Book Read Free


Page 11

by Jillian Dodd

  I don’t even bother with an explanation. No need. I just unzip his pants, push down his boxers, and take him in my mouth.

  “Uh, so, Charley, it was, uh, great talking to you, and I’ll definitely consider the offer. Uh, I, need to go. I think I’m, uhhhhh, late or somethingggggg.”

  Based on his voice and the motions of his hips, he’s clearly ready to lose it. Just a little more . . .

  “Oh, fuccccckkk, gawd, that feels so good!” he finally cries out. I swallow, wipe the back of my hand across my mouth, and then push his chair back out.

  “Now I feel just like the President,” he says, pulling me onto his lap and straight to his lips.


  Keatyn & Aiden’s home - Chelsea


  When we arrive in London, Aiden immediately takes me to the building he wants to remodel. It’s on a beautiful street in Chelsea. The front of the building is a little tired looking, but it has great bones.

  Inside, however is another story.

  “This place is a wreck,” I say, surveying the garbage and dust. “But the location is great.”

  “I know. It’s going to cost a small fortune to renovate. That’s why it’s been empty for so long. But we’ve cleaned it all out and . . .”

  “We? I thought you said you didn’t do the deal yet?”

  “I haven’t. This used to be a hotel. It was stuck in a legal battle between heirs that went on for years. It was in rough shape before that, but with no care, it’s gotten worse. Apparently one of the heirs now has control and is eager to close, so he agreed to pay to have it stripped to the studs so we could see what we were working with. Although, they didn’t do that great of a job.”

  I look around at the details. “I love the high ceilings and the space. The windows are really gorgeous. It looks like maybe the floors could be refinished and the exposed brick is very cool.”

  “I agree.” He takes my hand and leads me around, pointing. “This would be the restaurant, over here would be the wine tasting. This is the retail space. Imagine lots of dark wood, black metal, old world but with a bit of an industrial vibe. Kind of like the vineyard reception area.”

  “That sounds very cool. What about up there?” I ask, pointing to a surprisingly sturdy looking staircase.

  “That’s something I wanted to ask your advice on,” he says, leading me up the stairs. “I thought we’d open up the second floor to give it a loft feel. It could be rented out for private functions or serve as overflow when we’re busy. But there are three upper floors I was thinking about turning into a private club.”

  “An exclusive place to hang out? I love it. That’s a brilliant idea, Aiden. I’m so happy for you.”

  “I will be purchasing the building then leasing the space back to the businesses. So I could do anything with the top three floors that I want. I could do apartments, condos. Office space.”

  “I like your idea of the club better. Should I ask how much?”

  “It’s a big undertaking, but I have a somewhat silent investor.”


  “Grandpa Douglas. He had a fair amount of Captive stock himself.”

  “I suppose, he put up the money to buy it originally. I’ve bought him out over the years, but he still holds five percent.”

  “He’s going to help me buy the building.”

  “That’s exciting but, you know, you could have done it yourself with our money.”

  “We haven’t really talked much about what you wanted to do with it.”

  “Some of it will start the new Captive. The rest I figured we’d invest. Put into a trust for our future kids.” I smirk at him. “Buy a new house in London.”

  “Okay, so I may have already spent some of it,” he grins.

  “I love you,” I say, sliding into his arms and kissing him. “I love your vision. Your excitement. And if you’ll let me, I’d love to invest in what you’re doing here.”

  “I was hoping you would say that.”


  “Because your grandfather says you’re like Midas. Everything you touch turns to gold.”

  I reach down and touch my stomach. “I just want our babies to be healthy.”

  His hand moves to cover mine. “They will be. I’m sure of it.”

  “I hope so. Speaking of hope, I hope we can finally go see our new house.”

  He pulls me back into his arms and studies my face. “Are you sure you’re okay with me taking this on? We agreed to slow down, live in Sonoma, and then I go and do this. And,” he says, the corners of his mouth turning down, “if it does well, we already have investors lined up to open them in other cities around the world. New York, L.A., Dubai, Barcelona, and Miami.”

  “Aiden, if we have a house here, we’ll be comfortable either place. I love London. And I expect our children will be traveling at a very young age. Plus, I haven’t seen you this excited about something in a really long time. You’re passionate about it. And your passion is one of the things I find most sexy about you. That and your smile.”

  “Not my body?” he teases, pushing his hips into mine.

  “Well, maybe your body a little. And your gorgeous green eyes.” I smirk and look behind him. “And probably that ass.”

  He smacks mine. “You’re bad. Come on, Boots. Time for the next tour.”

  We get back in the car and have our driver follow the navigation to the new house.

  As soon as we pull up to the modern masterpiece, Aiden starts reciting everything he knows about it.

  “It’s discreetly located behind secure gates, since security issues are always of concern. It’s in Chelsea, so you know there is great shopping and restaurants, but also great schools, which is more important now.”

  “What’s it made of?” I ask, noticing the dark surface covering the outside.

  “Glass and black basalt mostly, with some bronze details.”

  “Well, I love the outside. Do we own the whole thing?”

