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Women's Prison

Page 7

by James Nash

  “I have strong arms and an experienced firm hand as our good young Sister will testify ...!” and the young nun, still lying naked, continued to wail in her shame

  “... and I administered to her very firm young bottom a good hard spanking across the seat of those thick cotton drawers. You began to gasp and cry out a little at that point, didn’t you, Sister? You must have felt so ashamed to be so punished ... a woman of your calling ... but you were determined not to cry bitter tears, weren’t you, Sister? I laid it on with a good firm hand and I must have given her sixty hard slaps, thirty on each cheek of her behind, for I know how to spank with a wrist action which causes most pain.

  “I watched her face, little English flower, all through her spanking and the tears had begun to form in the corners of her eyes. You would have loved the sight of her bottom quivering through her pants with the shock of each slap, until my hand became sore and I ordered you to stand upright ... didn’t I, Sister?” but the young nun did not answer, simply cried out and lay back across the table, her sobbing loud and piteous.

  “I didn’t bother to check my handiwork ... “ the woman continued, the grim smile never leaving her face “... for I knew that, despite the thickness of her pants, that our rather contrite young Sister had two red and swollen bottom cheeks as she stood to attention, trying to keep the tears from flowing. You were determined not to give me that satisfaction, eh, Nipan!”

  The woman stared down at the sobbing girl lying across the table and then hugged Jane to her again. “Your heart is beating fast, little one!” she murmured as her hand moved under Jane’s left breast, squeezing and rubbing with her palm. She smiled fondly at her frightened captive, playing with Jane’s young body and eliciting new sensations with every touch as the narrative continued.

  “Little one, you would have enjoyed the next act of the play, for as Sister Nipan stood upright, her hands strayed softly to her tender bottom and she winced but tried not to show it ... and I looked at her face ... a look there of relief that she had survived my punishment without breaking down. She was expecting to be told to dress, for she looked over at her discarded habit, but I told her to stand still ... and it was then her eyes took on a look of frightened wariness ... and with good cause!”

  The woman paused in her tale as she continued to minister to Jane’s breast, now undoing two buttons of Jane’s tunic before sliding her hand across the girl’s bare belly and under the naked flesh of the breast.

  “Then ...” she resumed, grinning “... you would have relished my next move, Jane.. particularly after your own experiences! I pressed the button on my desk and the door to my anteroom opened to admit Sergeant Hoec, with whom you are personally acquainted ...!” and she smiled at Jane who reddened and gasped at the memory, her heart pounding now as the story continued “... who entered the room holding your favourite three foot long bamboo cane! You do remember it, don’t you, Jane ... it must bring back so many happy memories!”

  She paused again as Jane reddened with shame and the young nun lying across the table shrieked out as her nightmare was relived.

  “My little Jane, you would have been so excited by the look of sheer horror on Sister Nipan’s face, her sudden realisation that not only was her punishment incomplete, but that worse was to come ... and administered by a MAN!”

  Jane looked down at the young Sister Nipan who lay crying and writhing across the table as her ordeal was retold. The woman continued remorselessly.

  “Sergeant Hoec stood behind her for a few moments, very close indeed so that she could experience his very maleness ... and I could see from your face that you did, Sister, even though those thick pants of yours, then my good Sergeant ordered her to raise her arms above her head. Trembling and beginning to weep now, she did so. Then, Jane, you can imagine how she cried with shame as my Sergeant put down his cane, reached out and pulled up the vest of our chaste and shy young Sister, pulled it over her head and threw it down on the floor with the rest of her clothes!

  “Our young nun was in a state of shock by now, automatically forgetting my orders, and scrabbling to cover her very attractive and ample breasts, for, of course, Sister Nipan wore no brassiere. My good sergeant slapped her face and ordered her to put her hands on her head.”

  The woman paused again as Jane began to feel giddy, aware now of the Officer’s hand caressing her bare nipple, conscious of her breasts thrusting out with excitement, the nipples hard with desire.

