Book Read Free


Page 12

by Jillian Dodd

  “And would I stay in London while you’re gone?”

  “That’s up to you. When we are on location our days are really long which means you’d be alone a lot. I mean, you could come on set if you wanted, but trust me after a few days it gets a little boring. I thought you could talk to Keatyn about it, and she might be able to help you decide.”

  She’s nodding, which I hope is a good sign, and the tears seem to have dried up.

  “It’s scary, you know. Like just quitting your job and taking that risk. I don’t have your kind of bank account to fall back on if it doesn’t work out.”

  “Could you get a leave of absence? Would that make you feel more comfortable?”

  “Yeah, maybe,” she says. “Actually, that would make me feel better. Like until I know we’re fully committed.”

  I want to tell her in a few days, if she agrees, we’ll be fully committed, but I don’t.

  “So, is everything okay now? Do you still want to go on our date?”

  “You spent a lot of time planning this weekend, didn’t you?” she asks, running her hand down my arm. I try not to immediately stiffen, because we don’t have a lot of time for shower fun.

  “I did,” I tell her, glancing down at my dick. “And as much as I want to take you in this shower, we don’t have much time before we have to leave.”

  “Are we on a schedule?”

  “Yeah, sugar, we are.”



  As Knox and I step outside of the hotel to our waiting limousine, I don’t feel like I’m on the arm of a movie star. I feel like I’m the movie star. The way Knox looked at the dress I’m wearing literally made me blush—and I am not the least bit bashful. Especially since he has seen every single intimate part of me over the course of the last few days. I’m nervous. I love the whole Bachelor theme of this weekend, but I can’t quite figure out what tonight is about. If I were really on the show and had made it to the final round, tonight would be the night I would find out if I had won his heart or if I was going home in tears.

  It’s the going home in tears part that has me worried. He seemed upset that I was crying in the shower. He seems sincere in wanting me to move in with him, but it’s like I’m living a dream, and I keep waiting to wake up—wondering when it will be over.

  But I can’t live that way. I never have. So, I’m going to put on a smile, flirt and kiss the sexy-as-hell man sitting next to me, and enjoy the moment.

  Soon the limo is pulling to a stop. When Knox helps me out of the car, I’m shocked to find us at a harbor.

  I’m ready to ask why when he takes my hand and leads me down to the docks, where there is a yacht waiting for us.

  “Knox Daniels,” I say. “I swear you must have a team of planners hidden away somewhere.”

  “Just my assistant, Missy, who has watched the show from the beginning.”

  “I’d like to meet her.”

  “You will later.”

  “Ahoy, I’m Captain Michaels,” a tall man in a captain’s hat says. “Welcome aboard.”

  We’re offered champagne and then led out to a deck where a table for two is set for dinner.

  Knox pulls out my chair, and I take a seat. Then he holds his glass up. “Everything that happens tonight is because of you. You inspire me. Cheers.”

  “Cheers,” I reply, wondering what exactly he means.

  But nothing really seems to happen. We enjoy a lovely dinner while we cruise down the Potomac river, passing by the Jefferson Memorial, the Washington Monument, the John F. Kennedy Center, and the Memorial Bridge. The lights are beautiful, and I enjoy seeing the city from this vantage point.

  And when it starts misting a little and I ask if we can go inside, he looks at his watch and says, “Not just yet.”

  Instead, he produces an umbrella and pours me another glass of champagne.

  Soon after, we’re joined on the deck by—and you’re never going to believe it— the actual host of the television show.

  “It’s time for the ceremony to begin,” he says, while Knox gives me a wickedly adorable grin. “Please come with me.”

  He leads me into the main salon, which looks like an actual television set. There are men with cameras and microphones and all sorts of stuff to make this all look—and feel—real. I see a podium with a single red rose lying on it. I’m taken past it to one of the boat’s bedroom suites. This one featuring a huge television screen.

  “You’ll be watching the interviews live,” he says. “Wait here until you’re called.”

