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Summer Heat: Anthology

Page 24

by Sonya Jesus

  I really wanted to hang out too, only because I wanted to look into Eric’s eyes again. So blue. “Sure. Ok. But don’t jet on me.”

  “This is going to be so Rad!”

  Zeek spanked Angie’s butt fifteen minutes later as we left the room to get ourselves another drink and grab a spot toward the front of the stage. The band sauntered up onto it, and Eric stood to the right, which is where me and Angie stood. He picked up his guitar from the stand, pulling the strap over his head and settling it against the front of his hips. He picked a few notes, tuning the guitar, and then his eyes met mine. The side of his mouth lifted in a smirk and he winked at me.

  I’d seen local bands play live at local bars back home, and the guys usually had their sights on Angie. She had that rocker chick look and she had curves that were eye catching. Me on the other hand, felt like her shadow sometimes. I didn’t stand out as much and guys rarely gave me a second look. So, when Eric smiled and winked at me, my heart started beating faster and I felt warm and tingly all over. He was gorgeous up on that stage, playing his electric guitar, his long chestnut hair flowing back and forth to the heavy beats in tune with the band. Zeek screamed into his mic and got the crowd riled up and some banged their heads to the hard rock sound.

  By the time Steel Dragon performed their final song, I drank a few too many beers. The packed crowd clapped, yelled, and whistled. The neon lights were turned off as the ceiling lamps were switched on, and bartenders yelled, “last call!”

  “So we’re hanging with the band, right Cin?” Angie finished her last beer with me but she was just getting started and wouldn’t stop until the morning.

  I felt hazy effects of the beer, and my body tingled all over as I watched Eric play guitar on stage. I was drawn to his gorgeous blue eyes and admired his muscular thighs under the torn jeans. He was gathering up his assortment of peddles and cords along with guitar, kneeling away from me on the stage. I wanted to talk to him again. “I’ll come along, but I have to find Tommy and let him know.”

  “Dammit Cin. You drunk?” Tommy’s voice came from behind me.

  I spun around and lost my balance for a split second, staggering into him. “I had a few. I’m hanging with Angie and the band tonight.”

  “Oh no you’re not! You’re leaving with me and Kelly now! I already told you that I’m NOT catching any shit from Mom and Dad– “

  “She’ll be with me tonight. And she’ll be safe.” Warm hands grasped my shoulders. I swayed back around. It was Eric.

  Tommy rolled his eyes. “Whatever. Do what you want. I’m done baby sittin your lame ass anyway.” With his arm draped over Kelly shoulder’s he turned and left.

  “Your brother’s a scum bag.” Eric grumbled as he watched Tommy and Kelly blend into the drunken crowd.

  He had some nerve! “You don’t know me. You don’t know my brother.” I shot back at him.

  “Chill. I’m glad you’re going to stay.” His mouth lifted into a smile. I exhaled to calm myself. I was glad I was I was going to stay with him too. But I didn’t want to admit that to him.

  He offered me his hand again, “Come with me. I need to get my equipment back into Toby’s van.” I took his hand and followed him back stage, “Who’s Toby?”

  “The drummer. He’s got a van and hauls the equipment to gigs. I can’t ride with a guitar case and amps.”

  “Why not? You don’t have a car?”

  “No. I ride. a Harley.”

  I had never ridden on a motorcycle before. They looked so dangerous, they were loud, and the men who rode them looked dangerous too.


  Cindy was so god damn adorable! And I would’ve bet my next paycheck she was still a virgin. She didn’t give off the same vibe as her friend Angie. She looked innocent and naive. She would’ve been eaten alive if I had left her alone backstage. And I wanted her all to myself.

  I hauled my guitar and equipment into the back of Toby’s van parked outside in front of the club. Cindy stood on the curbside, her hands gathered in front of her. She fidgeted and weaved a little. I could tell she’d drank way too many beers and was a got a buzz from all the weed we smoked backstage.

  The last drunk stragglers stumbled out the front door of the club, hollering and laughing. Someone smashed a bottle on the concrete. Cindy jumped and spun around. I came up behind her and leaned down next to her ear. “It’s ok. Just a bunch of amped up head bangers.”

