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Sugar Daddy

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  Saturday and Sunday had been proof of that. In the apartment he’d rented, they had used every single room, even the kitchen.

  Elizabeth didn’t know if she’d ever be able to look at the kitchen counter the same way again after he’d fucked her so hard, making her desperate for his cock.

  Daniel had made her watch as he slid his dick deep. When he pulled out of her, she’d seen the evidence of her own arousal coating the condom.

  Instead of being embarrassed she’d been more aroused, and wanted him to fuck her even harder.

  “I thought you could use one of these,” Daniel said, placing the cup near her computer and taking a seat.

  “I didn’t see you come in.”

  “I was watching you for five minutes. I know you didn’t invite him to come and sit with you. He’s a persistent little shit.”

  She smiled. Picking up her coffee, she took a sip.

  It’s just coffee.

  Not a tender touch or speaking loving words.

  Just a single coffee.

  “What brings you here?”

  “I know I distracted you a lot over the weekend, and I didn’t bring you home when I promised to. I wanted to make sure you were getting on okay. And this is me saying sorry.” He pointed at the coffee, which made her smile.

  “I was more than happy to stay the weekend. It’s fine. I’ll get everything done in time.”

  “I don’t want our time to take anything away from your studies.”

  “It shouldn’t. It’s fine. I can usually survive on little to no sleep.” She took another sip of her coffee. Instead of working, though, she stared at him.

  “You can work away,” he said. “I won’t think it’s rude.”

  “But one of your rules is when you’re with me, I’m to be completely devoted to you.”

  He waved his hand in the air. “Ignore those rules for now. Don’t overthink this. I got you a drink, and I’m going to keep you company while you work through your assignments.”

  Taking another sip of her drink, she pulled her attention away from the man opposite her and focused on the assignment.

  Drowning him out was the hardest thing she’d ever done.

  Her body heated just at the sight of him, and his voice made her ache. While she worked, he answered calls and did a lot of typing on his cell phone.

  Every time her coffee was empty, he’d fill it, occasionally bringing back a muffin for her to eat.

  After two hours, she’d finished, and she still had ten minutes to spare for her shift.

  “Did you get it done?” he asked.


  “Would you like me to walk you to your apartment?”

  “I can’t. I’ve got a shift here in ten minutes. Don’t you remember? I gave you that schedule?”

  He frowned. “I didn’t look at it when I came down here. So you’ll be standing for the next couple of hours? Serving people?”

  “That’s usually how it works, yes. I enjoy working here. I think this is one of the few places around where the coffee really doesn’t suck.”

  He chuckled. “That I will agree with you. The only reason I come here is because I like the coffee, and of course one of the wait staff appeals to me.”

  She wasn’t used to flirting, but she liked it coming from him.

  “Would you like me to walk you to your car?” she asked.

  “Yes, I would.” Packing away her laptop and books, she pulled the strap over her shoulder, following him out to his very expensive car.

  “Thank you for today.”

  “I wish I was taking you home with me.” He reached out, grabbing her hips and pulling her closer to him.

  “You want people to see?” she asked.

  “It’s no one’s business what we do.”

  Before she could react, he slammed his lips down on hers, silencing any protest from her.

  Slowly, she wrapped her arms around his neck, moaning as he stroked across her mouth, demanding entry, and she gave it.

  Her nipples went tight and her pussy slick, wanting him far more than to do her shift.

  Daniel broke the kiss first. “Damn, I can’t convince you to come back with me?”

  “Nope. I love my job.” She kissed him again and stepped away. “I’ll see you soon.”

  Walking away was the hardest thing she’d done. She also constantly repeated that she shouldn’t fall in love with him.


  One week later

  Daniel entered his own apartment Friday night, and all he wanted to do was call Elizabeth to find out how she was. It had been a week since he’d last seen her, and then other than a kiss, he’d not been able to fuck her brains out like he wanted to.

  The case he’d been working on had turned shit within a matter of hours, and for the past week he’d been in serious negotiations as it came to light the husband couldn’t even afford to pay the pre-nup settlement, and he was in fact bankrupt.

  That had created a challenge in itself, but with his team he’d been able to deal with it, and now, after a week, he was ready to just fuck. The only problem was Elizabeth was ill. He’d called her that afternoon as soon as he’d discovered that the entire weekend was free. The moment she picked up the phone, he’d heard her gravelly voice and stuffy nose. Not to mention that she was also vomiting she said, and had to phone in sick as well as not go to any of her classes.

  Pacing his apartment floor, he poured himself a drink of whiskey and wondered how she was doing.

  This wasn’t what he wanted when he saw her on that website. They’d known each other a matter of weeks, and yet he was already worried about her.

  It’s the decent thing to do to make sure she’s okay.

  Elizabeth had no one. No family, and he’d not seen any friends check up on her. She was all alone in the world, and he didn’t like that.

  Tapping his finger on the edge of his glass, he stared down at his cell phone, seeing no missed calls from her.