  “Yes,” he says, walking me to the front door.

  I notice the plaque hung over the doorbell. “Asher Place? You already named the house?”

  Aiden beams. “Nope, Boots, this property has had that name for longer than you and I have been around.”

  “Is that why you bought it?”

  “Step inside and you’ll see why I bought it. The name was just proof that it was meant to be ours.”

  But he doesn’t let me step inside, he sweeps me off my feet and carries me over the threshold. As soon as the door is shut behind us, a yellow, barking blur is jumping on us.

  “Bliss! I missed you,” I say as Aiden sets me down. I pick up the puppy and am rewarded with a million sweet kisses before I can actually look around.

  But when I do, all I say is, “Wow, Aiden.”

  Riley’s Penthouse - L.A.


  I lie in bed, looking up at the ceiling and wondering what to make of my life. Wondering what direction I should go. In business, I’m fearless and love taking calculated risks. I make decisions quickly and without remorse. Why can’t I do so in my personal life?

  What is it that Grandpa Douglas says? When you can’t make up your mind, you should flip a coin. And that as the coin hits the ground, before you even look at it, you’ll know what you want. Except even that won’t work for me, because I don’t know what I want.

  But on my bedside table is a penny I shoved in my pocket after finding it on the floor at the club last night. The head was up, which is supposed to mean luck, and I figured I could use some of that. I shouldn’t have gone to the club. All it did was further depress me, and I didn’t stay long. Really, I went because I was pissed. Last night I called Ariela and asked if she wanted me to come up to Sonoma for the weekend.

  She had a good reason for not wanting me to. She has meetings set up with contractors and is still working on getting her office set up. All I really heard was the word no.

  And instead of hooking up with She
lby, I thought maybe the club would help get them both off my mind.

  But it didn’t.

  “What the hell,” I say out loud. I reach over, grab the penny, and look at it. Tails it’s Shelby, because she’s got an incredible ass. And heads it’s Ariela, because she has the face of an angel. I throw it up and let it land on my bed, but when I do, I close my eyes. And Grandpa’s right. I do see something. I see Ariela’s smiling face as she chased me under the pier and I see the ultrasound photo.

  Which is basically no help. So I call Dallas.

  “Hey, you wanna get in eighteen this afternoon?”

  “Sure, I already have a tee time. One of the other guys just called and cancelled if you want to join us.”

  “That sounds great. Could I come over after that, maybe. See the baby?”

  “Avoiding Ariela and the baby mama?” he says with a laugh.

  “Something like that.”

  “You should book yourself for a massage after golf. If you’re going to venture over to my place later, you’re gonna need it.”

  Dawson’s home - Malibu


  “I keep thinking yesterday was just a dream,” Vanessa tells me as we’re floating together in the heated pool at my house and enjoying the sun shining on our face.

  “You’re pregnant, Vanessa. Against all odds. Just another sign that we were meant for each other.”

  “M-F-E-O,” she sighs happily. “I remember the first time I heard that in the movie Sleepless in Seattle.”

  “What does that mean?” I ask, confused.

  “It’s short for what you just said. Made for each other.”

  “Oh, that’s cute. Sounds like something Ava and her friends would say about a boy.”

  “It’s even cuter that you said it about me,” she says, swimming over and wrapping her arms around my neck.

  “I’m happy for us.” I give her a sweet kiss. “It was incredible having the ultrasound so soon. That was a first for me. The baby was fully formed by the time we got to see the girls.” I think back to the ultrasound that Riley showed me yesterday. How the baby was so much more developed than what I just saw in ours. I’m trying to figure out how much further along Shelby would be when Vanessa interrupts my thoughts.

  “Tyler told me that the fundraiser for your, for Whitney, is coming up.”

  “Yes, it’s next Thursday. I’ll be going back home anyway to help pack up for our move. I wanted to talk to you about that. Do you remember how I invited you to come home with me for Thanksgiving?”

  “I remember that I wasn’t sure we’d even be together that long. Now look at us. You’re moving in with your girls. We’re going to be a family.”

  “Well, I hate to do it,” I say with a smirk, “but I’m going to have to rescind that offer.”

  “But why?”

  “Because we won’t be going home for Thanksgiving. My mom decided to throw the girls a big going away party and combine that with our traditional Thanksgiving dinner. So I’m hoping you can come with me next weekend. The girls want you to meet everyone. As do I.”

  “I’d love that. Do you want me to go to the fundraiser with you, too?” I let out a sudden breath at the thought of her having to deal with Mrs. Clarke. She sees my reaction and immediately says, “Oh, I don’t have to. I don’t want it to be awkward for you.”

  “No, it’s not that at all. Whitney’s mother is horrible. I told her neither the girls nor I could come, that I was busy with my new job. I guess she moved the date to this coming week and with me being in town, which she’s sure to hear about from the girls, I really do have to go. And while I’d love for you to go and help me get through it, I wouldn’t wish that on you.”

  “Do you think she would be mean or something?”

