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Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2

Page 24

by L M Lacee

  Startled Nikolas asked. ‘You have not eaten? Trina you must, there is always plenty of food now.’

  ‘Oh aren’t you sweet, it is a saying not meant to be taken literally, come on let’s go?’ Following behind her Nikolas shook his head still amused. On the way Trina comm`d Willian to go to Peyton’s cabin, when she finished, Nikolas asked her. ‘Trina may I ask a question?’

  As they entered the lift, she smiled and said. ‘Of course Nikolas.’

  ‘What is the pee-pee dance?’

  ‘Oh my!’ Trina laughed as they exited the lift and walked into the dining room. ‘Ladies I need you?’ She called to the three females sitting around a table.

  ‘Trina, Nikolas what can we do for you?’ Esther asked as she rose from her seat to retrieve some utensils. Trina pushed the bemused Nikolas into a seat as Brenda placed a plate of food in front of him, Helen poured him a glass of juice.

  Trina said. ‘Okay ladies, we need a working advice column in the Oracle or something, these guys are flummoxed when it comes to us and how we view the world and each other and just everything?’

  ‘Oh my!’ Brenda said thoughtfully, it was easy to see the wheels turning in her mind as she sat again.

  Helen nodded. ‘I have heard rumbles.’

  Esther agreed. ‘And after this morn, with our Peyton screwing up, that cannot help?’

  Trina grinned. ‘It amazes me you all know so much already.’

  ‘Really, I don’t see why.’ Brenda mused. ‘We are here, everyone tells us everything.’

  Helen looked at the bemused Trina and Nikolas saying. ‘Well okay, so this cannot go on, we need to find out what is happening and the best way to help.’

  ‘Maybe this will help.’ Trina put in. ‘Peyton bought a regenerator to use on Willian which is what Frand was delivering.’

  ‘Oh my!’

  ‘Amazing, isn’t that just like her.’

  ‘What is that?’

  ‘So ladies we have to write some stuff in the Oracle, the guys need to know how to figure out what the difference between an expression and a fact is. Things like that.’

  ‘Like what a pee-pee dance is, which you still have not explained?’ Nikolas said in between bites of his food. Trina nodded as she picked up a sandwich. ‘Exactly like that, and what someone means by saying starving, for example.’

  ‘Ooh! Good idea, Nikolas dearle I think we will need you to be our informant.’ Brenda told him with a smile.

  ‘Lady Brenda what… I am what?’

  Amused Esther said ‘I do not think the word is informant, I think it is advisor.’

  ‘Oh, maybe so!’

  ‘Ladies, I am unsure what I am advising about.’

  Brenda smiled. ‘We know dearle.’

  Helen huffed as she stated. ‘I still do not know what a regenerator is?’


  ‘Madam you wished to see me?’ Willian asked after entering Peyton’s cabin and taking up a position in front of her desk.

  She stood up as he entered. ‘Yes... um... yes... I did... I do... Willian, I am nervous. I did not think I would be.’

  ‘Can I help Madam?’

  ‘Yes, you can help by not being angry with me.’

  ‘I am not Madam.’

  ‘Thank you, but I mean after you read this.’

  She snapped open a tablet and pointed to the pic of a machine and the detailed description of what it did. Willian, read the information once, then twice and felt his hands shake and his body start to tremble from his feet up. Hesitantly he asked without looking up. ‘You purchased this machine?’

  Peyton grimaced at his tone and explained. ‘Well, actually I acquired several, for the other ships and planets, so everyone can make use of them.’

  ‘I see…’

  She sighed with relief and hurried into speech. ‘Huh! I thought you were going to be all like.’ She deepened her voice. ‘I cannot use this I am a Warrior and I must endure!’ Returning to her normal voice, she said. ‘You know, tuap like that?’ Smiling at him, she sighed. ‘I am so happy you are not going to say that. So the regenerator is here and being hooked up. They will have run the tests I am sure by now, so we are just waiting for you!’ She beamed at him as she bounced on the toes of her feet.

  Willian, who had been going to say all those things and more, realized how stupid they would have sounded, especially when he heard her put voice to his thoughts and she was just so dayam excited. How could he refuse, she was bouncing on her feet with excitement?

