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Blind Faith (Shattered Lives, Book Four)

Page 27

by Blakeley, Rissa

  “He needs his daddy.” She released him from her grip. “Come on. Let’s go meet your son.” Carly took his hand and guided him toward Joel’s room. She slipped her master keycard into the lock and opened the door.

  An older, silver-haired woman met them at the door, holding a finger to her lips. “He’s sleeping.”

  Carly nodded and turned to Gunther. “Cece, this is Gunther.”

  Cece’s eyes opened wide. “The Gunther?”

  “Hush. Yes. Come on. You can take a peek at him.”

  They stepped into the room and quietly let the door shut behind them. Carly pointed at the crib against the wall.

  He walked slowly, feeling his heart push further up his throat with each step. He peered over the crib and smiled when he saw the pudgy toddler, Joel’s reddish-blond hair curling over his ears. Gunther wanted to touch him, to make sure he was real, but he knew from experience what a mistake it would be.

  Joel looked a lot like him, but he hoped he was like Carly. Joel grunted and turned on his side, allowing Gunther to see him better. He knelt and watched his lips pucker a few times before he smiled in his sleep.

  Carly rested a hand on his shoulder. He gazed up and she was smiling down at him. “He’s perfect, Carly.”

  “He is. My baby boy. I fought hard to keep him alive. Come. Let’s go out in the hall so we don’t wake him.”

  They walked back out of the room. Once again, Gunther leaned against the wall.

  “Maybe you can bring Grey by tomorrow for a playdate.”

  “He’d like that. He follows Silas, the other lad I take care of, around the best he can in his wobbly state. There’s Kate, the oldest, who is very intelligent. Then Silas, a cheeky lad. And then shy and sweet Callie. I love them all so much. Adding Joel to the mix would be amazing.”

  “I would love to meet your family. When is the new baby due?”

  “Couple more months.” Gunther stood straight. “Look… I’m sorry about how I behaved. It’s inexcusable. I’ve learned to man up.”

  “One thing I’ve learned since all of this has happened is we must always look forward. Let’s start fresh.”

  “Thank you so much.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash. Her eyes widened as he placed it all in her hand and curled her fingers around it. “Take this. It’s five grand. My accounts were untouched, so I’ll get you more soon. That was the daily withdrawal limit.”

  The tears started tracking down her cheeks. “Thanks,” she whispered. “Money has been really tight for us. I’m renting a small place a few blocks over and walk here daily. The hotel isn’t doing great right now and I haven’t been able to cut myself a check since I reopened a few months ago. I have a couple more years before I can get into my trust fund. To be honest, we’re barely scraping by with what I had stashed away in my accounts. I’m behind on payments with Cece. This money will do Joel and me a lot of good, Gunther.”

  “It’s my pleasure and responsibility. Use it for whatever you need. So…tomorrow?”

  “Yeah. Come back around ten. He’ll be up from his morning nap by then. Just bring Grey for now. I don’t want to overwhelm him.”

  “Sounds great. Thank you again.”

  They headed back down the hall to the lobby.

  I stood when I saw Gunther and Carly coming. He looked a little more relaxed, but it was obvious it had been emotional. His red-rimmed eyes and the blush to his cheeks were my clues.

  “See you tomorrow.” He embraced her and headed toward the door. I waved at Carly and smiled.

  Following Gunther out, I asked, “How’d it go, mate?”

  “He was sleeping. He’s adorable. She wants me to bring Grey by tomorrow.”

  “You feel better?”

  “Yeah. I’m so happy. Then with my next one… I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long time.”

  “Good. You deserve some peace of mind and rest in your soul.”

  He turned and looked at me, confused. “Do you really mean that? After all I’ve done?”

  “Absolutely. You’re a great father. You’ve done well.”


  He didn’t utter another word until we made it home.

  Chapter 31

  The next morning, I woke with a tickle across my lips. With a groan, I swiped at my face. A devious giggle let loose in my ear, followed by a sharp nip on my lobe. I smirked and cracked my eyes open.