  “Absolutely. If she knows that we’re moving in with you, she will be horrified that we’re living in sin or something. She’ll threaten to sue me for custody. She’ll accuse me of having an affair with you while I was married. It’s really hard to say what she would come up with, but it won’t be pretty or remotely nice.”

  “I think I could handle it,” she says confidently. “If you want my support, I’ll be there.”

  “I appreciate it.”

  “Do you think it’s setting a bad example for the girls for us to be moving in together, to be having a baby together and not be married? Or would it be a worse example to be getting married after only knowing each other for like a month. I mean, not that I’m suggesting we get married. . . ” she dunks her head down under the water, apparently feeling stressed.

  When she comes up, my mouth finds hers. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  “I’m all wet,” she scoffs.

  “Exactly.” I pick her up and carry her to the hot tub, where I pull her onto my lap after slipping off her bikini bottoms.



  “I don’t want to get out of bed, Knox,” Katie whines, even though it’s late afternoon. Not that I really want to leave this room either, but there’s something important I have to do tonight.


  Part of me thinks I’m out of my mind for doing this. All the time, energy, money, and preparation that went into planning tonight is ridiculous, and I’ll be truly crushed if she says no. But I take solace in the fact that she told me she would have said yes if I would have proposed on the school steps. It’s hard to believe that was only a few days ago.

  I know her so much better now. And the more I know, the harder I fall. Her body is my perfection. Her heart is kind and caring. Her voice is like the flutter of an angel’s wings. Her scent completely intoxicating. Her wit daring.

  “It’s our one week anniversary, sugar. We must celebrate the end of my bachelor journey.”

  “The end?” She furrows her adorable brow.

  “Yes. The weekend is coming to a close.”

  “Back to reality, I guess.” She gets out of bed, grabs her robe from the floor, and throws it around herself in a huff.

  Not exactly the reaction I was looking for. She watches the show, shouldn’t she be excited about what happens at the end? Or did she not mean what she said?

  When Katie disappears into the bathroom, and I hear the shower turn on, I race into the living room and call Missy.

  “Am I completely bat-shit crazy for doing this?” is the first thing out of my mouth when she answers.

  “Of course, you are. But isn’t that what love is all about? If it isn’t crazy, reckless, and passionate, it’s not worth it. Love shouldn’t be ordinary. It should be extraordinary. And it’s quite clear that you feel that way about Katie. She’s going to be shocked tonight. She’s going to cry. She’s going to wonder what the hell is going on, but she’s going to love it. Because your love for her is so apparent. And after tonight, if she had any doubts, those will be put completely to rest.”

  “You think it will all go smoothly? Like we planned?”

  “That’s why you brought me along for the ride, Knox. To make sure of it.”

  I let out a sigh of relief. “You’re right.”

  “And remember, if it doesn’t, just go with it. Improvise. You’re an actor. And be careful with the explosion. You know I hate when you do your own stunts.”

  “Ha. That’s the least of my worries! You know the combination for the safe. You’ll have everything ready here when we get back?”

  “Yes, I will. And let me guess, it’s the four digit code you always use. 8008. Looks like it spells boob. Well, at least your hopefully-future bride fits your anatomical wish list.”

  “That she does.”

  I hang up feeling better about tonight. The shower is still on, so I decide to join her, but when I get outside the door, I think I hear crying.

  I fling open the door to find Katie sitting on the bench crying.

  “What’s the matter?” I jump into the shower with her, immediately soaking my robe.

  “You weren’t supposed to hear me,” she sniffle

  “Why are you crying, Katie?” I reach out and smooth her wet hair out of her eyes.

  “Because tonight’s . . . the end.”

  “You don’t want to leave Washington?”

  “I don’t want to leave you!” she yells then starts sobbing again.

  “But why would you? You said you’d move in with me. Did you not mean it?”

  She stops crying and stares at me wide-eyed. “I didn’t know if you meant it, Knox. When you just said this was the end—I don’t know—it just made me very sad.”

  I grab her face and kiss her. “I don’t want you to be sad. I’m sorry we haven’t discussed the details. I’ve been having so much fun just being with you here and now, I kind of forgot about the real world.”

  “How do you picture us in the real world?”

  “Together. Forever.”

  A smile blazes across her face. “You’re crazy. Seriously. Logistically, how is this even going to work? Aren’t you and Keatyn filming on location soon?”

  “We are. We’ll be in London for about a month, then a whirlwind of other places—Dubai, Paris. I forget where else. Will you come with me?”

  “Knox, as much as I’d love to, I can’t just quit my job on a whim. I mean, no offense, but I read the tabloids. And I know not all of it is true, but . . .”

  Shit. I can’t ruin the surprise. I don’t want to just fucking propose right here. No, improvise. What can I say to placate her for now? “You told me our kiss was life-changing. It doesn’t matter what has happened in my life up until this point, because you have altered it. I want to be with you, Katie. All the time. I guess I just assumed you’d want to go with me.”

  “To London?”

  “Yes. I’ll be there for a month, staying at Keatyn and Aiden’s new place. Hopefully, with you.”

  “And then what?”

  “A few other locations.”


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