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Battleship Destroyer 2 (Battleship Destoryer)

Page 25

by Larry Roberts

  The Ensign jumped over Jack who was just picking himself up from the ramp and ran to the personnel lock diving across the closing outside hatch blocking then locking open the outer hatch as Tweed watched in surprise. His mouth hanging wide open for a few seconds before he started closing and opening it again. The outer hatch was the one that was armored and could be locked closed from the inside to keep boarders out. With it locked open the ship was theirs. The Ensign smiled. The third mistake that pea brained Tweed had made that day.

  Jack stood up as the ramp finished descending and the air finished blasting back into the lock from the bottles in the boat. The light over the inner hatch turned green. Jack looked at the fat triple chinned terror stricken face of Tweed as he turned away from the lock’s port and disappeared.

  The Ensign stepped to the side as two pissed marines worked to open the inner hatch. It took them a few seconds to bypass the electronic locks before the hatch opened and they stepped through. Their Assault guns at the ready and the safeties off. The stun guns locked in their holsters at their sides forgotten. This was no longer a friendly visit but a full outright assault as the first laser beam streaked through the open lock. Another thing Jack had not planned on.

  Another laser beam streaked through the hatch with a crack as the super-heated air expanded and fresh air rushed back into the void. Answered immediately by a boom as one of the marines took out the shooter with his plasma assault gun as they took cover behind several pallets of MRE’s lined up across the compartment just inside the hatch.

  “All marines assault mode Baker. Ship is Hot. Deadly force is authorized.” Jack turned to the Ensign at the control panel terminal for the hatch. “Get me into the ship’s public address system and make it fast before some other fool gets killed.”

  “Already working on it Jack. Just give me a few more seconds.” Another beam cracked across the compartment hitting the bulkhead next to the Ensign. She ducked down as much as possible as she worked. The marines returned fire with booms coming from their plasma shells that hit down the passageway.

  “Damn it Ensign. We did announce ourselves when we landed didn’t we?”

  The Ensign continued to work. “I talked to Tweed himself at the lock and he said that they were ready and waiting for us. That we were cleared to land. I didn’t think he meant he was ready to blow the lock.

  More laser beams streaked down through the passageway with their cracks answered with the booms of the plasma assault guns.

  “Got it Jack. Comm 4.”

  Jack tapped his wrist Comm. “This is Captain… Vice Admiral Turner. My forces have boarded your ship for an unannounced Safety inspection only to have Captain Tweed kill members of the boarding party. He is now wanted for murder. All Ship’s personnel will stand down and muster in the mess deck. Any personnel seen with a weapon will be shot and executed on sight. Any resistance and you will be shot on sight. I repeat. Captain Tweed is now officially relieved of command and charged with Murder. Any assistance you render him is treason and will be punished accordingly. All hands will muster on the mess deck immediately. All officers will muster in the ward room. Resistance is futile and will be considered treason and punishable by death. That is all. Admiral Turner out.”

  Commodore Harris stepped up beside Jack. “Tweed could be anywhere on this ship with a hundreds of places to hide Captain.”

  Jack turned around and frowned for a few seconds before smiling. “Well actually Commodore, I don’t think he can hide from me.” Jack darkened his helmet’s visor until it was dark enough to serve as a welding helmet cutting out all normally visible light. He nor anyone else that had survived the locks depressurization, had not yet had time to even open their visors.

  Jack looked down a few seconds later and could not believe the hot waddling foot prints that looked like slippers left on the passageway’s deck in front of the lock. The only foot prints. The boots of the marines and the boarding party were too well insulated to even leave marks let alone heat prints. Following those prints with his eyes, Jack realized that Tweed was so fat that he had waddled down the passageway leaving prints that staggered and were impossible to mistake for anyone else.

