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Between the Bleeding Willows (The Demon Hunters Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Roach, D. A.

  “Four on one? Those are bad odds,” Angeline remarked.

  “She wouldn’t listen. I told her to run but she wouldn’t.” Killian looked at me with one eyebrow raised.

  “Of course she didn’t listen,” Lena said matter-of-factly, “you were in danger.”

  I continued, “So two demons pinned Killian and another approached from behind. Seeing him in danger and outnumbered triggered something in me. I felt compelled to help. Next thing I know, my hands started vibrating and warming. My arms moved on their own, palms pointed toward the demons, and flares of blue shot at them, burning them. Killian got Jackson and Sean to take them to the binding chamber…and here we are.”

  “Fascinating,” Angeline said. “I felt a noticeable change in power near the gate…I felt your surge. Looks like you saved both Killian and Lena. Impressive.” Angeline smiled brightly at me as though she were proud. “Come on, Killian and I need to have a look at you and Lena.”

  Angeline led us to the exam tables. “Killian, do initial assessments on Cassidy, while I check Lena.”

  Killian pulled a tray next to my table and smiled down at me. “Sit on the edge. I need to check reflexes.”

  I obeyed and scooched to the edge, dangling my feet.

  He pulled off my ankle boots but left my socks. “So…” He tapped the hammer on my inner ankles. “Did you feel anything or think anything before you healed Lena?”

  Too embarrassed to confess that I felt sad for him, I shook my head. “Nothing?” I shook my head again.

  While his expression suggested he didn’t buy my answer, Killian, surprisingly, did not push the topic. “Look straight ahead.” He shined a light into my eyes. I complied as he thoroughly checked my vitals, levels, and extremities.

  “I’ll assess her energies in a moment, Killian,” Angeline called over.

  When Killian finished, he set his tray back along the rocky counter and came back over to my table. “Sit tight, almost done. Once Angeline finishes, you’ll be free to go.”

  “Are you going to send me away again?” I already knew the answer but wondered…and hoped this energy thing might buy me some time.

  He leaned against the side of the table and did not look at me. “Yes. I don’t want you here when that battle starts.”

  “Why? I just took out three demons. You could use my help.”

  “Cass, you can’t control it. It’s not very helpful if it’s unpredictable.”

  “He’s right, Cass. If you had the ability to control this new power, it’d be a different conversation. But as it stands, it’d be too dangerous to have you fighting out there with us,” Lena said with sympathy in her eyes.

  “I’d like to see Casper again before I go.” The tattoo began to vibrate like before, giving its green hue. Killian looked at his tattoo and saw the same.

  Angeline came closer and said, “I saw that. What’s going on between you two?”

  Killian and I both looked at each other, neither willing to talk about our feelings with an outside party.

  “You both need to find your voices so we can get to the bottom of this. I have a feeling this energy surge has to do with your bond, but I’ll never know unless you both communicate with me.” She walked back to Lena to finish up.

  Killian stood taller and cleared his throat. “Yes, you may see him before leaving. You can stay the night to rest up. Same quarters as last time and then crossover in the morning.”

  Angeline and Lena came over to check my energy. Killian stepped aside, retreating to the far wall, arms crossed over his chest in his usual defensive pose.

  “Levels are all good. I don’t sense any injuries…a bit of frustration, but that’s understandable.” Angeline smiled at me warmly. “You are free to go.”

  Thanking them, I stood to leave and wondered if Killian would escort me. To my disappointment, he remained in the med unit.

  Casper would be a welcome sight and distraction, though, and I was excited to surprise him. His door was shut so I knocked. The door flung open and his jaw dropped. He picked me up and swung me around.

  “Cass! You’re here! What the flip are you doing here? I didn’t think I’d ever get to see you again.”

  “I know, me too! Did you get the books?”

  He nodded and smiled. “Get in here.” He sat opposite me on the bed. “Got your note too. So how, why, what, who are you here?”

  I giggled. “I saw Killian at the cemetery, and he was attacked by demons. Then the most insane thing happened—it was like blue fireballs shooting out of my hands. They hit the demons and burned them.”