  Other women had left messages for him to get back in touch. Previous women he’d been with, and didn’t have any interest in continuing anything. There was something different about Elizabeth. From her leaving the rose to never seeming to linger on everything he said. She always was the first to leave the bed after sex, even when he wanted to snuggle.

  Tapping his phone, he brought her number up and decided to hell with his own rules. He placed the call and waited for her to answer.

  “Hello.” Her voice was scratchy as if she’d just been throwing up before she answered.

  “You sound like crap.”

  “Thank you. I feel it. I’m really sorry I can’t make it. I’ll call you when I feel better. Okay?”

  “Who’s taking care of you?”

  “No one. I’m okay, Daniel. Really, I am.”

  She disconnected the call. He wasn’t happy, and was done playing by his own rules. He wasn’t a monster, and he cared. There, he’d admitted it.

  Just because he didn’t want all the other crap that came in a relationship didn’t make him a monster. He didn’t want women, kids, or commitment, but under no contract did it state that he couldn’t take care of her if he wanted to.

  It didn’t matter what rules he’d put in place. He was the one in control, and there wasn’t anything wrong with buying soup for a woman, no matter what she said.

  Leaving his apartment, he went straight to his car, climbing inside. On the way over, he called an Italian restaurant that he knew did the best soup in town. Once he made that pit stop, he didn’t find it hard to locate Elizabeth’s apartment. It wasn’t far from the campus. Parking in the only available spot, he grabbed his items and made his way to her.

  Someone was already leaving the building, so instead of alerting her that he was here, he slid inside the open door, found the small map, and made his way toward her floor.

  Knocking on the door, he waited for her to answer with a smile on his face. When she didn’t answer straight away, he knocked again, and he heard mo

vement from within.

  “I’m coming. I’m coming.”

  Seconds later, Elizabeth opened the door, and she looked like death warmed over.

  “Daniel, I thought I told you I couldn’t tonight.”

  “This is not a booty call. I have soup, books, and a movie.”

  She frowned, looking at him. “I don’t understand.”

  “No one should have to take care of themselves when they’re poorly. Consider me your nurse until you get better. Are you going to let me in?”

  She nodded and stepped back.

  He walked into her very small apartment, reminding himself exactly how lucky he was. Her place could fit into his penthouse suite four times over it was that small. With the rent she paid, he’d imagined something a lot bigger, a lot better, but nope.

  “I’m sorry it’s small. It’s home.” She looked so vulnerable as she pulled her chestnut hair back. Putting the soup and stuff down, he did no more than pick her up, leading toward the bedroom.

  Elizabeth released a little gasp, her arms going around his neck as he carried her all the way back to bed.

  Carefully, he placed her within the blankets being sure not to hurt her as she lay down on the pillows.

  “I’ll be back.”

  Daniel grabbed the soup, found a bowl in her kitchen, and began to pour the contents into another, getting a spoon, and making his way back into her bedroom.

  She was already sitting up, and she held her hands out to take the bowl.

  He shook his head, moving her over a little so that he could sit on the bed.

  “You really don’t need to do this.”

  “I want to do this, and you’re not going to stop me from taking care of you.”

  “This wasn’t part of your deal,” she said, reminding him.

  “The deal can change anytime I want. I’ve just made that a new rule.”

  She chuckled. “You’ll make the rules to suit you?”

  “Yes. I’m a lawyer. I know what I’m talking about.”

  “How did your case go?” she asked.

  He sighed. “I managed to get a deal out of thin air. Believe me, that was no easy feat.”

  “I don’t doubt it was, and I also don’t doubt for a second that you got what you wanted out of the deal.”

  “That is very true. I always get what I want. Never go against me in the courtroom.” He winked at her, and loved her giggle.

  “I have no intention of doing that. Do you love being a lawyer?”

  Daniel paused in between serving her spoonsful of soup and thinking about her question. “It pays the bills.”

  “That’s not a good answer.”

  “It’s a challenge most of the time, and I do enjoy it. Every single day I’m reminded how the world has good and bad people in it all the time. It probably sounds childish, but I think I see the real person when they’re faced in court, and a lot of the time I don’t like what I see.”

  “Do you wish you’d studied something else? Taken your life in a different direction.”

  “I don’t do regrets. If I hadn’t done what I did, I may not be feeding you this soup, or enjoying our time together, and, Elizabeth, I really do enjoy fucking you.” He watched her cheeks turn a nice shade of red. “And watching you blush. I do love that. Why do you ask?”

  “I’m scared of making the wrong choice. I don’t want to get ten years down the road and wish I’d picked the other thing. Teaching or being a psychologist. I don’t know. They’re both things I feel passionate about.”

  He’d forgotten to talk to his two friends in those fields. “I will make arrangements for you to see both jobs from a firsthand account.”

  “I’m not trying to get you to do that.”

  “I know. I intended to do this a couple of days ago, but with everything on my case, I didn’t exactly have time to do it. Now I’m taking care of you, and that soup is all gone. With how pale you’ve gone, I don’t know if you’ll keep it down, but I can get more.” He set the bowl down and tucked her in. “Now I want you to relax. Don’t worry about anything.”

  He took the dirty bowl back to the kitchen, cleaning it up and leaving it on the draining board.

