Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue With His Century
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municipal utility ownership
Munson, Gorham
Murrieta Hot Springs Hotel, Murrieta, California
Mussolini, Benito
Muster Notes (Naval Academy Class of 1929
reunion book)
Mutual Assured Destruction
“‘My Object All Sublime,’”
mystery writing
not interesting to RAH
RAH tries hand at
Nagasaki, bombing of
nakedness, RAH’s fondness of
National Club movement
National Defense Act of 1920
National Defense Research Committee
National Fantasy Fan Federation (N3F)
National Geographic
National Guard
Naval Aircraft Factory (Philadelphia)
Aeronautical Materials Laboratory
dysfunction in
exposé of wartime work in
RAH’s memo at end of WWII, proposing future projects
Naval Air Experimental Station (NAES)
Materials Laboratory
Naval Air Materials Center, RAH’s memo to, of August 14, 1945, proposing future projects
naval aviation, RAH’s yearning to join
naval history, study of
Naval Hospital, San Diego
Naval War College
Navy, U.S.
airpower in
bureaucracy of
Bureau of Aeronautics
dysfunction in, clear to RAH as civilian
officer ranks in
secret gadget derived from a RAH story
social life
and space exploration
Navy Regulations (The Book)
Nazi scientists, in American rocketry
Negative Debate Team
Nehemiah Scudder (character)
Neill, John R.
Nelson, Harriet
New Deal
New Orleans, La.
Newport, R.I.
The New Republic
Newton Club
New Worlds
New York, N.Y.
New Yorker
New York Post
The New York Times
The New York World-Telegram
Nineteenth Amendment
Nixie (dog)
Nixon, Richard
“No More Rivers to Cross” (song)
Norden bombsight
Norfolk, Virginia, Naval shipyards
Normandy invasion (1944)
Northrup, Helen
Northrup, Sara “Betty,”
Northrop Aircraft
Norton, Alden
Nostradamus, Oracles of
Novacious publication
Novak, Frank
Nowlan, Philip Francis
NRA (National Recovery Administration)
nude photography
arrests for
shows of
in stories
Nulton, Superintendent
O. A. Heinlein Mercantile
O’Brien, George
The Observer ship newspaper
Ocean Rancher (alternate title)
Ocean Rancher project with Scribner’s (alternate title)
Of Worlds Beyond (book of essays on writing, published by Fantasy Press)
Ogden and Richards, The Meaning of Meaning
oil industry
Ojai, Calif., RAH move to
Okinawa, battle for
Oklahoma, U.S.S.
Oklahoma Dust Bowl
Old, Edward H. H.
old-age pension schemes
The Oleanders (house)
Olson, Culbert, governor of California
Olson, Floyd, governor of Minnesota
One World
“On the Slopes of Vesuvius,”
“On the Themes of Speculative Fiction” (article idea)
open marriage
Operation Downfall
Operation: Moon (collaboration with van Ronkel)
“Ordeal in Space,”
getting them in writing
orders, military, Naval Academy class in
Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO)
Orpheum Theatre (Los Angeles)
Osborn, Donald R.
“other-endness” (of an earthworm)
Otto, Richard
“Our Fair City,”
Ouspensky, P. D.
A New Model of the Universe
Tertium Organum
Oz books
Pacific Fleet
Pacific Theater of Operations (PTO)
packaging deal in films, Schor’s interest in
Paine, Thomas
Pal, George
Palmer, Harlan
Palmer, Kyle
Palmer, Raymond A.
Panama Canal
Panama City
Panama Pacific International Exhibition (1915)
Panic of
Panic of
Pannessa, Alfred
Parker, Dorothy
Parsons, Jack
Pasadena Civic Auditorium
Pass Christian, Miss.
past-life memories
“Patterns of Possibility” (alternate title)
Pauley, Ed
pax americana
Paxton, Johnny
Pearl Harbor
anticipation of surprise attack upon, in 1932
Japanese surprise attack upon, in 1941
Peenemünde, V-2 scientists from
Peirce, C. S.
