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Sugar Daddy

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “Of course I did. This guy’s a real keeper as well. He doesn’t demand all that much.”

  “I can’t believe you joined Trish in doing that,” another girl said.

  “What? Sugar Daddy? Please, everyone knows that older men are so hot, and if you saw the guy that picked me, well, I was ready to screw his brains out in the parking lot even before we got to the hotel that he’d arranged. He was such a flirt, and I can’t wait to see him again. He knows what to do with his hands.”

  The girl beside her released a sigh, and Lizzie couldn’t help but tense up. These were the same girls she’d heard talking about the website before she joined.

  Resting her head in her hand, she pretended to make notes while at the same time listening in.

  “Don’t you feel like a whore?” one of them asked. “They’re paying you for sex. Only for sex, and that’s what a whore does.”

  “I can’t believe you just said that, Madeline.”

  “No, no, it’s okay. I don’t mind her having her views. Sure, I guess I am a whore. I’m being paid to screw men. Some are older, some are younger, and when it’s over, I leave them alone without a backward glance. I don’t care if they’re married or not. Look around you though. This place costs a lot of money, and those debts are going to be around your neck for a long time to come. I’m nearly out of debt right now, and that money when I start to earn and I graduate, it’ll be all mine, and I won’t have to pay back my student loans, or what my scholarship pays for. Instead of having sex with a bunch of horny guys that have got the clap, I do it with men who don’t want to get caught. I’ve gone to four different doctors because I’ve had four different men. If that makes me a slut, so what? I’m doing what I have to in order to get by. You can judge me all you want, but when you do, make sure you have the whole facts.”

  Silence filled the table, and Lizzie just wanted to give her a round of applause. She was totally right. People could judge them, but it wouldn’t be long before debts were paid, and she was able to earn a living without worry of some of it going to her college education.

  “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  “Just think, while you’re being screwed left, right, and center, fingered by dirty college boys, I’m at home studying. I’m getting the highest grades I can get, and then when I get a call, I’m going out. I’m being made love to and fucked by an experienced cock. Not all of them are the same, but so far, three out of the four men I’ve been with know what they’re doing, and I’ve had a fantastic experience.”

  Lizzie thought about Daniel, and across the library a couple of college guys caught her attention. Not because they were hot or anything, but just because they were acting like a couple of rowdy teenagers. Staring at them now, she didn’t see the appeal. They were behaving like children, as if their futures didn’t hang in the balance.

  She’d also heard plenty of rumors about how the guys shared girls, and talked about them, even posting videos on porn sites.

  Just the thought of one of those bastards touching her made her skin crawl.

  Her cell phone beeped, making her jump.

  Taking it out of her pocket, she saw it was a text from Daniel.

  Daniel: Want to meet up?

  Lizzie smiled, her body heating at the memory of his tongue on her pussy.

  Elizabeth: Sure.

  Daniel: I’ll pick you up, where are you?

  Elizabeth: Library near the campus.

  Daniel: I’ll be there in ten. I know where it is.

  Putting her cell phone away, she gathered up her books, putting them in her bag before heading out toward the main exit. Standing inside the door, she folded her arms and waited. The rain was coming down really fast, and she had no intention of standing out there getting wet.

  “Hey, you’re Elizabeth Walker, right?”

  She turned to see a guy she recognized. He was part of the crowd that was being stupid in the library, Billy Stanton.


  “We attend the same study group together.”

  She smiled and glanced out toward the street.

  “Are you waiting for someone?” he asked.

  “Yes. My friend is coming to pick me up.”

  “I’ve been wanting to talk to you. You’ve always got those walls up that you like to protect yourself with. It kind of makes a guy feel a little nervous to be around you.”

  She stared at him, wondering what the hell he was talking about.

  “You’re not making this easy at all. Do you want to go out tomorrow night?”

  Shaking her head, she saw that Daniel had already arrived. “No. I’ve got to go.” She left the building, not liking Billy’s attention.

  He was one of the guys who was known for screwing with a girl’s emotions. She’d seen him humiliating and mocking several girls who believed he was their boyfriend. There was a cruelty to him, and she had no intention of ever getting involved with a guy like that.

  Running to Daniel’s car, she climbed inside.

  “You saved me,” she said, closing the door and laughing.

  Daniel looked toward that building. “Do you know that guy?”

  “Yeah, he’s bad news, and he was trying to ask me out on a date.”

  “What did you say?” Daniel asked.

  She laughed. “No and that I was busy.”

  He cupped her cheek, turning her head so that she was looking at him. Before she knew what was happening, his lips were on hers, and she moaned. His tongue took advantage, plunging inside, and any chill she’d felt from the rain disappeared.

  Heat, scorching fire raged in her veins, needing him.

  “Let’s get out of here.”

  “Yes, let’s.”


  Daniel didn’t like the jealousy that filled him at seeing a guy talking to Elizabeth. Even as she was talking about it, there was no interest in her gaze. She wanted nothing to do with him, and Daniel was pleased.

  He liked her, but he didn’t share.

  If she went with anyone else, their arrangement ended. He was a selfish bastard who liked to have things his way.