  “What are you doing?” I asked, morning grit taking over my voice.

  “What’s it look like?” Elaina wrapped her hand around my soldier.

  I glanced toward the bassinet Nicky was nestled in. “He still asleep?”

  “Yup. I fed him about an hour ago and he’s out like a light.”

  “Good.” I flipped her over and pinned her arms above her head. She squirmed in an attempt to free herself, failing miserably. I kissed her ear and neck. “Oh, love, I’m going to fuck you good and hard.”

  “Please,” she whimpered as my hand found her hot core in her already damp panties. I grabbed the side, tore the hindrance off her body, and tossed them over my shoulder.

  Even with her arms pinned, I managed to wiggle my way out of my boxers. I nipped at her supple skin and licked everything I could. In one quick thrust, I buried myself deep, making her cry out… Oh god, she felt so amazing. Her wrists slipped from my hand and she gripped onto my shoulders, riding out my brutal rhythm.

  “Fuck, love. You’re such a naughty bird, waking me up like that,” I grumbled in her ear.

  A smirk lifted her lips until I thrust my hips harder into her, making her gasp. She wrapped her legs taut around my body. The deep tremble began, stroking her perfectly, leaving her panting into the crook my neck.

  I knew the continued pace would make her shatter, so I grabbed her face and held her gaze. She was moaning and tremoring as I growled out each thrust. The beginning of my release thundered in, spine arching, muscles straining. I gripped onto the top of the headboard, then slapped one hand over her mouth, not wanting her screams of pleasure to wake the dead.

  When the bedroom door swung wide open, screams jolted me. Instinctively, I grabbed my Sig off the nightstand, pointing it at the doorway.

  My cock still in my wife, I realized it was my mum standing in the doorway, eyes wide.

  Elaina tried her damnedest to pull the sheet over us. I yelled, “Christ, Mum! Go!” When Nicky started wailing, she slammed the door shut. Elaina pushed me off her and scurried out of the bed. I placed my Sig on the nightstand and searched for my boxers, while Elaina bounced Nicky on her shoulder.

  Sitting on the edge of the bed, I shook my head, grumbling all sorts of obscenities.

  “Just calm down,” Elaina murmured as she paced in front of me. At first, I thought she was talking to Nicky, but then I realized she was looking at me.

  “Just pisses me off. Can’t people fucking knock?”

  “Henry, she may have thought all the noises were from Nicky and wanted to grab him so he didn’t wake us.”

  “That’s the last thing she needs to see,” I muttered.

  “She’s an adult and has had sex before.” She motioned toward me.

  “No, Elaina. That bastard raped her for years. She doesn’t know what real sex or making love is. I was being rough. I don’t want her to think that…” Shit. I knew what it looked like. Leaning over, I pushed my hands through my hair and jammed my elbows into my knees. “I’m him.”

  Elaina lowered herself next to me, Nicky in her arms. “Henry, you are not him. We have rough sex at times. That doesn’t mean you’re him.”

  “She doesn’t know the difference.”

  “I think it’s pretty obvious I was enjoying myself and not fighting you off.”

  I sighed and touched my lad’s head. “We need to lock the door if she’s going to be walking in like that.”

  “I’m willing to bet she learned her lesson and will no longer just walk in.”

  “I fucking hope so.” I stood, pulled on a pair
of pajama pants and headed to the door.

  After jogging down the stairs, I stalked into the kitchen in dire need of a cup of coffee. My mum was leaning against the counter, arms crossed, looking mortified. I quietly moved past her to grab the carafe and walked to the sink.

  “We need to have a proper chat, son.”

  “I don’t want to chat about it.” I turned on the tap, filling the carafe.

  She stormed right up into my face. “Don’t you dare behave like him!”

  What the fuck? I glared at her, fire in my eyes. I was already pissed about losing my tension release. I didn’t want to argue about it. “First of all, stop your bloody shouting before you wake the whole fucking house. Second, you think I’m like him because we like to have rough sex?”

