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Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2

Page 23

by L M Lacee

  Peyton was shaking her head no, before he stopped talking. ‘I cannot, I am not that skilled and in truth. What would I look for?’

  Hawk smiled at her honesty, he loved that she was so honest with her abilities and never boasted she could do more than she was able to. It was refreshing to know she would not lie to him. He drummed his fingers on the table, the only outward sign, he was agitated by what they were discussing. ‘We could have one of the new specialists talk to her, if she consents.’

  ‘Hawk that is a wonderful idea. But let’s leave it until we get home, unless she starts showing any more symptoms.’

  ‘Peyton, Melody does not have a disease.’

  She shrugged one shoulder as she said. ‘You say ability, I say disease.’ She laughed as Hawk shook his head and looked out at the passing stars. ‘I feel she is safe at the moment, but she is very dearle to me, I will not hesitate to have a specialist speak to her if I feel she is in danger.’ With a stern look at her, he growled. ‘I protect what’s mine and Melody like you and your sisters are mine.’

  Softly she said. ‘I know Hawk. Its hayda being a big brother, right?’

  He stood with a smile and sighed loudly as he said. ‘Kardan had it so easy with males.’

  ‘So rude and not at all funny!’


  Melody stayed on the moon to answer the innumerable questions that the curious Turqualls had about everything to do with the Terrans, Warriors and their new home. The kits kept themselves away from the Terrans and Warriors, whether it was fear or just a habit she did not know. But she, Kate and Peyton decided that it was of more importance to get them healthy and fit than it was to push them into socializing.

  They needed time to realize their lives were changed, especially from the desperate feeling of hunger and stress, they had lived so long with and in some cases been birthed into, this respite on the moon was giving them all that. Also, having to interact with people like her and Kate as well as other healers and several Warriors, like Lukkas and Willian, there was the hope, as small as this contact was it would help them adjust when they arrived home.

  Every day something inside Melody grew, at night she slept and dreamed of a world where she was surrounded by Turquall, who looked very different to the Turquall she saw daily. Every morn she woke as she did this morn refreshed and invigorated and as the day wore on she would understand something that a Turquall did or said it was as if information was being downloaded into her memories. ‘Almost,’ she whispered to herself as she stripped linen from a bed, ‘it’s like when I dream, I am actually going to school, now that would be so cool I am going to be a cat trainer.’ A fleeting thought whispered across her mind that maybe she should tell someone about her dreams and the feelings she was experiencing. Maybe someone like Peyton, but then the thought was gone wiped away almost like someone had decided it was not a good idea. Melody shrugged wondering why she was not worried she should be, but then Kate entered the shelter and asked for her help, all thoughts of her dreams disappeared as if they had never been. Melody rubbed her face as she followed Kate and tried to remember what she had been thinking about, then a kit fell into the pond and she laughed.

  Rage monitored Melody as she walked with Kate and frowned, what was it about her that made him and every other Turquall want to curl up next to her and stay forever. It was a mystifying sensation and one he had not experienced since leaving his mother’s nest. He knew he would have to investigate the Commander, but unfortunately that would have to wait, right now he had a pride to get healthy and kits to rescue from ponds.

  A weken after they had arrived at the moon, a ship was located on the sensors and all hands were on deck, the relaxed almost vacationing atmosphere of the Warbird changed into a battle ready Warship. Guns were engaged, Warriors suddenly appeared walking the passageways fully kitted out for battle with blasters and swords, something that had not been seen on board the ship until now. Quarters and non-combat compartments like the kitchens and dining hall were closed as were the outer doors of the Warbird. The moon was locked down as fighters left the ship and took up positions in a defensive maneuver between the oncoming ship and the moon. Peyton stood looking at the view screen in the war room, she nibbled on her thumb as she asked Darby.

  ‘They are secure?’

  ‘Yes, the fighters are on standby. Kate has them all in the shelters and there are some caves there. We have the moms with kits here, so all safe.’

  ‘Who do you think it is?’ Heather asked as she came in with the twins who ran to Peyton, she hugged them both. ‘Girls, you are well?’

  ‘We are, are you scared Auntie Peyton?’

