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Women's Prison

Page 8

by James Nash

  “Come to me!” the woman ordered, reaching behind and unclasping the bra which she threw to the floor, revealing the huge, plump breasts, the thick dark nipples swollen with longing. As Jane obeyed her command, the woman pulled off her pants and stood naked, her thick legs wide apart, revealing to Jane the thickest mass of pubic hair the girl had ever seen, surrounding the already glistening lips of her thickly fleshed cunt.

  The woman fell back on the bed, pulling the naked young English girl on top of her. Jane, with a sigh, fell into her arms and the woman kissed her full on the lips, her hand stroking the young girl’s breast, the girl’s nipples already standing proud with animal desire. The woman hugged Jane to her and, reaching down, she eased the girl’s thighs apart so that both of them had their legs wide open. She clutched Jane around the bottom, pulling her forward so that their bodies mingled, rubbing gently against one another. The effect on the young girl was electric, she sighed and squealed arching her loins for even more tactile stimulation.

  “Suck me!” the woman ordered and, obediently, Jane took hold of the woman’s plump breast and began to suck her nipple. As Jane ministered to her, the woman bucked and sighed clutching the girl tightly, wriggling her hips so that the juices of their bodies ran together, the nether lips rubbing and stretching with the twisting of their bodies. Hearing movement, Jane turned her head and gasped as she saw the big policeman, now completely naked, walking towards the bed. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched the strong, well-muscled body moving purposefully towards them and Jane tensed with excitement and fear, for to her untutored eye the man’s stiff thick cock looked as long as a donkey’s and she began to whimper in terror. The woman pulled her face around and kissed her on the lips again, then pushed the girl further backwards, ordering her to minister to the gaping vagina.

  Red faced and terrified, Jane slid back and knelt down between the woman’s legs, her heart racing with fear at the image of that monstrous penis, conscious that she was powerless to prevent whatever he intended. Part terrified, part dizzy with sexual arousal, Jane bent down and parted the sweaty thick black bush between the woman’s quivering legs, parted the thick lips with her fingers, then, taking a deep breath, she knelt forward and pushed her mouth over the gaping pussy, inserting her tongue as deep as she could into the woman’s hot, wet vagina seeking the clitoris, licking upwards to find the woman’s love button and evoking groans of ecstasy as Jane’s tongue began to work magic and the woman began to climax.

  As Jane probed and sucked, she shook violently with fear as she felt the strong arms of the policeman around her hips and she heard him grunting. Then, her face red, her eyes wide with shock and glistening with tears, Jane lifted her head in panic and screamed with pain and shame as she felt the policeman’s massive swollen cock as it located her sensitive little rose hole then, with a slow insistent thrust, began to force its way deep into her bottom.

  Her eyes dilated, tears pouring down her face, the woman pulling her head back down between the huge shaggy thighs, Jane was bent right over, shaking with dread as she felt her ass hole tearing, burning, forced open as the huge penis thrust its way into her and she shouted “Oh Dear God... NO!! NOT THERE!! PLEASE NOT THERE!!” but it made no difference ... the ruthless invasion continued.

  “Relax, you stupid little fool...!” the woman shouted, continuing to hold Jane’s head down “... loosen your ass or he will hurt you!” and the woman stroked her hair, her head, her neck as gradually, maybe through the woman’s experience and maybe something in her own sense of self preservation, Jane gave in to the inevitable and allowed her sphincter to relax, then she heard the man give a groan of pleasure as the monstrous organ continued its invasion of her rectum until she had taken all of it deep inside her. At that moment, Jane began to cry out again in panic and hung onto the woman as the policeman began to ride her, making her ass hole strain and burn afresh as the huge cock thrust in and out of her. She groaned with the pain but gradually became aware of her anus widening and the pain disappearing as the cock began to produce glorious feelings of stimulation as it reamed the sensitive membranes of her bottom.

  Simultaneously the woman reached up between Jane’s parted legs and began to masturbate the girl’s vagina until Jane was screaming again, but in ecstasy now, and by the time the policeman gave one final thrust and a huge groan, Jane climaxed, her flushed vulva opening and closing like a clam as the torrent of warm sperm flooded her anal passage.

