Man of Marble (film), 257
Managerial Revolution, The (Burnham), 226
Manchester, England, 3, 8, 10
compared to Lowell, 43–44, 62
Engels and, 34, 88, 337n–38n
entertainment, 22
pollution, 16, 27, 28
population increases and poverty, 29–30
protests, 39
railroad, 40
renting space and power to multiple employers, 10
scale of mills, 21
working conditions, 26, 31
Manchester, New Hampshire, 55, 58, 62, 68, 76
Manchester Operative (newspaper), 70
Manufactured Landscapes (film), 273, 288
Mao Zedong, xii, 277–79, 284
Marcuse, Herbert, 227, 244
Marion, Indiana, 237
market proximity, 236, 241
Marquis, S. S., 131
Marshall, Alfred, 11–12, 290
Martin, Glenn L., 231–32
Martin, Samuel, 27
Marx, Karl, 5, 21, 30, 33–34, 37, 88, 123, 303, 337n–38n
Marx, Leo, 153
Maryland, 231–32. See also Sparrows Point, Maryland
Massachusetts, 46, 133, 347n. See also names of specific locations
Massachusetts Charitable Mechanic Association, 84
Masses, The (journal), 145
Maupassant, Guy de, 87
May, Ernst, 210
McClintic-Marshall Products Company, 169
McClure’s Magazine, 103
McCormick, Cyrus, 106
McCormick Harvesting Machine Company, 106, 290
McKees Rocks, Pennsylvania, 110–11, 113
McKenney, Ruth, 162
meatpacking industry, 114, 121, 127, 234
mechanization. See automation and mechanization
Méliès, George, 86
Melnikova-Raich, Sonia, 194–95
Melville, Herman, xii, 72
Memphis, Tennessee, 236, 382n
Men and Steel (Vorse), 98
Mercury, 242
Merrimack Manufacturing Company, 51, 56, 65, 314, 343n, 345n
Merrimack mills. See Lowell, Massachusetts
Merrimack Mills and Boarding Houses (engraving), 55
Merrimack River, 51, 55, 57–58
Metzgar, Jack, 235
Mexico, 274, 294, 382n
Michigan. See Ford Motor Company and Fordism; names of specific locations
Middle River, Maryland, 231–32
Middlesex Company, 61
Midvale Steel Works, 107
Milan, Italy, 135
Miller, Hugh, 27
Mills, C. Wright, 227, 244
Milton (Blake), 28
mining, 16, 28, 32, 39, 41–42, 115, 194, 201, 333n
Misr Spinning and Weaving Company, 268–69
Mississippi River, 83
Missouri, 85, 229
Model A, 141–42, 144–45, 151, 191
Model T, 118, 122–27, 138, 141–42, 144–45, 147, 174, 181, 317
Modern Times (film), 159–61, 209
modernity and progress
American view of mechanical progress as integral to, 82–85
Chinese vision of, 281, 311, 313
Eastern European model industrial cities, 251
Eiffel Tower as symbol of, 86–87
factories as producers of, 319, 321
factories as symbols of, xiii–xvii, 5, 20–21, 31, 40–41
iron and steel industry as symbol of, 97–98
life cycle of factories, 315
railroads as symbols of, 40, 83–84
slavery and, 5
Soviet vision of, 171, 184, 205–6, 210, 213
steam power as symbol of, 82–84
Monchique, Portugal, 21
Monongahela River, 101
Monroe, James, 69
Montour Iron Works, 91
Moody, Paul, 47, 49
Morgan, J. P., 105, 112
Moscow, Soviet Union, 190–91, 194–95
Mubarak, Hosni, 269
Muncie, Indiana, 237
Murphy, Frank, 165
Murphy, Gerald, 154
Murray, Philip, 234
Muscle Shoals, Tennessee, 186
Museum of Modern Art, 152
My Life and Work (Ford), 174, 180
Myanmar, 274
N. W. Ayer & Son, 151
Naberezhnye Chelny, Soviet Union, 248
Napier, Charles James, 27
Napoleon III, 85
Napoleonic Wars, 46
Nashua, New Hampshire, 55, 62
Nasser, Gamal Abdel, 268
Nation, The (magazine), 216
National Child Labor Committee, 77
National Committee for Organizing Iron and Steel Workers, 114–17
National Guard, 78, 101–2, 165