  Commodore Harris watched Jack’s visor darken and then look down at the deck before Jack took off down the passageway saying, “Couldn’t miss that trail if I was blind.” A laser beam streaked down the passageway hitting Jack square on the chest without even slowing him down as a marine on the side returned the fire knocking the shooter out of his hiding place to the deck with a big hole in his shoulder sending the standard issue republic laser gun sliding across the deck. Looking up at the Ensign, the Commodore asked baffled. “What’s with the blackened visor Ensign? And what trail is he talking about?” The Commodore noticed that the Ensigns visor was darkened as well.

  “Aaaa. Sorry Commodore but we can see in the deep infrared with the visor darkened. Tweeds footprints stand out like beacons. Four hundred pounds of fat in house slippers leave a damn nice thermal footprint.”

  The Commodore had noticed the red suits Jack and his detail were wearing but had not known that they were armored or had special abilities. He had started to ask what was with the red suits several times but things were simply moving too fast. Other than the color they looked much different than the normal Republic suits and were a hell of a lot smaller than the marine armored suits his marines wore though he had left them behind not seeing any reason to bring them along. Yet he watched Jack get hit several more times without even slowing down. “Ok, I have got to get my marines your fancy suits Ensign. Hell I want one as well but you can keep the color.”

  “The new standard crewman’s suit is just part of the upgrades with your ships Commodore. You should see the new Marine armored suit. They are pretty much tanks. Just give us some time now that you have joined our little band. As for the color, that was to make sure we knew who our own troops were. The fighting got damn close and nasty in the Spider ships. The color just kind of became traditional.”

  The Ensign grabbed an assault gun from one of the crewmen that just came off the boat. “Go back and get another gun and guard this hatch. Don’t let anyone back through and make sure that the follow on crews are all armed. Don’t start loading the pallets until you have enough men to keep a good sized watch covering the detail. And while you are at it don’t let anyone touch that control panel. Security will scan it for evidence as soon as we finish.” Then followed Jack down the passageway.

  The Commodore looked down at the stun gun he drew out of his holster and sighed. Discarding the idea of grabbing one of the new assault guns he did not know how to operate, he started down the passageway. Then stepping over one of the laser guns laying across the deck next to a body, he stopped. He knew the stun gun was no good against even the light armor the ship’s crew now had on. He picked up the weapon, holstering the pistol then checked it over as he continued. Realizing he did not have to worry about telling friend from foe with the Red painted suits. No. Not painted as he looked at the man guarding the lock. The suit color seamed to permeate deep into the suit. The scratches and dings from being knocked around when the lock was evacuated did not penetrate the color.

  The hatch to the Port side Engine room suddenly opened making Harris jump as a weaponless rating came out and started down the passageway. The crewman froze when he saw Harris pointing the laser gun at him. “Aaa. I was ordered to report to the mess Commodore.” He said as his hands shot up over his head.

  “Ok. Yes you were. Is there anyone else in that engine room?”

  “No. Sir. I had the watch.”

  “Good. Go back in and make sure that engine stays running no matter what any of your officers’ say or order.”

  “Aaaa. Yes sir.”

  “Anyone in Central Engineering Control?”

  “Aaa not now. I was the only watch sir. The Chief is on DD-14, Lieutenant Dang is on DD-15 and the ensign on 16 with the crew split up between them. Lieutenant Jewls is now the Chief engineer on t
his tub and I have a couple other ratings but they are useless.” Shaking his head disgustedly. “Both engine rooms are empty. I just went through number One to check a few things before reporting to the mess deck. Sir.” Holding up a Pad with the vital readings of both engines on it.

  “I didn’t realize things were that bad with Tweed. Will you follow my orders and keep the engines running?”

  “Yes sir. Aaa. Does that mean aaa? I aaa Sir. I was ordered not to do any maintenance unless I got approval first. The last thing the Captain wants is basic maintenance done. The engines have to be about ready to quit or the fusion core on the verge of exploding before I can get authorization to fix anything unless it is the annual fleet qualifications and then we only do enough to pass. The crew that was here earlier at least changed the damn Nozzles and did a little tuning. They were so badly out of phase it is driving me crazy. But there is still a lot of work that needs done.”