  He didn’t bring it up though. This had been something they discussed already, and he wasn’t going to ruin the mood by berating her. There hadn’t been anything to suggest she was stepping out or interested in the other guy. Parking up in the available parking space, he got out, and helped her out as they made their way toward the elevator. He nodded at the security guard in attendance and placed his hand at her back, letting people know that she was his.

  Neither of them spoke as the elevator took them to their floor, but he saw her gaze on him. She was watching him, and the heat in her eyes only made him hotter to get her naked and beneath him.

  “I didn’t think you’d call,” she said, being the first to speak up.

  “I’ve been busy the past couple of days. I’ve not had much time available.” He’d also made a point of putting some distance between them. The last thing he wanted was for her to get attached to him, and vice versa. Daniel already liked her.

  After only a couple of conversations, he knew he liked her.

  She was a good person, and he also had all of the information from the PI to know she was at heart, a good girl.

  He wanted to show her how to be dirty.

  Boys couldn’t give her the kind of pleasure he could.

  The doors opened, and within seconds they were in their apartment. He didn’t bother to turn the light. Closing the door, he had her pinned against it, letting her feel the hard ridge of his cock. “This is what you do to me. I want inside your pussy so damn bad, it’s driving me crazy.”

  She dropped her bag on the floor, and then she was kissing him back with a passion that startled him.

  There was no more tame, timid girl, but a woman with fire inside her, desperate for what he could give her. Running his hands down her body, he cupped her tits, pinching the nipples before moving down to grasp her ass, sliding around to hold her pussy. The jeans
she wore were in the way.

  He took care of them quickly, dropping her shirt and jeans onto the floor. At the same time, she tore at his clothes, and they moved away from the door in their quest to get naked.

  The moment he had her clothes off, he pressed her against the wall, lifting her hands above her head to keep her from moving.

  “You’re at my mercy now.”

  “What are you going to do to me?” she asked, the hint of a smile across her lips.

  “I’m going to show you exactly how good it is to let me fuck you.” Holding both of her hands above her head in just one of his, he slowly ran his other down her body, cupping one large tit. Her nipple was tight as he stroked his thumb across it.

  She arched up against his touch.

  “Are you wet for me, Elizabeth?” he asked.


  Moving his hand to her other breast, he teased the nipple in exactly the same way he’d done the other. He watched her press her thighs together. Slowly, he caressed down her stomach, going from hip to hip then between the juncture of her thighs, cupping her hot pussy.

  The fine hairs were already slick with her arousal, and as he slid a finger within her tight heat, he couldn’t help but groan.

  Pressing a finger to her clit, he teased from side to side. She cried out, her legs closing around his hand, trapping him there.

  “Open your legs wider.”

  She did so, taking her time.

  “I want you to stand still. Do not move your hands. Do you understand me?”

  Elizabeth nodded her head. Releasing his hold on her, he knelt at her feet. Staring at her pussy, he got her to open her legs a little wider, and he spread her lips open, seeing her clit and cunt.

  His mouth watered at the memory of her taste, and he couldn’t resist another lick. Swiping his tongue across her clit, he swirled it around before moving down to plunge inside her.

  She gasped but still did as he instructed, keeping her hands above her head as he used her pussy, bringing her pleasure over and over again. He didn’t stop either, withdrawing from her heat to flick repeatedly across her clit. Using two fingers, he filled her pussy, watching as she wriggled her hips, taking him in deep. He wanted his cock inside her, and his dick was on the verge of pain, but he ignored his own need, concentrating on hers, wanting her pleasure before his own.

  He wasn’t feeling in a gentle mood this evening, and all he wanted to do was pound inside her tight cunt and flood her pussy with his spunk. Seeing that guy talking to her had set something off inside him.

  They didn’t know each other, but that didn’t change the fact Elizabeth belonged to him, and he had no intention of giving her up.

  She was his.

  Her cunt tightened around his fingers as her cream covered his hands. Her orgasm was nearly there, and he wanted it all.

  Daniel wanted her to scream his name as she came all over his face.

  He’d never been a clean-cut lover. When he fucked, he liked to know about it, to get sweaty, to taste his woman’s cunt, and to have his dick slick with her arousal.

  She cried out his name as he brought her to orgasm with his tongue.

  Before her peak had even finished, he pulled away, leading her to the sofa that was far closer than the bed. Pressing her across the arm of the sofa, he spread the cheeks of her ass, seeing that tempting asshole that he wanted inside one day, but he wasn’t in a rush. Her pussy was so good.

  Her cunt was slick and far more tempting in that moment. Holding onto his dick, he filled her pussy with only a couple of inches of his cock. Returning his grip to her hips, he slid inside, going to the hilt, relishing her gasp as he hit her cervix.

  Her pussy sill contracting with the pulse of her orgasm, and he closed his eyes, basking in the feel of her bare cunt on his dick.


  Was it too soon to take her without a condom?

  Stroking the base of her back, he gritted his teeth. All he wanted to do was spill his seed, and watch as it dribbled out. He was a dirty bastard at times, but that had stopped bothering him a long time ago.

