  She stared at the male who did not back down but sleeked out and shifted into battle mode, she raised her eyebrows and smiled at his posturing. ‘We have come at the request of the Star Child, for the ones you have termed Castque, to remove them from Porquiel. I again ask the Ruling Pair, why was I summoned here to your chamber it seems unnecessary?’

  The posturing male spoke and moved two feet closer to her, causing her people to become uneasy. Because you were ordered to scallut by our Ruling Pair.

  It was the last words he would ever speak, before Hawk could draw his sword. Ramouos the ruling male who was the size of a small truck and easily twice the size of Rage, sprang from the platform. Sailing over the top of Peyton with exquisite elegance, and landing in a blur of motion, in one swift twist of his head he tore the throat from the vocal pride member. Then he roared, which shook the planet. His voice was deep and reminded Peyton of a bass drum she had heard once as a child. He stood proudly over the slain male, blood dripping from his jaws and addressed the crowd.

  This is the Star Daughter long awaited. Sister to the Star Son, that carved our planet from the ashes of the star, and you wish to dishonor her and us by your disrespectful attitude. She has come to remove the Castque because you do not wish them in our pride. I and my mate have agreed to this new policy but do not deceive yourselves. I will not tolerate any challenge to our position! He nodded to two males. Remove this piece of tuap from our sight.

  Not a word was spoken, or movement made as they waited for the two Turquall to drag the dead male from the cavern, within seconds the trail of blood soaked into the ground, as though it had never happened. Ramouos returned to the platform and sat by his mate who cleaned the blood from his jaws, their seconds sat a little behind them. Another Turquall this time a female, slightly smaller than Fanharr came forward and with a subservient voice spoke. Ruling Pair, I beg you to reconsider. Pride member Denner may have been incorrect in his words toward the Star Daughter, but this is not a time for the abominations to be released on the universe.

  Trina hissed and Peyton admired her for being able to make the sound so quietly, as she mind-sent. Is she talking about our Turqualls?

  Yes! Fanharr answered.

  You are not abominations! Trina stated fiercely as her hand stole to the hilt of her sword. Peyton placed her hand over hers as it clasped the sword and mind-sent.

  I know how you feel Trina, but let us get out of here without killing anyone please. I promised Hawk.

  It was a dumb promise. Trina grumbled making Hawk grin to himself, even more so when Peyton moaned. I know dayam it!

  Trina growled as she took her hand off her sword, they all heard her say. We should still zap the bitchre!

  The female Turquall’s voice became a little sharper and stronger as she proclaimed. We should contain them as we have always done. There are many planets and moons where they could go and be sequestered until they leave this plane of existence. It is not right they are to remain alive and in the…

  Enough! The second female Dinkora spoke in a voice of hardened silk. Our Ruling Pair have decreed the Castque will be given to the Star Daughter. Do you question their authority?

  I respectfully question their right! The female stated boldly and Darby thought bravely, hadn’t the female seen the other dead Turquall.

  These are Turquall from our prides she has no right to them. She may not take the Castque just because she wishes too. We are not for sale or for slavery, will she be satisfied with the rebels or will she come for us the normal...

  ‘You dare!’

  Peyton glowed as her people moved slightly away from her, her voice rose from the very rocks the caves were made from and rumbled from th
e walls and floors.

  ‘You who know nothing of me and my people, you dare to insult me!’ She looked the female over with contempt, then returned her gaze to the four ruling Turqualls. ‘Your prides do not want the ones you call Castque. I have been asked by the Star Child to come and take them for my own, and still you quibble, are your prides so full of spite you would allow them to deny these Turquall even now? Your prides fear of the Castque is misplaced, you should be in fear of being left behind, of what is to come. Your ancestors have run out of patience for your inactivity.’

  She turned to the audience and spoke, searing them with her words and expression. ‘I am ashamed, as you all should be for what you have forced on these members of your prides and what you are asking of your Ruling Pair. You are all descended from the great Tuarillians and this is what you have become. Elitists, who do not value or see the beauty within the ones you have cast out. I give you warning, your time is almost at its end, and you will have to decide to perish or remember who you are and from who you descend. Your ancestors weep at the decisions you are making.’

