Warlock: A Fae's Vengeance: A Shawn Moore Novel 03
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Both of them jumped off of me, and looked down at me in shock. They didn’t look angry, but they did look confused, and a little scared.
“Krystal,” I said out loud, “What the fuck did you just do?”
Krystal sounded almost smug in my mind, and I just knew through the new connection I had with them, that Susan and Sharon heard it as well.
“Master, I bonded them both to you as mates, with a little twist. It was easy with my angel magic.”
I frowned and asked, “Twist? And why would you do that without permission?”
I wasn’t all that angry really, especially since the twins didn’t seem to be, but I still wanted answers.
Sharon shook her head, “How is this possible? I can feel my sister too, why?”
Krystal said, “This will take a minute to get out, so no interruptions.”
After we all agreed, she explained in a rather smug but happy voice.
“This took care of many problems master. Both Sharon and Susan wanted the kind of relationship you would offer them, one with love, respect, and equality. They both also wanted to be mate bonded however. They were willing to give it up, but I thought I could establish the bond even though you had no shifter magic, by using angel magic.
“The reason they can feel each other as well, is because a mate bond makes the mated pair extremely jealous of their mate. But since they are connected as well, they won’t feel that jealousy when you lie with not only either of them, but your other lovers as well.”
I frowned, that explained part of it, but why not ask? Did Sharon really wanted to be mated to me? Even Susan had only been around a week, and Sharon less than a day, and on the day her mate died. That was kind of fucked up.
Krystal continued, “I suppose I could have asked, but I knew both of them did want this, and I didn’t think you would mind. I know you master. Tell me it doesn’t turn you on that you have twin sisters as mates.”
I blushed, and Susan and Sharon smiled coyly at me in question. Sure, the evil sword throws me under the bus to avoid responsibility.
I said carefully, “I can’t do that, obviously they’re both amazing women, and I’d be honored to just have one of them, both are… a dream, and far more than I could or would ask for.”
Both of them blushed now, as they sniffed out the truth. I could actually feel their reactions to my words. I imagined they could feel mine too. I also realized Krystal was right, they weren’t bothered by being my mates at all, only worried that I would object.
I added, “But Krystal, the point is you should have asked first.”
Krystal sighed in our minds, “Yes master, but I do read minds you know, I knew you’d all be happy about it. I’m sorry I didn’t ask first. There is one other issue this will solve, that is more practical, and is both personal and not so personal. Bonded mates take precedence over shifter pack loyalty, which means Susan will no longer be torn by dual loyalties, which I know for a fact bothered her very much. Each time she sent in a report on your activity she felt doubt and shame that she was betraying you. She even hated herself a little for it. Now that they are mate bonded to you, they no longer will, or even can, spy on you. Their loyalty is to you, utterly. Which means your house is much more secure right now than it was five minutes ago.”
I’d been objecting on their behalf, but I realized through the bond I was just making them nervous about my own acceptance of them by doing it. Everything was moving at an unreal pace, it hadn’t been that long since I was a loner living on the street. Now I had seven women, one I was married to, and now two shifter mates? The other four was a vampire servant, the demon I had a pact with, my faithful sword, and a Nephilim I called friend.
I wondered how much of this acceptance from the ladies without jealousy was generated from Malina’s succubus influence, or was I somehow changed as well from the pact and had my own influence? I decided not to go down that path, if we were in love, or falling in love, that was good enough for me. Trying to pin down all the why’s would lead to madness or doubt, because maybe there was no true way to be sure.
The best I could do was never take any of them for granted, and do my best to make them feel appreciated, loved, respected, and needed. What else could I do? I was greedy enough to want them all to love me.
I moved across to both of them and pulled them into a three-way hug, and then kissed both of them softly one at a time.
“I’m okay with this if both of you are. More than okay with it actually.”
They both held me tight, and then we laid down together. I explored the bond as we caressed each other and talked. I couldn’t really do anything with the bond, it was a constant connection that was just there. Like the feeling of my hand at the end of my arm, they were both a part of me somehow.
The strange thing was it didn’t bother me at all. I supposed sharing my mind with Krystal had gotten me used a far greater intimacy than simply sharing emotions. As a result, it didn’t faze me all that much that they could read my emotions now. Besides, even before that they could scent my emotions, the only difference was now they could do it from another room.
We shared soft teasing kisses, and I made love to Susan, and then Sharon for a third time before Lilliana and Malina came up to join us. It was late, and had been a hell of a day, it was time to get some sleep. I was bracketed by the twins as we fell asleep, and it just felt right. I’d come to know for sure they had no doubts, crazy short timeline or not.
I did miss Karen, and Korrina. With the four, or make that five with Krystal, women in my bed I guess I was up to seven women that I’d need to keep happy. I’d be a very happy, but also a very busy man.
Chapter 17
Katie groaned and stretched as best she could in the driver’s seat. It was still pre-dawn and she was getting too old for this shit. The alpha meeting was scheduled for dawn, and she had at least an hour drive ahead of her. She’d left all the girls at Shawn’s house, she thought it more prudent to wait until it was all settled before letting them come back with her. For all she knew Darren still had plans out there even post-death. She growled as she thought of Shawn, and his stupid young idealistic ideas.
