Book Read Free


Page 13

by Jillian Dodd

  “What’s that, sugar lips?” he asks.

  “I said Knox-style. I didn’t know what that meant until just now.” I slide my hand under his loin cloth, surprised to find my hand connecting with bare skin.

  “Oh, sugar,” he moans, then he whispers, “Close your eyes again. The dream is almost over.”

  A few minutes later, I open my eyes. The dream set has changed back to the abandoned warehouse.

  When the bad guy sees me looking around, he yells at me. “I have everything now. You and your precious ring. Trinity took everything from me. And now I’m going to take away everything he holds dear. We will be married. And I can’t wait to celebrate our honeymoon.” The bad guy shocks me with a very unwanted kiss. Like his tongue is out of his mouth and in mine before our lips even touch. And I don’t want to be kissed by him, so I push him away then slap him across the face.

  He takes a step back and smirks. “Like it rough, do you?” Then he slaps my face. Only he doesn’t really slap me. His hand whooshes by and hits his other hand making the noise.

  Then he lifts me up and brings me to his lips again.

  “Let her go, Dremel,” Knox yells, descending from a black rope above us, back in his suit and holding out the gun.

  The bad guys pulls me closer, shoves the gun against my head, and then licks up the side of my face. “Oh no, pretty boy. She’s mine now.”

  “The place is surrounded, Dremel. You can’t escape this time.”

  “Oh, but I can,” he replies and suddenly the floor from underneath us gives away. I scream as we fall through a trap door and land in a heap on an inflated stunt bag. My tight gown gives away on the side, ripping. I touch my hair, realizing that my up-do has half fallen out and that there are black marks on my arms from the bad guy holding me.

  The trap door above us shuts, and I hear Knox cry out. A makeup artist appears out of nowhere and tells me to hurry and get up, then she powders my nose and adds gloss to my lips. “Go!”

  The bad guy grabs me and now we’re running up stairs. He’s going too fast, and it causes me to lose one of my heels. “I lost my shoe,” I tell him, but he doesn’t stop.

  “No time,” he says, still dragging me up the stairs. When we get to the top, he runs straight into Knox’s fist.

  I’m pushed aside while they fight.

  “It’s just you and me now,” Knox says.

  “And when I break your neck, I’m going to celebrate between your girlfriend’s legs.”

  “She’s my fiancee,” Knox yells back, jabbing him in the face.

  “She doesn’t have a ring yet,” the bad guy chuckles, then sweeps Knox’s legs out from under him.

  They roll on the ground, wrestling.

  And their fighting actually looks real. Knox is taking actual punches, I think, or maybe it’s just good choreography. I really can’t tell even from this close.

  After a few minutes, Knox pushes the bad guy down the steps, runs to a Bachelor-type podium, grabs a rose and a ring box, rushes over to me, takes my hand, and pulls me out of the warehouse.

  He stops, hits a button on a detonator that looks much like the one the bad guy had earlier, and says, “Burn in hell, mother fucker!”

  Then there is an honest to God blast. Flames shoot up the front of the building, and Knox throws himself on top of me, knocking me to the ground.

  I want to yell at him what the fuck was that, but he lifts his head from my chest and looks into my eyes as his dimples flash.

  Then he leans in and gives me an epic, movie-ending kiss.


  It’s not the end.

  “Not so fast, there,” he says. “I promised you the suite.” Then he picks me up and carries me to a waiting limo.

  And I’m hoping there won’t be any cameras there.

  A short time later, we arrive back at the hotel. I can see myself in the mirror as we enter. Makeup still perfect, dress a mess, hair a disaster, but I feel incredibly, unbelievably sexy.

  Knox leads me out to the terrace, which is filled with thousands of red roses and as many hurricane lanterns flickering light.

  “Let’s try this again,” he says. This time when he pats his jacket pocket he smiles and pulls out a box. He opens it revealing a gorgeous ring.

  “Oh my God. Is any of this real?”

  “I’m definitely real, sugar. And so’s the rock. So, what’s your answer?”