  The secret part of himself he kept tucked away, felt like he had endured long enough and wanted to be like his brother Warriors, it demanded he takes advantage of the gift being offered. So before he could stop himself, the words fell from his lips. ‘Thank you, Madam. It is a wonderful gift that I would never decline.’

  ‘Oh good, we should go then, I promise I will stay with you the whole time.’ She assured him as they walked from her cabin toward the lifts. ‘Well not the whole time, I may have to, you know use the cleansing room and shower but I will be there most of the time and when I have to leave. I will make sure someone is with you.’

  Willian smiled. ‘Madam, the instructions say it may take up to five days.’

  As they got off the lift at the medical level. She shrugged. ‘So, I will stay, you will not be alone even if you are not awake, you will go to sleep knowing someone will be with you at all times, you my friend will know we are there for you always.’

  Willian’s back tightened, he hoped to all those entities Lady Brenda swore there were looking out for people, that he would be asleep, he only ever wanted to suffer pain like he had, once.

  Heather, Darby and a tall bot were waiting for them. ‘So have you explained it to him?’ Heather asked Peyton, then frowned. ‘What am I asking you for? Willian do you know what is to happen?’

  Peyton frowned back at her. ‘Hey, I resent that.’

  ‘Sure you do.’ Darby scoffed. ‘Now hush bad explainer girl.’

  ‘Is that even a term?’

  ‘Yes, of course. I am the genius, therefore I know all!’

  ‘Oh sure!’ Peyton replied sarcastically, then they all stared at Willian, who with a smile in his eyes replied. ‘Healer Heather, I am sure Madam did her best to explain.’

  ‘Yes well, we will go with that.’ Heather muttered as she took his hand and led him to a long bed with a glass tube over it.

  ‘I read the information.’ He whispered to her, she smiled and nodded. Willian looked at the glassed in bed and did not think of a stasis tube. He looked at Heather and said in a deeper voice as he suppressed emotions long buried. ‘I think I am to lie here on my stomach, then this machine or beam actually will peel layer by layer the skin from my back and then regrow new skin.’

  ‘Oh my stars that sounds bad.’ Peyton gasped as Darby with an exasperated tone asked. ‘Peyton, did you actually read the brochure?’

  ‘No, why would I?’


  At her genuine look of distress, Darby said. ‘No matter, it only sounds bad, it will be okay.’

  ‘Stars, I hope so.’

  Heather squeezed Willian’s arm in reassurance. ‘Yes, it is more or less as you said, the beam passes over your back and will dissolve only the damaged skin, then using those same tissues it will regenerate new skin. We estimate it will take four days. You of course will be asleep or more correctly placed into a light surface brain coma for the duration of the treatment and will not feel anything. You may open your eyes every so often, but there will be no pain and apparently the sensation is like warm water constantly washing over you.’ She smiled worriedly at him and whispered. ‘You can tell us if that is true?’

  He nodded but said nothing, Peyton hugged his arm. ‘It will be okay, I will be here.’

  Heather agreed. ‘Yes, she will be, we all will but not for the first part.’

  ‘Why?’ Peyton demanded with a worried crease between her eyes.

  ‘Because he has to strip an
d lay on the bed and you!’ Heather pointed at her. ‘Are not looking at his bits!’

  Peyton slammed her hands on her hips. ‘But you and Darby can, that is just wrong… so wrong!’

  Darby blushed. ‘I will not and neither is Heather, we will close our eyes and turn around until he is in the bed. The bot will place him correctly and administer the sleeping agent.’

  ‘Well, I can do that too.’

  Heather used her healer’s voice as she told her. ‘No, you will not!’

  Whining Peyton asked. ‘Why not?’

  ‘Willian will be embarrassed if you are here.’ Heather finally told her quietly.

  ‘Oh... oh… well yeah okay.’ She frowned harder at Darby. ‘Why didn’t you just say so?’

  ‘Really, are you necessary?’

  ‘So rude. Alright so I will remove myself to the passageway where I will pace worriedly until I am allowed back in.’