  Seconds later he heard her running feet, and the sound of her vomiting over the toilet. Daniel rushed to her side, pulling back her hair so she didn’t vomit all over it, and rubbed her back. Once she was done, he helped her clean her teeth, and then he was in the shower with her, washing her body. She held onto him as he ran the soap all over her before washing out her hair.

  After he’d done that, he dried and dressed her, brushing her hair before placing her back into the warm sheets.

  Ordering more soup for delivery, he lay by her side, and didn’t go anywhere, taking care of her the only way he knew how to do.

  Chapter Six

  Two days later

  “I’m dying,” Daniel said.

  Elizabeth put her bag and jacket down on the table, and moved toward Daniel. He’d called her an hour ago, and told her how sick he was. Clearly, when he was taking care of her the sickness had spread to him, and he looked awful. Placing her hand on his forehead, she winced at how hot he was.

  “You’re burning up.”

  “I feel like I’m dying.”

  “How long have you been like this?” she asked. It was a little past two in the afternoon, and she’d cut classes as soon as she got his call.

  “When I woke. I wasn’t this bad, so I went in. I figured a few painkillers would ease it all.”

  Helping him up, she tried to support him and wished she was a little stronger. “Let’s get you back to bed.”

  “You didn’t need to come. I was just letting you know that I couldn’t please you tonight.”

  “I’m not a sex-starved woman, Daniel. Besides, you took care of me, and now I get to take care of you. Where’s your bedroom? You’ve got a lot of doors.”

  He laughed. “My place makes yours seem like a little box. I say that without any offense at all.”

  She smiled. “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that my place is very small.”

  “But your place is very homey. If you wanted you could stay at our apartment. I own the place, and you wouldn’t have to worry about rent at all. I warn you, I’d spend a lot of time there.” He groaned. “I hate being ill. When I’m like this, I don’t have that magical filter that I’ve always been blessed with, and so I just speak, not really thinking about what I say.”

  “Lucky for you, I don’t have any reason to tell anyone what I hear, so you’re safe and sound.” She winked at him, and he laughed, groaning.

  “I’m sick, Elizabeth. Don’t think I don’t know that I’m not allowed to call you Lizzie either. I noticed a couple of people calling you that.”

  She didn’t dispute him. Helping him into bed, she tucked him in and stood back. “I’m going to go and make you some soup.”

  “I like soup. It makes me feel so much better.”

  Before she could move out of the way, he leaned over the bed and threw up all over her clothes and onto the floor.

  Closing her eyes, she tried not to react to the stench of vomit.

  “Ew, gross, I’m so sorry. How did you cope with this? It just likes to come out, and I have no control over anything. It sucks. I hate it.”

  “I was camped out near my toilet, and I don’t have far to walk. May I borrow some of your clothes?”

  “Yes, of course. I’m so sorry. You’re not going to find me attractive in the least.” He curled up in a ball, and slowly Elizabeth walked into his bathroom. She put the water on and stripped down, leaving the items in the bottom of the tub.

  Once she was clean, she grabbed a robe, noticing how soft it was against her skin, and entered his bedroom.

  Daniel had fallen asleep, so she found a pair of jogger pants and a large shirt, quickly pulling them on.

  While he slept, she cleaned up the mess and found a couple of scented candles. She wondered if he’d entertained any wom
en here and if the candles were the remains of that.

  A sharp bite of jealousy rushed over her, and she gritted her teeth, reminding herself over and over that she couldn’t fall for him.

  This was a sexual agreement, and even though he’d taken care of her, it meant nothing.

  Daniel didn’t want love.

  He wanted sex and companionship when he was bored.

  She found the laundry basket and placed everything inside before entering his kitchen.

  Staring at the luxury that he lived in, she began to gather ingredients to cook.

  To her a roasted chicken soup was the way to go.

  There was a recipe she’d tried where it simmered for a couple of hours, but she didn’t have that time. Finding some chicken thighs, she seasoned them up, drizzling with oil, and placing in the oven to cook while she began the soup base.

  Chopping up a variety of vegetables, she found a large pan, some seasonings in the small spice cupboard he had, and soon she had everything organized. Once the chicken was done in the oven, she quickly chopped up the chicken, adding it to the pot.

  This was where she left it simmering. Checking on Daniel, she saw he was fast asleep, so she grabbed some of her textbooks and started to get to work, getting through half of an assignment when she heard him moan.

  Quickly leaving her work, she rushed toward him.

  He was sitting up in bed.

  “Are you feeling any better?”

  “Not so much. What is that smell?”

  “Do you not like it?”

  “It smells lovely.”

  “It’s a roasted chicken noodle soup. I’ve just got to add the noodles. I’ll go and do that now.”

  The noodles were a quick-cook kind, so after a few minutes of cooking she was already ladling out a bowl.

  Like Daniel had done for her, she sat on the edge of the bed and began to feed him.

  “I like this,” he said.


  “Being taken care of. I like being looked after, and I have to say, Elizabeth, you’re a beautiful sight. I love seeing my clothes on you.”


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