National Labor Relations Act, 167
National Rip-Saw, The (journal), 145
Nebraska, 85
New Deal, 146, 163, 233, 240
New Economic Policy (NEP), 178–80
New England Offering, The (magazine), 63
New England textile mills. See also Lowell, Massachusetts; names of specific locations; Waltham, Massachusetts
architecture of mills, 51–52, 343n
criticism of, 70–73
expansion beyond Lowell, 55–58
faded vision of as “commercial Utopia,” 73–79
number of workers, 54, 56–57, 75–76
pollution, 76
protests and strikes, 66–68
shutting of, 79
women, 48, 54, 58–70, 75
working day and hours, 67–68, 347n
New Hampshire, 54–55, 58, 62, 68, 76, 347n
New Jersey. See names of specific locations
New Lanark, Scotland, 8, 13, 21, 24, 26
New Masses (journal), 172
New Orleans (steamboat), 82–83
New York City
Edison factory, 106
strikes, 115
world’s fairs, 85, 88, 215, 351n, 363n
New York Herald (newspaper), 101
New York (state). See names of specific locations
New York Times (newspaper), 194, 200
New York Times Sunday Magazine, 217
New York World’s Fair (1939), 215, 363n
Newcastle, England, 96
Newhouse, Edward, 161
Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company, 186
New-York Daily Tribune (newspaper), 58–59, 66
Niagara Falls Power Company, 150
Nike, 273, 292–94, 296, 304, 307, 396n
Nishimura, Koichi, 293
Nissan, 248
Nizhny Novgorod, Soviet Union, 171, 190–93, 199
Nizhny Tagil, Soviet Union, 201, 212, 374n, 379n
Nkrumah, Kwame, xii, 256
NKVD (formerly GPU), 203–4
nonfactory production, 4–6, 9, 32
North American Aviation, 238
North River (steamboat), 82–83
Nottingham, England, 7–8, 328n
Nottinghamshire, England, 36
Nová Ostrava, Czechoslovakia, 249
Nowa Huta, Poland, 249, 251–65, 253, 255, 314, 387n
Oastler, Richard, 26
O’Hare, Kate Richards, 145–46
Ohio. See names of specific locations
oil industry, 277–78, 290
Olds Motor Works, 123
Olmsted, Frederick Law, 104–5
Omaha, Nebraska, 85
On the Economy of Machinery and Manufacturers (Babbage), 10–11
O’Neill, Eugene, 150
organzine industry, 2–3
Orjonikidje, Sergo, 198, 200, 220
Otis Elevator, 239
Otis Steel, 149–50
Ottoman Empire, 5, 329n
outsourcing, 291–96
Overman, Frederick, 89
Owen, Robert, 24, 26
Ozersk, Soviet Union, 246
Packard Motor
Company, 133, 137, 362n
painting, 86, 148, 151–59, 157, 366n
Palace of the Soviets (Moscow, Soviet Union), 230
Panama-Pacific International Exposition (1915), 144–45
panopticon, 17
paper industry, 72
“Paradise of Bachelors and the Tartarus of Maids, The” (Melville), 72
Paris, France, 85–88, 100
Parsons, Talcott, 227
Partisan Review (magazine), 161
patents and patent royalties, 3, 7, 9, 54, 190, 343n, 346n
Pawtucket, Rhode Island, 45, 66
Pawtucket Falls, 51
PBM Mariner flying boats, 232
Pearl River Delta, China, 282–83
Pegatron Corporation, 273, 296, 310, 322
Pellerin, Cora, 76
Pelton, O., 55
Pemberton Mill, 76–77, 79, 349n
Pennsylvania, 46. See also names of specific locations
Pennsylvania Railroad, 58
Pennsylvania Steel Company, 104
pensions and retirement, 113, 131, 234–35, 285, 306, 321–22
Perkins, Frances, 103
Petrograd, Russia, 180
Petrusov, Georgy, 214
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 80–82, 81, 84, 88, 107, 163
Philco Radio, 163
depictions of Cold War mass production, 233, 244
depictions of Fordism and industry, 77, 102–3, 119, 136, 145, 148–54
depictions of Soviet industry, 211–14, 216–18
Piano, Renzo, 362n
