Warlock: A Fae's Vengeance: A Shawn Moore Novel 03
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She pouted at me, and then wiggled on my growing cock, and just in case that had been too subtle for me, her clothes disappeared. She snickered, presumably at my thoughts.
I grabbed her waist and turned her so she straddled me, and sucked a nipple into my mouth. Her skin tasted so good, and I loved teasing the tight flesh of her nipple, barely brushing it as I circled it with my tongue, and sucked her whole areola into my mouth.
She made a delighted sound of pleasure and wrapped her arms around my neck, and pulled my head harder against her the supple flesh of her breasts. She also started to grind her hot wet warmth against the bulge in my pants, and I felt a bit light of breath myself as I switched to her other nipple, but continued to play with the first with my hands.
We did that for a long time, winding each other up until one of us broke. I’m not ashamed to say I completely lost, and won, at the same time.
I reached down and teased her labia with my knuckles as I opened up my pants and took it out. My heat raced and I was filled with need as she raised her self slightly, and plunged down on it, taking all nine inches in one hard and fast stroke.
Her pussy was heaven, and she worked it in a way no other woman could, it didn’t take her long to take me over the edge.
I exploded up inside her, and she sighed in pleasure, and her sex milked me greedily as she leaned over and kissed my neck. She never stopped, she just kept grinding.
I’d stopped trying to control my orgasms with Malina, there was no point, as I’d come to the conclusion I’d never ever go down when inside of her body. Not just her pussy either. She wasn’t far behind and when I saw the look of ecstasy on her innocent face, I reached down, grabbed her ass, and drilled up into her as fast and hard as I could.
She cried out in pleasure, and the sensation of her slick hot friction along with her indescribably tight and dexterous pleasure, was getting me very close to cumming again. Sometimes I wondered why I’d ever leave the bed.
She kissed me hungrily as she came down and looked me in the eyes.
“I love you Shawn Moore,” she said with heat as she ground down on me.
I exploded up into her, and she smiled as the pleasure just went on and on, she continued to bounce up and down my cock, it was way too intense. I both wanted it to stop, and wanted it to never stop.
When I came down I finally answered, “Love you too Lina.”
She started riding me slowly, languorously, and winked at me. The pleasure was still intense, but I could actually think now, a bit anyway.
She asked softly, “So the twins? You are very different Shawn, you’re a lot like your ancestors, but at the same time different. I wonder if it’s because you have more lovers. Until you, it has always been three. A Moore warlock, me, and Lia.
“It all started with Karen’s situation, and you being smart enough to take advantage of it. Then the shifters worried, and attempted to put influence and spies in your house, and you mated both with her, and her sister. Yes, with Krystal’s help, but they were there because of you, and who you are. But it’s more than that as well, you truly love me, without reservation or doubt. It is… unprecedented. I’ve been loved before, but not like you do.”
I smiled and caressed the sides of her breasts gently, and teasingly thumbed her nipples, as she slowly made love to me. Our faces were just inches apart as she slowly rose and fell on me. It was incredibly pleasurable, but it was also beyond intimate. It might be foolish to think I could ever comprehend her as a whole, but all the parts I did and could see were naked before me, as we locked eyes and made love.
“Was there a question in there?” I asked curiously.
She moaned and trembled, and had a little orgasm. I just stared and watched, I loved to see her innocent face in the throes of ecstasy.
Then she said with a small smirk, “Not really. I suppose I’m just trying to figure out why it’s different this time. None of your ancestors thought of sharing pleasure with a sword, much less worried about her as a person. You also handled Korrina really well, and I suppose I can admit much better than I did. I’m a little ashamed, I dropped the ball on you for that one.”
I shrugged, “I just treated her as I would any woman. Underneath all that power, that’s what she is at the heart of it all.”
She kissed me and said, “Don’t downplay your achievement, even the power, you trapped her and had her at your mercy. Only then did you deal with her as a woman. Has it occurred to you that what you did was create a new spell? And it didn’t take you a hundred years.”
I nodded slowly, “Sort of, I just combined two spells really. But I take your point.”
We continued for a quite a while, and chatted while we continued to have almost leisurely sex for several hours, between the occasional hard bouts of fucking. I lost count of the amount of times she came around me, and the amount of times I came in her tight warm sex. When it got near dawn, we went upstairs and took a shower, and got out as all the other ladies started to wake up.
Malina laughed, when Sharon pushed me back into the shower, turned the water on, and then dropped to her knees.
Hellfire, I gasped as she sucked me in hard and fast.
That was another way Sharon and Susan were different, she deep throated me seemingly without effort, and when I looked away from the gorgeous amber eyes that looked up at me, I saw Susan joining us with a smile on her face. It was more than her technical expertise of taking my whole cock into the world of pleasure that was her mouth, she looked up at me like she wanted to be there.
And with the mate bond, it was even more than that, I could feel that she wanted to be there. It was absolutely incredible. Then Susan dropped to her knees next to her sister…
That’s pretty much how my morning meant, and after my second shower with the twins, Lilliana insisted I stay in there to help wash her back, which took about another hour. It was probably close to nine in the morning when I finally got dressed. I’d never felt so sated, or clean, in my entire life. Krystal was pretty damned happy as well. If I hadn’t had both the energy to pretty much go forever from Malina, and a healing spell for my dick when it got sore, there’d be no way I would have kept up with all the ladies. And that was with two of my women away?
