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Sugar Daddy

Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “It’s nice to see that illness doesn’t stop your compliments,” she said.

  “I’ve got a lot more to say where that comes from.” She loved the wicked glint she saw in his eyes. “I love how tight your pussy feels when I’ll filling you. You get so wet, but that doesn’t for a second stop how tight you get. Love how you pulse around me. Half the time I have to wonder if I should make you come with my dick inside you, or before.”

  She pressed her thighs together. “You’re not playing very fair at the moment.”

  “Are you wet for me now?”

  “You need to be resting.”

  “I know, but I also like to know when I’ve done what I wanted to do.”

  “Yes, I’m wet.”

  “That’s good. I like it when my woman is all wet for me.” He kept on eating, and she was aware of his gaze on her at all times.

  “You’re making me nervous.”

  “I like watching you. I don’t think you realize that.”

  “You barely know me.”

  “It doesn’t take me long at all to realize what I like and what I dislike. Don’t worry, baby. You’re in the very good like.”

  She couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re making me sound like a questionnaire.”

  “You have no idea how pleased I am that I saw you on that website.”

  Elizabeth paused, glancing over at him. “You are?”

  “Yeah. I know a couple of men who use it, and they’re not worth your time. Believe me. They’re not the best fucking men alive. They’d screw you and pass you over for the next model.”

  “Not you?”

  “Not me. I like you, Elizabeth. Most of the time women are falling all over themselves to please me. You’re not like that. I enjoy talking to you.”

  “I happen to like you, too.”

  “Why didn’t you take the rose I gave you?” he asked.

  She frowned.

  “The first day we met I gave you a rose. You didn’t take it with you. Why not?”

  “Oh,” she said. “I’m allergic to them. I love roses. I think they’re the most beautiful flower in the world, but I can’t have any. They bring me out in hives, and then there’s sneezing. Just the one, I’m okay with. I can handle one, but only for a short time. When you left I was sneezing, and I had to take some allergy medication.”

  “Ah,” he said.

  “It was a really beautiful rose, though. I know another woman picked it up, smiling.”

  “I had no idea you’re allergic to roses.”

  “To most flowers as well. It’s a good thing I don’t like gardening.”

  He finished the soup, and she got up to leave.

  “Come back. Stay with me.” He patted the bed beside him.

  “I will. I want to clean this mess up.” She paused in the doorway and reached behind it, grabbing a metal mixing bowl she’d found. “Do you think you could use this to vomit in?” she asked. “It wasn’t that easy to clean the vomit out of the carpet.”

  He groaned. “Crap, I totally threw everything up on you, right?”

  “It wasn’t pretty. I noticed you don’t have anything I can do the laundry in. What do I do with it?”

  “I have a cleaner who picks it up and does all that. I’ll make sure your clothes are cleaned. I promise.”

  She chuckled. “I’m not worried about my clothes.”

  “You’re a woman who knows how to take care of everything, don’t you?”

  “I’ve been doing it a long time now.”

  She didn’t stay to linger, and sure enough, ten minutes later as she was portioning the soup, she winced as he began to throw up again.


  Three days later

  Daniel still felt like death. The sickness had really knocked him down, but what surprised him was Elizabeth. She didn’t leave his apartment. She served him soup, helped him take a bath, dressed him, changed the sheets.

  She was amazing, patient, and so damn sweet.

  Not once did she complain about spending time with him, reading through his e-mails so that he could at least do some work. She answered his phone, took notes, and everything was completely in order.

  The only time she’d left was to get some change of clothes. He didn’t mind her walking around naked, but he understood.

  “How are you feeling today?” she asked as he walked into the kitchen.

  “I’m doing much better. Are those pancakes?” he asked.

  “I saw a box of premade mix that was getting close to its use by date. I figured why not. The syrup’s just heating up.”

  She wore another shirt and a pair of jeans. He was starting to see a constant pattern here.

  “Do you own any other style of clothes?” he asked.

  “Nope. I’ve got different colors, though.” She shrugged. “Clothing has been an unnecessary luxury. These have lasted me for two years.”

  “I like the way your ass looks in the jeans. Most of the time you hide that, though, with those hideously long shirts. Can’t you get something that shows your figure off?”

  He saw a flash of hurt cross her face, and he cursed.

  “I’m not complaining. You’re a sexy woman, and I like to see your curves on display.” He paused, thinking about all those young men she went to college with, and who she served at the coffee shop. “Forget it. I don’t want anyone else to see what I’ve got.”

  “You go a mile a minute. It’s hard to keep up.”

  “I don’t share very well. I like looking at you naked, and seeing your body, but I don’t want anyone else to see it. So scrap everything I’ve just told you. You’re mine.”

  “I’ve got no interest in anyone else. I promise.” She flipped the last pancake, placing it on a plate, and he watched her drizzle some syrup. “Do you think your stomach can handle the calories?”

  “I’m hoping so. If not, I can vomit right back into my trusty metal bowl.”

  She carried their plates to the table, taking a seat beside him as he sat at the head.