  “Then our chaste young Sister began to weep in earnest for she suffered the indignity of a man’s hands on her bare breasts for the first time in her life. Hoec loves women and knows his business! He fondled her with great skill and I became aroused just watching them. Nipan was pleading with him to stop but her juicy breasts were far from resistant to his ministrations, were they not, Sister? He massaged her for some considerable time and very expertly, making her sigh and moan despite herself.

  “Eventually my good Sergeant stopped his attentions and ordered Nipan to remain standing still, hands on head as he picked up his cane and tapped it against his palm. You would have delighted in seeing our pretty young Sister as she stood in front of him, her eyes wild and shaking from head to foot, pleading as he tapped that cane menacingly against his palm!”

  The young nun was shrieking out with shame as her story was retold and Jane tried to look at her, tried to sympathise, but she was caught up in the sexual experience of what was happening to her and her breathing was fast and shallow as the woman continued to stroke her nipples.

  “Then, pretty one, Sister Nipan was faced, as she expected, with the ultimate humiliation ... for my Sergeant stared at her solemnly for a minute or so before ordering her to take her knickers off! Can you imagine, little one, the expression on her face? ... the total terror, shock and humiliation of that order? She cried and pleaded ... all resistance gone, and I was very excited myself by this time!”

  Jane, by now, felt that her heart would burst so conscious was she of the pent up excitement released in her by the event she had witnessed and the sensations she had experienced. She was aware that the woman’s large coarse hand had undone the buttons of her trousers which were now only held up by the woman’s hand gripping her hip, but which flapped open at the front, exposing her pubis, but she was beyond caring as the woman’s fingers began to stroke and explore the soft thatch. Jane felt as if bombs were exploding in her loins as she watched the young nun, the girl’s vividly stripped naked buttocks still writhing in anguish across the table. The woman continued, speaking carefully and deliberately so that the anguished Sister Nipan would hear every single word.

  “So my Sergeant repeated his order very harshly ...” she said with a smile “... and the expression on Sister Nipan’s face of shame mixed with sheer terror was very rewarding, the trembling of her body as she slowly took her hands from her head and, at Sergeant Hoec’s command, she turned to face him, eyes streaming tears, those beautiful bare breasts quivering as she reached down, hardly able to control her hands, then trembling and crying hysterically ... she pulled her knickers down! That was quite a sight, wasn’t it, Sister ...” she mocked as the girl wept hysterically “ ... for I was aroused already, but as her pants dropped to her ankles, the Sergeant and I were able to see that our young nun has no pubic hair! Shorn as a baby girl, the lips of her cunt just visible as our chaste young Sister tried to cover herself.”

  The young nun again cried out as her disgrace was recounted so vividly and she lay across the table crying into her hands.

  “Then Sergeant Hoec ordered you to turn round and face the table, didn’t he Sister? ... and you were so grateful to be able to hide your shameful orifice from his prying eyes ... although I seem to recall you crying out in terror when you were first told to bend over the table! ... but that was nothing was it, Sister! ... for then he told you to spread your legs wide and raise up your bottom!”

  Sister Ni
pan continued to weep in her anguish, but Jane began to feel the waves of wonderful sexual sensation flood her body as the woman’s skilled fingers began to stroke her vagina, massaging the lips, tenderly stroking inside until she felt them swelling blood red under the expert touch.

  “So ...” the Senior Officer continued “ ... our chaste, modest young Sister, who has rarely displayed a bare ankle in public before today, then very slowly, weeping like a child, opened her legs, raised her bottom and showed us one of the prettiest little cunts that either of us had ever seen. Now you have seen it too, Jane! I’m sure you agree that she is very attractive! ... everywhere! ... and very desirable! Such a waste to be locked away in all that religious garb when she could be giving so much pleasure!”

  Nipan cried out in fear as she heard the menace in the Officer’s words and the woman grinned.

  “Then we bound her wrists and ankles, little one, and invited you to witness the rest ... a very humiliating and severe caning, I’m sure you will agree!”