Shifter head alpha indeed, she’d been damn tempted to smack the young boy for such a ludicrous suggestion.
Except, it was a really good suggestion, she just didn’t want to do it. It hadn’t occurred to her really before, but Shawn, Dion, and the new head of the mages Karen didn’t seem to care she was a genetic slut even if the other packs of shifters did. Even then though, they respected strength, and she knew she could kick all their asses. But she was also old, and set in her ways.
She probably had a good fifty years left of life, it was time to retire, not take on a new damned job. Of course, the job wasn’t all that hard, they only met a couple of times a month barring emergencies.
Which honestly, happened way too often.
She was also shocked about the mate thing, and that Sharon had defected with her sister Susan. That Shawn was a good kid, but he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants, or his heart off his sleeve. Still, she was happy for them, they were like daughters to her, even if she was also a little jealous. She’d had a good mate of course, an equal. As alpha material she’d easily gotten a male cat shifter as a mate, but he’d died twenty years ago now.
Still, if Sharon was happy now, she was happy for Sharon, the girl had been through a lot. Not that it was anything special, all female cat shifters go through a lot, but the point was, Katie was pleased for the twin ocelots. She’d also rip Shawn’s head off if he hurt her girls, but she was pretty sure they’d be treated very well.
She recalled what happened, and how guilty she’d felt having to watch what Darren did. She’d had no right to interfere by shifter law, Sharon had been his mate. After Darren had knocked out Sharon, he’d gone to step on her neck and snap it.
She’d knocked him on his ass, and had enjoyed it.
He’d looked up and snarled out, “You can’t interfere wi
th mate pairs! It’s against shifter law, her ass is mine to do with as I will!”
Katie smiled coldly, and rather smugly, “Not anymore, you severed the bond, she is now under her alpha’s protection. If you touch her again, I’ll kill you.”
He’d lost it then, started ranting about Shawn and her being a worthless slut. As far as Katie knew there had been no truth to that, at least not in actions, until last night. Then he’d ordered her as head alpha to gather her warriors and join the attack on the other supernaturals. Or else.
He’d been crazy.
Shortly before he’d left, was when Sharon had woken back up. She’d done the best she could, had her change to heal faster, and led their unmated women to a safe place. She hadn’t been wrong either, she’d seen the rage in Shawn’s eyes when he killed the bear that mauled little Erin, and then healed her. She was sure her unmated pack members were safe there, he wasn’t even taking advantage of the extra tail.
She chuckled.
He was a good kid, she just hoped he’d stay that way, and treated her girls right. Based on the past and his ancestors, she was pretty sure he would stay that way for a few hundred years. She’d be long dead before he turned into a crazy asshole, and so would Sharon and Susan, although they had a good two hundred years of life left in them.
In other words, it wouldn’t be her problem to deal with.
She pulled over, got out of the car, and stripped. She changed shape and ran out into the forest. Most of them were already there when she arrived, and she transformed back into a woman. They were all naked, but that didn’t mean anything to shifters. Normally anyway, except for her kind, but she was old enough to control the pheromones for a short time.
The bear, bird, rats, and snake alphas were here. She wasn’t surprised the water type shifters weren’t there, the dolphin and shark shifters often didn’t care about what happened on land, and didn’t want the job of head alpha. It was no surprise the wolf shifters weren’t represented either, they’d need to figure out who their new alpha was from what remained of their pack.
She cleared her throat and wondered if she were insane as she said, “I claim head alpha, does anyone here want to fight me for it?”
The all looked surprised, and then wary. One by one they took a step back and bowed their heads in respect, if not submission. They were alphas after all.
“Good, first order of business, until I say otherwise all fae are to be killed on sight, or fled from. They are the true enemy until Elissa is ousted or killed, and peace can be restored. Second, the shifters are both hurting and sitting ducks because of Darren’s stupidity and weakness. We need to join the mages, vampires, and the warlock to have a chance against the fae. I want the remaining shifters out here to split up in half, and prepared to join the shifters and vampires. I already got the warlock covered with mine.
“Don’t move out though, until I give the word, I need to sign a treaty first, or they’ll be liable to attack instead of letting you in. That should happen by this afternoon. Any questions?”
The bird alpha nodded, “Not a question, information. The Nephilim Korrina was trapped by a fae device of some kind, when she confronted Elissa. One of my sparrows saw the whole thing.”
Katie sighed, Shawn would go crazy when he found out, and she’d have to tell him. She also wasn’t waiting until the meeting to get the treaties in place, and she decided to go to the vampires first. Maybe she’d just tell Karen about the Nephilim issue when she went to see her, and let her tell Shawn.
She shrugged, this meeting seemed pretty wrapped up if no one was going to dispute her claim. No doubt the next wolf alpha will want to challenge her, but that might not happen for days, and when it did she’d kick his ass.
“Thanks for the information, if no one has anything else, we should get moving on preparations.”