  ‘Well, I am not, but your Auntie Darby is terrified, you should cuddle her.’

  ‘Okay.’ They immediately surrounded Darby who sighed as she maintained. ‘I am not really scared.’

  ‘It is okay Auntie Darby to admit you are.’ Enara told her solicitously, as they both wrapped their little arms around her. Heather hiding her grin, asked again. ‘So who are they?’

  Peyton shrugged. ‘No idea, but they are still coming, Darby how long?’

  She untangled herself from the twins and answered. ‘Seven mins, do you think Hawk is going to shoot at them?’

  ‘Yep.’ Melody stated from the doorway as she entered. Peyton asked. ‘Esther, Brenda and Helen?’

  ‘All in their cabins until the all clear is sounded, Esther was not happy, she says they should be here with you, being locked in a cabin scares them senseless or so Brenda yelled at me.’

  ‘Brenda yelled?’ Heather asked shocked at the thought, Brenda never raised her voice ever!

  Peyton blinked several times before saying. ‘Okay, make that happen next time, maybe they are right.’

  ‘Chicken!’ Melody mumbled behind a fake cough. Heather turned away so Peyton could not see the smile on her face. Darby looked down to hide her grin as Peyton narrowed her eyes at the three of them and just as she opened her mouth to retaliate a siren sounded throughout the ship. ‘What was that?’

  ‘The all clear.’ Melody told them with her head cocked to the side. ‘Weird!’

  ‘What is up with that? The ship looks like it is still coming!’ Darby asked, they all turned as the door slid opened to reveal a very annoyed Hawk. The three sisters and the twins all turned back to Peyton as Melody asked and her tone left a lot to be desired, Peyton thought but refrained from commenting.

  ‘What did you do to piss Hawk off?’

  ‘Me… nothing!’ Peyton answered defensively as her mind raced through everything she had done so far that day, which may be construed as annoying.

  Hawk stood at the entrance of the war room and demanded. ‘Madam!’

  Peyton was sure he thought his voice was mild, she cringed inside at the sharp almost angry tone. ‘Yes, Commander Hawk.’

  ‘Is there something you have forgotten to tell me, maybe something you should have shared with me earlier?’

  She screwed her face up in thought. ‘Umm! Maybe, but I cannot think of one thing right now. Can you give me a hint?’ She refused to acknowledge the groans, and the moaned. ‘Dearle Stars.’ From her sisters as they watched her squirm. Even the twins had disbelieving expressions on their normally sweet faces.

  Hawk’s voice became as sharp as cut glass as he asked. ‘Would it help if I said Frand and a certain delivery?’

  Peyton’s face cleared as everyone looked between her and Hawk, she babbled. ‘Oh... oh… yeah... umm, I forgot. I am sorry Commander. I was meant to tell you. Frand is dropping by.’

  ‘Thank you Madam, as you can tell the ship is off red alert and Frand will be stopping beside us in less than two mins.’ With that he about faced and walked from the doorway. She was sure if it was possible he would have slammed the door when he left.

  She whispered. ‘I think he is pissed.’

  ‘You think! Really Peyton, how could you?’ Melody scolded as she sniffed with disgust and said. ‘I will tell Kate and the others, twins with
me. You can go release the ladies.’ She gave a small shake of her head at Peyton as she walked from the room with the two girls skipping beside her. Darby said. ‘Wow! You are so in trouble, I am glad it is not me.’

  Peyton scowled at her as Heather hurriedly asked cutting off a fight she could see starting. ‘Peyton, what is Frand coming here for?’

  Trina walked in with a cup of coffee and handed it to Peyton and asked. ‘What would Netta do now?’

  Heather grinned with appreciation at the way she eased the tension in the room. ‘She would kick her ass, but we cannot do that. So I ask again Peyton, what is Frand delivering.’

  Peyton sucked in her bottom lip and stared at the door Hawk and Melody had gone through. ‘I did not really mean to forget, he is really mad and Melody was angry too.’

  ‘Yep, they will get over it.’ Trina told her. ‘They are military when the adrenalin wears off, they will calm down. So what is the delivery?’