  She said magnanimously as she hugged Willian’s relaxed arm again and stepped from the room but not before hearing Darby growl. ‘Why is everything you don’t understand, my fault impossible, female?’

  ‘You are the genius, you work it out.’ She quipped before moving quickly from the room.

  Seeing the now smiling and relaxed Willian, Heather was once more amazed at how, with only a few words Peyton was able to take the tension from Willian he seemed almost happy now.

  Gently she said. ‘Willian, this is where you undress and lie flat down in here,’ she touched the tube, ‘when you are in, the bot will make sure you are in the correct position then start the machine and the cover will close, and I vow you will go to sleep.’

  He looked at the tube and then the two females and voiced his deepest fear. ‘You will see my back.’

  ‘Yes, we will.’ She agreed kindly, there was no way to avoid that fact, and Heather refused lie to him. He looked out the door and caught a glimpse of Peyton pacing. ‘She will see!’

  ‘Yes, she will.’

  He said simply. ‘I would save you all that.’

  Darby nodded. ‘I know.’ When he looked at her, she said. ‘I do, we all do, but to not do this now would hurt her more. Would hurt all of us a lot more, than a few glimpses of some scars, which we could not prevent you getting, but can make go away, will ever do.’

  Heather took his hand in hers. ‘She loves you Willian, this is her way of showing you and all the Warriors you are valued, wanted and loved. Do not take that from her, from us. This is why she did it now, so I can be part of your recovery. So I can see you whole before I leave.’

  Darby’s eyes saddened as Heather had spoken, he jerked his head and made a turnaround signal with his finger. They spun around and he quickly undressed, naked he climbed onto the bed, lying face down and closed his eyes. The bot moved and positioned his legs and arms as the cover started to lower, he drowsily said. ‘I am in.’ the lid snickered closed and locked over him, the last he saw was Heather and Darby slowly turning around.

  Two minutes later a beep sounded and tubes snaked out from under the mattress and inserted themselves into different parts of his comatose body. Four days was a long time to be without nourishment and the bodily functions had to be taken care of.

  Three mins later, another two beeps sounded in the quiet room and a green beam inside the tube swept the full length of his body, finally centering on the scars that covered his back from just below his neck to half way down his thighs. It was possible now to see how the scars licked down each arm to his elbows and why he only had limited movement, due to the thick and ropy scars.

  Horrified Darby gasped. ‘It’s as though someone knitted the skin back together with a rope, dearle stars poor Willian.’

  Heather softly agreed barely suppressing the anger she felt. ‘I know.’

  Peyton walked back in and stood at the end of the tube and watched the beam go over his body, her eyes cataloged each scar and damaged piece of skin, then they lifted to Heather and Darby and in their depths they did not read anger like they felt or even sorrow. What they read was just death, a frightening look in someone who held her emotions in check and under tight control. Both of them knew if they lived to be a thousand yentas old, they would never forget that look. She sat in the chair Heather had placed beside the regenerating tube, and the moment passed as though it had never taken place, except as they looked at each other. Heather and Darby felt the hand of justice hovering over them like an axe waiting to fall.

  ‘I am here Willian just like I promised.’


  The regenerator lived up to its description and thankfully to the expectations of all involved. It seemed like a miracle when over the next four days they watched the skin dissolve slowly from Willian’s back inch by inch, layer by layer and was replaced with healthy living tissue. Heather vowed that the redness would go away over the following wekens.

  Peyton did as she promised and almost lived in the medical unit only leaving when Esther bullied her into eating and showering, with promises of someone else being there to watch over him.

  Several times Willian opened his eyes to see her or one of the others, and sometimes other people sitting talking, reading or sleeping near him. He was even sure he had seen Commander Hawk there once, although those thoughts were hazy, so he was not sure if they were true. Regardless he always faded back to his dreams, knowing he was not alone, just like she promised.

  Hawk arrived after Willian had been in the regenerator for just under a full day and stood looking at the scarred Warrior, then he looked at Peyton seeing the rings of exhaustion around her tired eyes. When she smiled at him, he softly told her. ‘I had no idea, none. He is a remarkable young male.’