  She twisted back around to the sound of my voice. And a little too quick, because she stumbled into me. I braced her by the arms “Whoa. You ok?”

  She blinked a few times, “Yes. Sorry. I think I drank a little too much.”

  I couldn’t stop myself. I lifted her chin up, and kissed her. She moaned and draped her arms over my shoulders. My tongue plunged in between her soft lips and flicked and explored hers. I reached down and cupped both her ass cheeks. So soft. My dick was suddenly hard as a rock!

  I pulled back and looked into her glossy eyes, “You’re a virgin.”

  She stepped back as the bright blue neon Sting Rays sign out front shut off. Toby, Jimmy, and Zeek, with his arm draped over Angie, were the last to amble out of the nightclub.

  “Eric! Man! That was a righteous gig!” Zeek was high. “Dude, we’re going back to your pad to party. Snort some, smoke some. Meet us there, right?”

  I didn’t want to snort some, or smoke some. I wanted to be alone with Cindy. I took her hand and led her away. I waved back at Zeek and the guys, “Nah man. Go on ahead. I’m taking Cindy for a ride.”

  She stopped, and her hand slipped out of mine. “I’ve never been on a motorcycle Eric.” She was so cute!

  “It’s like riding a bicycle. When I lean, you lean. Not that hard. And I’ll take care of the rest.” I offered her my hand again.

  I was relieved to find my bike parked in the same spot I left it, and in one piece. You never knew what could happen on a crazy Saturday night on the coast. My bike was an old Harley Sportster, painted cherry red. Leather fringes hung off the ends of the handlebars. I climbed on, pulling out my shades and handed them to Cindy. “Go ahead and put those on. I got another pair.” I pulled those out of my tool bag, tied to the handlebars.

  I kicked my stand up and started the bike. The pipes roared to life. I twisted the throttle a few times and smiled at Cindy, “Ok, climb on behind me. And plant your feet up on those pegs back there.”

  Even though this was her first time on a bike, she was a natural. I felt her weight behind me and she planted her feet on the pegs. “Now wrap your arms around me. And hold on Cindy. Tight.” My dick became rock hard rock again, feeling her warm soft hands pressed into my stomach.

  “I’m scared I might fall off!” She squeaked against the back of my neck.

  I chuckled “No way babe. Not gonna happen. Not when you’re with me. Now let’s ride.” I didn’t want to scare her, so I kept it at the speed limit. She clung to me, her thighs gripping my hips. I turned my head toward her “Relax. You’ll enjoy it.”


  Blurred streaks of bright red, blue, green, and pink whipped before my eyes. Humid wind pushed against us both. I kept my cheek against Eric’s hard back and caught his scent of sweat and cigarettes. I felt all the vibrations from the seat against the back of my thighs and my butt. I was both frightened and aroused all at the same time as the tingling sensations ran throughout my body. My hands felt Eric’s warm hard abs over his t-shirt. My inner thighs hugged his hips.

  He rode us down the main highway, along the coast line. The thunder of the bike’s pipes were all I could hear, along with the rushing wind whipping against my ears. His left hand covered both of mine, and he turned his head toward me, “You like this don’t you?”

  “Yes! I do! It makes me feel free!” I hollered back. He chuckled and twisted the throttle again.

  He pulled into a parking lot along the beach. Planting his boots down, he shut off the bike. “Now all you gotta do is bring your leg up behind you and climb off.” I d
id just that, it was easier than I thought it would be, then he climbed off.

  I was breathing fast. Tears ran from the corner of my eyes. I still had my sunglasses on, and it was dark. I couldn’t see his eyes, but suddenly he snatched me up and planted his lips onto mine. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his broad shoulders. His hands roamed down my back as his tongue invaded my mouth and wrestled with mine. Then he gripped my butt and pulled me up even closer to him.

  I couldn’t breathe. My heart raced. I was dizzy. My knees buckled. But he held me up, “I got you, babe.”

  I leaned away and moved out of his space, “Just because I rode on your bike doesn’t mean I’m going to have sex with you!” I wanted to sound assertive, but my voice was squeaky like a mouse.