They all nodded, and then shifted. Katie had a long day ahead of her, and hoped she had enough time to get it all done as she loped back to the car. She growled, she really was too old for this shit…
Elissa sighed in pleasure and closed her eyes. The only thing better than a well-built human slave giving her a massage, was two of them massaging her at the same time. Her spymistress came in the room and she opened her eyes.
“What is it Alanna?”
Alanna replied in a careful tone, “News of the shifters. The Cat shifter alpha, Katie, has taken the head alpha position. At the end of the very brief meeting, she basically declared war on us, and immediately headed back toward the city to repair relations with the other supernaturals. She plans to create new treaties, and spread her shifters around with the other groups for mutual defense.”
“Fuck,” Elissa said angrily, “That’s the worst thing that could have happened, I can’t control a woman.”
Alanna just stood there and waited for orders.
Elissa narrowed her eyes angrily. She’d hoped for more panic and mistrust, not… this. This was all Shawn Moore’s fault, the son of a bitch pulled the city together tighter than it’s ever been before. She considered seducing the bear alpha, but discarded it. All of the spy reports indicated he loved his mate and she loved him. He would be very hard, if not impossible to break.
She could do it, but it would take years, and she didn’t have that kind of time.
She clenched her jaw and considered destroying the soul trap, along with the angel stuck inside of it. But dismissed it. The time for creating havoc and moving subtly was past. She needed to…
She scowled as she felt her mother’s spell, but cleared her face as an illusion of Issa appeared before her. Her mother was smiling, but it was a mocking heartless smile.
“Daughter, you look rather relaxed, for someone who’s plans are falling apart around them. Need I remind you what happens if you fail to bring me the sword as promised?”
She needed no such reminder, the fae always told the truth, because if they did not their powers would be greatly diminished. The trick was to twist the truth, while not telling a lie. Those fae that didn’t learn that lesson early never lasted long.
She nodded and said a bit smugly, “I need no reminder. As I’m sure I don’t need to remind you, no time frame was specified for my payment. Unless that sword is destroyed, I actually have forever to fulfill my end of the bargain mother.”
Her mother looked ready to blow, so she added, “However, I assure you I won’t be waiting forever, I plan to destroy my enemies as quickly as possible. When I retrieve the sword I will deliver it to you.”
Issa looked slightly mollified, “Do that daughter, my patience will not last forever,” and she winked out.
Elissa pondered that for a moment, and smiled. She wondered why her mother wanted the sword so badly, but couldn’t come up with an explanation. She supposed it didn’t matter, maybe she wanted it to kill someone, but if that was true it wouldn’t be her, since her mother could do that easily already. The bitch was ancient after all, older than the human race itself, the current one anyway.
She pondered for a while as the slaves continued the massage, and Alanna silently awaited her bidding. She made some plans. The first plan was direct, maybe it was time to remind the others exactly what power the fae could bring to bear.
On the off chance that failed, she would perhaps ransom the Nephilim whore. Perhaps that would be the best way to get the sword as well, Moore was a soft hearted fool.
She turned to Alanna, “Gather our clan, everyone, we go to Moore’s house in two hours.”
Chapter 18
Earlier this morning…
I was up early as always, since I only ever needed about three hours sleep. I slipped out of bed, as was my habit, lying in bed with so many beautiful women around me was too tempting, and they needed their sleep.
Of course, Malina didn’t really need to sleep at all, so she followed me downstairs as I read up on the magic.
I looked up and studied her. She looked so innocent because of her angelic and young beautiful face, but her body was
built sin. She was the ideal in my own mind, what I was attracted to the most, she formed herself that way for me in this world.
I loved her though, and I was curious. Her form was almost beside the point now. I loved the woman, the succubus, and the fallen angel. I even loved the scary greater demoness who owned my soul for the afterlife. I wanted to know more about her, she showed me so little, and I figured I’d start out with something simple.
“Will you show me what you really look like?”
Malina sat in my lap, and wiggled a little wickedly before she looked at me with a soft smile, “I already did. When you almost burned out your retinas because you didn’t close your eyes when I told you to.
“Why do you suppose angels look like humans? That is our true form, energy, wings, and magic. We are spirit, souls. This flesh is my creation, I can look like any woman you can imagine or want, including one with a tail, wings, and horn, but none of that is real either. To look at my true form would blind you, you only caught the edges of it before you had to look down. Even real demons, not fallen angels, are spirit, but their spirits are made of darkness and shadow.
“You’ll see the real me someday, the day I welcome you to club Malina, a day I hope is very far off.”
She caressed my face, gave me a butterfly kiss, and then rubbed noses. She was adorable, and I was completely hers, body, soul, and mind. Literally.
She sighed and melted into me for a long lingering teasingly light kiss.
She asked, “What else do you want to know? I’m a fairly simple creature.”
I laughed in disbelief, “No woman is simple, least of all you love.”
She shrugged, “Need souls, fall in love with insane warlocks, eternal, those things are pretty much it,” then she added sultrily, “Oh, and lots and lots of hot sex.”