  Peyton leaned her head tiredly on his arm. ‘Yeah, he is!’

  ‘Thank you Peyton, again I am at a loss on what to say. You did this for him?’

  She shrugged, then explained. ‘Not just for him, for us all. Our Warriors deserve so much more, this is just a start.’

  Tears entered the eyes of all the ladies as they watched the pair talk, more so when they saw Hawk slip his arm around Peyton and hug her, the first time they knew he had ever done so. There was not a one of them who didn’t recognize the love and respect between two people whose needars cried out for the most basic of emotions.

  Hawk whispered to a sleepy Peyton. ‘More than a start, you Peyton are our miracle.’

  Peyton yawned as he scooped her into his arms. She leaned her head against his broad chest. ‘I will still make them pay Hawk, for what they did to him.’

  He let loose one of his rare grins transforming his normally austere look into startling handsomeness as he assured her. ‘I am sure you will Peyton, we expect no less.’

  ‘Good.’ She smiled and gave his chest a pat. ‘You know me so well!’

  ‘I am coming too.’

  Esther fell into step with him as he carried Peyton from the medical unit. ‘Good, she needs to sleep, Helen and Brenda will stay with Willian.’

  Hawk nodded as they walked to Peyton’s cabin. ‘I will return and sit with them.’

  Esther looked at him and said quietly. ‘She would like that.’

  ‘We are learning Esther.’

  ‘You just have to hold on and fly high. That was something my Harry said often, when things started to change and we could not see where the change was taking us.’ At his confused look, she smiled and told him. ‘In this instance it means, we will go where she leads, and we will reach the Stars and look…’ She whispered. ‘We did!’

  He bent over and kissed her cheek. ‘And we will again and again. We fly high because she wishes us too and believes in us.’

  ‘Until you believe in yourselves.’ Darby agreed, she stood in front of Peyton’s cabin. She overrode the lock, and they moved swiftly in and placed her on her bed, looking down at her peaceful face he said.

  ‘Before you all came into our lives, we had no hope. I tried to in here,’ He touched his chest, ‘but in here.’ He touched his head, ‘I had no
ne, there were many like me, we did not voice our despair, but we wore it like a second skin. Now in the space of a few luneras we have freedom and hope, laughter and love and a reason to continue to fight to meet each day.’

  Esther nodded. ‘As do I, and many of us.’

  Darby said. ‘I had nothing, only fear, crippling fear but since she came into my life. Since you all came into my life, it has lessened. I still have fear but I feel more of me now.’

  ‘Ah-ha! That is what it is… yes!’ Hawk said as he looked at Darby. ‘That is indeed what it is, more of ourselves.’

  Esther remembered. ‘When my Harry passed away, I so wanted to go with him. Every morn when I woke, I was disappointed I had not gone to be with my love.’

  Darby cried. ‘Oh Esther no, we would be lost without you, we love you very much.’

  Hawk nodded. ‘A life without you in it, would be very desolate.’

  Esther smiled and shook her head a little, her throat tightening with emotion at their words. ‘Oh, I do not feel that way now, I feel very happy when my eyes open each morn, and I find myself looking forward to the day. My Harry would have loved you all, especially you Hawk. You he would have understood and admired.’

  Hawk bowed his head at the honor. ‘I would have liked him, who would not, to have loved you, he was barely worthy I think.’

  She wiped the tears from her eyes. ‘Oh, you charmer. Come on, let us go and see to Willian, Darby are you alright here?’

  She hugged Esther. ‘Yes, Trina will be here soon, she is our Netta.’

  Esther rolled her eyes. ‘You girls honestly, but as a Netta she makes a fine Trina.’

  Darby laughed. ‘She does, now go.’

  They left with Esther’s hand tucked in Hawks arm, they made a sweet pair, Darby thought as she looked down at Peyton. ‘They love you, impossible female, just like I do and will forever. Thank you for rescuing me.’ She whispered and laughed softly when Peyton snored.

  Trina walked in. ‘Hey, are you okay?’ She asked after one swift look at Darby’s wet eyes.

  She turned away from Trina and quickly wiped her eyes saying. ‘Yep, let’s get the snoring one comfortable.’


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