Either way, we had a quick breakfast, and then on the way to do our morning physical workout, which was weight training, sword, and then hand to hand combat, all hell broke loose.
There was the sound of rolling thunder outside.
Then I heard the wind, it sounded like a freight train, and there was a flash of lightning that stabbed down into the wards. The wards groaned under the pressure from both the lightning, and the wind. I was pretty sure this was a fae attack, seeing as how tornados weren’t very common in Chicago, much less a tornado that wouldn’t turn away from a warded structure, while it was being hit by lightning.
I fed the wards against magic and wind as fast as I could.
“Everyone downstairs, Now!” I yelled, “I can’t hold the wards for long.”
It wasn’t just Malina, Sharon, Susan, and Lilliana either. Katie had left her unmarried cat shifters here, six of them now that Sharon was one of mine. Barbara, Erin, Andrea, Nicci, Kristen, and Joy were in the living room, which made eleven of us including myself. We all raced for the stairs down. The wards were weakening fast against a tornado and lightning, and I heard the old house creak, and the splintering of wood as it started to rip into the house, and pull the roof off.
Lightning flashed down and through the wards, into the exposed third floor and set it afire. I didn’t see it, but I could feel it through the wards that remained. The defensive wards were finished, and the tornado took the power away faster than I could add it, so I stopped.
There was no point, the fae storm was too strong. I might have had access to unlimited magic, but I could only channel that magic so quickly.
We raced down the stairs, and I grabbed Sal. I looked around the room, possibly for the last time, and then opened the escape tunnel.
p; “It’s four miles long, go,” I said.
All the shifters, moved through, and then Malina and Lilliana followed me and shut the secret door behind them. I could feel the house start to be torn apart, faster and faster without the wards to fight back. I couldn’t even detect the fae doing it, the bitch Elissa could be miles away for all I knew, or simply hidden from my detections.
“Could Elissa really be doing that alone?”
Malina bit her lip, “She could yes, just barely at her age, but I doubt she is. It would drain her of power and leave her nearly helpless to control a storm that large. She’s probably harnessing the power of her entire clan, like a mage circle, sort of. It’ll still come close to exhausting them, but they’ll be far from helpless.”
I’d only lived there a couple of weeks, but it was home now, my home, and I was pissed off that it was being torn down behind us. I could only hope the basement and ritual area would survive, I could rebuild the house easily enough if they had. If not, maybe I’d do something different.
After I killed that bitch Elissa.
Krystal sent, “Too bad you can’t fuck her first, I know you think she’s hot.”
I laughed, I was in love with a crazy sword.
Krystal mind shrugged, and said sultrily, “It’s true isn’t it? Tell me you don’t want her, if she wasn’t a murderous bitch. I find the fucking much more fun than the killing now.”
I frowned, I supposed she was right, and all my ancestors had eventually succumbed to that trap when they’d started to go insane, but she was also wrong. Elissa’s body was beautiful, but her heart was ugly and twisted. I supposed if she wasn’t that way though… It didn’t matter, she wouldn’t change, and she needed to die. No matter how smoking hot she was.
“Do you really?” I asked curiously.
I felt a mental nod, “Yes master, killing only gets me one orgasm. Fucking… well there is no technical limit.”
I started to chuckle, drawing a strange look from Lilliana. I suppose it did look a bit odd. My house was being destroyed, my ancestral home, and here I was laughing. But it was just funny, it wasn’t a decision of morality for Krystal, just how to get the most pleasure.
I shrugged helplessly, and tapped the ring on my finger. Lilliana smiled at that and understood.
Krystal shrugged again in my mind, “I do understand right from wrong master. It is never my choice on if we kill or not, it is yours.”
I frowned at that, she was right, and she wasn’t bloodthirsty anymore. Perhaps I misjudged her statement.
As soon as we got to the small house’s basement, I created a circle on the floor. I had the normal ten spells going, so that left fifteen available threads of magic I could hold thanks to the partition spell. It took me a little over seven minutes to summon fifteen demons. I couldn’t stay and fight against power like that, but I also wasn’t about to just let Elissa get away with it clean if I could help it.
I ordered, “Find the fae responsible for destroying my home, they’ll be weakened, kill as many as you can.”
The fifteen demons turned to smoke and disappeared. I doubted I’d get Elissa, but it was time for some fae to die in this war.
The house was incredibly small for eleven people, but hopefully we wouldn’t be here that long. I figured we’d lay low until early this afternoon, and then check the house on the way to the joint magic council meeting. I did however send out a few messages, to make sure no one went to my house or worried for the time being. At least the little house was well stocked with food. Lilliana had been seeing to it.
Chapter 19
Dion got the text from Shawn and shook his head, like he didn’t already know a tornado had taken out an old Chicago mansion? He had the house under observation, not on the inside, just to watch Shawn’s comings and goings, and the others in the house. He liked the kid, but that didn’t mean he trusted him all that much. It was why he’d been so willing to make a pact instead of a treaty.