  Jane fell forward, her head nestling into the neck of the Senior Officer who laughed and kissed her full on the lips.

  “You have come through your test well, my dear... “ she said softly “ ... and from now on your life here will improve considerably... because you are one of my chosen ones and you will do my bidding when instructed, do you understand?”

  Jane nodded and buried her head in the woman’s neck, her bottom beginning to tingle and ache.

  “I am generous in my favours too...” the woman said, smiling and stared into Jane’s pale, pretty face, “... so tell me the truth, now, would you like me to give you the pretty young nun ... to do with as you please?” and Jane, flushed, her heart pounding like a sledgehammer, whispered “Oh yes... please... oh yes!”

  When Jane was returned to her cell by two warders, Su-Kir, who had sat on her bunk fretting since her cell mate had been marched away, gave a cry of relief as Jane walked back into the tiny room. Su-Kir sprang up from her bunk and threw her arms around the tall pale English girl who appeared, strangely, to be in another world.

  “Oh Jane, what they do to you?” the distressed Su-Kir cried and Jane put her arms on Su-Kir’s shoulders, gently, stiffly.

  “I’m all right, Su-Kir, I’m fine!” she said, her voice strained and tired. Su-Kir could not understand her friend’s demeanour, she did not seem shocked, terrified or to have been physically tortured, yet somehow Jane was different... distant and slightly cold... which Su-Kir attributed to fear, tiredness and a mixture of emotions. Su-Kir was experienced at many things and her profession had alerted her to the importance of recognising the human condition. As she held Jane, she noticed the flushed colour of her face and neck, the prominence of her nipples through the thin tunic and, overpoweringly, she could smell the girl’s sex, reeking of arousal.

  Jane, with a tired gesture, eased away from the embrace and went over to her bunk. Su-Kir noticed with concern that she did not sit down but rather stripped off the prison uniform and stood for a few minutes, body swaying gently, eyes closed. Su-Kir looked at the naked girl, at her breasts, swollen and protuberant, then down at her belly glistening with perspiration and finally down between her legs at the damp and sticky pubic hair surrounding the blood red lips. Jane opened her eyes and looked back, aware of the inspection but with no expression except a faraway look. Su-Kir noticed that she did not sit but eased down onto her bunk, rolled over on her side and pulled the sheet over her body.

  “Oh Jane ...” Su-Kir murmured “... please tell me... are you still ... did they... ?” and she faltered and stopped. She looked over at the girl lying facing the wall and Jane’s voice, tired, unemotional, replied in a tone Su-Kir had never before heard.

  “Yes, Su-Kir, I am still a virgin ... at least in the way you mean. I know you could sense something and I knew I could not hide my shame from you. That is why I undressed in front of you. You have asked but you want to know more so I will tell you and then I will never discuss it ever again! The big policeman ... he ... he put it in my bottom. He was big, massive and at first he hurt me terribly!”

  Su-Kir put her hands to her face and cried out “Oh Jane, I so sorry... I...” but the English girl cut her short.

  “No...” she said sharply “... do not waste your pity, Su-Kir, for I do not deserve it. Soon I began to enjoy it so much and the woman was doing other things to me ... and me to her.” Su-Kir gasped as Jane continued “Eventually I climaxed and I wanted more. I have lear
ned so much about myself today, more than I believed possible. Much of it has made me ashamed, but in this prison, Su-Kir, it has made me stronger. I will never fear them again. Now I have said enough. Let me sleep!” and she pulled the sheet up to her face.

  Su-Kir undressed, trembling and shocked, and, as she lay in her own bunk, she sensed that their relationship had changed for ever and that it was she who now needed Jane.

  As the days passed, Su-Kir realised that, indeed, there had been changes both in Jane’s personality and in their relationship for Jane was no longer afraid, no longer prone to tearful, reassuring embraces and Su-Kir felt so lonely, sad that her cell mate was no longer close, no longer in need of her. Even during exercise, Su-Kir noticed that the warders would not yell at the tall, pale, pretty English girl as they yelled at the other women and, for her part, Jane would conform to the rules of the prison with a serenity and dignity which set her apart from the rest.