  Her lip trembled as she poked her finger into my chest. “He was cruel to me like that! He would hold his hand over my mouth to silence my pleas, holding me down so I couldn’t escape. Sometimes he would tie me up and leave me there for hours, only to come back again and again until he was passed out from either exhaustion or Scotch.”

  “I’m sorry for what he did to you, but Elaina doesn’t do anything she doesn’t want to do. I’m quite sure that is something you know already.”

  “It scares me to witness! I don’t want my son to do what he did.”

  “How about knock on the door next time and you won’t see such things?” I shook my head. “You cannot lump me in the same category because he raped you. I’m not raping her.” I turned back to the other side of the kitchen. “This is the most insane conversation I’ve ever had.” I dumped the water into the coffee maker and grabbed the grounds from the cabinet above.

  “Yeah, well, I’m done with it.”

  “As am I,” I muttered.

  She stomped out of the kitchen and into the family room. I watched her plop down on the couch and stare off into space. I felt bad.

  Gunther popped into the kitchen with Grey. “Morning.” I glanced up at him, then back at the basket while I filled it with grounds. “A wild wake up, yeah?” He chuckled.

  “Fuck off,” I bit out.

  “After breakfast, I’m taking this monkey to go meet his brother.”

  “Cool,” I muttered, palms pressed to the counter’s edge, watching the coffee drip.

  He looked at me curiously. “Everything good?”


  “What’s got you in a snit, mate?”

  I nodded toward the family room. He glanced past me and saw my mum sitting on the couch. “She has this crazy notion I was hurting Elaina when she walked in on us having a little…rough moment.”



  “Anyway, while I’m out today, I’m going to check on the house next door. Would you be good with it if it was available for me to purchase?”

  “Of course. We can help each other out when need be, especially in the winter months and with all the kids…”

  “I still have to talk to Cora about it, but she’s not really speaking to me at the moment.”

  I pulled a couple mugs out of the cabinet and poured us each a coffee. “You going to move in together?”

  “Still need to have that conversation,” he muttered with even less enthusiasm.

  “You might want to do that soon, but I suppose it’s going to be difficult since she’s not talking.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Come on, Grey. Let’s get breakfast before Uncle Henry thinks he can coach me on my love life.”

  Cora appeared around the corner. “You have a love life?” Gunther didn’t even look at her, cursing under his breath.

  “Looks like it’s time for that conversation. I’m going to take my wife a cup of coffee.”

  “Oh, can it, you nutter.”

  I laughed while I poured another cup for Elaina. “Good luck,” I teased and headed up to my bedroom.

  “So who’s the lucky…excuse me…unlucky lady?” Cora let out a sad laugh.

  Gunther turned and looked at Cora. “No one.” She nodded and tried to push past him. “Cora…”

  “I’m not doing this with you today.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “What do you think, asshole?”

  “Cora, I truly mean it when I ask if you’re okay.”

  “Don’t stand there and patronize me!”

  “I’m not.” He walked out of the kitchen and secured Grey in the high chair at the table. “Be right back, monkey,” he murmured. He headed back to the kitchen and rummaged around until he found a box of cereal. After pouring a small bowl, and a round of fist pounding on the tray top, Grey was happily eating breakfast. “After I take Grey to see Joel, I’m going to ask about the house next door.”

  Cora sighed. “For you or me?”

  “For us.”

  Her eyes swam with tears she tried hard not to shed. “What about what’s-her-name with your other kid?”

  “Carly and Joel. I just said his name. Please have a little respect for my lad. And understand I don’t have feelings for her other than as a friend.”

  “So you aren’t moving them in? Kind of like having your own personal brothel?” she asked in disgust.

  “I really don’t appreciate you acting this way.”

  “So sorry,” she muttered. “Maybe you’ll just skip from house to house. Pat all your bastard children on the heads, then throw money at their mothers.”

  Enraged, Gunther worked hard not to shout angry words at her in front of Grey. He shut his eyes and took a deep breath, taking a moment to calm himself. Opening his eyes, she was still glaring at him as if he weren’t worthy of any respect.

