Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue With His Century
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Hubbard, Keith MacDonald (Leslyn’s sister, Mark’s wife)
Hubbard. Ron
biographies of
“Final Blackout,”
founding a religion
RAH rejection of
RAH writing project with
Hubbard, Mark
death as Japanese captive
Hubbard, Matt and Colin
Hubbard, Polly
Huddick, John
Hughes, Howard
humanities, studies at the Naval Academy
human race, future of, in space
Hunt, Mabel Leigh
The Huntington Park Signal
Hutchins, USS (destroyer)
Huxley, Aldous, Brave New World
Huxley, T. H.
hypnosis of dates
hypocrisy, RAH’s disgust for
ice skating
ice skating story
“If This Goes On—,”
Imperial Valley
index cards, use in campaigning
Indianapolis, USS (aircraft carrier)
Infantry Journal
Ingalls, Roscoe
Ingram, Bill
injustice, RAH unforgiving of
Institute of General Semantics
international control
of atomic weapons
of rocketry
International Harvester
interplanetary travel theme
involutional melancholia
Ira Johnson, Dr. (character)
Irvine, Jeanne
Isip, M.
Italy, Fascist
“‘It’s Great to Be Back!’”
“It’s Impossible!” (alternate title)
I Will Fear No Evil
Iwo Jima, battle for
Jack (a Catholic boy)
Jacobs, Edward “Jake,”
Jacobs, Sylvia
Jameson, Malcolm
Jameson, Vida
house guest of the Heinleins
“The Thirteenth Trunk” (radio play)
attack on Pearl Harbor, and declaration of war
battles with (1944)
conquest of home islands, estimate of Allied casualties to accomplish
culture of, need to be destroyed, according to RAH
exports of oil and iron to
invasion of China (1932)
occupation of
peace overtures at end of War, thought to be buying time
RAH’s hatred of, after Pearl Harbor attack
relations with U.S., war “inevitable,”
resistance strategy (1944)
surprise attacks by
unconditional surrender
Japanese midshipmen, visit from (1927)
Jazz Age
Jenkins, Will F.
Jerome, Jerome K., Three Men in a Boat
“Jerry Was a Man,”
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Jewish coworkers at AML
Jews, relocation in Palestine
Johnson, Elizabeth (great-grandmother)
Johnson, Mr. (in Technocracy movement)
Johnstone, Don
“Journey of Death” (article)
The Jungle (Sinclair)
Junior Literary Guild
juvenile books
for boys and girls
conventions and taboos of
Kamens, Sam
kamikaze (suicide pilots)
“kamikaze” think tank of science-fiction writers started by RAH
Kansas, history of
Kansas Border War
Kansas City, Missouri
adult entertainment in
Democratic politics in
gangsters in
history of
midshipmen from, in RAH’s classes
politics in
RAH’s early days in
RAH’s later visits to
See also Pendergast political machine
The Kansas City Journal
Kansas City Junior College
Kansas City Public Library, RAH’s part-time job at
The Kansas City Star
Kansas-Moline Plow Company
Kansas-Nebraska Act of
Kant, Immanuel
Kaplan, Joseph
Kean, John
Keeping Posted
Keith, Leslie (pseudonym)
Kellar, Harry
Kelvin Club
Kemp, Earl
Kendig, Will
Kimmel, Admiral Husband
King, Ernest J.
appointed to high rank by Roosevelt
RAH serving under on Lexington aircraft carrier
RAH’s secret wartime projects for
relieved of duty and career supposedly over
King, Martha
Kingsbury Ordnance
Kingsley, Charles, The Water Babies
Kinsey, Alfred, Sexual Behavior in the Human Male
Kipling, Rudyard
Mary Gloster, RAH memorizes
verse of
Kitchin, Elizabeth (grandmother)
Klein, Alfred M.
Klein, Saul
Klyce, Scudder, Universe: A Verifiable Solution to the “Riddle of the Universe,”
Knepper, Max
Korda, Alexander
Korshak, Erle
Korzybski, Alfred
General Semantics seminar
Manhood of Humanity: The Science and Art of Human Engineering
Science and Sanity: An Introduction to Non-Aristotelian Systems and General Semantics
Kriegspiel game, played by RAH
Kuttner, Catherine “Kat” (C. L. Moore) See also Moore, C. L.
