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The Guardian's Seduction

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by Aliyah Burke

  The Guardian’s Seduction

  Copyright © 2019 Aliyah Burke

  Cover illustration copyright © Amanda Walker PA & Design Services

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by an information storage and retrieval system-except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a magazine, newspaper, or on the Web-without permission in writing from the publisher or author. The unauthorized replication or allocation of any copyrighted work is illegal. File sharing is an international crime, prosecuted by the United States Department of Justice and the United States Border Patrol, Division of Cyber Crimes, in partnership with Interpol. Copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is punishable by up to five years in federal prison, a fine of $250,000 per reported instance, and seizure of computers.

  This book is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is coincidental. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only.

  Published by: Sensual Romance Publishing

  The Guardian’s Seduction


  Aliyah Burke

  Blurb for The Guardian’s Seduction

  There are some things money can’t buy...

  Billionaire Marco Auciello has made a name for himself by being cutthroat and taking what he wants. All is fine until the day comes when he learns he is now the guardian of not one, but two children. Having to travel to get them he meets the woman they’ve been staying with and want to continue staying with.

  Novelist, Niya Bell loves the children in her life more than anything. Their uncle is another thing entirely, she wants to hit him for his view on how this is going to work. She may not have legal right to the children but she’s going to do her best to make sure, he is the best guardian for them no matter how he wants to get out of this.

  From enemies to lovers and perhaps more? Will this potential couple learn to work it all out in the cold Maine winter?


  To the ones who kept me safe until it was time for me to move on.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  About The Author

  Additional Books By Aliyah Burke

  Chapter One

  Marco Auciello blinked, leaned back in the brown leather executive chair only to blink again as he stared at the man across the massive desk. He skimmed his teeth with his tongue, took a deep breath, and stated with a calm he didn’t feel, “I’m sorry, would you care to repeat that?”

  “It’s exactly like I said, Marco. Having me repeat it isn’t going to change any of it.” Anson Costa was more than his best friend, he was also his attorney, one who others hated to face. The man reclined in his own chair and crossed his arms, a look of pure amusement on his face.

  Marco scowled. “I fail to see the slightest bit of humor in this.”

  “Make no mistake, I’m not laughing about the death, I’m laughing because you are now responsible for a child.”

  “I don’t believe you. I’m not the father of any child.”

  Anson shook his head in familiar fashion. “Did you even read what I gave you? It doesn’t state you’re the father, it states you are now the guardian.”

  He jerked the paper up and reread it. Maria and Harold Kelly. There was a faint niggling of familiarity but not enough. He shook his head. “I don’t know them. Why the hell would they entrust their child to me?” Why was he sweating? That was the bigger question.

  Anson relaxed and Marco knew he had totally settled into his ‘attorney’ role, no longer the friend role. “As I was saying before you cut me off is that you met Maria ten years ago. She came to find you. Your sister.”

  It was a good thing he sat at his desk already for surely his legs would have given out on him. He remembered that visit. It had been a short one with promises to meet again somewhere in the future. Marco distantly—greatest of distances— remembered also receiving an invitation to her wedding. He didn’t attend, in fact he never saw her again. He’d always found some excuse not to go. Sorrow pierced him and he shifted on the smooth seat.

  “So this is my niece?”

  Anson nodded. “Yes. And a nephew.”

  Shock widened his eyes. I really didn’t read this paper very well. He was profoundly busy with the acquisition of two more hotels and quiet honestly hadn’t given the stuff from Anson any thought, filing it away to be dealt with later. A mental snort. Apparently, later had just arrived. “Two kids? What would I do with one much less two? I don’t lead a stable life, I’m travelling all the time. No, I can’t do this. Get me out of it, Anson.”

  “You need to at least go meet them, Marco. They just lost their parents.”

  Anson, who could be as cutthroat as a pirate, actually sounded as if he were rebuking him. Marco took a deep breath and pulled up his calendar. He supposed he should have a bit more feeling about this but honestly, he didn’t feel much anymore. His heart had been encased in stone since the day he realized the woman he loved, Torrye, was in love with another man. He didn’t begrudge them their happiness, no not at all, he just didn’t care much about others and how they may feel. She had been the light in his world and now that had vanished.

  “Fine, I’ll go. Where are they?”

  “I really don’t know why I even bother to give you paperwork, Marco.”

  “I have you to read it all, Anson.”

  “One day I may slip in there a page that says you give me all your money. Knowing you, you’d just sign it without reading.”

  He chuckled. “Perhaps before. Not now you gave me warning.”

