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Between the Bleeding Willows (The Demon Hunters Series Book 1)

Page 14

by Roach, D. A.

  Under the willows, there was nothing but dirt, grass, and weeds. Still no sign from the Demon Realm—no sign they received the books, no sign of a battle. The dirt beneath me was packed tight and a few fallen branches lay close. I picked up one of the fallen branches and fiddled with it. Some stories claimed that witches made magic wands from willow branches. I stripped the leaves off the branch and used it to scratch at the dirt where a few small rocks were stuck in the hard earth. I tried to pry them out and managed to free one of the rocks. It rolled a few feet away, where a small circle of perfectly placed pebbles sat. This hadn’t been there before…a sign from Casper? Wishing it to be true, I got up with my magic willow wand and walked to the gate.

  “Iggity-ziggity-zaggity-zin! Gate open up and let me in!” God, I made a terrible witch. But spells always seemed to rhyme. I waited…and waited…but nothing happened. In frustration, I threw the stick and stomped out of the graveyard, feeling like an idiot for trying to connect with them.

  After another four days of feeling even worse, I finally went to urgent care. They did a blood test and sent me home with no real answers about my illness. Rest, fluids, Tylenol, Advil, and likely due to a virus, so not even fixable with antibiotics.

  I left, annoyed, and found myself parking right back at Raven Woods—pulled here like a friggin’ magnet. I needed to let the past go and never look back…

  But I couldn’t. My feet found their way to the patch of grass between the majestic willows, the perfect place to lie down and stare at the cloud-filled sky. It was peaceful here, and again, I felt better. With eyes closed, I listened to the sounds around me. Cars from the road zoomed past, a bird or two cawed nearby, the wind whispered through the tree branches… and footsteps approached.


  My eyes shot open, and I looked to the path. And there he was…I must be dreaming…leather pants, tight black long sleeved shirt—Killian looked so beautifully out of place. I sat up, entranced by the figure before me. He came closer, holding a paper bag, eyes to the ground. And then he looked up and saw me.

  Frozen in place, he asked, “Cassidy. What are you doing here? I thought I asked you to stay away from the gates?”

  I barely shrugged my left shoulder but evaded his question. “What are you doing here?”

  “Lena. She’s bad. Angeline needed me to get some items from this realm.”

  I wasn’t surprised; she’d been in awful shape when I left. But I was surprised to see Killian. “How have you been?” He squatted before me. “You look tired.” His hand pushed a stray piece of hair away from my face.

  “You do too.” He studied my features and then smiled. It was contagious, and I felt a grin stretch across my face in return. Seeing him awoke the emotions that I had worked so hard to tamp down since I’d left the Demon Realm.

  He looked down at the ground and then back at my face. “It’s really good to see…” His eyes darted quickly away from mine, his face turned stern and serious. Two demonic creatures approached us from the side. Killian shoved me out of the way. “Cassidy, run!”

  But I didn’t. Instead, I ducked beneath one of the willows, keeping my attention on Killian. He was strong and fast, blade drawn and jabbing at the demons. The blade glowed blue as he attacked and dodged. The demons clawed at Killian, ripping his shirt and skin—Killian returned with a blade to the demon’s midsection. The smaller demon clawed Killian’s face, drawing streams of blood. It was hard to watch. Killian sheathed the dagger and ran toward the lagoon, easily maneuvering past the gravestones. Both demons took flight, keeping low to the ground in pursuit of Killian.

  They were quickly catching up to him when he spun and released two silver throwing stars, each landing in the demon flesh. The gate opened near me and two more demons emerged. Seeing the conflict some yards away, they flew to join the melee. Killian pounced on the demon that lay on the ground, and shoved a dagger deep into its chest. The other demon, injured by the throwing star, held its bleeding arm limply at its side as it lay on the ground behind him.

  The two approaching demons let out a guttural sound and swooped to pin Killian. He was outnumbered. The demon behind Killian arose quietly, his uninjured arm drawn back, ready to deliver a lethal blow to Killian.