Pendergast, Jim
Pendergast, Tom
Pendergast political machine
Pendle, George, Strange Angel
Pendray, George Edward
Penn, William
Perdue, Virginia
Perreault, Seraphin Bach
RAH’s write-up of, for the Naval Academy class yearbook
petroleum reserves issue
Philadelphia, Pa.
graft in
immigration through
RAH in, for war work
RAH’s travel to, to look for wartime assignment
sesquicentennial celebration
The Philadelphia Record
Philippines, Japanese attack on
nude, by RAH
RAH hobby of
“Pied Piper,”
“Pie from the Sky” (article)
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Pixie (cat)
Pixie II (Ethelrude Pixilated Colorado) (cat)
Plan Orange
Platte City, Missouri
life of
tormented by Youngsters
The Plebe’s Log section of The Log
Plexiglas aircraft canopies
pneumothorax procedure
The Pocket Book of Science Fiction
pocket book publishers
interest in science fiction
Pohl, Frederik
Point Mugu, Calif.
Leslyn working at, after the divorce
policy think tanks
political campaigns
how to run them
RAH’s running of own
political reform, topic in RAH’s first writings
RAH’s early lesson in
RAH’s how-to book for politicians
poll watchers
“Poor Daddy,”
Popular Detective
Popular Front
Popular Mechanics
Populist movement
“Potemkin Village” (alternate title)
Potsdam Declaration
Pottenger, Francis
power politics theme
practice cruises
Practice Squadron
Pratt, Fletcher
pregnancy, in unmarried women, and appendicitis
“Problem Child” (alternate title)
producers, film
Project Paperclip
“Prometheus ‘Carries the Torch,’”
propaganda, RAH’s seeking a Naval assignment in
psychic experiments
public policy, science fiction’s contribution to
publishers, hardcover, interest in science fiction
pulp genre
pulp magazines
pay rate of
RAH’s last period with them
search for new writers
Pure Food and Drug Act
PWA (Public Works Administration)
Quantrill’s Raiders
quarterly fitness reports
Queen, Ellery
Queens Science Fiction League
The Quest
Rabbits (Kansas City)
Rabelais, François
racism in science fiction
radar proximity fuses
radical liberal movements, of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century
projects for, discussed in L.A.
selling stories to
radioactive dust weapon theme
Railway Mail Service
Ralston, Henry
Rancho Amelia (Ojai, Calif.)
Rand, Sally
Random House
rationing, wartime
Raton, N.M.
reading, RAH’s love of
real estate, RAH possible career in
reality, RAH’s quest for
Red Book pulp magazine
Red Cross
Reed, James A.
Reina Mercedes (ship, and Naval Academy brig)
Reinsberg, Mark
Republican Party
1928 National Convention
1946 election
in California
freethinkers in
in Missouri
origin of
RAH considers joining
resource salvage drives
Revolutionary War
Rhoads, August
Rhodes, Cecil John
Rhodes Scholarship
RAH disqualifies himself for, by marrying
Rhysling, blind singer of the spaceways (character)
Richardson, Robert S.
Riefenstahl, Leni, Triumph of the Will
Rifle Club (high school)
“Risling story” project
Riverside, John (pseudonym)
road city stories
“The Roads Must Roll,”
“Road-Town” (later called “The Roads Must Roll”)
Roaring Twenties
Robert A. Heinlein Archive
Roberts, Owen J.
Roberts, Sammy
Robeson, Paul
Rob Wagner’s Script
of the Navy
Rocket Ship Galileo
film interest in
success of
Rocket Story (film project with Lang)
Rockey, Ordean
Rockey-for-Congress Ball
Rockwood, Roy, Great Marvel series: Through Space to Mars and Lost on the Moon
Rogers, Alva
Rogers, Hubert
Rohm & Haas
romance story structure
Rommel, Erwin
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin
3rd term presidency
4th term presidency
death of
Fireside Chats
Roosevelt, Theodore
Roper, USS (destroyer)
Rose, Ralph
Rose, Stuart
Ross (Pendergast man in Kansas City)
Rostoker, Adam
Roswell, N.M., flying saucers
ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps)
Rover Boys series
Royce, Rosita
Russell, Bertrand
Rydeen, Paul
sadism, at Naval Academy
The Saint’s Choice
Saint-Simon, Henri de
Salute! (movie)
Salute magazine
Sandburg, Carl
The People, Yes
The Prairie Years
Sanders (Coon-Sanders)
San Diego, Calif.