  Reaching into his bag, Anson pulled out another sheet. “This is when you’re leaving. I’ve alerted your pilot and your plane is ready.” Marco reached for it only to have it pulled back. He scowled and looked at his friend. “Also on this sheet is the name of the place you need to go after you land. There will be a vehicle waiting for your use.”

  Marco held up a hand. “Okay. I got it.”

  Anson stood and placed the paper on the desktop. “Remember they’re just children, Marco.” He made his way to the door. “Call me when you get back.”

  After his attorney had vanished through the heavy oak door, Marco exhaled heavily. He reached for the paper, fingers trembling a tiny bit. After digesting the information on the sheet, he placed it down and picked up the phone. Arrangements were made shortly then he pushed away from his desk, pausing to grab his suit coat.

  He stepped from his large office and walked past his secretary, Liza, who also gathered her items. “See you in a few days, Liza.”

  “Sure thing, Mr. Auciello.”

  He held the elevator for her and they rode down in silence. Liza was truly a gem. She ran his schedule like clockwork and he never had a problem with her. She knew his business but didn’t try to run him. A consummate professional. As he did every night, he walked her to her car and waited until she got on her way before he went to his.

  Unlocking the BMW SUV, he tossed his bag in first before sliding over the leather seat. His life sure had changed in the past few years. He was still in the hotel business but instead of managing them now he owned them. Always looking to buy more and increase his holdings.

  He listened to the game as he drove to h
is condo. Despite currently living in Texas, he wasn’t a Texas Rangers fan or a Houston Astros fan and was grateful to be able to get the Baltimore Orioles games on the radio. He’d lived there for much longer and had developed a fondness for the Birds.

  Once he reached his place, he sat down and reviewed a contract. He just wouldn’t be able to handle this one and picked up his phone to dial a number.

  “Hello?” A man’s voice answered.

  “Niall. Marco. I need to talk to Torrye.”


  That was all he said. The men never really got along all that well, they behaved and tolerated each other out of their love and respect for Torrye. However, Marco would be fine if he never had to talk to him again.

  “Hey!” Torrye’s upbeat tone brought a smile to his face.

  “Sorry to bother you, Bella, but I need you to take a client for me.”

  Marco had brought Torrye with him once he started buying up properties, knowing she deserved so much better than they’d both been getting. She still loved to run hotels, just got paid obscenely more to do so now.

  “You going somewhere that you can’t meet with them? I know how important acquiring The Castle is for you.”

  It was, but he’d promised Anson he would take care of this. “Something just came up, Anson brought it to me tonight. I’m on my way out of town. I’ll send a courier over with all the papers with my notes on them for you.”

  “Okay, not a problem.” She paused then cleared her throat. “Marco? Is everything alright?”

  He held silent for a moment. Their new relationship bothered him, before Niall, he would have told her immediately. Now, he knew there had to be some distance. “Sure, just something what requires my personal touch.”

  “If you’re sure.” She didn’t sound sure herself.

  “I am. Thanks, Torrye.” He hung up before she could ask more questions. Tossing the phone down on the table, he groaned. It didn’t take him too much time to have a courier arrive and take his papers for Torrye. Then he turned his attention to packing.

  “What the hell do I need to take?” He shook his head in frustration. “I’m going where again?” He went to the paper and stole a look at his final destination.


  “Blippin’ wonderful. January in Maine. Oh, that’ll be so nice and warm.” Zipping his bag shut, he stole a glance at his phone which rang on the table near him. He ignored it seeing the name Candy on the screen.

  No reason to talk to her. There was a reason to block her number though. She didn’t get the hint of it being over. One night stands weren’t supposed to be a pain in the ass. Apparently, she’d gotten his number by calling herself from his phone while he’d been in the shower. Hearing from her had been a shock, to say the least the first time it happened. Since then all he’d done was ignore her. Ready, he hefted his bag and grabbed his coat on the way out. His car service waited for him and he slid gratefully into the backseat.

  “Evening, Mr. Auciello,” the older gentleman said.

  “Ralph, after all these years, will you ever call me, Marco?”

  “Perhaps if we one day meet in a restaurant. Right now, I’m a driver and you’re the client. You are Mr. Auciello.”

  He knew Ralph took great pride in his work. “Very well. We’ll have to do dinner and drinks when I get back.”

  “Sure thing, sir.” The man met his gaze in the rear view briefly before getting them on their way.

  As they drove to the airport, Marco closed his eyes and hoped this would be over soon. He was a businessman, surely he could explain why it wasn’t the best for him to be the guardians of these children. Then he could return home and get back to work, focusing solely on that aspect of his life.