  I stepped out from under the willows, wanting to help. All my symptoms had disappeared. I felt alive and powerful, like a current of pure energy flowed through me.

  Killian’s face changed from anger to worry when he saw me standing out in the open.

  “Cassidy, run!” His face was fixed on mine, but I stared at their claws on his skin and the threat approaching from behind him. The power in me surged stronger, my blood pumped faster. “Cass? Cass!”

  My arms raised before me, palms glowing blue. Two pulses of light shot out, hitting the left and rear demons. They screamed and writhed in pain. Smoke rose from their flesh. Another pulse sent the third demon down. They stirred and attempted to target Killian again. I wanted to yell at them to leave, but words weren’t working for me. Instead, my palms vibrated and the surge of power grew again. Ffwoom, ffwoom, ffwoom, ffwoom, four more pulses shot out of me and the demons fell to the ground and remained still. Killian ran to my side.

  “What the hell was that?” He grabbed my hands and turned them over in his own. They looked like unremarkable human hands.

  “I don’t know. That’s never happened before.”

  “Can you do it again?”


  He nodded.

  I raised my hands and pointed the palms toward a tree. Nothing. Closing my eyes, I tried to summon the energy I’d felt, but nothing happened. “Nothing.”

  “Interesting. Perhaps Angeline can provide some insight about this.” Killian unhooked a small pouch from his belt loop and sprinkled the contents onto the ground then shoved his dagger into the fine blue powder and earth beneath.

  “Are they dead?”

  “I hope not. When demons die, they often jump into a nearby body.” He grabbed my hand again and rubbed his bloodstained fingers along my palm. “It’s better to wound and bind them.”

  Jackson and Sean appeared at the gate and ran over to us.

  “Caught a couple of demons, Killian?” Sean looked past us at the four demons lying on the ground, faint smoke rising from their bodies.

  “You took down four of them by yourself?” Jackson shook his head in amazement.

  “Unbelievable. Have you been holdin’ out on us this whole time? I mean, I’ve seen you take down two and severely injure a third…but four?” He stalked over and kicked at the demon bodies. They all stirred and groaned.

  “Thanks, Jackson, but Cassidy gets the credit.”

  They both looked at me in disbelief, especially Jackson since he had sparred with me and knew what I was and wasn’t capable of.

  “It’s a long story and I’ll explain later. Can you guys get them to the binding chamber and have Angeline spell them?”

  “Yep.” Sean was already dragging one by its arms toward the gate.

  “Come on, I think you should come with me so Angeline can examine you. Since you are tattooed you should cross without any injuries.” He grabbed his dagger and kicked the blue powder away with his boot.

  “Right now?”

  He nodded but didn’t wait for my answer. At the willow, Killian coated his dagger blade in the blood oozing from the willow trunk and then drew a line in the ground where the gate existed. He wiped the blade clean in the grass, then dragged it across his chest wound, coating the blade in his own blood. The dagger glowed bright. Using the blade, he traced the line he drew with the willow tree blood, then he sheathed his dagger and extended his hand toward me.

  “Ready?” He picked up the bag of medicines and extended his other hand to me.

  Yes, I was. I had wanted to crossover for so long and see Killian and Casper again, and here it was, happening to me. It felt unreal. I placed my hand in his strong, calloused one and looked up at him. His face was serious, perhaps weighing w
hether this was the right thing to do. Then he took a breath and pulled me toward him. And we began falling…

  Chapter Fifteen

  Angeline was in the Center, expecting our arrival.

  “Cassidy, what a pleasant surprise. Let’s get you both to the med unit.” She walked with us through the halls. A few Clan members waved as I passed. Rounding the corner, we entered the dim room, where someone lay under covers in the back. Killian moved quickly to her side.

  “Lena, I’m back and I have the ingredients. Now Angeline can make the medicines needed. God, you’re burning up.” He ran to the washbasin, grabbed a clean towel, and began soaking it in the water. “Dammit, I’m too bloody and dirty.”

  Angeline came to his side and urged him to step aside. She took out a fresh towel and soaked it in a fresh basin of water, then squeezed it out and placed it on Lena’s head.

