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Promise Me Always

Page 14

by Kari March

  “Sorry, man,” he said apologetically.

  I threw my head back and groaned. Christina—that bitch was crazy. I needed to get back to Tess before things got out of control and, knowing Christina, it was inevitable.

  “Shit. Alright, I need to talk to Tess. If you see Christina, stall her from coming outside, will ya?” Matt nodded and I turned around, making my way back to Tess. She spotted me instantly, her smile fading as she saw the look on my face.

  “What’s wrong, Blake? You look like you’re going to be sick,” she said with a giggle.

  “Well, actually…” I blew out a breath, trying to figure out how to approach this thing. “Do you remember Christina Summers from high school?” I asked her.

  “Yeah, I hated her. She always flirted with my boyfriends and it drove me crazy. Why? Is she here?” She started looking around, her face a mixture of confusion and irritation.

  “Yeah, Matt told me she just showed up. I need to warn you… She’s a little obsessed with me,” I said, bracing myself for her reaction.

  “Well, aren’t you conceded?” she laughed, thinking I was playing around. I rolled my eyes at her and she smirked at me.

  “No, seriously. I am not kidding. Last year, I made the mistake of sleeping with her—twice. And ever since, she fucking won’t leave me alone. Can you just do me a favor and keep her away from me tonight?” I leaned towards her conspiratorially before continuing. “I wouldn’t put it past her to try and drug my drinks,” I snickered.

  “Well, I wouldn’t flatter yourself that much, Mr. Bentley. But I sure do know a way to keep her away from you,” she said, flashing a sexy ass smile my way. “Follow me.”

  She leaned over to Lexi and whispered something in her ear, then tugged my hand and led me into the basement. I kept looking around the room for Christina as Tess led me over to the couch. She pushed me down and sat next to me, flinging her legs over my lap and wrapping her arms around my neck. I snaked my arm around her waist, pulling her close to me. I didn’t really know what she was up to, but whatever it was—I fucking loved it. She started to nuzzle into my neck, sucking and licking as she made her way up to my ear. God, I loved it when she did that!

  “Blake!” I heard the screeching voice shout my name from the top of the stairs. I looked up and saw Christina scanning the crowd—looking for me.

  “Trust me, baby, once she sees you in my arms like this—she’ll back off. And if she doesn’t, I’ll kick her fucking ass. You’re mine,” Tessa breathed into my ear.

  The words ‘you’re mine’ made my dick hard instantly. In that moment, I completely forgot about Christina. I pulled Tess closer to me and started kissing her shoulder, slowly making my way up her neck. I ran my hand up her bare leg, completely forgetting we were at a crowded party. She laughed when I licked her ear and a shiver ran over her skin.

  “Blake?” Christina said again. As she approached us, she ran her fingers through her short, strawberry blonde hair—making a concerted effort to get my attention. I don’t know if she even saw Tess, but by the way she was skipping toward us, my guess was that she didn’t. Tess looked up and gave her the coldest stare I had ever seen and it stopped her dead in her tracks. “Oh…uh, sorry, Blake. I didn’t see… Hey…Tessa, is that you?”

  “Hey, Christina. It’s been a long time. How have you been?” Tess’ voice was colder than ice and it was hard not to laugh.

  “Uh, good, I guess. How about you?” Christina responded, sounding annoyed. She played with her fingers as though she were nervous, her green eyes avoiding Tess’ at all costs.

  “Things have been good, actually. I see you know my boyfriend…” Tess moved her hand over to my face and kissed my cheek gently. She then went back to kissing my neck as her hands roamed all over my body. Christina had jealously plastered all over her face as she eyed Tess’ hands.

  “Umm… yeah… hey, Blake,” she stammered, sounding crushed. She kept her eyes trained on the floor, apparently to avoid the sight of Tess all over me. “Well, I guess I’ll let you two be. Have a good night.” She spun around and walked away, her body slumped over in defeat. Tessa’s plan may have worked for now, but I knew Christina and I knew this battle was far from over.

