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Dirty Laundry 2

Page 10

by Cherie Briggins

  After hanging up with Choice, Ashley paid for her belongings then called Petey. She walked out of the store with her bag in her hand as she waited for Pete to answer.

  “Wassup,” Petey answered.

  Ashley tried to play hard but his voice was music to her ears. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth. “It’s good to hear your voice.”

  “You mean that?” Petey asked. “Because you were on one last night.”

  Ashley fought back the tears that threatened to fall. “I’m sorry for that. I overreacted when I saw that girl talking to you.”

  “I need you to not trip out over that little shit. You’re wifey and that’s all there is to it,” Petey replied.

  “That’s the thing; I’m tired of playing wifey when I deserve to be a wife.”

  “I’ve been putting up with so much shit from you this year.”

  Ashley shook her head. “I’m done playing second fiddle. You put everything before me. If it ain’t chasing money then it’s the clubs, and if it ain’t that then its hoes. You need to put me first from here on out or we not going to make it. We’ll be raising our child in two separate homes.”

  “I hear you, baby.”

  “Listen, can we do dinner tonight? We could meet at nine o’clock at b.e.d.”

  Ashley thought about it for a couple of seconds before she agreed to meet him there.

  After hanging up the phone, she stopped in front of a boutique to check out a taupe dress that caught her attention. Ashley never saw or heard Paris and Tisha run up behind her with a pair of scissors and a brick.

  Paris smashed the brick into the side of Ashley’s face. She fell onto the concrete like a sack of potatoes. Blood blurred her vision as it leaked into her pupils. Ashley tried to recognize the faces of the two girls but her head felt like a bowling ball as she tried to lift it.

  “Bitch, you think you the shit. Well, let me be the first to tell you that you’re not,” Paris said with hatred.

  “I don’t hear you talkin’ shit now! Where’s your gun?” Ashley heard one of the girls mumble as she began to cut her hair off.

  Ashley could hear the people around her screaming. She knew help would be on the way soon. The pain she was feeling had to be the worst pain she’d ever felt. One of the girls delivered blows to her body with the brick as the other continued to cut off all of her hair. Ashley was so tired. She tried hard to stay awake but it was pointless as everything faded to black.


  Choice sat at her vanity mirror in her room combing her hair. She was startled by Supreme’s buzzing cell phone. Choice cursed herself for not turning off his phone earlier. Choice tried to get to Supreme’s phone before he woke up but she was too late. Supreme reached over on his nightstand and answered it without opening his eyes.

  Choice climbed into bed and gave Supreme a kiss on his forehead before turning on the TV. Her phone buzzed on her nightstand. Choice made sure to check her caller ID before she answered. She was surprised to see Mr. Charlie’s name flash across the screen.

  “Hey stranger,” Choice said as she answered the phone with a smile on her face.

  “Hey baby girl, how are you?”

  “I’ve actually been pretty good. My baby is healthy and I finally went to visit Kyree’s gravesite.”

  “That’s really good to hear. I didn’t call you for this, but I haven’t seen your mom in weeks and that’s not like her. Were you ever able to get in touch with her?”

  The lie came out of Choice’s mouth before she had a chance to even think of one. “No I wasn’t and I’m okay with that now. Wherever she is, hopefully she’s burning in hell.”

  Mr. Charlie cleared his throat. “Choice, you shouldn’t speak about your mother that way.”

  “So what’s goin’ on, Mr. Charlie?”

  “Listen, I need to tell you something. I’ve been going over and over in my head on how I was going to tell you this. It’s extremely important that I finally tell you.”

  Mr. Charlie had Choice’s full attention. “What is it? Why do you sound like that? You’re scaring me.”

  Mr. Charlie chuckled. “I would never call you with news that would scare you. You never have to worry about me calling you with something like that. But what I am about to tell you is going to change our relationship. Before I tell you, you have to promise that...”

  “Hello Mr. Charlie?” Choice took the phone away from her ear and looked at it. “His signal must’ve dropped. Whatever he was about to tell me sounded really important so hopefully he’ll call me back.”