  The young nun shook in her bonds, her humiliation total as Jane tried to cope with what was happening, the erotic pleasure she was experiencing from both the Officer’s ministrations and, more shamefully, from the young nun’s total humiliation. The woman ceased the massage of Jane’s tender vulva for a few minutes and looked down at the girl crying and writhing across the table.

  “I believe you have now got the picture, little one ...” she said to Jane, staring mockingly at the hysterical young nun whose face was red and swollen with her tears “... and you, Sister, lying there weeping, I can only imagine how you must have felt! Which was worse for you, I wonder? ... the humiliation of being ordered to take down your knickers? ... or the terror of knowing that shortly after you would receive a severe caning across an already sore bare bottom ... and delivered by a strong and powerful man?”

  Nipan sobbed and moaned, but did not answer.

  “However ...” the woman continued grinning, buttoning up Jane’s pants as she did so “... we women are strange creatures, even virginal young nuns. It seems from purely my observations between your legs, Sister, that your caning has indeed been therapeutic ... for despite the pain and the humiliation it seems from the evidence that you are in need, not so much of divine intervention, but of something far more human and satisfying. Wouldn’t you agree?”

  Nipan at last spoke, pleading for the woman to stop and continuing to wriggle her bottom and cry.

  “Mmm...” the woman continued “... it is surprising how often the caning of a woman’s bottom produces this effect, even if she is too ashamed and too chaste to admit it!”

  As Sister Nipan wept in distress, the Officer pushed Jane to the end of the table and turned her so that she faced the nun’s naked writhing buttocks.

  “I think there needs to be independent confirmation of my opinion ...” the Officer continued, the smile on her face broadening as Nipan cried out in panic, then looking straight at the trembling Jane, said dryly “ ... so, little one, I want you to look for yourself. You know what to look for, don’t you?”.

  The young nun cried out in shame as Jane, her mouth dry, her heart pounding, reached out her hand slowly, tentatively.

  “Come on ...” shouted the woman impatiently “... it won’t bite! Get on with it!”

  Jane, hardly daring to breathe, reached out under the girl’s wriggling bottom and began to tenderly stroke the lips of the girl’s slit which trembled and came alive under her touch. As the young nun cried out, Jane very gingerly eased her fingers along the fluttering lips, her heart pounding, so aroused ... the first time she had ever touched another girl like this.

  She slid her fingers into Nipan’s vagina, feeling the girl sob and tremble, and her hand was soaked in warm honeyed moisture which said so much. Jane continued her voyage of exploration until the girl’s hymen prevented further ingress and she slowly withdrew her fingers, reluctant and ashamed, for she was enjoying the experience immensely. The physical reactions of the weeping girl to such intimate intrusion were hardly resistant, either!

  “Well?” the woman enquired with a smile, and Jane nodded in assent, her face red with embarrassment and flushed with arousal. The woman roared with laughter as the degraded young Sister continued to sob in abject humiliation.

  At last the Officer summoned the policeman to her and between them they released Nipan’s bonds and ordered the young nun to stand up with her hands on her head. Shaking and crying, she did so and, at the command, she turned round, her head bowed displaying to Jane the beauty of her bare breasts which quivered as the girl breathed shallowly and fast. The nipples were hard and firm, confirming her fear and involuntary arousal. Jane looked down at the girl’s crotch so incredibly nude, the pink of her lips just visible as she stood with her legs tightly together.

  “Now, Sister ...” the Officer said, looking the naked girl up and down “... that is the last time you will be referred to by your religious title in this prison. From now on you will be treated like all the other women with no privileges and you will wear a prison uniform like everyone else. Your habit and your underwear will be taken away and burnt. Is that clear?” The young nun shook her head, sobbing loudly.

  “You will also take part in exercise like the other women ...” the officer barked and she looked at her watch, “... beginning immediately!”