  Only once over the next two weeks did that detachment crack. Each day, after exercise, Jane was beckoned by the woman officer and the big policeman and she would walk, head erect, into the officers quarters and not be seen back in the cell for over an hour. Su-Kir now knew what Jane did in that time and Jane made no attempt to hide it, indeed she could not for the pattern was now a regular one. She would be returned to the cell, her face flushed, neck and chest pink and glistening, nipples aroused and swollen, her pubic hair wet, her pussy lips swollen a deep blood red.

  One day, Jane returned in a state of some obvious distress and Su-Kir who was now afraid to ask, stared at her cell mate then put her head in her hands and cried softly.

  “Oh Jane... ” Su-Kir asked timorously “... now what has happened to you?”

  Rather than answer, Jane faced her friend, her eyes dull, the tears glistening and slowly undid the buttons of her pants and let them fall to her ankles. Su- Kir gasped when she saw the fine trickle of blood which oozed from the girl’s vagina congealing in the fine hairs which surrounded it.

  “Now we are alike, Su-Kir ...” Jane said softly “... for I am no longer a virgin. He tired of using my bottom and I agreed to ... to let him do as he wished to retain my privileges. You may find me contemptible, Su-Kir, for at least you sell your body to live. I sold mine for opportunity and advantage, here in this prison ... for a better life!”

  Su-Kir reached out and held her close but Jane gently pushed her away.

  “No, Su-Kir... “ she said firmly, then noticing the hurt on the dark brown face “... do not pity me. It is for us both that I have done what I have done, and it is important that I do not weaken. You think I have changed, and you are right, but I swear that while I can use any status I have bought with my body you will never be threatened by anyone else in this prison.” Then she stripped and lay on her side crying softly as Su-Kir lay in her bed crying too, in abject misery.

  The following night Su-Kir was given living proof of her cell mate’s promise for, after lights out, the two girls had settled down to sleep after Jane had again returned tired and drained from the Senior Officer’s quarters. Su-Kir had noticed the traces of semen around Jane’s pubic hair and she began to worry about Jane becoming pregnant. As she lay in bed thinking about this, Su-Kir was vaguely aware of the cell door opening and, as she turned over in her bunk half awake and trying to focus, a man’s hand clamped across her mouth and her eyes widened with fear as she was roughly turned over on her back. As her eyes adjusted to the half-light, Su-Kir recognised the face that loomed over her bunk - it was the young warder who had raped her on that awful night many weeks before, and she tried to shout but the hand stayed firmly over her mouth.

  With his free hand the boy ripped the sheet down and stared at Su-Kir’s naked body, her breasts trembling with fright and he grinned with anticipation, spittle running from his lips, as he gloated over his prize. The boy had been drinking and he swayed to and fro, his breathing deep and heavy as Su-Kir lay petrified, not daring to resist, and she watched hypnotised as his free hand returned to his waist. He undid his trouser belt and unbuttoned his pants, allowing them to slide to his ankles. The boy wore no underpants and Su-Kir lay still as she stared at the boy’s stiff, swollen penis swinging from side to side as he clambered on to her bunk, motioning to her to get her legs apart. She shuddered but obeyed, wondering if he would even bother to lubricate her for she was dry and sore from under nourishment and fear, but he began to position himself on top of her, fumbling for her lips with his fingers.

  Suddenly Su-Kir’s eyes widened with shock as she heard a hissing sound and then the crack like a pistol shot before the boy gave a loud shriek and, in his drunken state, fell off the bunk face down, his trousers around his ankles. Su-Kir looked down in bemused amazement at Jane who had leapt naked from her bed and who was lashing the boy’s bare buttocks with his own trouser belt. He yelped and cried in panic and bewilderment as he crawled to the cell steps pursued by the naked girl, belt in hand. He covered his face with one hand, afraid she would change targets as he rolled over to protect his buttocks and indeed she did! He received a stinging lash across his swollen penis and testicles for his pains and began to cry in agony.

  “Tell him, Su-Kir... ” Jane shouted angrily as he looked up in fright at this naked, pale avenging angel.

