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From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time

Page 60

by Sean M. Carroll

  and singularities

  and space of states

  and time reversal

  information theory

  initial conditions of the universe . See also boundary conditions

  Institute for Advanced Study (Dublin)

  Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton)


  interaction effects



  interstellar distances

  intrinsic quantum indeterminacy


  irrational numbers

  irreversible processes. See also entropy

  and arrow of time

  and baby universes model

  and black holes

  and Boltzmann brains

  and entropy

  and growth of structure

  and microscopic level

  and possibilism

  and space of states

  “Is it Possible to Create a Universe in the Laboratory by Quantum Tunneling?” (Farhi)

  Jackiw, Roman

  Johnson, George

  Johnson, Matthew


  Kasner, Edward

  Kelvin, William Thomson, Lord

  Kelvin scale

  Kepler, Johannes

  Kerr, Roy

  kinetic energy

  kinetic theory

  Kleban, Matthew

  Kolmogorov complexity

  Landauer, Rolf

  Lao Tzu

  Laplace, Pierre-Simon

  Laplace’s Demon

  Large Hadron Collider (LHC)

  Lavoisier, Antoine

  Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

  laws of nature

  laws of physics. See also specific forces

  and bouncing-universe cosmology

  and consciousness

  and entropy definition

  and irreversibility

  and memory

  and multiverse hypothesis

  and patterns

  and reversibility

  Lectures on Physics (Feynman)

  Lee, Tsung-Dao

  Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm

  Lemaître, Georges

  length contraction



  and the Boltzmann-Lucretius scenario

  and complexity

  definition of

  and energy budget of Earth

  and entropy

  and free energy

  and memory

  and multiverse hypothesis


  light cones

  and the Big Bang

  and black holes

  and closed timelike curves


  and the horizon problem

  and Newtonian space

  and the observable universe

  and time travel

  and white holes

  Linde, Andrei

  Liouville, Joseph

  Liouville’s Theorem





  Look at the Harlequins! (Nabokov)

  loops in time. See closed timelike curves

  Lorentz, Hendrik Antoon

  Lorentz transformations

  Loschmidt, Josef

  Loschmidt’s reversibility objection


  lumpiness of the early universe

  MacDowell, Andie


  and arrow of time

  and coarse-graining


  and entropy

  and gas distribution

  and memory

  and mixing

  and possibilism

  and Principle of Indifference

  and statistical mechanics

  and wave functions

  magnetic fields

  magnetic monopoles

  Maldacena, Juan

  Maldacena correspondence

  many-worlds interpretation


  March, Hilde

  Marx, Karl


  and black holes

  and general relativity

  of matter

  and particle decay

  Planck mass

  and special relativity

  of the universe

  Mather, John


  Maxwell, James Clerk

  and atomic theory

  and classical mechanics


  and electromagnetism

  and entropy

  and kinetic theory

  and Maxwell’s Demon

  and recurrence theorem

  and relativity

  and the Second Law of Thermodynamics

  and time asymmetry

  Maxwell’s Demon

  McTaggart, J. M. E.

  measurement. See also observation

  Méchanique Céleste (Laplace)