San Francisco, Calif.
bridges at
RAH’s diversions in, on a practice cruise
Sang, Grace Dugan “Cats,”
Sang, Henry
sanity gap
San Jacinto tunnel
San Joaquin Valley
San Pedro, Calif.
Santa Fe, N.M.
Santa Fe Trail
Santa Monica Democratic Club
Saratoga, USS (aircraft carrier)
The Saturday Evening Post
Heinlein stories published in
Saul and Solomon (Jewish twins)
Saunders, Caleb (pseudonym)
Schenck, Joe
Schmidt, Chief Yeoman
Schofield, Admiral
Schor, Lou
Science and Invention magazine
science and invention pulps
science clubs (high school)
science fiction
conventions. See World Science Fiction Conventions (WorldCon)
cutting-edge issues explored by
flourishing of, during World War II
Golden Age of
interest in, after the Bomb
off-color language in
publishers of
in pulp magazines
RAH’s boyhood reading
source of ideas for the war effort
transformed from a pulp genre to a public policy dialogue partner
writing of
science fiction fans
communists among
outcast status of
rude and malicious ones
Science-Fiction League
Science Fiction magazine
science fiction writers
regular meetings of, in Los Angeles
think tank of, started and led by RAH
value of, to war effort
Science Wonder Stories
scientific method, applied to life problems
Scoles, Albert “Buddy,”
Scopes trial broadcast on the radio
Script magazine
Scrullionaire, M., Private Memoirs of a Profiteer
Scully, Frank
Seattle, Wash.
Second American Revolution
security clearance, RAH’s, for atomics articles
self-help and self-improvement movements
semantic pause
semantics, RAH’s research in
serial-time theories
RAH’s attitudes toward
selling books with
sex magic
sexual freedom
sexual revolution, in the 1920s
sexual triangles
“The Shadow of Death,”
Shakespeare, William, The Tempest
Shakespeare Club
Shannon, Joseph B.
Shasta Press
Shaver, Richard
Shaw, Frank
Shep’s Sh
op (Hollywood)
Sherlock Holmes stories
shirking (malingering)
Shrine Auditorium (Los Angeles)
Shrine Circus
shudder pulps
Simpson, Wallis
Sinclair, Mary Craig
Sinclair, Upton
California governor’s race
Depression Island
I, Candidate for Governor, and How I Got Licked
The Jungle
Mental Radio
power vacuum after retirement of
The Profits of Religion
propaganda campaign against
RAH meets
Single Tax idea
Siodmak, Curt, Donovan’s Brain
“Six Against the Empire,”
“Sixth Column,”
sketchbook teaching method
Skidmore, Dick
Skylark IV (car)
slans and mundanes
slavery, and the Civil War
slick magazines
RAH’s first sale to
RAH thinking of writing for
Sloane, William
Smith, Captain
Smith, E. E. “Doc,”
The Skylark of Space
Skylark series
Smith, Freddie
Smith, George O.
“Rat Race,”
Smith, Harry A.
Smith, Jeanne
Smith, Verna
Smyth Report
“Snafu Manor” (AML)
social activities, in Annapolis
social conventions, in science fiction stories
Social Credit
RAH’s book about (For Us, the Living)
Social Credit Union
Social Darwinism
social engineering
American radical
Socialist Party
Social Security account numbers
sociology, as social engineering
solar power
Soldier Field, Chicago
“Solution Unsatisfactory,”
Sophie and Shively Lodes
Southern California
South Pacific, war in