  He noticed there was a small pile of notes beside his plate, and he pulled them closer to him.

  “Those are phone calls I’ve taken from your PA, and also from a couple of colleagues.”

  He glanced through them, seeing that a lot of them could have waited.

  “You really are efficient, aren’t you?” he asked. “Do you want a job?”

  She laughed. “No, thanks. Half of that stuff confused me. I like to have my brain intact.”

  “I promise it wouldn’t take long for you to pick everything up.”

  “I’ll stick to studying,” she said.

  He finished off his pancakes, and even though his stomach felt a little tender, he didn’t think he was going to vomit, which for him was a big win.

  “I think you should go back to bed to rest.” She helped him go back to his bedroom, and he may have been faking it a little.

  He enjoyed Elizabeth’s care and attention. She tucked him into bed, and the shirt she wore gaped at the front, letting him get a good view of those large tits that he loved so much.

  “Don’t leave me too long. I’m dying here.”

  She rolled her eyes, and he listened as she put everything away.

  His dick wasn’t that sick, as it was already thickening just at the sight of her breasts.

  He’d not had sex in over a week, and he was desperate. Like a horny little teenager who couldn’t handle himself. It was pitiful.

  Minutes passed, and she finally entered his room once again.

  The curtains were open, and she opened a window to allow some fresh air inside.

  “You know, I really want to fuck you right now.”

  Her gaze was wide as she looked toward him.

  “You do?”

  “Yeah, I do.” He shoved the blankets off him, and pulled down his pajama bottoms, letting her see the length of his dick.

  The tip was already leaking pre-cum, and his balls ached with the need to spill his cum.
/>   “What do you want me to do?”

  The shirt couldn’t hide the hard pebbles of her nipples, or the way she pressed her thighs together.

  “Get that chair, and move it closer to the bed.”

  She positioned the chair exactly where he wanted it.

  “Now, strip. No one can see in the room. I want you completely naked.”

  She removed her clothes, folding them up.

  “The underwear, too. Everything off. Not a stitch of clothing on you.”

  Once she was naked, he got her to turn so that he could admire her body. She was so fucking beautiful. He really had gotten lucky that day he checked out the site.

  She wasn’t everyone’s idea of sexy with her curves, rounded stomach, and soft ass, but he loved her body. He could grab onto her hips and pound away inside her without fear of hurting her.

  “Sit on the chair, and I want you to spread your legs, open wide, and let me see exactly how wet you are.”

  Elizabeth sat on the chair, spreading her legs so that they hung off either side of the arms of the chair. With the position she was in, the lips of her pussy spread open, showing him how wet and slick she was, her cream coating the lips of her sex.

  “Slide a finger through your slit.”

  She stroked a finger across her clit, and he watched her cunt tighten at that little touch.

  Wrapping his fingers around his length, he began to massage from his balls up to the tip, and back down again, pulling back his foreskin, exposing the bulbous head. More pre-cum spilled from his dick, and he used it moisten his shaft, making it easier to play.

  “Push a finger inside that pussy. Let me see you take it.”

  She slid a finger within, and he wished more than anything that it was him sliding inside her.

  “Add a second finger.”

  She did.

  “Fuck yourself. Use your other hand, and stroke your clit as you fuck yourself.”

  Daniel watched, unable to look away.

  The sight of her pleasuring herself was a beautiful thing, and he worked his cock, feeling his arousal building with every passing second as she teased her body. He wanted to be inside her, to feel her bare, tight cunt wrapped around his cock.

  “When I’m better, I want to take you without a condom. We’re both clean, and there’s no risk of pregnancy. I want to fill you with my cum, and watch you take it all.”

  She whimpered, and he saw his dirty talk drove her arousal higher.

  He smiled, liking that.

  “Would you like that, taking my cock deep, and me spilling every drop of my cum inside you?”


  “Are you going to come for me?” he asked.

  His balls tightened as his own release went to a whole other level.

  “Yes.” She screamed the word, and he watched as she fucked her pussy and rushed over the edge.

  “Fuck, baby, that is so fucking beautiful. So sexy, and I want you, baby.” He groaned, his own orgasm spilling onto his stomach as he came.

  Neither of them spoke for several seconds, and slowly, like always, Elizabeth was the first one to move.

  “No, come here,” he said. He didn’t want her to leave.

  She hesitated but took a step toward him.

  He took hold of the hand that had been fucking her pussy, and bringing her fingers to his lips, he sucked them clean.

  “You taste so good.”

  She took a deep breath, and he was sure she was going to say something, but instead, she stepped away from him and went to the bathroom.

  Not for the first time he wondered if he was getting under her skin.

  You don’t want that.

  No love.

  Just sex.

  When it came to Elizabeth, he was finding that he wanted to do more with her. It wasn’t just the sex for him. There was so much to enjoy about their conversations.

  No matter what he seemed to do, though, she kept this barrier between them.

  Don’t ruin it.

  This was the first time in a long time that he actually enjoyed spending time with a woman, and the last thing he wanted to do was ruin that.

  Chapter Seven

  Two months later

  “What are your plans for Halloween?” Daniel asked, jumping on the bed beside her.