  “Very cool. Remind me to never get on your bad side.” He nudged my knee. “So did they die?”

  “No, just injured. Killian summoned Sean and Jackson to bind them, and he wanted Angeline to check me out. So…here I am.”

  “Well, how did you make it happen? The blue fireball thingy?”

  “No idea. It just shot out of my palm.”

  “Shut up! Let me see.” He took my hand in his and inspected it. “Well, can you make it blast now?”

  My head shook. “I have no control over it. At. All.” I pulled my hand out of Casper’s. “In fact, I was trying to convince Killian to let me help the Clan in the upcoming battle, but because I can’t control it, he feels I’m still better off in the Human Realm.”

  “Killian was lucky you were there to help him. He kinda owes you.”

  He was. “I know. Oh, and Lena is better. Like cured.”

  Casper shot up. “Really? How? And how do you know?”

  “Yes, really.” I smiled at his excitement. “The blue energy from my hands healed her. I thought I killed her. It scared the crap out of me, but she’s fine. Good as new. I left the med unit a little bit ago.” He raked his hand through the thick crop of hair that hung near his eyes, considering what I just told him. “You like her, don’t you?”

  He stopped and looked at me, knowing I’d hit the nail on the head. “I don’t know. I spent a lot of time with her recently, helping care for her while she was in the med unit.” He came over to the bed again. “And I read to her…daily.”

  I feigned shock. “So you…what? Have a thing for sick and injured girls? Or do you enjoy having a captive audience and since they are incapacitated, you take advantage of that?”

  He shoved my leg. “Hey now, don’t forget, it was your overprotective man that assigned me to keep watch over your unconscious butt. I read so we both wouldn’t die of boredom. A one-sided conversation isn’t much fun for twelve plus hours.” He looked thoughtful, then shook his head and laughed at the memory.

  “He’s not my man. We only kissed once.”

  “You kissed?” Casper’s jaw fell open and then a huge grin crossed his face. “He’s totally your man then.” His finger wagged at me. “No wonder he’s so overprotective of you. I never thought Killian would let his guard down enough to kiss anyone and let them in. Guess I was wrong.”

  “And Lena?” I needed to change the topic; I didn’t like where my mind was now going or Casper’s take on the situation. “Were you assigned to her as well or was that your choice?”

  “My choice. I mean they called for volunteers to take shifts. I just signed up the most. But it was cool. She was awake most days, and we shared some fun laughs and some heartfelt talks. She was pretty sick though, and I tried to be a pleasant distraction from her suffering.”

  “Casper, you’re a good guy, and if you and Lena find your way to each other, I think it would be a great match.”

  He smiled. “Have you eaten yet?”

  “No, not yet.”

  Casper stood and grabbed my hand, leading me through the winding halls to the dining room.

  “Room closes in ten for cleaning,” a Harvester with black hair said.

  Grabbing a plateful of fruits and crackers, I headed to a table in the middle of the room, one with plenty of vacant seats. Casper sat down across from me, clutching a mug of the thick juice I’d learned they called nectar.
/>   “Are you going to look for Lena after this?”

  “Probably. After seeing her so ill, I’d like to see her well again.”

  Feeling eyes on me, I looked over Casper’s shoulder to find Killian and Jackson at a table twenty feet away from us. Jackson’s back was to me while Killian dead on stared at me. At us.

  My attention turned back to Casper and I spoke quietly, “Can I try something?”

  Casper looked curious but nodded.

  “Okay, just go along with what I do.” I turned up the charm, laughed a bit louder, touched Casper a little more, smiled a sexy smile his way. My tattooed began to warm and the slightest vibration thrummed slowly. “I’m going to kiss you now.” Casper’s eyebrows shot straight up. “Just go with it.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, Killian looked agitated. Leaning over the table, I kissed Casper with a long, but innocent peck on the lips. When I pulled back, Casper’s eyes were shut, a goofy grin spread across his face. Then a loud crash came from the other table. Killian had slammed his arm down hard, making tray items scatter to the floor. “Son of a…” My tattoo was on fire—I gritted my teeth in pain—and Killian looked ready to explode. He stormed over to our table, Jackson at his side.