  Choice sat her phone down then looked over at Supreme who was sitting on the edge of the bed.

  “That was Dylan calling me from New York,” Supreme said. “I have to catch the first flight out to New York.”

  Choice walked into the bathroom and leaned against the wall as she watched Supreme brush his teeth. “Why you gotta go to New York? Can I come with you?”

  “I gotta handle some business. I won’t be gone long. As soon as I’m done taking care of this little business, I’ll be back home. You can come next time. I gotta make a couple of runs before I go to New York. Can you make those flight arrangements for me?”

  “I got you,” Choice said as she strutted out of the bathroom.


  Petey stood on the sidewalk with a few other soldiers in front of the trap house on 12th Court. He didn’t usually do hand-to-hand sells but every so often Pete would get an itch and the only thing able to scratch it was going back to the block to sell drugs.

  “It’s hot ass fuck out this bitch today,” Petey said as he put his hand up to shield the sun from his eyes.” You would think these fiends would be somewhere trying to catch a breeze instead of out here in this hot ass weather.”

  He looked at the text message that had just come through on his phone. Petey shook his head from side to side when he saw that the message was from Paris.

  “Nigga, you look bothered,” Buddy said when he noticed Pete’s demeanor change.

  “Some chick I let suck my dick a couple of times keep textin’ me. Shorty wildin’, man. I told her to stop callin’ me and textin’ me but she don’t seem to understand.”

  “She understands. She just ain’t trying to hear that shit. You let shorty get a taste of your mic and now she can’t let go. Damn, that sounds like a problem I need,” Buddy said with a chuckle. “Is that the chick from last night that Ashley hit in the eye?”

  “Yeah, that’s the one. Yo, who the fuck is in this car creepin’? You know these niggas from anywhere?”

  Buddy shook his head as he watched the car slowly drive down the street. “I ain’t ever seen that car around here before.”

  Petey nodded his head he and all of his soldiers eyed the old peanut butter Pontiac Bonneville.

  “Muthafuckas creepin’ too slow,” Petey said. He asked the rest of the soldiers if they knew the car but everyone said they’d never seen it before.

  Their answer automatically put Petey on edge. He tried to make out the three faces in the car but he couldn’t. The three people had done a great job masking their identity. Just as he realized what was happening, it was too late. Bullets came flying from the car.


  Supreme got out of his car and stood in an alley in Overtown near North West and 17th Street. He hit the lock on his keychain to lock the doors to his Camaro as he thought about everything that Karen had told him about Rosco molesting Kyree. The shit angered him all over again.

  “Damn, there you go boss man,” Rosco said as he approached Supreme to give him some dap. “Why are we meetin’ out here for? Is something wrong with us meetin’ at Da Cage?”

  Supreme nodded his head. “They’re doing some reconstruction and I didn’t want everybody in our business. How have you been holdin’ up? You’ve been M.I.A for a minute.”

  “Yeah I had a few family problems,” Rosco nodded. “I’m back though. Can’t shit pull me away too long. There’s money out h
ere to be made and I’m hungry.”

  Supreme squinted his eyes and clenched his jaw as he looked at Rosco with a scowl on his face.

  “Yeah, I hear you,” he said as he rubbed on his chin before quickly reaching in his waist and pulling out his Smith and Wesson handgun and pointing it at Rosco’s head. Rosco’s eyes bulged when he saw the gun.

  “What the fuck is goin on? Rosco asked unsteadily.

  “What the fuck do you think is goin on?” Supreme asked in disgust. “You thought nobody would find out about your nasty, dirty, child molesting ass.”

  Sweat started to roll down Rosco’s forehead. Supreme chuckled. “Don’t tell me you’re nervous. Were you nervous when you had that little girl sucking your filthy dick?”

  Rosco held his hands up in the air. “Yo Supreme, it ain’t even like that.”

  “Oh really? I heard Karen’s side of what it was like so you tell me what it was like.”