  I wrap my arms around his neck. When I see myself reflecting in the depth of eyes filled with love and sincerity, I realize he’s not fucking around.

  He’s serious.

  And it takes my breath away. “Yes, Knox. Yes.”

  He kisses me then pulls out the rose. “Katie, will you accept my final rose?”

  “Yes, give me that thing,” I say with a laugh as cheesy, but perfect, romantic music starts playing.

  “You’re crazy. I love you,” I tell him. Then we kiss. A lot.

  “Is this really my ring?” I ask, looking down at it. “It’s so beautiful I wonder if it’s just a prop.”

  “It’s your ring if you like it. I thought it looked like you.”

  “The ring looked like me?” I ask.

  “Yes. You’re fun, your laughter is infectious, you’re playful and sweet, but you have a wonderfully naughty side. A wicked sense of humor and a dirty mind. Two things I appreciate in a woman. But, mostly, every time I think of you, you make me smile. I was drawn to this ring like I was drawn to you. It was instant—immediate. And I trust my judgment and instinct. I want very much to marry you, Katie “Bite Me” Colter.”

  I get goosebumps as he slips the ring on my finger.

  “Oh wow,” I say, staring down at the massive, glittering stone.

  “Wow?” he says, looking offended. “The ring got the same response as the first time I, uh, bit you.”

  “It’s almost as good,” I tease.

  “Oh, I can’t stand for that. I’m going to have to do better this time. Would you go into the fantasy suite with me now?”

  “No cameras?”

  “Definitely no cameras.”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” I say as he picks me up, carries me into the bedroom, and throws me on the bed.




  At four in the morning, we order room service, because, well, we’re starved. Last night went even better than I hoped, from Missy’s crazy performance—who knew she could act—to the helicopter and explosions, to when she said yes. The look on her face was priceless because I could tell she was wondering if it was all real. The best part though was when we triumphantly returned to our suite, and I gave her the ring and the rose.

  It was like my life fell completely into place in that single moment.

  But I want more.

  Katie is naked, just the way I like her, sitting up in bed, half covered with a sheet, shoveling eggs into her mouth. “God, this tastes so good. I guess you worked up an appetite in me.” She grins and waggles her eyebrows. “In more ways that one.”

  I lean against her, holding up her hand and staring at the ring on her finger. “It looks perfect on you. I’m so glad you like it.”

  “Like it? Knox, I love it.” She grins again. “Although not as much as your signature move.”

  “You’re such a liar,” I say, kissing my way up her neck.

  She lets out a contented sigh. “I swear I could be happy like this for the rest of my life.”

  “I say we do it then.”

  “Do what?”

  “Start the rest of our life.”

  “I don’t get it,” she says, looking confused.

  “Let’s get married. Now.”

  She sets her plate on the side table and turns to me. “Married? Now? We just got engaged.”

  “You know how yesterday you were worried about the commitment?”

  She lowers her head slightly. “I’m sorry, Knox. I was just freaking out. The thought of quitt
ing my job on a whim for love scared me. Especially since we hadn’t really talked commitment.” She holds up her hand and flashes the sparkle. “But now we are, so it’s okay.”

  “Yeah, but what I couldn’t tell you last night, since we weren’t engaged yet, is that I want us to elope.”

  “Elope?” She narrows her eyes at me. “Wait, you planned for us to elope? Are there going to be more helicopters and explosions? Are we getting married Knox-style?”

  I can’t help but chuckle. “No, but Kym did make sure one of the dresses you chose was white, didn’t she?”

  She playfully smacks my arm. “Knox Daniels, you literally planned all of this out, didn’t you?”

  “I did. I was being very literal when I said that your kiss deeply affected me.”

  “So in that case, where did you plan for us to elope to?”


  “Why London?” she asks, cocking her head to the left, something I’ve noticed she tends to do when she asks a question.

  “Well, we need some witnesses, and I prefer they not be strangers. Keatyn and Aiden arrived in London yesterday. I’d like them to stand up for us if you’re okay with that.”