  In the calmest of voices, he said, “Don’t you fucking dare, Cora. That’s my son. They have their own place, but I’m going to provide money for some of their living expenses. It’s the proper thing to do. You had better get used to it because Carly and Joel are going to be a part of my life. End of. I don’t want to hear any derogatory language against them. I took full advantage of her and her feelings.”

  “Sounds familiar…”

  Gunther sighed and scrubbed his face. They stared at one another for a moment before her gaze drifted toward the floor. “Looking into this house for us is a big step for me.”

  “It’s no different than what we’ve been doing, Gunther.”

  “Yes, it is. We’ve been drifting. This is a permanent situation. I’m willing to shell out hundreds of thousands of dollars here.”

  “For whom? For me, or the next sassy tail who shakes past you?”

  He chose to ignore her dig. “I’m trying. I wish you could see that. Let me do this in my own time. I’m going to check on that house and will let you know about it when I get home.” He turned away from her and sat with Grey until he was finished.

  After Gunther left, Cora knocked on the door to Elaina’s room. “Come in!” she shouted.

  Peeking in, Cora asked, “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  “Of course. Have a seat,” Elaina said, cradling Nicky in her arms.

  “He’s precious.” Cora smiled as she sat.

  Elaina tapped him on the nose. “And a pain in the butt. I’m surprised he isn’t keeping everyone up with all his partying in the wee hours.” She glanced up at Cora. “I suspect you didn’t come in here to tell me how precious my son is, though.”

  With a sigh, she said, “No…”

  “So out with it.”

  “I need some advice.” Her hand traveled around the swell of her belly. “It’s about Gunther.”

  “This may take a while,” Elaina said, scooting to the headboard. She stared at Cora expectantly, waiting. “Cora, you have to talk or we aren’t going to get anywhere.”

  “Right, sorry. He told me yesterday about his ex and the baby.”

  “I don’t think they were ever a couple,” Elaina said.

  “Regardless, he knocked her up.” Again, her hand circled her belly. “I’m so pissed at him. Why did he have to wait so long to say anything to me, especially
if he had plans on going to find them? I don’t understand him at all.”

  “I can tell you one thing. He’s scared out of his mind. When we talked about you, him, the baby, and the possibility of another, he was terrified. The poor guy is lost over how to handle everything. I couldn’t believe how much he’s still holding in. He’s been pretending to be happy so no one gets on his case again.”

  “So he’s faking everything?”

  “Not quite. He loves Grey and knows he deserves a stable home with a mom and dad, and he appreciates what you’ve done for them so much. He’s just scared of his own feelings. Afraid of what will happen if he allows them to go further than they already have. He doesn’t know how to progress from his love of Quinn to his love for you.”

  Cora gasped. “He loves me?”

  “Honestly, I don’t know, but that’s the feeling I get. He’s just so frightened, hiding his true feelings about everything in an effort to protect his fragile heart. One day, he’ll explode. I’m just waiting for it and I hope it’s not in a fight with Henry.”

  “I don’t think he understands the fears I have. I miss Peter and the love we shared. We made three beautiful children together. But this thing with Gunther is so much different.”

  “You both need to talk out your feelings.”

  Cora nodded, tugging at a loose thread from the quilt. “He said after he takes Grey to see his other son, he’s going to check on the house next door.”

  “Oh?” Elaina smiled. “That would be great. I would love for you guys to be so close.”

  “I appreciate you allowing us to stay here.” Elaina rubbed Cora’s knee. “I have to admit, I’m worried about this Carly girl.”


  “He said she and Joel will be a part of his life and I needed to get used to it.”

  “Did you expect anything less from him? He has been working hard to take responsibility for his actions. Plus, it sounds to me like he has made a steadfast decision considering what he’s planning.”

  Cora sat quiet for a moment. “I didn’t think of it that way. I was just so mad.”

  “Maybe a tad jealous and unable to see through it?”

  “Yeah,” she gulped. “I love him and I don’t want to lose him. What if, during his ‘I’m in no shape for a commitment right now’ stage, he decides to sleep with someone else? That would devastate me, Elaina.”


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