  “Casper, you may not engage in physical relations with Cassidy. That is an order. Do you understand?”

  Casper cowered to the angry leader. “Yes. Sorry, Sir.”

  “Killian, stop.” I stood and put my hand on his chest. “I kissed him and asked him to go along with it. I needed to see if the tattoo effects and energy were related to feelings between us. And now I know.” I turned back to Casper and gave a sympathetic look. I didn’t mean to get him in trouble; I just needed something strong enough to create a response in Killian.

  Killian yelled, “Finish and return to your quarters, both of you.” God, he was pissed.

  We left the dining hall and stopped at my room. “I’m so sorry, Casper. I didn’t mean to put you on his shit list. He’s just so good at avoiding emotions, and I needed something strong to test my theory.”

  “Which was…?”

  “That these things I’m feeling with the tattoo…it’s because I’m bonded to Killian, and there are some complicated feelings between us. But, I didn’t think through how he’d react to you, and for that I am sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I knew what I was getting into. He needed that wake up call to get in touch with those emotions he’s been repressing about you. I swear, the whole Clan knows he likes you. He should just go with it instead of fighting it. And if it takes a bit of jealousy to make him come to terms with that—I’m happy to help.” Casper was the best.

  “Go. You need to visit Lena before Killian finds out you aren’t in your quarters.”

  Casper nodded and left. I spent the rest of the day in my room trying to channel my emotions and create fireballs. In the end, I wore myself out emotionally, thinking of all my interactions with Killian and trying anything to recreate the blue pulses my body produced earlier. I’d managed to change my tattoo green, red, and faintly blue, but no fireballs. Eventually, I fell deep asleep on my bed.

  Chapter Sixteen

  “Cassidy, wake up.” I felt a shove on my leg. “Come on, I don’t have long. Wake up.”

  I peeked my eyes open and found Lena staring down at me. She looked fantastic, as if she was never ill to begin with. “What is it? What time is it?”

  “They are prepping the Center for your crossover now. I just wanted to thank you for saving me. Killian and I argued last night. I tried to convince him that you were an asset to our Clan and he should keep you around. I even had Angeline set up to help you train and try to control your new power.”

  “Let me guess. He didn’t like the idea.”

  She diverted her eyes. “You’re correct.”

  I was disappointed with how yesterday ended between Killian and I, but I hated how sad she looked too. “Hey, did Casper find you yesterday?” She smiled upon hearing Casper’s name. “He’s a good guy. Don’t second guess it. Just see what happens.”

  She wrapped me in a hug. “Thanks, Cassidy.”

  Was this the last time I would see Lena? More goodbyes. How much more could I stand? My heart was already scarred enough. Tonight it would be adorned with fresh wounds.

  “Anytime.” It was almost time for me to leave but I wanted the power of leaving when I was ready—not when Killian dictated it. “I’m ready to go now. Can you take me to the Center?”

  “Now? I don’t know if they are prepared yet.”

  “I just need to get ready, and then we can see.” Hurrying, I combed out my hair, washed up, and dressed. In three minutes flat, we were walking down the hall.

  She asked, “Are you okay? You seem suddenly eager to leave.”

  “Yes, I’m good.”

  “Did you want to say goodbye to Casper?”

  No, I shook my head.

  In the Center, Angeline was busy lighting the candles, her silhouette flitting about the room.

  I cleared my throat. “Angeline, I’m ready to cross.” She turned to face Lena and I. “If you are ready, could we do it now?”

  “Why the rush?” Angeline approached with concern on her face.

  She was so good at sensing energy that she’d probably know if I lied so I just shrugged my shoulders. “I’m ready and wanting to go.” That was truth enough.

  “Okay, I have one more thing to finish, then we can begin.” She lit a pot of herbs and let the scented smoke fill the air. “Step in the center.” Angeline stood before me and read my energy. “You’re right, you are ready. A bit anxious, but fine for a crossover.” She anointed me with the woody oil, drawing her ancient symbols onto my skin, as she had before. “I sense a resolve in you, a confidence in some decision you’ve come to.” My nod acknowledged her and she smiled.