Kuttner, Henry
“Hollywood on the Moon,”
Labor movement
Labor Temple (Los Angeles)
Laguna Beach, Calif.
Lang, Fritz
collaboration with RAH on trip-to-the-moon film story
Fritz, Willy & Bob and the Summer of ’48
Langley, USS
Laning, Caleb Barrett “Cal,” collaborative articles written with RAH “System in the Sky,”
Laning, Mickey
“The Last Adventure” (high school verse by RAH)
“The Last Days of the United States,”
Las Vegas, Nevada
Lawrence, Kansas
Lazia, Johnny
League of Nations
Leahy, Admiral, admonishment of RAH
Lee, Sunrise
left-wingers, toleration of Soviet totalitarianism
Leighton’s Cafeteria (Los Angeles)
Lepper, G. H., From Nebula to Nebula
Lermer, Andy
Lermer, Mary Jean
“‘Let There Be Light,’”
Lewis, C. S., Screwtape Letters
Lewis, Samuel L.
Glory Roads
Lewis, Sinclair
Lexington, USS (aircraft carrier)
aircraft aboard
fire on
rotating duty on
in war games
Ley, Olga
Ley, Willy
association with von Braun alters relationship with RAH
The Days of Creation
RAH’s reviews of books by
Rockets: A Prelude to Space Travel
Shells and Shooting
Leyte Gulf, Battle for
collapse of
Liberty Bell, tour of the country in the Great War
liberty card incident
Liberty Memorial (Kansas City)
life after death
life-drawing class (high school)
“Life-Line” (RAH’s first sale)
Life magazine
life-modeling jo
bs, RAH’s
The Lighthouse Annapolis student manual
Lincoln, Abraham
Lindsey, Judge, Companionate Marriage
liquor, on board ship
Literary Guild
Little Boy
“Little Boy Lost” (alternate title)
“little Oklahomas,”
Loesser, Frank, “The Ballad of Rodger Young,”
The Log (Naval Academy news magazine)
“Logic of Empire,”
London, Jack
Long Beach, Calif.
longhand writing, RAH’s
Long Island City, N.Y.
long-lifer theme
Longshoremen’s Union
Lookout Mountain. See Los Angeles, RAH house in
Lord & Taylor
Los Alamos, N.M.
Los Angeles, Calif.
overcrowding in, after the war
RAH goes to live in
RAH house in (Lookout Mountain address)
The Los Angeles Examiner
Los Angeles Junior College
Los Angeles Science Fiction League (later, Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society—LASFS)
The Los Angeles Times
“Lost Legacy,”
“Lost Legion” (alternate title)
love stories, essential in commercial fiction
Low Countries, German invasion of (1940)
Lowell, Percival
Lowndes, Robert A. W. “Doc,”
Lucian, True History
Lucky Bag yearbook
Ludekens, Fred
Luzon, Philippines, Japanese attack on
lyceum bureaus
Lyle, Anna (aunt)
Lyle, Bam (“Aunt”)
Lyle, Bam (mother)
golden wedding anniversary
letter to
move to Hollywood
not nurturing to RAH
Lyle, Dr. Alva Evans (grandfather)
death of
Lyle, Park (uncle)
Lyle, Robert (great-grandfather)
Lyle, Robert (great-great-grandfather)
Lyle family
Irish roots of
meaning of surname
Lyon, Charles W.