piecework, 6, 65, 108, 176, 178–79, 371n
Pierce, George N., 361n
Pierce-Arrow, 361n
Pinkerton National Detective Agency, 100–101
Piquette Avenue plant (Ford), 133, 361n
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 90–93, 95–97, 97, 103, 110, 115, 163, 234, 238, 239
Pittsburgh Survey, 96, 112–13, 357n
Plug Riots, 39
Plymouth, 154
“Poem for Adults” (Ważyk), 256–57
poetry, 86–87, 256–57, 303
Pogodi, Nikolai, 188
Poland, 250, 252, 261–64. See also Nowa Huta, Poland
Polish Military Organization, 204
politics and government
democratic voice, xv, 39–41, 101, 103, 111, 338n
in Eastern Europe, 259–62
incentives to relocate, 241
post-WWII support for union labor, 238
reaction to protests and strikes, 38–39, 78, 100–102, 110–11, 116, 165, 167, 236, 307
regulation, 5, 30–33, 41, 68, 114
Senate investigation of steel industry, 113
state support of factory system, 39–40
Waltham-Lowell system, 69
pollution. See environment and ecology
Pontiac, 191
Pou Chen Corporation, 273–74
power sources, 2, 16
charcoal, 89–91
coal, 91, 253
coke, 89–90, 353n
electric, 139
hand power, 4, 9–10
horse, 7, 45
iron shafts, 49
leather belts, 49
pace of labor and, 31
steam, 8, 10, 13, 16–17, 20, 56, 75, 80, 81, 82–84, 333n, 344n
water, 2–3, 7, 9–10, 13, 16, 51–52, 56–57, 143, 333n, 344n
Preis, Art, 234
Press Shop (Ford), 141
Pressed Steel Car Company, 110–11
production and productivity. See also automation and mechanization
adoption of factory model and scale of production, 10–11
compensation and wages vs., 65–66
concentration and centralization of production, xv, 11–12
effects on environment, xiv
effects on life expectancy, xiv
just-in-time production, 296–97
mass production, 118–19, 124
New England textile mills, 56–57
post-WWII automation and mechanization, 243
scaling up production, 296–98, 394n
scientific management, 107–9
union vs. nonunion workers, 383n
progress. See modernity and progress
Progressive Era, 112
proletariat, 30, 41
Prometheus, 96
Proprietors of Locks and Canals on the Merrimack, 51
protests and strikes
automotive industry, 155, 161–66
in China, 302, 306–8
early labor organization, 38–39
in Eastern Europe, 259–63
in Egypt, 268–69
electronics industry, 306
first substantial walkouts, 39
government and military reaction to, 38–39, 78, 100–102, 110–11, 116, 165, 167, 236, 307
immigrant participation in, 110–11, 117
iron and steel industry, 98–103, 102, 167, 358n
“labor question,” 111
Luddites, 35–39
machine wrecking, 35–39
New England textile mills, 66–67, 77–78
transformation from novel to ordinary, 42
in Vietnam, 274, 307, 397n
women’s participation in, 66–67, 77, 347n
WWI era, 115–17, 234, 358n
WWII and post-WWII, 233–35, 238, 239
“protoindustrialization,” 13
publicity. See art and artists; factory tourism
Pudong New Area of Shanghai, China, 281
Pueblo, Colorado, 96
Pulaski, Virginia, 237
Pullman, 128
Puma, 292
Pun Ngai, 281
punctuality, 20
punishment, 19, 24–25, 31, 303
Putilov metalworking complex (Petrograd, Soviet Union), 180
Quincy Market (Boston, Massachusetts), 84
R. Smith, Incorporated, 169
Radio Corporation of America (RCA), 166, 236–37, 242, 290, 382n
RAIC (Russian-American Industrial Corporation), 178–79
iron industry and, 89–94, 99
opportunities for women, 74
in Soviet Union, 176
as symbols of modernity, 40–41, 83–84
Ramizov, G., 210
Rawfolds, England, 37
RCA. See Radio Corporation of America