  medium, time as


  and cause and effect

  and cognitive instability

  and life

  and Maxwell’s Demon

  and physicality of information

  and possibilism

  and remembering the future


  Messier, Charles

  Michell, John

  Michelson, Albert

  Michelson-Morley experiment


  and arrow of time

  and black holes

  and closed timelike curves

  and coarse-graining


  and directionality of time

  and empty space

  and entropy

  and evolution of space of states

  and inflationary cosmology

  and memory

  and mixing

  and possibilism

  and Principle of Indifference

  and statistical mechanics

  and string theory

  and time asymmetry

  microwave background radiation. See cosmic microwave background radiation

  Middle Hypothesis

  Milky Way galaxy

  Minkowski, Hermann

  Minkowski space

  Minsky, Marvin

  Misner, Charles

  Mittag-Leffler, Gösta


  molecular chaos


  and definition of time

  and Newtonian spacetime

  and quantum mechanics

  and space of states

  state of physical systems


  and classical mechanics

  and gas distribution

  and indeterminacy

  and space of states

  state of physical systems

  and time reversal

  and uncertainty principle

  Moncrieff. K. Scott

  monopole problem

  Morley, Edward

  Morris, Michael

  motion. See also velocity

  Mount Stromlo Observatory


  multiverse model

  and anthropic principle

  and baby universes

  and the Boltzmann-Lucretius scenario

  and bubbles of true vacuum

  and empiricism

  and entropy

  and equilibrium

  and inflationary cosmology

  and philosophical implications

  problems with

  and recurrence

  speculative nature of

  Murray, Bill

  Nabokov, Vladimir

  Napoleon Bonaparte

  National Bureau of Standards

  natural logarithms

  natural selection

  natural theology


  negative energy

  Neumann, John von

  neutral kaons



  neutron stars

  “new inflation” model

  Newton, Isaac. See also classical mechanics

  and definition of time

  and gravity theory

  and relativity

  and scientific method

  and spacetime

  and symmetry

  and universality of nature

  Nietzsche, Friedrich

  Nobel Prize


  Novikov, Igor

  “nowhen” concept

  observable universe


  and arrow of time

  and decoherence

  and quantum mechanics

  and scientific method

  and uncertainty principle

  and wave functions

  “old inflation” model

  Olum, Ken

  “On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies” (Einstein)

  “On the Nature of Things (De Rerum Natura)” (Lucretius)

  open systems


  and curvature of spacetime

  and definition of time

  and ellipses

  and scientific method

  and three-body problems

  and time reversal



  Oscar II,


  Oxford English Dictionary

  Page, Don

  Paley, William


  and Chronology Protection Conjecture

  and closed timelike curves

  EPR paradox

  “recurrence paradox,”

  and time travel

  parallel realities



  Parsifal (Wagner)

  particle accelerators

  particle physics

  Pascal, Blaise

  Past Hypothesis

  and Boltzmann brains

  and the Boltzmann-Lucretius scenario

  and bouncing-universe cosmology

  and cause and effect

  and cognitive instability


  and free will

  and Maxwell’s Demon

  and memory

  and the Principle of Indifference

  and recurrence theorem

  and reversibility

  and statistical mechanics

  and wave functions

  Peebles, P. J. E.


  Penrose, Roger

  and black holes

  and evolution of entropy

  and lumpiness of the universe

  and maximizing entropy

  and singularities

  on structure and entropy

  Penzias, Arno

  “Perfect Cosmological Principle,”


  Perlmutter, Saul

  perpetual motion


  phase transitions

  phenomenological framework

  Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Newton)


  and double-slit experiment

  and the early universe

  and general relativity

  lack of mass

  and special relativity

  Phragmén, Edvard

  Physical Review Letters

  Pilgrim, Billy (fictional character)


  Pirsig, Robert

  Planck, Max

  Planck area

  Planck energy

  Planck length

  Planck mass

  Planck’s constant

  Planck time

  planetary motion

  pocket universes. See also baby universes

  Podolsky, Boris

  Poincaré, Henri

  Poincaré recurrence theorem

  Poincaré transformations

  Popper, Karl

  popular culture



  potential energy

  predestination. See also Future Hypothesis


  and Boltzmann brains

  and classical mechanics

  and closed timelike curves

  and loops in time

  and multiverse model

  and possibilism

  and scientific method

  and statistical mechanics

  and wave functions


  Preskill, John


  Preston, Philip

  “Presumptuous Philosopher Problem,”