  Pulling out of her tight cunt, he grabbed a condom, making a vow to store them in every single room. He tore into one quickly, sliding it over his dick before finding her wet heat once again.

  Holding onto her hips, he didn’t let go as he pounded away, thrusting every single inch of his dick within her, making her take it all.

  She belonged to him.

  Her tits, ass, and pussy were all his.

  No one else was going to take her from him, and he didn’t play well with others either.

  “I want you to remember that you’re mine, Elizabeth. You became mine when you agreed to my conditions, and I don’t want you dating another man. Nor do I want to see anyone sniffing around you. Until I say otherwise, you belong to me.”

  He fucked her harder than ever, feeling her pussy clench around him, squeezing his dick for his cum.

  After just a few slams of his dick, he came, filling the condom and holding her tightly as his orgasm washed over him.

  By the time he finished they were both panting for breath. He hadn’t intended to be so rough, but the moment he got inside her, he couldn’t resist staking his claim.

  “I won’t,” she said. “I won’t forget what we’ve got, and I’ve got no interest in another man.”

  She pushed her hair out of the way, looking behind her, and her troubled gaze landed on him.

  Nodding his head, he stroked her back, feeling like a total bastard but at the same time, pleased he’d said his piece.

  Pulling out of her tight heat, he disposed of the condom. At the same time, Elizabeth stood, and he watched her, once again, walk away without looking back. She headed toward the bathroom, and he didn’t understand why it bothered him that she wasn’t fawning over him, begging him for more.

  Chapter Five

  Three days later

  Lizzie: You made me ache in all the right places. You know exactly what you’re doing, and how good it always is.

  Elizabeth sat inside the coffee shop, cramming in some much-needed study time. Since spending her Saturday night leading into Sunday with Daniel, she’d not gotten the chance to finish her essay, and as she typed away, she ignored everything around her. If she could get this one paper finished and written up before her shift, she’d be one happy student.

  Her arrangement with Daniel shouldn’t be affecting her study time, and yet within the first week, she was already behind. She’d scheduled for this to be completed on Sunday, and she gritted her teeth, thinking about how long she’d spent with him on Sunday.

  Waking up in the same bed had been … interesting.

  She’d never slept with anyone at all, especially not going through the night, and they didn’t speak about it. Being the early riser that she was, she’d woken first, and gotten out of there.

  Elizabeth had no intention of lying there and lingering over how hot and sexy he was lying beside her. He didn’t want love, and she had no intention of falling in love. Reading through so many romances during her high school years, and the first year of college, she’d found certain scenarios dangerous.

  Waking up beside the man in her life, and seeing how messy his hair was so that you just wanted to stroke that hair out of the way—yep, she’d seen that, so she’d gotten out of there.

  After sex, the stroking, the goofy way they looked at each other, and the contentment that always followed sex with a couple that loved each other—she wasn’t going to allow herself that kind of luxury, so she got out of there, heading to the bathroom whenever he was gone to clean up, keeping that distance between them.

  If she thought about how nice he looked, or what she enjoyed about being with him, she’d cut the thought down by remembering that he paid her to be there, even though she enjoyed it and his company.

  He didn’t want anyone to fall in love with him, or make demands, so she never texted him first, or called him.

  She spent more t
ime focusing on other things rather than her arrangement with him.

  “Wow, you’re typing away like a machine.”

  Elizabeth glanced up to see Billy pulling out the other chair opposite her. Daniel’s possessive words returned to her, but she didn’t panic.

  She had no interest in talking to Billy. With him being one of the popular guys on campus, neither of them had anything in common, especially as his parents were as wealthy as they come.

  “I’ve not seen you around this weekend. Don’t you ever go to any parties?” he asked.

  “I was studying.” She stared at her laptop, seeing the words as Billy started to talk, and she tried to ignore him.

  “Studying. Everyone does that. I was at the library the other day cramming in the books, but you see, you’ve also got to live a little. To have some fun once in a while, otherwise you’ll wake up in fifty years’ time and wonder what the hell you did with all your life. That’s right, you studied, then you worked hard.”

  She sighed, and stopped typing. “I really want to finish this assignment. I have no interest in partying, and if I make it to fifty, I’ll see what regrets I can rectify. Last time I checked, older people could have fun and party as well.”

  Before Billy could say anything, someone else interrupted them.

  “That’s my seat.”

  Glancing up, she saw that Daniel held two coffees in his hands, and was glaring at Billy like he was the scum of the earth.

  Biting her lip, she glanced from Daniel to Billy then back again. The last thing she wanted was to have any trouble.

  “Is he your dad or something?” Billy asked.

  “None of your business. Move.” Daniel didn’t argue. The sound of his voice, along with the look, had Billy standing to his feet.

  She wondered if that was the voice he used in court when a witness was being difficult.

  “See you around, Lizzie.”

  Billy used the name that only friends who knew her called her. She’d not corrected Daniel as to her, it was another barrier in helping her keep any emotion out of her relationship with Daniel.

  She didn’t believe she had super powers. He was a good-looking, sexy man who fucked like a dirty bastard. Even when she didn’t think she could go again, he proved time and time again exactly how good he was, because she wanted him with the same passion that he seemed to have for her.


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