  She put her attention once more on to the ruling four. ‘It is not enough Ruling Pair to say you do the will of the pride for the betterment of the pride, this is a false choice, and I fear you will leave it too late to rectify the decisions you have made and are making!’

  She looked at the female from the crowd who had stepped forward and was now standing just in front of several other larger females. ‘Take care you do not push me too far, my patience for this tragedy is almost at its end…’

  A hush fell over the thousands of Turqualls as Peyton started to glow more, her words halting while she listened to the Star Child. The female lifted her top lip in a sneer toward the now silent Peyton. The three Turquall near her tensed as did the Warriors. They all watched as claws from the female and her followers extended from their paws. Darby was pulled back by Hawk who placed her behind Kent as he moved to his side.

  Stay your words along with your claws pride leader Urini, unless you wish to meet me in challenge? Said a feminine voice that had none of the silken tones of the second female Dinkora. The Ruling female, Quineria’s voice was hardened steel. When the other female whimpered and dropped to the ground in submission. Quineria jerked her head, and the female and her followers faded quickly back into the crowd.

  Quineria moved forward a step or two bringing her to the very edge of the platform and addressed the crowded cave. You think we, and our second’s hearts are not breaking at the sacrifice we are making by banishing Turqualls any Turquall from our sight, our prides, and our planet. You would be wrong.

  My sons, descendants of the mighty Ragara and Ravera are to be banished along with the only daughter Fanharr of our seconds. Our hearts will never recover this loss, but we must endure for the good of the prides and for the cohesion of Turqualls everywhere. We have asked the Star Daughter to take the Castque, so she can carry the burden of their birth as we are not prepared to do. They are as we speak leaving our home world. The Star Daughter’s words are troubling and mayhap they will come to pass. As time moves on, we may have to think and discuss what it is we are to do but that time is not now, mayhap it will never be. She bowed her head to Peyton who returned the gesture as the glow left her.

  Know this the Turquall past and present are pleased Star Daughter, you are back in our lives. We thank you for the salvation of our young… all our young and all our Castque. You take with you our blessings to the universe. With one last long look at Rage, his brother and Fanharr, she turned from the cavern and walked toward the back of the platform, her back long and straight, her bearing one of royalty. Her mate joined her with their seconds who with one more forlorn look at their daughter, followed behind them.

  Peyton could feel the animosity her people felt toward the royal Turqualls as they left the cavern. She hurriedly turned from the now deserted platform before that feeling was transmitted to the Turqualls surrounding them. Hoping she would not have to kill every Turquall here to save her people, she told Hawk. ‘We leave.’

  With a nod, he stated. ‘Now!’

  Darby moved closer to Peyton who was glowing once more as the others made a tight guard around them. Rage set a quick pace as they moved through the silently staring and resentful Turqualls. The female that had challenged Peyton met them at the tunnel’s entrance.

  Fanharr raced ahead and stood almost muzzle to muzzle with her and snarled. You wish to challenge me Urini?

  You have no right Fanharr, you and the other abominations should remain here.

  Fanharr scoffed as she said. To die, whose satisfaction would that serve, yours?

  The female shifted to battle mode and snarled.

  At least you would not be disrespecting and embarrassing the Turquall nation by spreading your abnormal seeds throughout the universe.

  Peyton glowed brighter as she warned her. Move away Urini, you will die before I let you touch Fanharr, leave and be thankful I do not wish your death.

  The female snorted her contempt, but she did back away, Peyton mind-sent to Rage. How can we make sure she has none hidden from us?

  Rage tossed his head at the sudden thought and turned his eyes toward the female pride leader. Before he could answer, Quineria said proving she was able to listen to their conversation. Star Daughter! Do you know the call?

  I do.

  We will hold the prides.

  Thank you, Quineria. Now I would ask a boon for my people.

  Ask Beloved.