  Elizabeth held her finger up as she finished e-mailing her tutor her final assignment.

  “You know, I think you love that laptop more than giving me attention. An actual human person.” She giggled. “You know both of your subjects require you to give humans attention.”

  It was Friday night, and even though she normally didn’t see him until Saturday evening, she’d noticed that Daniel liked to change the rules at will. Not that she was complaining. He could do whatever he wanted. All she had to do was keep up with it. He never asked her to sacrifice her classes or her work, even though he paid her enough so that she didn’t have to work.

  She still hated using that money as each time she did, it made her feel like a whore. She knew she was one, but it didn’t mean for a second that she had to enjoy the feeling.

  “I’m done. You said I had five minutes to finish my e-mail while you ordered takeout.”

  “Takeout didn’t take that long to order,” he said. “We’ve got about thirty minutes until it arrives.” He dropped a kiss on her head and moved to straddle her ass. She rested her arms in front of her, glancing over her shoulder as he leaned down, kissing her neck. “Do you know the kinds of things I can do in that time?”

  “I can think of a few.”

  “The first is bringing you to orgasm with my tongue.”

  “I can do the same to you using my mouth,” she said. She’d taken his cock into her mouth many times. Watching Daniel come apart as she pleasured him was one of the single sexiest moments of her life. “Besides, you weren’t talking about sex. What do you want to know about Halloween?”

  “I’ve been invited to a party.”

  “Really. I thought old people didn’t do parties.” She gasped as he slapped her ass.

  “I love it when you tease me,” he said, biting her ear before moving off her ass to sit on the bed beside her.

  She didn’t give him long before she straddled his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing his lips.

  Elizabeth was addicted to his kisses. She could live without everything else, but his kisses were what she craved the most. “So, a party? Are you wanting me to come as your date?” she asked.

  His hands went to her ass, squeezing the cheeks. “Yes.”

  “Doesn’t that break your rules?”

  “You’re always throwing the rules back in my face. Can’t we just have some fun? You know, party, date, enjoy the odd movie.”

  “I guess we can. A couple of your friends have already met me.” She’d gone on two “experience days.” One day was to be with his friend who was a teacher. She’d sat and watched in horror and amazement how the kids tested him, constantly throwing out questions. Then she’d spent the day with a psychologist.

  Each career had its scares, but she saw the rewards as well. Also, talking long and hard with both professionals, she’d found it far more thought-provoking than reading about it in a book. There was only so much someone could get from reading a book, and she liked to be more hands on.

  “Don’t sound so excited about it,” he said, pushing some of her hair off her shoulder. She ran her fingers through his hair, staring into his blue eyes.

  “I can’t wait until we go to the Halloween party. It’s going to be so much fun. We’ll play tricks, and have lots of candy. Oh, I can’t wait,” she said, bouncing on his lap.

  “Damn, do that again. I love seeing your tits bounce.”

  She did a little wiggle, pressing them up against his face. In the past few months she’d come a long way from being shy with her body. Daniel had a way of letting her see her own beauty, and she loved that.

  The more time she spent with him, the more she realized why
women fell in love with him. If he was like this with every single woman, he was kind, considerate, charming, sweet, and everything that was dirty in the bedroom. She had the best of everything.

  “What should we dress up as?” she asked. “Killer doctor and nurse? Frankenstein? The mummy? Sexy maid? Dirty student? I could dress exactly as I am, and you could be the sinful, hard-ass lawyer.”

  “I didn’t think much of the outfits, but how about tempting nurse, and I’ll play the dirty doctor?”

  She burst out laughing. “That could be fun.”

  “Do you enjoy Halloween?”

  “Meh, not much to really talk about to be honest.”

  “You’ve never had fun during it?”

  She sighed. “It wasn’t exactly a big deal when I was at home. I was always a big kid, fat, and my parents didn’t want me eating candy, so I wasn’t allowed to go trick-or-treating. What they gave me was an apple, told me to enjoy that.”

  “Your parents sound like assholes.”

  “It doesn’t matter. What about your parents?” she asked.

  “We had Halloween parties. It was a big deal. They always would show off their wealth and invite people just for them to see what they had, that others didn’t.”

  “Don’t you get along with your parents?”

  “My parents and I have an agreement to stay out of each other’s lives. It’s much better that way.”

  “Sounds … sad,” she said.

  “No different than the way you are with your parents. Mine want me to marry, settle down, create a male heir to pass shit along to. I never fell in line with what they wanted, and never would. It’s why I built my career up like I did. I’ve got my own money, my own reputation. I don’t rely on them. Never have, never will.”

  This was the first time he’d ever spoken of his parents, and she saw clearly that he didn’t like them.

  “At least we’re all making a life for ourselves,” she said. “I’ve struggled all my life to make friends. Even now, I have more acquaintances than I do anything else.” She shrugged. “Not a lot I can do about that.”

  “My very experienced advice is this: some friends are really not needed. They tend to disappoint. Once in a while someone will come that you’ll trust, and they will be different.”


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