  I sit on the edge of the bed, feeling like I’m at home watching one of my favorite shows. Except Knox comes on the screen and sits down.

  “So, Knox,” the host says. “Tell us how you are feeling about your journey so far.”

  Knox looks straight into the camera, or maybe it’s just the angle, but I swear it’s like he’s speaking just to me.

  “I came here to find love. And from the start, one girl captured my heart. It’s a little scary, really, opening your heart to love. But I can honestly say that I’ve found it. The girl I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

  Next the screen flashes to a woman. She’s about forty, has short dark hair, gorgeous skin, and a beautiful smile. She’s wearing a long gown like I am, but it’s more modestly cut.

  “So, Missy,” the host says, “Are you ready for whatever happens tonight?”

  “Of course. I am sure of the love I share with Knox and I am sure that I will receive the final rose tonight.” She turns and winks at the camera. I don’t know who this is, but she’s a hoot. Pretty. Funny. I like her already. Except for the part about her saying she loves Knox.

  Then it’s just her on the screen.

  I wonder what in the world is going on. On the show, the other contestant never gets to watch this. But this lady is funny. She’s being interviewed and going on and on about Knox.

  “Really, the other girls didn’t stand a chance. From the moment Knox and I met, to our first kiss, to the fantasy suite where we did nothing but talk all night—” She gives the camera another wink. “Our love has been apparent to everyone around us. And that night in the fantasy suite, well it’s where we really, uh, first connected. And I know without a doubt when this ceremony ends tonight, he will be down on one knee, presenting me with a ring.” Then she whispers, “That bitch Katie doesn’t stand a chance.”

  A few moments later, she’s joining Knox out in the salon, where the single rose is on display. She rushes into his arms, gives him an exaggerated kiss on the cheek, tells him she loves him, and then holds his hands.

  I’m trying to figure out who the hell she is but then he says, “Hello, Missy.”

  Wait, didn’t he say that was the name of his assistant? Oh my gosh, I love her. She’s freaking hilarious and is so having fun. I want to be her best friend.

  “Knox,” she says, flashing him an overly sexy smile. “You made me feel like taking a chance on love again. My heart is overflowing with love for you, and I can’t wait to share a life together.”

  As typical on the show, the bachelor stands there and listens and tries not to give anything away.

  “I have to admit, I never thought I would find love on a show like this, and competing against all these other girls was so difficult when all I wanted to do was be with you, but it was worth it. I’ll forever be grateful to the heavens above for aligning our stars. I love you, Knox. More than anything in the world.”

  She flips her hair and lowers her shoulder, allowing him a clear shot of her ample cleavage. Then she winks at him.

  Knox looks into her eyes and says, “I didn’t know what to expect out of all of this. Would I find love? Would I find the one or would this just be a great vacation where I’d get to make out with a lot of hot girls? But I fell in love. We fell in love, and I love you, I do.” He sighs. “But . . . .”

  After a dramatic pause, Knox is replaced on the screen by a commercial break consisting of
two ads. Both featuring Knox. One for watches that I have actually seen on television before and another a hilarious one for insurance where he plays multiple different roles.

  I’m practically rolling on the ground laughing by the time it ends.

  Then he and Missy come back on.

  “But, Missy. I don’t love you the most.”

  Her eyes get big, and her mouth drops open. “What?!” she yells. “You what? You told me you loved me. Did you tell everyone that?!”

  “Um, no, not exactly,” Knox says, rubbing her shoulder and trying to keep her from having a meltdown. “I meant what I said. I do love you. I always will, but you’re not the one for me. I’m sorry.”

  “You know what, Knox Daniels?” she screams, shaking her finger at his face. “That’s total and complete bullshit! What about the fantasy suite? All the things we said and did?”

  “That was part of getting to know you, Missy.”

  “Well, you got to know me in the biblical sense, Knox!” Then she breaks down and starts crying, falling dramatically to the ground. “They were all lies!”