  I ask for the plants that scent throughout the cave…

  As Peyton and the ruling female conversed, Hawk led them with Rage by his side from the Chamber. Darby trembled in fear, any min she expected the Turqualls to charge and rip the flesh from their bodies. Fanharr, her fur sleeked out and now in combat mode moved in closer to her. Larger than she had been but still not as large as the males with her. Darby felt safer and when Fanharr brushed her leg as she walked, the contact settled her nerves. She couldn’t say the fear had ceased but with Fanharr on one side and Peyton on the other, she at least felt squashed which she would take until they got through the thousands of Turquall.

  Finally, they turned the corner into the short dark corridor that would take them to Rage’s cavern. Trina was sure they all breathed a sigh of relief. Darby stroked Fanharr along her back. ‘Thank you, Fanharr, it was intense there for a moment.’

  That it was Lady Darby. I think we should still hurry.

  ‘That I agree with.’ Hawk said as Trina asked Fanharr. ‘So you are all royalty then, like your parents are?’


  Trina asked her next question the same way. How can they turn their backs on you then? You are their only daughter. Rage and Rave are the next or should be the next in line for ruling the Turqualls.

  Rage answered. Pride is everything, and there are never any exceptions. No matter where or to whom, you are nested from.

  That is wrong! Trina stated outraged and hurt on their behalf.

  It is the Turquall way. Fanharr told her and it was not difficult to miss the sadness in her voice.

  Trina shook her head. It is harsh, young ones are precious, no matter what species they are, we should cherish everyone always. Especially our young.

  Fanharr rubbed against her. You are right. This is what we believe as well.

  Trina smiled. Good. We believe that too!

  Peyton told them as they entered the cave of the Castque. ‘Trina is right, it is our way Fanharr on Maikonia we are all of value, all cherished and wanted. We are pleased you are your people are ours now, we need and want you very much.’

  Everyone agreed with her, Trina said. ‘We also have many interesting things to investigate and fun things to do at home.’

  Peyton sighed. ‘Trina speaks truth, we have only settled there recently, so we are still adjusting. In fact, it is the perfect time for you all to come live with us. We can explore the worlds together.’

  The males smiled as Darby said. ‘It
will be like an adventure.’

  Peyton agreed then said. ‘Let us gather the remaining Turquall and leave. This world is making me sad, and I am thinking that is not a good thing. The Star Child has found a moon close by for us to visit. Rage, you and your people can rest and our medics, sorry healers can treat you. Your pride will be able to lay in the sun and heal, also there is hunting for the ones that can hunt and Warriors to hunt for those that cannot.’

  Rave sounded a little affronted that she may think they were incapable of hunting when he said. We can hunt for our people. We are not incapable!

  Before Peyton could respond. Hawk smiled as he looked down at Rave. ‘And deprive us of the hunt.’

  Rave looked over at him and they could hear the smile in his voice. Ahh no! I had not considered that.

  ‘I thought as much, we like you, enjoy the hunt and as a bonus we supply our Madam with fresh game.’

  Fanharr asked. You do not hunt Madam?

  ‘No, I leave that to others. I do partake of the bounty, but the hunting is not for me. I hope I have not disillusioned you Fanharr.’

  Are there others who do not hunt?

  Peyton was sure she heard censor in Fanharr’s tone, also it did not escape her notice she had not answered her. ‘Hawk, I am so not having this conversation and I heard tone!’ Her eyes narrowed, when she thought she heard a snicker come from him or one of the Warriors with him. ‘As you say Madam, will it be alright if I explain it?’

  She stared at him as she asked, ‘Are you laughing at me?’

  He frowned and now she really did hear censor as he said. ‘Madam as if I, your First Commander would do that?’

  She eyed him a bit longer but his expression did not change, she sniffed and looked at the Turquall.

  Commander Hawk will explain it to you, we are not all the same you know. You should also know Darby does not hunt either!’

  She stomped off not hearing the giggle escape from Trina which made Darby slap a hand over her own mouth to stop any sounds from escaping, but it was no use, she burst out laughing. Hawk and Lukkas grinned, it was an unusual occurrence that Lady Darby laughed, and it was amusing seeing Madam Peyton squirming because she did not hunt. Rave asked Hawk with trepidation. We have offended the Star Daughter?


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