  “Killian, let’s look after your wounds.” Angeline collected some supplies in preparation to doctor him.

  “I can wait. I need you to work on Lena.”

  She looked at him and read his energy.

  “Fine, but you need to wash those wounds now. Cassidy, help him.”

  I nodded and went to the basin where I scrubbed my hands and got a towel coated in a thin layer of tiny bubbles. “Shirt off.”

  Killian obeyed and pulled it over his head. He had strong shoulders and upper arms—not lumpy like bodybuilders’, but athletically fit. My breathing hitched, and I quickly sucked my lips in to disguise the audible response my body made. “Face first.” I needed to calm down and focus. The cut on his cheek was not very deep. I gently cleaned the skin around the wound and then rinsed the towel thoroughly.

  Angeline was busy in the background using a mortar and pestle to crush ingredients together.

  Killian glanced in her direction too and said quietly, “Lena looks awful. I hope this medicine helps.” Despite the tension I’d seen between them, it was obvious they had a strong bond as brother and sister.

  Nodding in agreement, I said, “Me too.” He and Lena fought but they were brother and sister—there was a love there, a bond—he couldn’t lose her.

  Using a newly soaped cloth, I began cleaning his chest wounds. He winced as I ensured each stripe the demons gave him was clean. He grabbed my hand as I touched the last claw laceration.

  “Cass, it’s really good seeing you again. I forgot how much better everything seems in your presence.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I don’t know; there’s something about you. It feels like hope. Strange way to describe it, but it feels different with you here. It feels better.”

  I let that soak in, and was reminded of the kiss we shared after he returned from the Grove. He seemed as emotionally vulnerable then as he seemed now.

  With no words coming to mind, I finished tending his wounds—cleaning and steri-stripping the gashes.

  Angeline had a tray with a bowl of something resembling pesto and two potions. “We are ready over here. Grab a bowl in case she gets sick.”

  Killian and I headed toward Lena. I grabbed a clean bowl from the cabinet and took a spot next to the withered-looking demon fighter.

  Angeline unwrapped the bandages and began washing the area. It looked so much worse. Her entire leg was hot and inflamed, and it reeked. Killian took her hand even though she was out cold. I held the bowl near her head in case she vomited.

  “This ointment will help heal and disinfect the wound, but it will also wake her up. It stings a bit.” She used a small spatula to spread it along the open wound. Lena’s leg muscles clenched in pain, and she let out a scream. Her eyes opened—half-lidded and bloodshot with tears trailing down her cheek.

  “Cassidy? Am I dreaming?”

  “No, I’m here. We got you the medicine you needed.” She nodded and winced again as Angeline applied another coat of it and wrapped the wound.

  “Lena, you need to drink these two potions.” Killian helped her sit up just enough to drink the first potion. The second potion looked like iridescent snot—thick and shimmery—and took longer to get it down.

  “It’s so bitter.”

  “I know, sorry.” Angeline looked at her sympathetically. “Cassidy, hold that bowl close. We don’t want a mess to clean up.” I nodded. “Come on, Killian—I need to check Cassidy’s patch job and we need to put some ointment on your wounds.” He laid Lena back down and kissed her forehead before following Angeline.

  “What are you doing back?” Lena asked me quietly.

  “I don’t know. Something strange happened in the cemetery. Killian was attacked by four demons, and something weird happened with my hands. Some kind of blue flash shot out that hurt the demons.”

  “Let me see.” Lena took my hands and examined them. “They look normal. Your body has reacted so strangely since we tatted you.”

  “I know. This felt like an intense power surge, so intense, unlike anything I ever experienced before. Killian asked me to do it again, but I couldn’t, so he brought me here for Angeline to have a look.”

  “Well, it’s nice seeing you again. He hasn’t been the same since you left.” A soft smile graced her pale face.

  “Who? Killian?” I looked at him; Angeline was applying orange paste to his wounds. “Are you sure he hasn’t seemed different because you’ve been ill?”

  “I guess I don’t know, but he seems better with you here.”

  Glancing back at him, Killian looked up and locked eyes with me. He was so strong, confident, and powerful, but he was worried for his sister, and my heart ached for him.