  “Oh, my God! That was so much fun! I hope she sticks around the party for a while so I can rub it in just a little bit more,” Tess said, hysterically laughing. Something about watching Tess act so mean when it was not in her nature was fucking sexy as hell.

  “You are ruthless, baby girl,” I snorted as I sat her up, shifting her so she was straddling me. I grabbed her waist with my hands and shifted my pelvis up so she could feel my erection. I wanted her to know how much she was turning me on.

  “That was nothing. Just wait until you see what else I have in store for your little stalker. She will never mess with you again after tonight.” Her mouth curled into a mischievous grin and I knew she was up to no good. I was intrigued, and a little scared, to see what Tess was capable of. I knew my dick was going to be hard all night thanks to her and her evil ways.

  She stood, hauling me up to my feet by my hands and escorting me over to the bar. She poured two shots of Patron and grabbed the salt and a couple lime wedges. She motioned for me to follow her as she made her way over to the pool table. Christina was standing in the door way, talking to some other people just in our line of sight.

  “Excuse me boys,” she said to the group of guys that had just finished up their game of pool. “Mind if we borrow the pool table for just a second.” She batted her eye lashes at the men and they all eyed her up and down, backing away a bit with courteous nods.

  “Alright, Bentley—lose that shirt,” she said as she pointed to me. I looked at her suspiciously, but did as I was told. I pulled my t-shirt up and over my head. I heard whistles and gasps leaving the lips of every female in the room and it made a wicked smile spread across Tess’ lips. Just as I was throwing my t-shirt on the chair, she walked up and spoke softly in my ear, “Trust me.” She winked at me and nodded her head, motioning for me to look behind her. As I peered around Tess, I saw Christina making her way through the crowd that was now forming around the pool table. I looked back at Tess with horror in my eyes. What was she up to?

  Tess started setting up the pool balls on the table. She placed the eight ball strategically just passed the center of the table, and then she set up the cue ball on its’ mark. She grabbed a pool stick and chalked the tip of it. She looked over at me with a sinful smile plastered on her face. Maybe Tess wasn’t the perfect angel I took her for—she knew exactly what she was doing right now. She had used me to lure in Christina, baiting her like a shark. Taking my shirt off was the tiny drop of blood that she needed—she knew Christina wouldn’t be able to resist. Little did Christina know, this was Tess’ game and she was about to get hooked.

  “Alright, Blake. If I sink the eight ball, I’ll be taking a shot right off of those delicious abs of yours.” She licked her lips as she stared at my stomach. “And if I miss, then I will be the one laid across the pool table.” She giggled as she swung the Patron bottle in her hands.

  Oh, hell no! There was no way I was doing a body shot off of her with all these perverted assholes watching. I was just about to protest when I heard a shrill voice coming from the other end of the table.

  “This looks interesting. Mind if I join in?” Christina asked as she leaned over the pool table, her cleavage spilling out of her top. “I mean, anything that involves Blake shirtless has got to be fun, right?”

  “Actually, Christina, this is just a game for Blake and I. Maybe you should run along and find another guy to obsess over, preferably one that isn’t already taken.” Tess’ words were laced with antagonism. She wrapped her arms around my bicep and rested her head on my shoulder.

  “Are you scared you might lose, Tess? I wouldn’t want to deflate that huge ego of yours… or steal your man away from you for that matter,” Christina challenged. The whole party was crowding around the pool table. I saw Lexi,
Cara, and Avery standing in a row, glaring at Christina. Lexi looked like she was about to pounce on her ass and it made me laugh. These girls were something else tonight!

  Tess tightened her grip on my arm and I felt her inhale a deep breath. “Trust me, Christina—I’m not worried about your bitch ass stealing any man away from me,” she said matter-of-factly. “And I am definitely not scared of losing, at least not to you. I’ll even let you go first,” she said, handing her the stick, “and if you sink the eight ball and I miss, the body shots are all yours. But, if you miss and I sink it, your skanky ass has to leave.” Tess stared Christina down, backing her into a corner. It was do or die time for Christina and she knew it.