  Almost immediately, a knock at the door interrupted proceedings and the Officer barked out an instruction. Into the room, very tentatively, walked an attractive young wardress with light brown skin and dark, almond eyes, carrying a clean prison uniform. Blushing in the sight of her superior and obviously distracted by the sight of the young nun standing naked and crying, she made to put the uniform on the table, but instead dropped it on the floor. The Officer bellowed at her and, red faced through her brown skin, the young wardress picked up the uniform and put it on the table, then retreated to the door blushing furiously under the Officer’s angry gaze.

  The woman looked at Jane, completely ignoring the young Sister who stood naked and in pain.

  “The girl is very new to my service ...” the Officer said dryly to Jane “... and very awkward as you see ... but very pretty, don’t you think?” Jane nodded her head in mute agreement.

  “Good! You have taste!” said the woman, smiling coldly “ She has such a firm young body, too! She has had two warnings so far for her clumsiness and, before the end of tomorrow, I will find ample opportunity to find fault. Then she will be disciplined!”

  Jane swallowed hard as the woman, grinning at the prospect, continued,

  “You see it is not just the prisoners who are disciplined here, my pale English flower, there are strict standards expected from my staff and severe penalties if they are not met. I shall relish summoning her to my office where she will expect to be given a duty roster. She will be most surprised and I suspect more than a little tearful when, instead, she is ordered to lower her pants! It will be a great pleasure to put her across my desk and discover how her naked bottom responds to an enthusiastic application of my strap!” and she smiled broadly as she considered the prospect, picking up the newly delivered uniform as she did so.

  “Get dressed!” the weeping young nun was instructed and the girl, with trembling fingers, reached out for the uniform. She put on the tunic, hardly able to do up the buttons, her fingers shaking with emotion and then she stared in horror at the trousers, the thought of wearing anything against her tortured skin reducing her again to anguished weeping. “Get them on!” the woman ordered coldly and the girl obeyed, crying out as the material came into contact with her agonised, burning buttocks. The woman pressed a button and soon two male warders arrived to escort the stricken girl to the exercise yard.

  Throughout the proceedings Jane had stood transfixed, her throat pink, her breasts flushed with blood heat, her vulva moist, signs of arousal the woman had observed with considerable pleasure.
The woman moved closer to the young English girl and slipped her hand inside Jane’s pants. Jane dutifully parted her legs allowing the searching hand access to the well lubricated vagina and soon she began to sigh urgently as the woman’s practised fingers began to stroke her clitoris and she felt the honey flow over the woman’s fingers as the Officer impatiently undid the two buttons of Jane’s prison pants, then eagerly thrust two fingers into the eager, dripping cunt as Jane’s pants fell to her ankles.

  The young English girl was aware that her masturbation was being witnessed now by the tall policeman who had caned both her and the young nun but she was beyond caring, beyond modesty and she gasped

  “Oh yes ... oh yes ...oh please!” as the insistent fingers slid in and out of her hot, moist pussy and her bottom began to gyrate in rhythm with the invading hand. With her other hand the woman undid Jane’s tunic and slipped it off, bending down and taking the swollen nipple of the girl’s left breast in her mouth as the naked Jane cried out in pure sexual relief.

  Breathing heavily, the woman suddenly stopped manipulating Jane’s vagina and urgently began to pull her arm, dragging her towards the corner of the room where there was a single bunk bed. Jane was aware of the policeman, his eyes like slits, watching the proceedings intently and she stared at him, her eyes wide, as she was pulled along to the corner of the room. The man had removed his shirt and his powerful brown torso glistened with perspiration. She gasped at the huge bulge in his trousers as she was dragged to the bed.

  When they reached the bed, the woman released her arm and stood trembling, her squat peasant features flushed and perspiring, her eyes glazed and Jane cried out as the woman began frenziedly to undress. As the girl watched open mouthed, the woman ripped open her tunic and threw it on the floor, then reached round for the buttons of her skirt, tearing that off and discarding it. She stood like a large, well-muscled animal waiting to mate as Jane, her breathing intense and her eyes wide, stared at the squat, well preserved body, the pendulous breasts encased in a thick cotton bra and her wide hips and buttocks in grey cotton pants.


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