Warlock: A Fae's Vengeance: A Shawn Moore Novel 03
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But then they’d disappeared, she couldn’t feel where they’d gone. At first, she’d assumed they’d used some magic to hide down there, but she had a bad feeling he’d escaped somehow. Yet, she couldn’t feel any hidden tunnels at all, if there was one it was very well hidden.
She sighed wearily, she was exhausted, and pissed.
Alanna appeared from the wreckage of the home, and she read the news on her spy mistress’s face. Shawn had escaped. She held back a scream of annoyance, she was surrounded by her people and couldn’t afford to lose control like that in front of them. As soon as she was alone she could work out her anger, perhaps torture a slave or two.
Alanna confirmed her fears, “There is no evidence they are down there.”
What’s worse is the attack weakened many of her people, and fifteen demons had attacked with claws and balefire. That’s why she’d been almost sure he’d somehow escaped from her overwhelming attack. Lesser demons weren’t much of a threat against the fae, normally, but after the large scale spell her people and herself had been temporarily weakened.
Over forty of her people had been killed before they had managed to strike back and end the threat. She’d wanted war and havoc, revenge for making her look weak and foolish, but she’d never intended for any of her people to die. Her people unlike the vermin of this world were immortal, it was a shocking loss of life.
She only had one way out of this now. She would set a trap, and lure Shawn out with threats against the Nephilim abomination. Once Moore was dead, she would see about salvaging what she could with the others. Direct action wasn’t the way she liked to work, but she no longer really had a choice at this point. She had no doubt after what she had just done, that they would jump on the offer of peace.
She frowned, if they didn’t, she’d find a way to destroy them all…
Chapter 20
I’d felt the demons get destroyed, and they’d returned to hell ending the spells. I also knew they’d managed to kill quite a few fae, thanks to their weakened condition and a surprise attack.
I also felt frustrated. I was in this little house, which was fine for a three or four-person family, but not for eleven people. Add to that I wanted to act and end this, Karen had just called and explained that Korrina was captured by some fae artifact or device, and although I didn’t love Korrina I cared about her very much. It was hard not to, considering she’d shared my bed for the last week.
I knew for sure that I was in love with Karen, Malina, Lilliana and surprisingly Krystal. I obviously couldn’t sleep with the sword, but we’d become close and she lived in the back of my mind. I wondered if maybe I was a little crazy, because I cared about a sword. No that wasn’t true, I was in love with a woman’s soul that was deeply connected to my mind, that she was sword was immaterial.
I smiled briefly, at Krystal’s surge of affection in the back of my mind. If swords could blush, she’d be doing it right now.
No, I might not have loved Korrina, Sharon, and Susan, but I didn’t think it would take me long to get there, and I certainly cared about all three of them. The latter two even more since the mate bond had been placed on us, against our will or not didn’t change anything.
My schedule was also shot, I was used to training with the sword and hand to hand at this time of day, and it felt weird to not be doing it. Plus, there were six shell shocked cat shifter beauties walking around the small house, in addition to my two, and it was distracting. I couldn’t retreat to the basement either, simply because the one in this house wasn’t furnished.
I hadn’t been able to practice my multi-tasking for six threads in my primary mind the last day or so, it’d been too hectic. I couldn’t wait for things to slow down, and to finish the fourth and fifth pacts. Then I could focus on my magic, and the ladies, but for now I needed to suck it up and figure out what to do.
I also tried not to let the destruction of the house piss me off too much, I needed to keep a cool head, but that was easier said than done.
I needed to find Elissa, confront her, end the fae bitch, and get Korrina back. All without dying, somehow, and I had no idea where to start. Right now the five of us were in the kitchen, myself along with Malina, Lilliana, Susan, and Sharon.
“I don’t think I can sit here until this afternoon, this place is going to drive me nuts.”
Sharon smiled, “I know what you need to relax.”