  And I was fucking nervous. The last thing I wanted to do was exchange body shots with Christina. I had never seen either girl play pool before, but I was pretty sure Tess had something up her sleeve if she was making this wager. There was no way she would bet something so intimate if she thought for one minute she was going to lose. I relaxed a bit at that thought, but I still held my breath. I watched Christina line up her shot, praying she would miss.

  With a loud crack!, the ball rolled across the table.

  Please miss, please miss… Fuck! She made it!

  My heart was beating out of my chest and my stomach was churning. Christina and I being together for any reason, even if publicly and with Tess right there, was a very, very bad idea.

  “Beginners luck, I assume? Hope you’ll be able to do it again,” Tess said confidently, lining up her shot.


  Please, God, don’t miss… Thank you! Tess sank her shot and Christina’s eyes almost popped out of her head. Tess turned and gave me a cocky smirk. She had this and she knew it. How did she know how to play pool?

  Christina nervously lined up her shot again.


  The balled rolled across the table and bounced off the corner pocket.

  “Oh, that is too bad, Christina,” Tess said with fake sympathy. “You may want to start saying goodbye to everyone now. I mean, unless you want to stick around and watch me devour that shot off my man’s body.” Tess laughed as she bent over the table. She lined up her shot and I closed my eyes, waiting for the sound of the sticking hitting the cue ball.


  I watched the eight ball glide across the table and land in the corner pocket. Thank God! I looked up and saw complete and utter embarrassment on Christina’s face.

  “Bye Bye, Christina!” Tess taunted as she tilted her head and waved at Christina. Christina was livid, spinning around like a top and making her way to the stairs. I couldn’t help but laugh.

  I heard Lexi, Avery, and Cara all laughing as Christina made her way up the stairs.

  Tess sauntered over to where I was standing and ran her hands up over my chest and then behind my neck. She popped up on her tip toes and pulled me down so she could kiss me. Fuck, I wanted her so bad.

  “So, Mr. Bentley, how do you like your body shots?” she asked, flashing me a playful smile.

  “Oh, no, Miss Collins,” I said, shaking my head. “I don’t do public body shots, especially if they are off of your beautiful body.” I tapped her on the nose and she frowned at me.

  “Seriously? Come on, Blake! Stop being such an ass and lay down on that table,” she eyed me wickedly. “Or I’ll be forced to find someone else that’s willing to let me suck tequila off of their stomach.” She shrugged dramatically. “I’m sure there would be plenty of willing participants.” She looked around the room, batting her beautiful lashes and pouting out that adorable bottom lip. I sighed, knowing I had lost this battle.

  I didn’t feel like fighting and she was right—I was being an ass. I strolled over to the table and eased myself onto it. Lying down, I put my hands under my head. Even though I didn’t want to participate, the thought of her lips all over me had my heart pounding with anticipation.

  She padded over to me—tequila, limes and salt in hand. She placed the lime in my mouth and licked my neck seductively before shaking some salt onto it. It was taking everything in me to tame the erection that was threatening to show through my jeans. She handed Lexi the shot glass and turned to me, a sexy-as-hell smirk on her lips. She leaned down, and paused—hovering just above, watching me try to lay still. She giggled before closing the distance between us, and licked the salt off of my neck with smooth, even strokes.

  I grabbed her by the back of the head before she could rise up. “Keep this up, baby girl, and I’m going to fuck you right here and I won’t give a damn who is watching,” I whispered into her ear, licking her neck as she rose. I heard her sharp intake of breath and smiled as I turned the tables a bit.

  Lexi slowly poured the ice cold tequila all over my stomach, the coolness of the drink in stark contrast to the heat of my body. Tess made her way down the length of me, trailing her fingers across my flesh as she went.

  I was trying to focus on anything besides what she was doing, as Tess began to lick the fluid off of my stomach. The feel of her warm tongue on my flesh had my body reacting, begging, needing for more. She ran her mouth over every inch of my stomach, tracing the muscles with her mouth. Just before I couldn’t take it anymore, she slowly made her way up to my mouth, taking the lime out and sucking it dry—her eyes never leaving mine.