  Knox helps her up then takes her out to a waiting limo and shuts her inside.

  “That was rough,” he says, as the limo pulls away.

  Then a camera feed from the inside of the limo shows her sobbing. “I will never love again. Ever!” she screeches. “Unless I get my own show.” She looks at the camera and winks again.

  The door to my room opens and a makeup artist comes in. She shines a spotlight on me, powders my nose, and runs a product through my hair that makes it look gorgeously silky smooth.

  When she’s finished, she says, “You’re up.”

  I take a deep breath, open the door, and join Knox in the salon. I mean, the other girl is gone, so I know I’m the one. I know I will get the final rose. And I think it’s really sweet that he went through all this trouble to recreate the show just for me.

  I know that if we’re following the format of the show closely, I’m supposed to tell him how I feel first, so I’m trying to come up with the right words when he takes my hands in his and says, “I’ve dated a lot in my life. I’ve loved before. But the right one was elusive. I wondered if I was unlovable, if I had too big of an ego, if was I too picky, too critical, or not ready. I wondered if it truly was my problem, not theirs. But with one simple, wonderfully naughty question, you changed all that. You made me realize it wasn’t me. That not finding the one in the past meant that I ended up in that spot meeting you at that exact moment in my life. And when we kissed, sugar,” he says with a smile so big he almost has two dimples in each cheek, “for the first time in my life I understood the saying about going weak in the knees. Your kiss opened my heart, touched my soul, and literally has brought me to my knee. One knee.”

  My eyes get big—because one knee?

  He takes a deep breath and gets down on one knee.

  “Katie, will you marry me?”

  “Ohmigawd! Are you for real?” I ask, covering my mouth with my hand. I know this is all supposed to be in fun, but a fake proposal, really?

  Knox pats his suit jacket pocket, grimaces, then starts patting down all his pockets, trying to find something.

  “Oh my God. The ring is gone!” he yells out. “Missy! Do you take the ring?”

  “I didn’t take the ring!” she yells, from somewhere not too far away. “I’m not that desperate, you asshole!”

  The big screen in the room suddenly flashes to life and the bad guy from the last Trinity movie starts speaking. “I have the ring,” he says, flashing it. “Not that it matters, you won’t be around long enough to retrieve it.” He laughs maniacally as a menacing score plays. The bad guy shows us a photo of a large bomb with a timer counting down. “You have about ten seconds, and then you won’t need to get married!” He grins, holding up a detonator. “You’ll be together forever, in HELL!”

  Knox turns to me, his eyes wide, and grabs my arm. “We have to get out of here before it explodes!” As he drags me in my five-inch heels through the salon and up a set of stairs, he’s yelling into his cuff. “Fire up the chopper!”

  We get to the top of the stairs and find a military-style helicopter with its blades spinning.

  “Hurry,” the pilot says, as Knox pushes me inside.

  “Take off! Take off,” Knox screams over the loud sound of the rotors. “Or we’re all dead!”

  We’ve barely gotten out of the way when there’s a large boom. I’m worried about the other people on the boat for a second, because this all seems very real. But then fireworks explode into the sky off the yacht.

  Knox wipes his brow and grins at me. “Whew. That was a little too close. We barely made it.”

  “You, know, Knox Daniels, you are officially crazy. What are we going to do next? Land on the White House lawn?”

  “No, he doesn’t want the president. He wants me,” Knox says, staying in character. “We’re going to have to go after him. What he doesn’t know is that I put a tracking device in the ring, so I’d always know where to find you.”

  “That’s kind of romantic,” I tell him, because in a weird, non-stalkerish way, it kind of is. I lean over and give him a quick peck.

  “Guys, have you honed in on the tracking device yet?” he asks the pilots.

  “Of, course, sir,” the co-pilot says. “We’re headed that way. We’ve got a good lock on him.” Someone from behind us hands Knox a very real looking black pistol. And I realize that this helicopter is quite large and there is what appears to be a whole troop of commandos in the seats behind us.