Though he had no plans to tell anyone that. He was too old to take chances.
The door opened and Christabel walked in, he looked up at the one being he did trust with his life and wondered if he was a fool for it. He had trusted Neil in a similar way, and look what had happened there. Still, life was lonely enough at the top, he needed one person in it he could count on.
“She’s here already?”
Christabel raised an eyebrow, “Yes, Katie is requesting to meet you and discuss a treaty. I left her in the first floor conference room.”
He nodded slowly, he didn’t want her in the heart of the coven either. He’d put some small stock into what Shawn had said about the shifter, but he far from trusted her full intentions. For now, he was almost sure she hated the fae, and would make a good ally for the short term. He just wondered what the long term looked like.
“Very well,” he said in approval, and they ran out and up the stairs to the conference room.
“Good morning Katie,” he said pleasantly as he walked into the room and took a seat, along with Christabel.
Katie looked confident, and relaxed, which impressed him.
“Good morning Dion,” she said with a knowing smile.
He almost laughed, she wouldn’t be falling for his polite words, “So what did you have in mind?”
Katie explained her thoughts, that they had to fight together, and that waiting for this afternoon was a bad idea. Especially in light of what just happened to Moore. She also passed along what happened to Korrina, which was information he did not have.
Dion shook his head, “Let me be blunt as time is precious right now. I’d be happy to sign a treaty with you immediately, but I’m not thrilled with the idea of giving shifters who we just fought yesterday access to my coven. However, there are some accommodations on this floor, which is technically not part of the coven. Yet, they would still be in the same building and the area is still secured. There are already ten mages stationed there which means there will be some wards as well.
“If we’re attacked, we will go on the offensive again, so that shouldn’t make much difference. The accommodations are more of a barracks style, is that sufficient?”
Katie sighed, “Yes, I think it will have to be Dion, and I can’t blame you. As long as we’re being blunt, let’s get this thing signed, and I’ll have my people get moving. I still need to see Karen this morning.”
Dion grunted, “Fair enough,” and they drew up a treaty quickly.
Karen sighed as she looked at the phone message for the tenth time over the last hour. She was tempted to go see him, make sure he was really alright, but the text would have to do. She knew where he was of course, he must have fled through the tunnel, the same one he’d used when she was the one trying to kill him.
She smiled at that memory, glad that she’d failed for once. It hadn’t actually been that long ago, but it felt like a lifetime.
She was also a bit angry about the house, she’d started to think about it as her home as well, but they’d be able to rebuild.
Jerrold called over the intercom.
“What is it?” she asked patiently, or at least that’s what she was going for.
Jerrold said, “The new head alpha shifter is here, Katie, she wants to see you about the treaty and mutual defense against the fae.”
She pondered that. She hadn’t actually met Katie yet, but Shawn had talked highly of her, and she had met Susan who was a good and loyal woman. Not to mention the sexy cat shifter had an amazing tongue and very nimble fingers. That really wasn’t a surprise, she still looked like she was in her twenties, but she was just over fifty and had been helping to take care of her pack sisters for over thirty years.
She shook her head to clear it, so not the time to daydream. She actually felt a little wet now, and blushed at the idea that Katie would scent it as soon as they met. She was so obsessed with sex lately, Shawn and his bevy of females had definitely taken the frost off of her. It was as if she were trying to make up for all the sex she’d misse
d the last few years all at once, but she needed to focus right now.
“Have her escorted up, we’ll use the conference room right outside the council chambers. Oh, could you offer her a drink and bring me a water?”
She really wanted coffee, but had cut back to one cup a day for the little bean, she caught herself rubbing her lower belly and stopped before anyone noticed.
The council was hard at work fixing the building which was coming along quickly, and everything mage centric was pretty much on hold until the fae had been dealt with. She nodded to Tina who’d heard everything and left for the conference room. Treaties were her responsibility alone as head councilor.
She didn’t have to wait long, and stood back up as Jerrold came in with a six pack of water bottles, and Katie. Her first thought was she hoped she’d age as gracefully, the woman looked sixty, which meant she was at least two hundred, and she still radiated a strong sex appeal.
“Welcome Katie. Let’s just skip the formalities, we’re at war and don’t have the time.”
Katie smiled and they took a seat together, “That sounds just fine…”
They discussed the old treaty, and decided not to make any changes to it at all. She also found out about what happened to Korrina, and was annoyed that no one had told Shawn yet. She’d take care of it right after the meeting.
She offered the extra barracks rooms on the second floor to the shifters that would be joining them, it was where she’d put the vampires as well, and Katie agreed they would be told not to go to a higher floor without an invitation. All in all, it hadn’t taken very long to get things settled. It would take time to build, but the damage Darren had done was mostly undone now. As far as relations between supernaturals went anyway, the wolf pack in Chicago would be feeling it for years to come.
Elissa paced near the house, she was livid. The warlock was too weak to fight back against her magical assault, and had fled to the basement. She’d been positive his death was all but assured, and she could then search the wreckage for the blasted sword. It wouldn’t have been hard to find, not with a magic aura so damned large.