  ‘Oh!’ She smiled at them. ‘I got a regenerator, actually we have heaps of them, but we get the first one here and we can use it on Willian to repair his back.’

  ‘Oh Peyton.’ Heather gasped. ‘That is wonderful, have you told him?’

  She shook her head. ‘No, it was a surprise. You think he will do it?’

  ‘Of course he will, he will be able to walk easier use a sword again and be able to participate in hand to hand training. He will finally be what he wants to be a fully functioning Warrior.’

  Peyton looked worried. ‘I was going to get Hawk to tell him but I think you should Heather.’

  ‘Nope, this is your surprise. Darby, Trina and I will go get it all hooked up and you can tell Willian.’ They watched Frand’s barges nicknamed the beasts come alongside the Warbird.

  The computer intoned. Comm` from Trader Frand, Madam.

  ‘Thank you, have it diverted here please.’

  The screen showed Frand and several Warriors on the command deck of his ship. ‘Greetings Madam, how are you?’

  ‘Greetings, we are well Frand, you and your Warriors?’

  ‘All well and accounted for, we are a little early I know. I hope it caused no problems?’

  ‘None for you.’ Realizing what she let slip, she hurriedly asked. ‘Are you staying with us?’

  He laughed knowing full well the Warship had been on alert at their approach, his ears were still ringing from the cursing Hawk had done when he had hailed them. ‘I wish we could but we are needed back home. I have sent the container over with a bot that will instruct Heather and Darby on how to hook it up and give a tutorial in its uses.’

  Heather yelped and grabbed Trina and ran from the room, followed by a grinning Darby. ‘You did good sis.’

  ‘Thanks Darby, send him the plants, he can take them to Nina.’

  ‘Will do.’ She hurried from the room as she comm`d Warriors to help her. Peyton told him. ‘I am sending you some plants for Nina. They are very fragile Frand, please care for them or else Nina will growl and she growls very loudly.’

  Frand nodded. ‘I understand, Rose can do that too. It is most aggravating.’

  ‘I know, right!’

  Frand said. ‘I am glad to see that they were pleased at the delivery.’

  ‘They are, I am, we are. Thank you for the rush. I wanted it before Heather left so she could be here to see Willian repaired.’

  He saluted her. ‘We are off then, another shipment for home.’

  ‘Will you get to stay there for a while?’

  He nodded. ‘We will and it is needed. We will have to think about rotations.’

  Peyton agreed. ‘You need to hire more pilots put the call out in the Oracle there are plenty of people willing to work.’

  ‘Agreed, Rose has been saying the same and you are both right.’

  Peyton smiled at his exasperated tone, thinking he meant Rose had been nagging him again. Peyton had learned she had been truthful when she had assured her she was very good at it. ‘We will be home in a few days, a weken at the most. We are just waiting for the Solverea family and the location of the planet that our sleepers are on and once we have them, we will return.’

  ‘Good, we miss you all when you are not home, the girls mope. It is sad, I know.’

  Peyton laughed then said. ‘Frand you charmer, go have a good trip and stay safe.’

  He grinned and the handsomeness he kept hidden behind his light-hearted demeanor showed through.

  ‘Check the box marked with a star, there may be something for you in it.’

  Peyton grinned in surprise, it was something he had done from the first time he had come home with a delivery he always brought her something he thought she would enjoy, like the small moving world. She knew he hoped they would mean something to her, something she would enjoy, and she always did, more because he always remembered. ‘Oh Frand, you spoil me.’

  He laughed and cut the connection, embarrassed by her emotion. She left the room and airlifted to the medical level where a hive of activity was happening. A large glass like tube which encased a bed was being pushed into place by Trina and Heather with the aid of a tall thin bot on rollers. When the tube was in place, the bot started quoting instructions for the hook up, then stood behind Heather who stood in front of a connection panel. Darby had a panel open on the bed and was making connections and calibrating the equipment as Heather pushed and swiped at her panel.

  Peyton could not see exactly what they were doing but they must have been important as now and again a red beam shot from the bot where a person would have eyes. It scanned the connections Darby made, then it scanned what Heather had done on the panel, when it appeared satisfied, it would relay the next set of instructions. Peyton asked Trina who was making up the bed in the tube with the special fiber sheets.