Reagan, Ronald, 240, 254, 281
recruitment (labor)
in China, 286–87, 308, 396n
difficulties during WWII, 229–30
early British textile mills, 23–24
early US, 45–46
in Eastern Europe, 257–58
New England textile mills, 59–61
in Soviet Union, 186, 188, 199
Reebok, 289, 292
Reed, John, 146
child labor, 68
textile industry in England, 5, 31–33
working day and hours, 68
WWI era, 114
Renault, 248
Republic Aircraft Corporation, 232, 381n
Republic Steel, 167
retirement. See pensions and retirement
Reuther, Victor, 199–200, 207–8, 223
Reuther, Walter, 199–200, 208, 223, 229
Rhode Island, 45–46, 66, 71, 348n
Richmond, California, 232–33
River Derwent, 1, 7, 16–17
River Irwell, 21, 27
River Rouge plant (Ford), 137–45, 150–54, 152, 156–57, 157, 159, 167–68, 188, 242–44, 310, 314, 362n–63n
Rivera, Diego, xii, 86, 154–59, 156–57, 161, 366n
Rizzi, Bruno, 380n
Robert, Owen, 8
Robinson, Harriet, 63
Rochdale, England, 29
Rockefeller, Abby Aldrich, 153
Rockefeller, John D., Jr., 153, 158
Rockefeller Center (New York City), 158
Rodchenko, Alexander, 212
Romania, 385n
Roosevelt, Franklin, 164–65
Ross, Andrew, 300
Rostow, Walt, 227
Roth, Philip, xvi
Round Mill (Belper, England), 17, 333n
Rousseau, Henri, 86
“ruin porn,” xvi
rural-based manufacturing, 6, 13, 17–18, 69
Russell Sage Foundation, 112
Russian Clothing Workers syndicate, 178
Russian Revolution, 114, 116
Russian-American Industrial Corporation (RAIC), 178–79
Saco, Maine, 55, 81
safety issues
in China, 304
in Eastern Europe, 258
fires and fire danger, 15, 17, 52, 76–77, 349n
iron and steel industry, 109–10
in Vietnam, 304, 396n
Saigon, Vietnam, 282
“Saint Monday,” 18–19
Salford, England, 29
sawtooth roofs, 15, 134, 140
Scale and Scope (Chandler), 290
Schenectady, New York, 128, 163, 166, 240, 244
Schneider, 93, 104
Scientific American (magazine), 212
scientific management (Taylorism), 107–9, 127, 174–79, 181, 297, 356n, 371n
Scotland, 8, 13, 21, 23–24, 26, 29, 60, 121
Scott, John, 202–4, 207, 224
Scott, Sam, 21, 27
Seabrook, C. F., 194
Seattle, Washington, 115, 232
Second All-Union Conference on Scientific Management, 177
Seiberling Rubber Company, 194
Selassie, Haile, 256
Sendzimir, Tadeusz, 264
Seurat, George, 86
sewing machine industry, 82, 121, 290, 317
Shaikhet, Arkady, 212
Shanghai, China, 273
Shatov, Bill, 372n, 378n
Sheeler, Charles, xii, 150–54, 152, 158, 214, 235
Shengzhou, China, 295
Shenzhen, China, 271–72, 283–84, 287, 300, 304, 308, 311
shift work, 24, 100, 109, 129, 198, 268, 287, 302, 304
shipbuilding industry, 232
Shirley (Brontë), 31, 37, 42
Shlakman, Vera, 55
Shop Management (Taylor), 174
Shumyatsky, Boris, 161
Siberia, 171
Siemens, 290
silk industry, 1–6, 10, 35
Sinclair, Upton, 147
Singer Manufacturing Company, 82, 121, 290, 317
Sirotina, A. M., 206
Sisi, Abdel Fattah el-, 269
skilled labor and workers, 45, 60, 90
differences in treatment of, 46, 100, 106
mechanization and reduction in number of, 36–37, 50, 99
protests and strikes, 77, 100, 116–17
scientific management and, 108
in Soviet Union, 181
specialized machinery and, 123, 229
standardization of parts and, 120, 229
trade unions and labor organization, 99–100, 110
Skyscrapers (Sheeler), 151
Slater, Samuel, 45, 50, 65, 74, 341n
cotton industry, 5, 330n, 345n
metaphor of slavery for factory labor, 25–27, 70–71, 336n, 349n
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