  “Aaa. We have a maintenance detail on the way. Hold the fort until they arrive and then you can go hog wild on whatever needs done.”

  “Yes sir I will do my best.” The First Class smiled from ear to ear and stepped to the hatch across the passageway from the hatch he had come out of. “Can I do a little bit of work before they get here sir?”

  Harris smiled. Just like the typical Engineer. “Your first duty for the moment is to keep anyone from shutting them down or sabotaging them First Class Murphy. As long as you can keep them safe you can do whatever you want.” Looking down at the laser gun he now had pointed down the passageway for a second. “Speaking of keeping them safe.” The Commodore unbuckled the stun gun’s holster and handed it to the First Class. “Use this if you have to.” Then chuckling. “And paint a good sized Red stripe around your upper arms so our troops know you are friendly.”

  “Red Commodore?” Looking like he was talking to a crazy man for a second and then spotting the red suited marine by the lock. The First class shrugged his shoulders. “Ok Sir. Whatever you say. Sir. Aaa is it true the Captain is wanted for murder?”

  “Yes I watched him blow the lock with helmetless crewmen in it.”

  The First Class swallowed. “I knew all those other lock deaths were not accidental but what can a guy do when the officers tell you it is none of your business during the investigations.”

  “Ok if you knew, why have you stayed with the Captain?”

  “What can I say Commodore. My family is here and they think old Tweed is a God. Besides, no other ship will have me with our reputation.” Frowning. “I was hoping things had changed when Tweed decided to join the Navy after screwing so many Tramp ships that no one would even come to his dinners let alone deal with him anymore but he hasn’t. I figure he has already bilked the Navy out of a couple million at least and now the accidents have started again from what you say. Who died by the way?”

  “Commodore Fletcher and his staff.”

  “Oh God. All Tweed has been talking about lately was getting rid of Fletcher and becoming the Squadron’s Commodore. I heard the officers talking about being able to embezzle hundreds of millions from the Navy once he was Commodore. The Engineering Chief has a whole list of fake repairs and fake warn out equipment to replace spread out across the Squadron. Something he can’t get away with, with the Commodore watching. Hell he has been trying to convince the Commodore that half the equipment on our 4 ships is junk and needs to be replaced. Which is why they wouldn’t let me make repairs until they get the money to replace the engines to pocket while I finely make the repairs. Real strange how the Commodore always agrees with the Captain’s requests to replace worn out equipment and my junk engines at the dinner parties. And then changes his mind a few days after he gets back aboard his own ship. But then every time he talks to me I find myself agreeing as well and I know better.” Shaking his head as his face started tuning red. “These really are damn good high performance engines Commodore. All you have to do is keep up with the maintenance.” Taking a deep breath, First Class Murphy sighed. “Most of the ship’s crew are good people that just want to do their jobs and be left alone. Please don’t punish them for what the few do sir. I will make sure the engines stay running and if I get enough time before the Captain worms his way out of these charges, purring at full thrust.”

  The Commodore saw the last Red suit disappear into the mess deck a hundred feet up the passageway and knew he needed to catch up. “Very good First Class Murphy I am depending on you, get to it.”

  The First Class Saluted and disappeared into the Starboard engine room.

  The Commodore went up the passageway trying not to run but knowing he needed to catch up to the little group. Not liking the thought of being alone on a hostile ship.Then the hatch to the ladder trunk leading down to the Quarter deck entry hatch lock in the belly of the ship, opened as a huge marine in red Battle Armor burst out of it and pointed a monster Cannon at him for a fraction of a second. Harris suddenly realized that it was one of Turner’s Red Apes or what Turner was now calling Gronks. Either way it had a fucking big gun pointed at him or had (the muzzle was now moving up and away) while he had one of the enemy’s pitiful laser guns and there was no way for the creature to know that he was one of the good guys.

  Dropping the laser gun as he screeched to a halt and letting it fly across the deck into the feet of the Red suited Gronk almost as tall as the passageway, the Commodore raised his hands well above his head and yelled I surrender. Don’t shoot!”