  The sounds of shouts and whistles brought me back to reality; I had forgotten we were not alone. I had to adjust my pants as I sat up and jumped off the table. “Looks like you put on a pretty good show, baby girl, but it won’t hold a candle to what I’m about to do to you.” I raised my eyebrows at her and cocked my head to the side.

  “Bring it on, Bentley,” she mocked, laying down on the pool table. She was being a very naughty girl tonight and suddenly I had the urge to spank the shit out of her.

  I leaned down and whispered in her ear, “Every guy here will know you belong to me once I am finished. You will be begging me to take you home and fuck you.” She responded by pulling my face down to hers and devouring me, her tongue, still cold from the tequila, slowly caressing mine. I pulled away and shook my head, smiling at my girl.

  I needed to put on a good performance, not that it would be hard. I was a competitive bastard. I was willing to do anything, short of showing off her body parts to the whole room, to put on a better display than she did. I hoped I wouldn’t take it too far, though. I was good at fucking things up.

  I stood next to the table and stared down at her exquisite body. I rolled up the bottom of her shirt stopping just under her breasts. I needed to take it one step further—push the envelope just a bit. I trailed my hand down her stomach and unbuttoned her shorts, folding them down just enough, but making sure not to expose too much skin. I ran my fingers lightly across her stomach and she lifted her hips to me, causing more contact than I wanted to give. I smirked, shaking my head and pulling my fingers away.

  I made my way back up her body, letting my fingers drag across her bare skin, leaving a wake of goosebumps in their path. I pushed her hair away from her neck before leaning down and licking it, pressing my tongue against her heated flesh. I bit down, not too hard and not too soft, just to watch her squirm. She writhed beneath my mouth, causing my dick to grow harder than ever.

  I shook some salt onto her wet skin and reached over, taking a lime and placing it in my mouth. I looked down at Tess, her eyes full of lust and sexual frustration, mirrored mine. I leaned down and placed the lime between her lips. I heard her breathing pick up as I made my way back to her neck to suck the salt off. I lingered there a little longer, nipping and biting, as a soft moan escaped her lips; I nearly lost it.

  I got into position and Lexi poured the shot right into her belly button. I sucked the tequila from her stomach, circling my tongue around her navel. Just before I made my way up to her mouth, I ran soft kisses down her pelvis and dipped my tongue under her shorts. Her hips lifted just a little as she tried to control herself from the torture I was putting her through. I was winning and I knew it, but
I still had one more trick left. I just hoped I could make it without my dick exploding.

  I took the lime from her mouth with mine and, instead of sucking on it, I squeezed it all over her stomach. Her eyes widened at the unexpected turn of events. I bent back down and hungrily licked all of the juice from her body, savoring every taste, every touch.

  Her hands found my hair and she arched her body into my mouth, obviously wanting me as much as I wanted her. I need to be inside her, damn it! I was two seconds from taking her right there before I remembered we were in a room full of people. I instantly stopped. I stood up, taking her hand, and helped her off of the table.

  “Now that was a fucking body shot!” Cam bellowed, coming up behind me slapping me on the back. “I think the whole room needs a cold shower after that.”

  I looked down at Tess. I could tell she was still trying to regain her composure. “Are you alright, baby girl?” I asked with a chuckle, leading her outside. She looked like she needed some air. Fuck, I needed some air.

  “Um… Uh…y… yeah, I’m good,” she stuttered and it was fucking adorable. She was still a little dazed, but I was smiling inside, knowing that I beat her at her own game.

  The rest of the party was a big fucking tease. All I wanted to do the rest of night was get Tess alone and, so far, I had failed miserably. Between the fucking body shots and all of the dancing, I was sexually frustrated. To top it off, I was horribly aggravated from being torn away from our private make out session that I am sure would have escalated further, if it weren’t for Lexi and Avery barging in and stealing Tess away. Stupid female drama! I swore I was going to get even with those girls one day, especially Lex—she was the biggest cock blocker ever.

  I was standing out on the deck, destructively slamming beers down, watching Tess, Lexi, Avrey and Cara moving their hips on the dance floor to “Feel This Moment” by Pitbull and Christina Aguilera. Just watching Tess’ hips move that way made me want to bend her over and take her from behind.


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