  Price, Huw

  “Primeval Atom,”

  primordial nucleosynthesis

  Principle of Indifference

  probability. See also statistical mechanics

  and cause and effect

  and de Sitter space

  double-slit experiment

  and entropy

  and fluctuations around equilibrium

  and interference

  and Laplace

  and logarithms

  and many-worlds interpretation

  and Principle of Indifference

  and statistical mechanics

  and time reversal

  and wave functions


  Proust, Marcel

  Proxima Centauri

  Pynchon, Thomas

  quantum amplitudes n

  quantum field theory

  and black holes

  and conservation of information

  and de Sitter space

  and Hawking radiation

  and inflationary cosmology

  and information conservation

  and multiverse model

  and state of physical systems

  and string theory

  and uncertainty principle

  and vacuum energy

  quantum fluctuations

  quantum gravity

  and black holes

  and de Sitter space

  and empty space


  and information conservation

  and locality

  and Planck length

  and Planck’s constant

  speculative nature of

  and string theory

  and time before Big Bang

  and uncertainty principle

  quantum interference

  quantum mechanics

  acceptance of

  and the arrow of time

  and black holes

  and the classical limit

  and decoherence


  and de Sitter space

  and elementary particles

  and entanglement

  and entropy

  and EPR paradox

  and gravity

  and interference

  and many-worlds interpretation

  and Maxwell’s Demon

  and measurement problem

  and negative energy

  and observation

  speculation on

  and state of physical systems

  and time

  and uncertainty principle

  and vacuum energy

  and wave functions

  quantum tunneling

  quantum wave function

  and the arrow of time

  and black holes

  and classical mechanics

  and Copenhagen interpretation

  and decoherence


  and double-slit experiment

  and entanglement

  and EPR paradox

  and interference

  and many-worlds interpretation

  and multiverse model

  and quantum tunneling

  and state of physical systems

  and time before Big Bang

  and uncertainty principle

  wave function of the universe


uartz watches



  radiation. See also cosmic microwave background radiation, Hawking radiation-ray radiation

  and anisotropies

  and the early universe

  and energy budget of Earth

  and general relativity

  matter contrasted with

  and reconstruction of the past

  Ramis, Harold


  r e-collapsing universe



  and anthropic principle

  and Boltzmann brains

  and Boltzmann-Lucretius scenario

  and Boltzmann’s death

  and equilibrium

  and Nietzsche

  and Poincaré

  proof of

  “recurrence paradox,”

  and three-body problems

  troubles with

  and Zermelo/Boltzmann conflict


  and the Big Bang

  and black holes

  Doppler effect contrasted with

  and the early universe

  and expansion of the universe

  and general relativity

  and the Hubble constant

  value of

  Rees, Martin

  Reign of Terror

  relativity. See also general relativity; special relativity

  acceptance of

  and black holes

  and classical mechanics

  and definition of time

  discovery of

  and empiricism

  and function of time

  key to understanding

  and light cones

  and mass/energy equivalency

  and spaceship thought experiment

  and spacetime


  Remembrance of Things Past (Proust)


  and arrow of time

  and bouncing-universe cosmology

  and decoherence

  and determinism

  and entropy definition

  and inflationary cosmology

  and initial conditions of the universe

  and many-worlds interpretation

  and multiverse model

  and possibilism

  and Principle of Indifference

  and quantum mechanics

  and reverse chronology

  and space of states

  and time before Big Bang

  and time symmetry

  and wave functions

  and white holes

  Ricci curvature hypothesis

  Roman culture

  Rosen, Nathan


  and black holes

  and closed timelike curves

  and flatland thought experiment

  and special relativity

  and wormholes

  Sagan, Carl


  Schmidt, Brian

  Schrödinger, Annemarie

  Schrödinger, Erwin

  Schrödinger equation

  Schrödinger’s Cat thought experiment

  Schwarzchild radius

  Sciama, Dennis

  scientific method

  Second Law of Thermodynamics

  and arrow of time

  and black holes

  and Boltzmann

  and bouncing-universe cosmology

  and closed timelike curves

  and coarse-graining

  and creationism

  and decoherence


  and entropy

  examples of


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