  Knox studies the gun, shoves the clip in, and says to me, “I’ll get your ring back if it’s the last thing I do.”

  “But can’t we buy a new ring?” I ask. This is the point, seriously, in some of his and Keatyn’s movies where I’m like, really? Do you really need to risk your life over something like this?

  But then he takes my hand and kisses my ring finger. “You don’t understand, sugar. This ring symbolizes everything. The start of our new life together. Away from all this. And when this is over, mark my words, we’re going to be back in the fantasy suite, where I’m going to put that ring on your finger and make sweet love to you. I love you, Katie.”

  It’s the first time he’s said those words to me, and they take my breath away.

  “I love you, too.” I tell him.

  He leans over and gives me a deep kiss. His heady scent makes me almost forget we’re in a helicopter going who knows where chasing this ring. I don’t even know if there really is a ring for me. Or if it will be another prop. But when he’s kissing me, I don’t care. Because the way he looked into my eyes when he said those three little words told me all I needed to know. He meant it.

  And so did I.

  Next thing I know, we are landing at some abandoned warehouse. It’s dark, decrepit, and scary looking. The kind of place where you know bad things are going to happen and should avoid at all costs.

  “He’s in there,” Knox says valiantly. “I’m going to end this once and for all.”

  “We’re going with you, sir,” the men on the helicopter say, holding their automatic weapons up in the air. They are all decked out in full military garb, flack jackets, camouflage, helmets. I almost feel like he’s really fighting for me—trying to get back the ring that will mean so much—and armed with nothing more than a pistol and really great fitting suit.

  “You stay here,” he says, planting a kiss on my forehead. “I’ll be back before you know it.”

  All of the men, with the exception of the pilot, get out of the helicopter.

  “Katie!” Knox yells from the street. “I love you!” Then he comes rushing back toward me, and I fling myself at him like he really is going off to battle. We share an epic, heart-felt kiss.

  Then he’s gone and entering the warehouse.

  I’m watching the door, wondering what else will happen when I hear the pfft pfft sound of a silenced handgun and the pilot in front of me slumps over. />
  The bad guy waves a gun in my direction. “Get out of the chopper.”

  I’m really not sure what I’m supposed to do. I stall, waiting for Knox to burst out of the building and save me, but he doesn’t, so I reluctantly get out. I look at the pilot and see red pouring from his head wound. Fake blood, I know, but it all looks very real—feels very real.

  The bad guy pulls me into a limo and then hits me over the head with the gun in his hand. It shocks me, but then I realize the gun was made of foam.

  “I just knocked you out,” he whispers, “keep your eyes closed and don’t open them until you’re told to.”

  I play along wondering what the hell is going to happen next. Because I fucking can’t wait.

  I’m carried by two people for a short distance and then laid on a chaise. A voice comes over a speaker that says, “You’ve been hit over the head and are unconscious. This is a dream scene. Slowly open your eyes.”

  When I do, I’m shocked. I’m on a set that looks like a tropical paradise. There’s an ocean and sand in front of me. Sand under my chair. Even a breeze blowing back my hair.

  A moment later, a shirtless and nearly pantless Knox appears, presenting me a tropical drink on a silver tray. He’s wearing what could best be described as a loin cloth. He looks so freaking sexy, I actually wonder if I am dreaming. Because, come on, it’s Knox. His muscles are ripped. His skin pulled taut across thick abs. His outrageous V-line dips down into the cloth and I know exactly what kind of pleasure hides behind it.

  “This is a really good dream,” I mutter, taking the drink. I put my lips to the straw and am surprised to find an actual frozen piña colada.

  Knox reveals his naked ass when he picks up a large palm leaf that he fans me with.

  Then he sits down next to me and kisses me. And I don’t know who all is watching, but I really don’t care. I kiss him hard back, shoving my tongue into his mouth. Because who the hell does something like this for a girl? This is way beyond recreating some show.

  “Knox-style,” I mutter.


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