  Rosco shook his head while holding his head down.

  “Cat got your tongue now, nigga? You ain’t got nothing to say on your behalf before I put your ass to sleep.”

  Supreme watched Rosco in silence for a couple of seconds. “Redeem yourself, muthafucka!” Supreme said as he bit on his bottom lip. Rosco stuck his chest out in held his head high.

  “I can’t because I am guilty. I take full responsibility for all of my sins.”

  “You know what niggas like you make me sick to my fuckin’ stomach. You prey on helpless children instead of fuckin’ with someone your own age. You had me fooled though because I would’ve never pegged you to be a fuckin’ child molester. The world would be better off without you,” Supreme said as he fired two shots.

  The bullets entered through Rosco’s forehead before he collapsed to the ground. Supreme stood over Rosco’s body with hate in his eyes as he emptied his clip. He stared into Rosco’s lifeless eyes then put his gun back into his waist before walking over to his car.


  Choice pulled up to the airport with Supreme sitting in the passenger seat. His New York Yankees hat was pulled over his eyes as his head rested against the headrest.

  “Babe, we’re here Choice said as she nudged him awake. Supreme sat up then looked over at the airport then back at Choice.

  “You know I’ma miss you,” he said with a loving smile.

  Choice poked out her bottom lip. “Do you really have to go?”

  Supreme nodded. “This shit is extremely important and it needs my full attention. I’ll be back as soon as the shit is taken care of. The fam is here so make sure you let them know if you need anything.”

  Choice nodded her head then reached over to give him a hug and kiss goodbye.

  “I’ll call you as soon as I get settled in,” Supreme said as he kissed on her growing belly.


  Dylan and Rio were waiting out front of the airport when Supreme walked out in a Porsche Panamera on twenty-two inch rims. Supreme walked over to the Porsche and tapped on the trunk so Rio could open it. He put his luggage in the trunk then got in the car.

  “What up, B,” Rio said as he gave Supreme a fist pound. Supreme turned around and gave Dylan some dap then asked the question that had been on his mind on the plane ride.

  “So tell me, how did y’all find out where that nigga’s been laying his head?” Supreme asked jumping straight to the point.

  “Damn nigga, let’s get a couple of drinks in us then we can discuss the business at hand. I’ma take you to the hotel so you can get dressed. We’re hittin’ Sin City tonight! My protégé is in town,” Rio said as he gave Supreme another fist pound.

  “Nessa is supposed to meet us there. You know she was all into her feelings when she found out you had a chick. You know how women are,” Rio said as he shrugged his shoulders. “Bear is staying at the hotel she manages so she’ll be able to give you more insight on that shit.”


  Supreme was sitting at a table in Sin City with Dylan, Rio, and Nessa. Nessa was a chick Supreme use to fuck with when he was in New York. She was the same chick who’d took his virginity when he was younger. She was a down ass chick. Nessa used to always tell him that they were meant to be together. She swore up and down that she would be the first person to carry his seed. He could tell that the conversation they were having was a little awkward for her. He was off limits and he was about to be a daddy. Supreme cleared his throat before speaking.

  “Nessa, are you comfortable in the position we’re putting you in.”

  Nessa nodded her head. “You know I got you. I would do anything for you. It’s fucked up that Bear would even think about crossing you. Y’all been friends since you were kids.”

  “I wish I would have known earlier that y’all were lookin’ for him. He’s been staying at the hotel for about a month now. But I’m happy that I’m able to help you with this.”

  “I appreciate this,” Supreme said with a head nod.

  “So when do you think you can get that key to his room for us?” Rio asked as he puffed on a Cuban cigar.

  “Tomorrow night. I’ll be there with another worker. If y’all come around ten o’clock, I’ll make sure she’s on lunch when y’all come through. I’ll have the keys available for you and the cameras turned off.”

  Everybody nodded their heads in understanding. Supreme took his phone out of his pocket to check the time it was late he knew that Choice was probably sleep or on her way to sleep.