At first I didn’t know what she was talking about, and then she slipped under the table and went for my crotch. I looked down at her amber eyes, and she looked like a woman possessed as she worshipped and pleasured my cock as if she needed it more than I did. It wasn’t a lie with her body or eyes either.
She also felt that way, as if she wanted nothing else but to be down on her knees for me, which I could feel through the mate bond. I didn’t get exactly why she felt that way, and wished I could read her thoughts too, but I sighed in bliss and held her hair a she pleasured me. Maybe because she could feel the way I felt about her? And this was all new to her, being appreciated and cared about? I didn’t know, but I decided it didn’t matter, as long as she got what she wanted and needed from me too, I didn’t have to understand, women were a mystery.
I grunted and she hummed in pleasure which increased my pleasure a great deal more as I expanded inside her throat, and shot my load down it. I think she may have even had a small orgasm as she sucked out my seed in a way that was both incredibly wanton, and almost loving at the same time. Her head popped off when she got it all, and she put it away and zipped me back up, then crawled up in my lap.
I smiled, “Less stressed,” and I gave her a soft kiss.
Was it shallow that I felt really close to her right then as I held her tenderly in my lap after an incredible blow job? Probably, but it was also true.
I added, “But we still need a plan, and I want to see the house. Do you think it’s safe enough?”
I also had the sudden urge to see Karen. I missed her, and it had been almost two days. She may not be able to visit me right now, but perhaps I could drop in on her. Maybe she’d have an idea how to track down the fae and Korrina as well. Plus, it would get me out of this house.
Susan offered, “I could scout…”
I shook my head, “Too dangerous, but that gives me an idea.”
They all followed me into the basement, and with a couple of spells I had a new circle down there carved into the concrete, and I summoned two more demons.
I sent them to scout. I was a warlock after all, and demons technically couldn’t die, except maybe by Korrina, or Krystal. They’d just be sent back to hell if their bodies were destroyed. They were perfect to use as disposable troops, or in dangerous situations.
Plus, they were evil demons who liked mind pain, even their own.
They came back a few minutes later, and reported the place was clear. I sent them back to watch, and then we headed upstairs and gathered in the living room. I didn’t want to just abandon the others.
“The five of us are going to check out the house, and visit the mages. Will you all be okay to stay here?”
Nicci cleared her throat, “We umm, it’s been a while for us.”
I thought I’d detected their pheromones had picked up more, but with four of my own women, and my mating bond, it didn’t bother me at all. I mean, I was a young guy, and they were six gorgeous women that could be models, but that’s all they were now. They were attractive, and distracting as hell, but their pheromones no longer affected me. Which was a really nice side effect to the mating.
Barbara winked, “We know you don’t…” she trailed off and started over, “We were thinking maybe we should go along? We could find some people to hook up with, mages if the shifters haven’t shown up yet. Then we can come back here with you when you leave? I believe Katie wanted us to stay with you, to have shifters with you, the vampires, and the mages.”
Erin and Andrea nodded in agreement.
I nodd
ed slowly, “That sounds about right. Let’s go see if any of the house survived.”
We went outside and walked back on the street with the demons scouting ahead. I was a little worried Elissa had left a fae or two behind, but that didn’t seem to be the case, or if it was they didn’t attack.
I sighed when I looked at the house. The second and third floor were completely gone, sucked up by the tornado and thrown the hellfire knew where. Ironically, that was a good thing, because that meant it hadn’t collapsed into the house. The first floor was a torn up wreck, and the walls were torn apart. It was a total mess.
But the basement seemed to be intact, which meant I could rebuild. The basement was the most important part, and had my ritual room and the arcane library besides Sal that I hadn’t even looked at yet.
We went over to where the garage should be, and there was debris all over the place. I used telekinesis to clear it off of the vehicles, and smiled. The cars didn’t have a scratch, the containment wards on those had held perfectly.
I briefly considered taking two cars, but rejected it. The limo could fit eight in the two opposing back seats, and three up front if we squeezed in.