  He chuckled, and took a few steps toward me, “Well, when you ride on a dude’s bike that’s the deal you make Cindy. No butt? Then no putt. It’s a biker thing babe.”

  I stepped back. He stepped toward me. I turned away from him, and made my way to the beach, folding my arms in front of me. If he thought he was going to have sex with me, out on the beach, in the middle of the night, he was dead wrong!

  “Not so fast! You’re not walking on this beach without me!” I was scooped up and lifted into his arms, like a feather.

  “Put me down!” He bent down and planted my feet back on the sand. I lifted the sunglasses over my forehead and glared at him, “Ok. You can walk with me. But that’s all we’re doing!”

  His bicep rippled as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes from beneath his rolled up t-shirt sleeve. He lit it and took a drag. He exhaled, and the wind whipped the cloud of smoke swiftly past us. “So, how about just third base then? “

  “Bite me!” I snapped.

  “Well if you say so!”

  I jumped back as he reached for me again. “Don’t even think about it Eric!” I huffed.

  “Ok Cindy. Just joking. Chill.”

  He walked alongside me shoving one hand into his jean pocket, dragging off the cigarette with the other. He started to chuckle. At me. He was so arrogant, and he made my blood boil. But the sound of his deep voice and how his hair whipped back from the ocean wind, made my pulse race. I couldn’t help but smile. “Thank you for the ride on your bike Eric. That was amazing!”

  “There’s nothing else like it. At least not for me. And you’re a natural. You tensed up a little bit at first, but that’s what everyone does when it’s their first time.” He was not just referring to motorcycle riding. Thank goodness he couldn’t see my blushing face in the dark.

  I had to change the subject, “So how long have you been playing guitar?”

  “I picked it up when I was a kid.” His cigarette arched up into the air as he flicked it. It caught a gust of wind, and flew away. “I’ve been playing in bands since I was in high school. And I’ve been playing with the Steel Dragon for a few years now.”

  “You play very well.”

  “Enough about me. What’s your gig? You here for Spring Break?”

  “Yes. I came with my friend Angie, and my brother and his girlfriend.”

  “Your brother seems like a douche bag if you ask me.”

  “But I didn’t ask you! Did I? He’s just looking out for me while we’re here.” I barked again.

  “You’re a big girl. And I bet you’re a smart one too. Big brother isn’t concerned about you. He - just now - let you get on the back of Harley with a total stranger!”

  I halted. He kept his stride a few steps, then turned back to me. “You’re right. I am a big girl, and smart too. And yes. Tommy is only concerned with himself. And the little world that revolves around him.” It saddened me that I had to agree with Eric about my brother.

  The rush of wind on face and the sound of crashing waves against the sand was the only response. He stepped closer to me lifting my chin. I craned my neck up to look into his eyes, “And what I said to him is true. You are safe with me. I just like to kid around with you, because it brings out that wild cat you keep hidden inside. “

  It was both the unsteady movement of the sand beneath my feet, and a swarm of dizziness that made me reach up and grip Eric’s broad shoulders. He captured my mouth again in a soft kiss. He moaned and drove his tongue between my lips. It was at that very moment I knew that I had to take that leap. So I pressed my mouth harder against his. He invited me in and I lashed my tongue along his. All I felt was just me and him, and no one else existed, with the dark night, the salty air and the crashing of waves on the beach. Without interrupting our heated kiss, he scooped me up again into his strong arms. “Where are you taking me?”

  “I’ll show you.” It seemed so effortless for him and I felt so small. He sauntered, carrying me in his arms toward the shoreline. The coastal highway beyond the high sand dunes was lit with street lights, but all else was quiet, since it was past two a.m. in the morning.

  He placed my feet back onto the beach next to a high sand dune. He pulled his t-shirt over his head, and I almost gasped at the sight of his broad shoulders, his chest, and lean stomach. He laid it on the sand by my feet. “It’s not much, but it’ll help keep some of the sand off of us.”

  He brushed my bottom lip with his thumb, and tilted his head. The side of his gorgeous mouth lifted in a smile. “Have you ever seen a sunrise from the ocean Cindy? Watch how the bright sun rises up from the horizon, like it’s waking from its sleep under the sea? And ready to conquer a new day?” My knees became weak again. All I could do was shake my head in response to his deep smooth voice.