  “But they’re on their honeymoon!”

  “That’s the other reason I want to do it now. We can get married and go on a fabulous honeymoon before I have to start work.”

  “Do you have our honeymoon planned, too?”

  “I have an idea.”

  “Like where?”

  “Positano, Italy.”

  “I’ve never been to Italy,” she says.

  “Actually, neither have I. And I’ve always wanted to go.”

  “Let’s go there then!” She throws her arms around my neck. “I love you, Knox.”

  I kiss her. “I love you too, my future bride.”

  She visibly swoons. “Ahhh, that sounds so amazing. You’re amazing.”

  “We’re amazing,” I tell her. “So does that mean yes to eloping?”

  She jumps up and does a little clap, her boobs wonderfully bobbing in front of me. “Yes!” she says as I lean down to take one of her nipples in my mouth.

  “Knox!” she screeches, pushing me back. “When is this elopement supposed to take place?”

  “Tomorrow. Which means as soon as I can get you out of this bed, we need to fly over there. Let’s call the new Mr. and Mrs. Arrington and see if they are cool with it.”

  “No!” she screeches, getting even more excited. “Let’s FaceTime them, so I can show her my ring!” I slide the sheet down across her exquisite form.

  “Well, you better put a robe on then, sugar lips.”

  She looks down. “Shit! I forgot I was naked. Seems like naked is all I’ve been since we got here!”

  “And that’s exactly the way I like you,” I tease, pinning her to the bed. “Plus, now that my appetite for food has been suppressed, I’m hungry for you again.”

  “Oh, Knox,” she says, pushing her hips against me. “Can we call first? I’ve been dying to tell someone about all this.”

  That makes me happy. So I jump up and grab two robes from the bathroom and catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror. At the smile plastered on my face. Have I ever felt this happy in my life? Definitely not.

  I toss her a robe, pull mine on, then join her on the bed.

  She glances at the clock. “Knox, is it too early to call?”

  “I’m sure they will be awake by now.” I press Keatyn’s number for a FaceTime call. Katie has already assumed the position, her hand held up, palm facing inward to show off the rock.

  “Hey, Knox,” Keatyn answers. She looks like she hasn’t been awake long. But then her eyes seem to adjust or maybe the picture finally makes its way to her. “Oh my God!” she screams. “Congratulations! Look Aiden, Knox and Katie got engaged!”

  Aiden’s face comes on the screen. He’s shirtless and leaning against a padded headboard. Definitely still in bed.

  “We’re thinking of crossing the pond today,” I say. “You up for some company at that beautiful new house of yours?”

  “Well, it is our honeymoon,” Aiden says warily.

  “We’d like to start our honeymoon there, too.”

  “Wait, what?” Keatyn scrunches up her nose in confusion as their puppy, Bliss, bounds onto the bed and licks her face. “You got married without us?!”

  “No, that’s why we want to come there. We’re eloping in London tomorrow, and we want you two to stand up for us.”

  “Oh my God! Yes! Yes. Of course. Katie! Tell me about the proposal.”

  “We’ll bring the video,” I say with a smirk and Katie goes, “There’s a video?”

  “Well, then hurry up already!” Keatyn screeches. Her excitement is palpable, and it makes me happy. I was sort of worried that she’d tell us that we are fucking nuts for wanting to get married right away.

  “Aiden” I ask, with more vulnerability in my voice than I intend. “You cool with it?”

  “Hey, you took my advice. I can’t very well turn you down now,” he teases, but I’m so touched he would allow us to interrupt their honeymoon for this. “Seriously. Congratulations. We can’t wait for you to get here. Is there anything you need us to do?”

  “Actually, yes,” I tell him. “We want to get married tomorrow afternoon at the Chelsea Register Office, but Missy said we might have a little snag in our plan.”

  “What’s that?”