MacArthur, Douglas
MacDonald, Anson (pseudonym)
MacDonald, Colin
MacDonald, Florence Gleason “Skipper” (Leslyn’s mother)
death of
MacDonald, Leslyn (second wife)
alcoholic deterioration
alcoholism developing in
article by, on V-2 rocket firing
badmouthing of RAH, pre-divorce
balance in relationship with RAH
bouts of rage
communication with RAH after the divorce
“Communists are Religious Fanatics,”
cooking of
depression of
disappearance of records concerning, and consequent obliteration of direct view of
dissatisfaction with marriage with RAH
divorce proposed
downhill life of, after divorce
extramarital affairs
fight with RAH’s brother Rex Ivar
files for divorce
final satisfactory year of wartime work
fired from Point Mugu job, and joins AA
friends who took her side in split
gallstone problem and operation
health improving (1946)
health problems
ill health from war work
instability of
jealousy of Ginny
lack of support from friends during breakup
learns of release of relatives from Japanese prison camp
literary agentry of
magical practices of
marriage to Jules Mocabee
marriage to RAH
personality changes after three years of marriage
pet name for
physical, mental, spiritual deterioration in wartime job
poems for publication
poem to RAH, “Little Miss Hitter-Skitter,”
poison-pen letters
political campaigning by
political leanings of, as radical liberal
political work for the Democratic Party in California
post-divorce dealings with RAH
psychological background of
psychotic episodes
RAH’s appreciation of
recipe published in Sunset Magazine
recovering from stress, ordered confined to bed
rehabilitation of disabled veterans
relationship with RAH during World War II
resistence to psychological help
science fiction stories writing plan
sexual relations
sister’s family trapped in the Philippines
state of RAH’s marriage with, after six years
stress from homelessness on post-war return to Hollywood
studying Korzybski’s semantics
suicide attempt
supporting and mentoring role of
supportive of RAH’s science fiction writing ideas
wartime strains on marriage
war work
weakened physical and emotional state, from wartime strain
wishes to see RAH post-divorce
at WorldCon
as writing “coach” (story doctor)
Macmillan Company
“Madcap Enterprises” (L. Ron Hubbard’s)
magazine subscriptions, RAH’s selling, at age nine
“Magic, Incorporated,”
magic tricks, RAH’s fascination with
Maginot Line
Maine, USS, explosion on
Major-Browning class
Malina, Frank
Malzberg, Barry
Managua, Nicaragua, earthquake at
Mañana Literary Society (MLS)
Mandelkorn, Dick
Manhattan Engineer District (“Manhattan Project”)
scientists of
“Man in the Moon” (article)
“The Man Who Sold the Moon,”
prediction of Moon landing in
“The Man Who Traveled in Elephants,”
“The Man Who Was Too Lazy to Fail,”
Marais des Cygnes, Missouri
Mardi Gras
Marie, Queen of Romania
Maritime Strike (San Francisco)
forbidden to midshipmen
marriage-reform movements
Mars Hill observatory, Flagstaff, Ariz.
Martin T4M torpedo bombers
Marvel magazine
Marx, Karl
Maskeraders (Naval Academy’s drama society)
Massey, Raymond
mathematical symbology
academic courses in
RAH’s private study of
Matz, Dr. Philip B.
Mayer, Louis B.
McBee, Alice
death of
McCauley, Clayton
McClurg’s Book News
McComas, Annette
McComas, J. Francis
McHugh, Vincent
Caleb Catlum’s America
I Am Thinking of My Darling
McKinley, William
McPherson, Aimee Semple
medicine and doctoring, when RAH was growing up
Meitner, Lise
Mencken, H. L.
“Men in the Moon,”
merchant marines
Mercury Artists Agency
Merriam, Frank
won California governor’s race
Merriam for Governor organization
�Merriam Tax” (anti-Sinclair fundraising organization)
Meteor Crater, Arizona
Methodist Episcopal Church (MEC)
Methuselah’s Children
book project
“Methuselah’s Children” (story)
Metropolitan Water District Strike
Mexico, agricultural workers from (braceros)
MGM studios
Michelson, Albert Abraham
Midland Manufacturing Company (Midland Implements)
migrant farm workers
military service
Heinlein family tradition of
romance of
Millay, Edna St. Vincent
Miller, Russell, Bare-Faced Messiah
mining, financial backing for
missile research
history of, before and after the Civil War
religious denominations in
volunteer infantry, inadequate provisioning of
Missouri Compromise of
Missouri National Guard
Missouri Synod Lutherans
Mitchell, Greg, Campaign of the Century
Mocabee, Jules
Moise, Stanley
mokusatsu (kill with silence)
money game, RAH’s plans to write about
Monroe, James
Monroe, K. (Sophia) (great-grandmother)
Monroe, Lyle (pseudonym)
Moon, trip to, film story
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress
Moon landing
Air Force announces intent (1946)
RAH’s yearning and planning for
moon rocket project
discussed in Truman’s cabinet
impetus from Navy research
Moore, C. L. “Cat” (pseudonym of Catherine Kuttner)
See also Kuttner, Catherine
Morrison, Marion (John Wayne)
Moskowitz, Sam
Moten, Benny
Motor Boys series
Moulton, F. R.
Mount Suribachi, raising of U.S. flag on
movies, selling stories to