  “... that I have much influence with his chief, as he well knows! Go on, tell him!” and the amazed Su-Kir translated, the boy turning pale through his brown skin as he tried to pull up his pants, at which Jane lashed his buttocks again and he moaned loudly.

  “Tell him that if he touches you again, I will personally see to it that his balls are cut off and presented to you on a plate!” Jane continued angrily, but Su-Kir gasped and hesitated. “Go on... tell him exactly that!” Jane insisted and she did.

  The boy, crying in pain and frightened out of his wits, pulled up his pants and half fell, half stumbled out of the cell, slamming the door closed behind him. They could hear his humiliated weeping all the way down the corridor.

  “Are you all right, Su-Kir?” Jane asked as they heard him retreating painfully into the distance.

  “Oh Jane, that so very good... “ Su-Kir cried happily “... you I love very much!” and was amazed when Jane stared at her, pain evident in her pretty blue eyes, and began to cry softly.

  “I know you do ...” she said gently through her tears “... and Su-Kir I owe you so much. I told you I would keep you safe and I will. Go to sleep now. He will never touch you again!”

  Su-Kir lay down, her heart pounding, her mind racing, yet aching inside for she sensed that with the growth of Jane’s stature she had found a protector but had lost the close affinity which circumstances had forced upon them. Jane had grown away, needing something else, something more. Su-Kir knew, of course, that Jane’s sexual initiation had changed her radically but guessed there was more, for she had noticed each day at exercise how Jane stared without speaking at the pretty young nun who now worked out with the rest of them, wearing prison clothing, and who flushed bright red as Jane stared at her, the girl seeming to fear direct eye contact. Su-Kir knew prison life and she knew what happened inside to girls who were lonely or who were deprived of male company for any length of time. She knew that Jane had been traumatised by her experiences and had realised that the girl was thirsting for a relationship. Su-Kir had hoped she could fill the need but now, feeling the opposing forces of gratitude and heartbreak, she lay on her bunk weeping softly.

  The next day, when Jane returned from her daily session in the Officers quarters, flushed and aroused as usual, she no longer looked tired but had a sparkle, a lightness of step that Su-Kir could not understand and she looked startled as Jane clutched her hand and said softly,

  “Su-Kir, I will never forget you. I owe you so much and believe me I will remember you always!” and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

  “Oh Jane...” Su-Kir cried happily “... you going home? Sentence end? G
overnment get you out?”

  “No, Su-Kir ...” Jane replied quietly, her face embarrassed and contrite, “... I am moving to another cell!” and she looked down at her feet, not wanting to meet the other girl’s anxious eyes.

  Su-Kir cried out “Why, what I do, Jane? They force you ... yes?” then she faltered as Jane lifted her head, the tears rolling down the face of the young English girl, and held her hand.

  “No...” she whispered softly “... they haven’t forced me and you have done nothing wrong, Su-Kir, please believe me! I love you like a sister but ...,” and she hesitated, ashamed and embarrassed “... there is someone, Su-Kir, someone that I need and who needs me although she does not realise it yet. I need to be happy and she will make me happy, I know she will!”

  Su-Kir cried and Jane hugged her tightly. “Lovely Jane... ” the girl pleaded “... stay with me, I make you happy, I... ” but Jane, with tears in her eyes cut her short.

  “No ...” she said softly “... for to my horror and shame, Su-Kir, there is a dark side to me which you have never seen and of which I was unaware until they punished me so cruelly. You have much experience with men, Su-Kir, but I believe you would be shocked by what arouses me and ...” she paused, her eyes downcast “... the girl that I go to is so sweet, so innocent ... yet she too has deep sensations which she dare not explore and I am going to help her to discover herself. I need to possess her ...” and she stopped , the tears rolling down her cheeks.

  “It is the young nun!” Su-Kir said quietly and Jane nodded her head. “Go then ...,” said Su-Kir, choking back her tears “ ... and treat her well. She is lucky girl!” then turned away, weeping.

  Jane, her lips quivering, her eyes damp, made to speak but suddenly turned on her heel and with a choking sob left the cell, never to return.


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