“Let’s go. Lilliana, when all this is over can you get crews out here?”
She nodded, “Sure, I can take care of it, where are we living until then? It will take a few months at least, even if we pull out all the stops with money.”
“I’m not sure yet. We have those condos scattered around the city right? Or if we need to keep those hidden we can get a large suite in a hotel. Or maybe we’ll impose on my wife.”
Malina laughed wickedly, “That will make the mages nervous.”
I sighed, “Good point, or we could stay in the little house, there’s enough room, barely, once things settle down and the ladies can go home with Katie.”
I got into the limousine and Malina claimed my lap as we all piled in. It was a little cozy, but I didn’t mind. I had Malina on my lap, and Susan up against my side. Sharon was next to her sister, and Lilliana was driving with Erin and Nicci sharing the front seat. The rest of the ladies were stuffed in next to Sharon and across from us on the other wide seat, and we headed for the mage building. Last time I’d been there, was when we assaulted it…
I almost laughed as the construction workers gaped at me and the ten sexy women that followed me through the doors into the lobby. Then I did laugh, or at least chuckle lightly when Barbara and Nicci stopped to say hi to the men. Maybe those two wouldn’t quite make it to the mages after all.
I stopped at the security desk and smiled politely, “I’m here to see Karen, can I go on up?”
The security guard managed to tear his eyes from the scantily clad ladies and his eyes widened.
“Mr. Moore. One second.”
He opened a drawer and fumbled around, and then pulled out a key card and handed it to me.
At my look of surprise, he said, “The head councilor had this made, just in case you were, and I quote, stupid enough to come by.”
It was kind of gratifying that he didn’t look afraid at all. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad.
I chuckled, “Thanks,” and headed over to the elevators. I looked back and it seemed I lost Andrea and Erin to the four-man construction team as well, who all seemed conspicuously absent right now. The only ones left outside of my own, were Kristen and Joy as we got on the elevator. They got off on the third floor, which I was pretty sure was the mage barracks.
I tried not to think about all the hot group sex that was probably about to happen.
We got off on the fourth floor, and I nodded politely at the man waiting for me.
“Jerrold, how’s my wife been treating you?”
He smiled faintly and replied, “Well enough, times are hard. What brings you by?”
I shrugged, “My house was destroyed, so I thought I’d come see my wife. Is that a problem?”
His eyes widened at my casual statement, but then he shook his head, “Not as such no. Actually it’s probably a good thing, she’s stressed out and getting short tempered.”
I patted his arm and then moved toward the council chambers, a few of the security mages on guard looked at me, Lilliana, and Malina nervously. The way they looked at the twins however made me scowl, but I chose to ignore it. Hell, I’d have looked too if I was them. As long as they didn’t touch… I could allow them to live.
Sharon and Susan smirked at me, I guessed they’d felt that surge of jealousy, and apparently liked it. It felt hypocritical of me, and possibly unfair, but on balance I didn’t care, they were all mine to love. No one else’s.
Malina chuckled softly, and I knew she’d heard that thought.
As I walked through the door to the council chambers, and took in my wife, I felt a surge of affection, love, and a little bit of lust. I’d missed her. She was in a gray pencil skirt down to her knees, and a nice red blouse halfway buttoned, with an off white strapless skin tight shirt beneath it. Her pixie-like face was cute, but to me she was one of the sexiest woman that I’d ever met.
Her gorgeous green eyes widened when she saw me, and then shined with welcome.
“What are you doing here Shawn?”
I grinned, “Visiting my wife of course. I missed the little minx. Plus, Elissa blew up my house, and kidnapped my Nephilim, so I didn’t feel like waiting until this afternoon to make plans.”
She looked over who was with me, and then raised an amused eyebrow at me. Then she turned to Sharon.
“Welcome to the family. We’ll have to get to know each other later.”