  He lowered himself down onto his t-shirt on the sand, “Well then, this will be the first time for you babe. And for lots of other things.” He offered his hand to me. I took it and sat in between his long legs. He wrapped his muscular arms over my shoulders, pulling me back to nestle closer to his warm chest. We both sat in silence and listened to the crashing of waves as they swept ashore. I inhaled deeply to smell the salty sea air. I felt his rough stubbled cheek nuzzle against mine. I reached up and touched his forearms cradling me. I let out a sigh.

  “Nice isn’t it?” he whispered next to my ear. I leaned in to him, “mmm. Yes… I feel like it’s just you and me here. And I don’t feel like I’m locked up in a cage.”

  “Yes. The little wildcat is free. To do whatever she pleases.” He planted soft kisses right under my earlobe, making my nipples harden. I breathed in sharply. ”Sometimes the world is loud and we’re all moving at full speed. But this is all I want right at this moment. To be here alone with you.”

  I was waiting, expecting Eric to say something smart-ass to get me riled up again. Or make a move on me, so he could get himself laid with a girl he just met that night. But he did neither. My heart raced because I half wanted him to do just that, but at the same time, be the romantic gentleman that he was at that very moment.

  “Wake up sleepy cat…” I opened my eyes to the sound of Eric’s deep voice. I must have fallen asleep on him, my head against his shoulder. His arms were still wrapped around me. “It’s here. The sunrise.”

  There was the sun, it’s bright rays rising slowly from the ocean’s horizon. Puffy clouds in colors of orange, pink and blue reminded me of cotton candy from the carnival when I was a little girl. The sight was breathtaking.

  Eric tipped my chin up and brushed his lips across mine. “I don’t know what it is about you Cindy, but I want to see you again.”

  I became lost in the depths of his gorgeous blue eyes. “I want to see you again too.”

  When the sun was above the ocean horizon, he rode me back to my hotel on the coast where I stayed with Angie. I wanted to be with him for a few more days before I had to go back home to my hovering parents and plain and boring life. I had crushes on guys in high school and in college. But my intense attraction for Eric was something I had never felt before. I could have kicked reason to the curb. I could have let my body lead the way and given Eric my virginity right there on that beach.

  He pulled up to the front of the hotel l
obby, but I wasn’t quite ready to get off his bike. Not just yet. I felt his body shift as he planted his feet down. I climbed off the bike the same way I did the last time “I had a very wonderful night with you Eric. I’ll never forget it Eric. Thank you.”

  He kicked his stand down and climbed off the bike. He smelled like the ocean mixed with his own manly scent. His smile was mesmerizing, as he pulled his shades up over his forehead. “Let me get your phone number. I’ll call you. When do you leave to go back home?”

  My heart sank, waking me up from being on cloud nine for the past eight hours. “Day after tomorrow.”

  “Wait here.” He turned and went into the hotel lobby. He came back, holding a ball point pen. He handed it to me and extended his forearm, “Write your number and address here.”

  After I scribbled it on his forearm, he did the same on mine. He pulled me to him, pressing me up against his hard chest. He dipped down and kissed me with such tenderness. “I want you to write to me. The band is signing a contract with a record label this summer. We’ll be in the studio recording our tracks, and setting up gigs to play up and down the east coast. I will find a way to see you again Cindy.”

  He let me go and climbed back on his bike. Before pulling the shades down over his eyes, he winked at me. My stomach did a summersault. And then he rode away.


  I felt I was hit by a truck spending the whole night with Cindy. She clung onto me so tight to as I rode her back to the hotel. I knew that if I made the right moves on her on that beach she would have given up her virginity. But I didn’t want that. Not just yet. She was so damn adorable and snobby all at the same time, which only made me want her even more. When I rode away, I was already missing the feel of her soft body so close to me. And I never stopped thinking about her, even after she left for home.

  I lived only a few miles from the beach in a house I shared with Toby. The band got together to jam in the garage every week. We practiced through our set lists, drinking beers and smoking joints. I starred at the neck of my guitar, tuning the pegs as the guys rehashed that gig at Sting Rays. It felt like so long ago. I missed Cindy so much.


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