  “In order to get a marriage license we are supposed to have applied for it like a month ago. Any chance you could call your pal, the prince, and see if he could help us with that? We’ll be living there during filming so we’ll be in residence for a good thirty days after, if that helps.”

  “Yeah,” Aiden says with a laugh. “I think we can do that. See you soon.”

  Keatyn’s wide grin takes up most of the screen as she ends the call.

  “What advice?” Katie asks.

  “It’s embarrassing,” I tell her, picking up a lukewarm french fry, dipping it in the ranch dressing that she loves, and feeding it to her.

  “I swear,” she says, chewing. “The food I have had here has been the best of my life.” She smiles. “It must be the company, not the food. And, tell me.”

  I snuggle up next to her, lying my head on her chest and letting my fingers trail down her body. “I knew the minute I kissed you.”

  “So did I,” she says, arching her back slightly as I work my way down to her sweet spot.

  “Which made me wonder if I was desperate.”

  “What?” she laughs. “You’re Knox Daniels. You could get any woman you wanted. Honestly, I’m still not sure why you’d want me, but I’m going to enjoy the hell out of it while it lasts.”

  “That’s why I want you so desperately,” I tell her, sitting up and looking into her eyes, as I run my fingers through her messy hair. “Because you’re fun. Because you’re sexy. Because you had the kind of morals that left me standing alone on the dance floor. Because I didn’t believe it could happen to me.”

  “Love at first sight?”

  “Yes, but then I freaked out a little when I realized we had met before.”

  “When we were like twelve,” she teases.

  “I was twenty. It’s hard sometimes living around people with epic love stories when you don’t have one yourself.”

  “I feel you on that. Being single has it perks, but it also sucks sometimes.”

  “Exactly, and I wanted to make sure I didn’t want a relationship like that so badly that I was trying to fabricate one.”

  “What did Aiden say?”

  “He told me that I’m lucky to have met someone who made me feel that way when my heart was ready for it. And not to fuck it up.”

  “Well, thank goodness you didn’t listen,” she says, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me in close. “Because you have clearly been fucking me up all weekend.”

  “You make me laugh, Katie. Seriously. I’m so excited to marry you.”

sp; “Why don’t you fuck me up a little more, then we can pack and get our asses to London.”

  “I need to make one more phone call. Then I’ll take you up on that.” She gives me a little pout, but nods.

  “Riley, my man,” I say when he answers.

  “Knox, where the hell are you? I called to see if you wanted to go out, and you never called me back.”

  “You at the club now?”

  “No. I’m home.”

  “Why? It’s still early. Oh, wait. Do you have Ariela in bed with you?”

  “No, definitely not. She’s decided she wants to wait to have sex with me again until I agree to be monogamous.”

  “So you’re still fucking the baby mama?”


  “She there now?”

  “No, I am currently alone. And damn happy about it. It’s been a tricky week. So, what the fuck did you call for?”

  “Hang on and I’ll FaceTime you. You decent?”

  “You woke me up. I sleep naked.”

  “Well, cover that shit up. Then you should hop in that pretty little jet of yours and hightail it to London.”

  He rubs his eyes. “What’s in London?”

  “A wedding.”

  “Whose?” he asks.

  I pan the camera over to Katie, who flashes her ring.

  Riley sits up straight in his bed. “Katie is getting married?” His eyes search the screen. “Who is Katie marrying?”

  “Me,” I say proudly. “Monday afternoon. In London.”

  “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me! That’s awesome!”

  “Does that mean you’ll come?” I almost get choked up. “It would mean a lot to me.”

  “I’m on my way, bro. Where are we staying?”

  “We’re crashing Aiden’s swanky new pad.”

  “But it’s their honeymoon!”

  “Yeah, well they decided we could interrupt it for this.”

  Riley is still shaking his head in disbelief. Actually, so I am. I don’t know how I got so lucky. “I didn’t even know you knew each other. Or were, like, dating. This is crazy.”

  “Crazy, sexy, and wonderful. We met at the wedding. I guess it was fate—or something.”

  “Or something,” Katie whispers in my ear.


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