  ‘How long do you think?’

  ‘Darby said ten mins then a test. He could be in fifteen mins from now.’

  ‘Well, I better go get him then, was there a box with a star on it around here?’

  ‘Over there, is it yours?’

  ‘Yes, from Frand.’

  ‘Ahh, we could not figure out what it was for, Darby guessed it was from him.’

  Peyton retrieved the little box and opened the lid, nestled inside on black material were two small Turquall kits. One black, one white, they were curled around each other, she could just make out their small green eyes and gold tipped ears and claws, they were exquisite.

  ‘I wonder where he got it from.’

  ‘Wow!’ Trina gushed. ‘Turquall kits, gorgeous.’

  ‘I know, aren’t they beautiful?’

  She stood looking at them in the light, turning them this way and that, looking at the minute detail. Trina grinned as she watched her for a min or two, then she asked. ‘Peyton, are you not meant to be doing something?’


  ‘Well, maybe you should be doing it.’

  ‘What... Oh yeah, Willian.’

  Trina’s mouth twitched as Peyton said. ‘Me bad, come on, let’s go.’

  She placed the kits back in the box then slipped it into one of her pockets as she told Trina, ‘You know, you will be able to have the scars removed now.’

  ‘I know, I already discussed it with Heather. She said she would do it after Willian.’

  With a pleased smile Peyton said. ‘Good.’

  ‘So this was what you were talking about when we first came on board.’

  ‘Yes.’ Was her only response, preferring to say nothing more on the subject. They made the remainder of their way to the shuttle bay in silence and bumped into Nikolas. ‘Greetings, Nikolas.’

  ‘Greetings, Madam, Trina. Were you looking for me?’

  ‘Not really, but now I have you, we need to go visit Willian?’

  Nikolas leaned back against the shuttle he was just loading for a trip to the moon. ‘I see and you wish a shuttle?’

  ‘Umm, yes, please.’

  ‘As you wish Madam, but do we have the all clear to resume shuttle fl
ights from the ship to the moon?’

  He knew they did but also knew she would not have thought to ask, so a gentle lesson and a reminder of protocol on board a Warship never hurt.

  Peyton hopped from one foot to the other as she asked. ‘How would I go about finding out? It is very urgent I go to the moon?’

  ‘I see Madam, are you well?’

  ‘What, yes, why do you ask?’

  ‘I was just wondering if you wished to use the cleansing room.’

  ‘No, why?’

  She looked down at herself and saw she was still clean, then she squinted at Nikolas trying to see what he could see as he asked. ‘Are you sure, Madam?’

  She frowned at him and then looked at Trina, who shook her head as she tried real hard not to laugh when she told her. ‘You look like you are doing the pee-pee dance.’

  Peyton laughed. ‘I do, really? No, I am good, just you know need to go to the moon.’

  Nikolas nodded. ‘Well, you should know then that Willian came aboard, before the alert was called and is now in his quarters.’

  Peyton sighed. ‘You could have said straight away?’

  ‘I could but...’ He shrugged. ‘Where is the fun in that?’

  Trina crowed. ‘Eww… burned!’

  Peyton stated. ‘So mean!’

  Trina’s mouth dropped open then she snapped. ‘You forgot that the ship was coming, we went on red alert. They are still pissed.’

  ‘Yeah, but forever?’

  ‘It has been less than an hour.’

  ‘I know right, forever!’ She stomped off as Nikolas and Trina shared a grin. At the lift she turned and asked. ‘Can you ask Willian to come to my cabin please Trina, who is not Netta?’

  ‘Yes Madam.’ They then watched her enter the lift, and laughing Trina turned to Nikolas. ‘Is everyone really angry?’

  He shook his head. ‘No, I have never just been able to tease anyone before. She is delightful and fills our lives as you all do with light and laughter, it is a pleasure to live now.’

  Trina sighed. ‘Yeah, I know the feeling, so let’s go visit the ladies, they have food, and I don’t know about you but I am starving?’


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