  The sound of boots stalked into the room. “Angeline, I couldn’t find…” Killian stopped short and our eyes met. Angeline completed the last symbol and I felt the ground fall away from me.

  “Be well, Cassidy.” Angeline’s voice faded into the darkness of my descent.


  Resolve. Back in Blaylock Grove, so many emotions raced through me…anger, rejection, determination. I needed to hit something. Repeatedly. I got in my car and headed to a Panera drive-thru to replenish my carbs before heading to the Krav Maga studio.

  “Back again? Are you ready to sign up?” the muscled Krav instructor from my first class asked as I came in the door.

  “Yes, I am.”

  “Class starts in five minutes. You can fill out the paperwork after class. Come on, I’ll take you back.” He stepped out from behind the desk to lead the way. He was short, but very muscular and lean. We entered the sweat-scented room of red mats where students were already stretching. I found a spot along the wall and the instructor went to the stereo system. “Five laps everyone.” After a ten-minute fast-paced warmup, he took center stage again and demonstrated a combination of strikes and kicks that we were to practice. “Partner up.”

  A timid looking girl near me turned and asked, “Wanna work together?”

  “Sure.” I wiped the sweat from my brow. My body was starting to feel unwell again. She grabbed a large body pad and held it in front of her. I proceeded to do the moves shown to us. Strike, strike, kick. Switch sides. Strike, strike, kick.

  “Don’t forget to bring your hands back to guard your face after the strikes,” my practice partner advised. I corrected my form and went again. Despite feeling weak, I gave it my best effort. The instructor wandered over to watch. Strike, strike, kick.

  "Nice form,” the instructor said, “but I’m not sure you would hurt a fly. You need to think of the pad like it is your attacker and you need to knock him down so you can get away. Much harder this time. Go.”

  I looked at the pads and tried to envision the creature who hurt Lena. Strike, strike, kick.

  “Ow!” My hand burned with pain. I pulled back and saw a smattering of blood on t
he body pad.

  “Let me see.” The instructor grabbed my hand. “Next time, take your ring off.” He slipped it off, and I put it in my pocket. He returned with gauze and tape and created a protective cushion for my hand. Then he wiped down the pad with disinfectant.


  “You’re welcome. Nice work that time. Switch with your partner.”

  Grabbing the pad from my partner, I asked, “What’s your name?”


  “I’m Cassidy. Are you ready?” She nodded in reply and began the rhythmic beating. My wave of feeling unwell seemed to subside. Maybe I’d just needed to cool down from the initial burst of activity.

  “Those holding the pads, put them against the wall. Partners, scatter and lie face-down on the mats. After you put your pads away, I’ll start the music. Run and find your partner. Tag them, they then will scatter about the room and lie down while you drop and do ten push-ups and ten sit-ups. Then you will find your partner, tag them and it’s your turn to lie down while they do the reps. When you’re done…repeat.”

  This didn’t sound so bad. I put my pad away and listened for the music. The first round was chaotic as we figured out exactly what the instructor meant for us to do. It was much more rigorous than I had thought it would be, but I felt energized. So much better than I had while punching. The second time I scattered and lay down, awaiting my partner to find me, someone whispered my name.

  “Cassidy.” Tyler lay to my left, smiling. “Fancy meeting you here.”

  “Tyler! Hi.”

  Maya tagged me and I was up and running, no time to talk.

  After class Tyler approached me. “Wanna grab lunch?”

  My stomach grumbled in agreement. “Sure, what’s around here? I don’t know this side of town well.” This would be a great chance to learn more about Tyler.

  “I usually like a hot bowl of Vietnamese Pho Tai soup after Krav. Have you had it before?” I shook my head. “Awesome, you must try it. Leave your car here, and I’ll bring you back after lunch.” We both looked flushed and sweaty, but he wore his look well. If he was fine with going to a restaurant after working out, I’d give it a go too. Tyler walked us to a smoky grey Audi and unlocked the car.


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