  The big Red suited Gronk with the grossest expression the Commodore had ever seen, (and would later find out was a big ass Gronk smile), picked up the laser gun before it had stopped sliding and handed it back to Harris and said in passible English with a strange accent. “Your gun, Commodore Harriss. You may need it. If you would excuses us pleases, we have work to do Sir.”

  Harris took the weapon as the Big Red Suited Gronk squeezed past him followed by several more to go about their business. The shocked Commodore continued on to the mess deck suddenly not in such a big hurry.

  The Commodore entered the mess deck as the hatch in front of him opened automatically. Captain Turner was in the middle of the compartment with the DD’s crewmen sitting at tables spread around the outer edges trying to stay as far away as they could from the strange Red Battlesuited Gronks that had appeared in the middle of their ship.

  Jack looked around him. His helmet was retracted back into his collar letting the crewmen see him. “Ok now, we will try this again. Any of you see Captain Tweed lately?”

  One of the crewmen toward the center raised her hand looking around her defiantly at the others. “He came through just a few minutes ago gasping for breath and waddled toward the bow and I suppose officers country and his fucking pig pen cabin.” The well-built woman looked more scarred of the crewmen around her than the invading monster marines.

  A large man in the corner half hidden behind several others, yelled at her. “Shut up you whore or you will see the lock later.”

  Jack pulled out his stun gun and shot the man in the head from some 40 feet away knowing that would scramble his brain for days but his head was the only open target. “Lock him up immediately and put her into separate protective custody Sargent.” Jack said to the closest Gronk Sgt.

  Then to the Commodore’s shock, Jack started walking around shooting men and women scattered around the mess deck for no obvious reason.

  After shooting some 20 crewmen he paused looking around. Anyone else here who doesn’t like me arresting your Pig Captain Tweed for murder?”

  The Commodore’s eyes were drawn to several faces that glanced up with hate in their eyes at Captain Turner and suddenly he started firing again taking out another half dozen crewmen. What surprised the Commodore most was that most of the faces who were scared only moments before as they stared down at the tables in front of them, had smiles of satisfaction or relief on them. Even more as more bodies dropped.

  Then Jack bellowed. “God, you people are fucking stupid. Anymore think that your Captain T
weed is a wonderful person?” There were no takers. Turning back to the Sargent as more Red suited Marines arrived. “Get these fucking slackers off this ship and into separated cells. I don’t want any of them talking or seeing each other or who is cooperating with us. Anyone new that is brought onto this deck gets similar treatment if anyone here says one derogatory word about them.” Jack looked up suddenly smiling. “Actually that is a good idea. Anyone here now, have anything to say about anyone left amongst you that you would rather not have here. Speak now or forever hold your peace.”

  The woman that had spoken up first pointed at someone in the back corner opposite to the one that had threatened her. “That is another of Pig Tweeds enforcers who likes to rape women while he brags about who he has killed.

  Several other women jumped up echoing her comments. “Jack shot him without hesitating or giving him a chance to move or respond. It took another 5 minutes to finish cleaning out the mess deck by which time almost half the present crew was knocked out drooling on the deck or in need of clean underwear as they were dragged off.

  Jack closed his helmet back up over his head again as he turned to the Commodore. “Should we go Pig hunting again? I think that it has been long enough for him to get holed up someplace and relax.” The Commodore heard as if Jack was not wearing a helmet enclosing his head.

  The Commodore walked up to Jack cutting in a private channel to him. “You can’t condemn half the damn crew simply because you didn’t like their looks or someone is pissed off at someone else.”

  “It will all get washed out in the end after we interrogate them.” Jack chuckled making the Commodore wonder what was going on. “If you have not noticed Commodore but all or most of the ones I stunned have the Swastika patches on their arms denoting Tweeds original crewmen. Most of the rest of the crew are fleet transfers he has been terrorizing. I have just told the marines taking the other 3 ships to arrest anyone with those patches. Shall we go before he has time to fort up?”


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