  The energy began building in my core, just as it had in the cemetery. My hands vibrated and warmed as they glowed blue. I felt the urge to shove them in my pockets, but my body had a mind of its own. My hands, not under my control, wrapped around Lena’s leg. What was happening? Would the blue flames set her on fire?

  Her body tensed, eyes rolling back in her head. God, was I killing her? I had to get my hands off. Why was this happening? I closed my eyes, afraid to see what my hands might be doing while trying desperately to release their hold of her. My mouth opened to yell for help, but there was no sound.

  Finally, my hands stilled and cooled. My fingers opened as I regained control. What had I done? Lena lay there still…soundless, lifeless.

  “No!” My bellow drew Killian and Angeline’s attention.

  They ran over to us. What had I done? I sank to the floor, letting the wall of tears fall free. I took away his sister, destroyed his family. I didn’t mean to do it; I couldn’t stop. “I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry,” I muttered over and over, sobbing.

  Killian and Angeline circled around Lena, checking her and talking. While I couldn’t make out their words, my mind was telling me, “You killed her and took her away from Killian” over and over again. The sound of their tones changed to a less hurried pace, acceptance that there was nothing more they could do, I figured. She was gone.

  The guilt wrenched my body. What was happening to me? What was wrong with my hands and why did I lose control? Killian’s muscular arms wrapped around me, holding me together so I didn’t shatter into a million pieces. But he shouldn’t comfort me—I didn’t deserve it. He spoke softly near my ear, a soothing hum of indistinct syllables. My stomach felt sick. I was a murderer. I killed my friend.

  “It’s okay, Cass, look at me. Look at me!” Killian pulled back and put his hands on each side of my face, holding it firmly. He was going to let me have it. He tilted my chin up and I opened my eyes.

  I needed to face this, whatever he wanted to do to me, whatever punishment…


  Hot tears fell from my face as I silenced the sobs that wanted to bubble out. He was not crying; he was too strong for that. In my peripheral, a fiery red blur came closer into focus.

  “What happened? What’s wrong? Are you hurt?” Killian stared at me, perplexed and worried. He picked up my hands, examining them. He pulled up my sleeve to check my tattoo; a faint
blue glow slowly disappeared from the ink edges. He rubbed it with his thumb and looked up at me. “It happened again didn’t it?”

  “Cassidy, are you okay?” Lena. The fiery blur was now in focus and squatting near me. But how? “Cassidy, it’s okay. I’m okay. You healed me. Look.” She pulled back the bandage; her skin was healed. It needed washing to remove the ointments, dried blood, and pus, but there was brand new pink skin where her wound had been.

  My hand reached out to touch it, to be sure it was real.

  “Cassidy, did you do this?” Killian asked.

  “I don’t know. My hands did the same thing they did in the cemetery, and I felt compelled to touch her leg. I couldn’t stop myself.” Turning toward Lena, I said, “I thought I had killed you.” The tears began to fall again.

  Lena was very much alive. Her face had regained some color, and she already looked more vibrant than she had several minutes ago. “But you didn’t, Cass. You saved me.”

  Killian looked down at me and wiped away my tears. “There’s nothing to cry over. Everything is fine.”

  I pushed out of Killian’s arms and lunged at Lena, wrapping her in a tight hug. She held me and rubbed my back as we stood from the floor.

  “I don’t understand what is happening to me.” Sitting back, I stared at my normal, mortal hands that did weird mystical things.

  “You have no control over it? You can’t start or stop it?” Killian inquired. I shook my head.

  “The first time it happened was in the cemetery.”

  “What exactly happened in the cemetery?” Angeline asked as she stood beside Lena.

  “I stopped by the cemetery and lay by the gate.”

  “Why?” Lena questioned.

  “I don’t know. I feel better when I’m there…I’ve only gone there a few times.” She looked at me curiously. “Anyway, I heard a noise and saw Killian approaching the gate. We talked for a moment, and then two demons came out of the gate and attacked him. He had a good handle on them till two more appeared.”


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