  “I gotta make a call real quick,” he said as he stood up from the table and went in the restroom to call Choice. He just wanted to check on her.

  After making sure she was good, Supreme licked his lips then checked out his appearance in the bathroom mirror. When Supreme walked out of the bathroom, he ran into some chick.

  “Damn, my apologies,” he said as he eyed the red bone.

  “No, no, it’s my fault. I should’ve been watching where I was going,” she said smiling at him. “What’s your name?” the girl asked him.

  “Supreme. What’s yours?” Supreme asked.

  “My name is April,” she giggled.

  Supreme looked at her strangely. “What’s so funny?”

  “I just think it’s a bit strange. You’re the second Supreme I’ve met this week. You’re much cuter than the first one I met.”

  “What did he look like?”

  April shrugged her shoulders. “He was big and real dark. He had a real nice swagger but his personality sucked.”

  “Well, it was nice meeting you,” he said as he walked away from April.

  “Nessa had to leave. She said she’d see us tomorrow night. Wassup?” Rio asked when he noticed the weird expression on Supreme’s face.

  Supreme chuckled then shook his head. “I just bumped into some chick back there by the bathroom who told me that I was the second Supreme she’d met. I just think that shit is weird because I’ve never ran into another Supreme. Not in New York, anyway.

  “Don’t dwell too much on that shit. Maybe it’s a little nigga or something,” Rio said as he looked over at Supreme.

  “Yeah maybe you’re right.”


  Bear was lying in the bed at the motel watching one of his favorite movies, Bonnie and Clyde when he thought about the first time he’d taken somebody’s life. Bear remembered that day as if it had happened yesterday.

  It was October 21, 2004. He was twelve at the time. Bear had been so mad at Supreme for selling his mom crack. Back then, he just went by his government name, David. He confronted David about it but he just blew him off like he wasn’t shit. David had told him that he should’ve been happy that his mother had been coming to him to get her drugs because she never had enough money and if it was any other nigga he would’ve degraded her.

  Bear knew that David was full of shit. He acted as if he was so concerned when really it was all about the money. Bear wasn’t buying the concerned act that he was putting on. When he approached him again, David and Rio had laughed at him. Th
ey told him that it was only business and that all money was good money. Bear didn’t see it that way. If David was a true friend then he would’ve stopped when Bear asked him to.

  David had continued to sell to his mom until Bear had enough and came up with a plan. Bear let a couple of weeks pass before going to the apartments where David lived with his parents. He knew that David wasn’t home. He and Mark were over at Rio’s house so the timing was perfect. Bear knocked on his door until David’s mother answered with a smile on her face. Bear couldn’t help but smile back. He had always had a crush on her. She was so beautiful. Her silver eyes always seemed to have a sparkle to them but that day they seemed to sparkle much more.

  “Hey Leroy, David isn’t home.”

  Bear was nervous as he thought about what he was about to do and he could tell that Linda must’ve picked up on it. Her smile had disappeared and she looked at him strangely as she waited for him to speak.

  “Are you okay? Do you need to come in?” Linda asked as she slightly stuck her head out of the door to look in the hallway. She looked from left to right before bringing her attention back to Leroy.

  “No thanks, Mrs. Linda. I’m fine,” Bear said finally finding his voice.

  Linda nodded her head and smiled. “Would you like for me to tell David that you stopped by?”

  “Linda, who is that at the door?” Bear heard David Sr. yell.

  “It’s just Leroy,” Linda answered as she turned around to yell back into the apartment.

  Bear pulled the .9mm from behind his back and pulled the trigger, shooting her directly in the heart. David Sr. came charging towards the door at full force. His mouth was agape when he saw his wife lying on the floor with a bullet in her chest. Bear aimed his gun at his head and shot him too. David fell down beside his wife.

  Stealing the silencer from Rio had come in handy because the neighbors hadn’t heard a thing. Bear opened the apartment door wider so he could get a better look at his handy work. He smiled to himself when he looked into their lifeless eyes staring into space.


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