Sharon returned the smile, “I look forward to it, though I feel like I already know you, Susan had nothing but wonderful things to say.”
Karen looked around, and there was no one else in the room except us and a couple of security mages.
“You mean you like hot-tempered bitches? I think I scared all the other mages away when I heard what that fae bitch did to our house.”
Sharon shook her head and shrugged with a faint smile, “Aren’t we all?”
Karen looked over at the security mages and ordered, “Can you wait outside please? I don’t want to be disturbed for a while.”
They cleared the room as if they’d been given a stay of execution.
I walked around the outside of the room and up on the dais. Karen just stared at me with a hungry look in her eyes. She put her arms around my neck as soon as I was close enough, and kissed me like we’d been parted for years instead of just a day and a half. I think she had it as bad for me as I did for her.
When we broke it I asked, “So this is pretty private right now is it?”
She nodded a little breathlessly, “A few of the councilors are upstairs in their apartments, but other than them no one will interrupt us.”
We just stared into one another’s eyes for a moment, and let that comment hang in the air. The risk of getting caught, weighed against the heat that passed between us. Then I grabbed her by the waist, turned her toward chamber, and pushed her over her desk. It only took a few seconds to free my cock, and pull her skirt up around her waist. I could smell her arousal already, she was soaked.
I moaned at the pleasure of her soaked labia as I ran my tip up and down her heated sex, and then plunged into her from behind. I grabbed her hair and pulled her head back, which arched her back. It also made her look at the other four women in the room, our bedmates and lovers.
I spanked her hard, and started moving in and out of her.
Then I asked, rather breathless with lust and excitement myself, “So what turns you on more love. That our lovers are watching me ravish the head of the council, over her own official desk, or the fact that other councilors might walk in and catch us. Catch you getting fucked by a warlock, in the center of power for the mages.”
She must have liked my words, and the idea of getting caught, because she mewled in pleasure, tightened around me, and flooded my cock with her liquid pleasure.
I almost came at the thought sh
e’d just squirted at the naughty thoughts as well as the pleasure I was giving her.
“You like that don’t you? You wife, are a naughty little thing, aren’t you? What would your old friend Tina think, if she walked in and saw you right now?”
She said breathlessly, “Yes, fuck me. Goddess I missed your cock, fuck me harder. I am entirely shameless when it comes to you my love, I can’t get enough.”
She had barely come down, but she started to orgasm again, her body trembled and shook below my touch. The other four joined us. Susan walked up in front, and started to kiss her as I continued to rail into her behind. Lilliana and Malina bracketed us, and the soft touch and occasional pinches of their hands on our bodies increased the pleasure.
Sharon had crawled under the table, and I kept feeling her tongue along my length as I speared into Karen. I was pretty sure that wasn’t her main focus however, the sexy blonde cat shifter was licking Karen’s clit.
She started to buck back against me, and I couldn’t hold it the next time her tight wet sex locked around me, and I started to fill her. When we came down, I pulled out, and Lilliana dropped to her knees and started to clean my cock with her mouth before I put it away. Based on the slurping sounds, and my wife’s fourth orgasm, I’d say Sharon was eating my seed out of my wife.
If it hadn’t been for where we were, I was sure that wouldn’t have been the end of it. I knew I was still turned on, if mostly sated.
Karen pulled her skirt back down, and blushed. Then she pulled Sharon to her feet and kissed her passionately.
“It’s very nice to meet you Sharon.”
Sharon smiled and bit her lip a little sexily, “You taste wonderful, especially mixed with our mates cum.”
She shook her head, “Mate? Never mind, we’ll talk later and you can explain. Goddess I’m glad you came… pun intended. I’ve been wanting that for over a day now. Now I can think at least.”
I pulled her into a hug, and then we took a seat, and I pulled her on my lap. I didn’t see Karen as much as the others, usually only at night, so she usually got a good amount of my focus when she was around. None of the others seemed to mind.