  Niya Bell bit back her muttered curse as she shoved her finger into her mouth, hoping to dull the throbbing ache. The sharp taste of blood seeped along her tongue and she grumbled as she yanked her injured digit out and held it under the faucet as cold water poured free.

  “You’re distracted today, Niya.”

  She glanced over her shoulder and gave her friend a wan smile. “You know this is the day the kids go with their guardian.” Brooke Nestor approached and beckoned for her hand. The moment Niya turned it over, Brooke wrapped a ready bandage around it.

  “I know and you wanted to make this breakfast special. They’re going to miss you, Niya. You know this. Hopefully you’ll be able to stay in touch with them.”

  “It took us so long to get in touch with him—I’d begun to hope and think...” she trailed off.

  “I know, honey. I know. You’d hoped they’d be able to stay with you.” Brooke gave her hand an encouraging squeeze.

  Forcing a smile, she nodded. Her newly bandaged hand held up, she said. “Thanks for fixing this. Will you go see if J.T. is up?”

  “Of course.” Brooke carefully made her way out of the kitchen and Niya returned her attention to the fruit she wanted to go with the waffles. Much more carefully this time, she finished cubing it all up.

  “Morning, Niya.”

  “J.T.” Facing him, she gave him a warm smile.

  He was a fourteen-year-old boy who had been born before Harold and Maria got married. Didn’t matter, she’d loved him as if he were her own and Niya loved both J.T. and his baby sister, Eliana. She’d seen J.T. grow up over the past twelve years and had been there at the hospital when Eliana had been born.

  His shaggy blond hair hung forward obscuring most of his face, hiding his vivid blue eyes. Around his neck sat his headphones and she shook her head.

  “You know the rules, no music at the table.”

  “I know, I know. Unless I’m doing homework.” Even while his statement was made grudgingly, he removed them and placed them on the counter.

  “How are you feeling today?”

  “Not understanding why we can’t stay with you. I don’t know this uncle, why would they put us with him?”

  She couldn’t explain it for she wanted to know herself. “I don’t know, all I know is I was only a place for you to stay provisionally until they found him.” She placed the bowl of fruit on the table. “It will be fine, an uncle, that’s got to be pretty cool, right?”

  His head jerked up and he paused in the act of getting silverware from the drawer. “An uncle who wanted nothing to do with us. I don’t need an uncle,” he swore with a frown. “I have an aunt and you’re all we need. You, me, Eliana, and Brooke. We’re family.”

  Niya blinked back the tears, desperate not to let them fall, as she moved to J.T.’s side and hugged him. “I love you too, J.T. No matter where you are, I’ll always be just a phone call away.”

  His arms encircled her, and she knew this was a lot tougher on him than he wanted to admit. “I don’t want you to be that. I want to see you over breakfast. Have you help me with my homework. Listen to you up the hall singing Eliana to sleep.”

  Those same tears she’d tried to stop spilled over and soaked her cheeks. “It’ll work out, you’ll see.” Her whispered words, she knew, brought neither of them much comfort. At the sound of Brooke returning they broke apart and each wiped their eyes.

  Not much later the four of them were at the table partaking in what was most likely their last meal together. The silence somber as they ate waffles, fruit, and had juice. Niya held Eliana and fed her from her bottle. She didn’t want to rush their time but she knew she couldn’t afford to be late with them at the office, so she did keep an eye on the clock.

  “We need to get ready to go,” she said, wiping her mouth off with her napkin. “Get your shower, J.T.”

  She saw the flash of defiance in his gaze but all he rose. “Yes, Niya.” After busing his dishes to the sink, he walked from the room, his slender shoulders slumped.

  Another wave of tears threatened and she bit the inside of her lip to keep them contained. “I’ll get dressed then take care of the dishes.”

  “Nonsense, Niya. I got it. I’m not a total invalid.”
br />   She jerked her head up to stare at Brooke. “Is that how I’m making you feel? I’m so sorry, Brooke.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I will handle clean-up. You go get ready.”

  She rose and bent to place a kiss on her friend’s cheek. “You’re the best. Thank you. And thanks for putting her in this.” Niya smoothed her hand down the pink fuzzy one-piece that had the baby looking absolutely adorable.

  With everyone dressed and ready it was time to go. All their bags were packed in the back of her SUV and she carefully buckled Eliana in. Once the baby had been put in, she helped Brooke from the wheelchair to a seat, put the chair beside her and watched J.T. hop in the passenger seat. Brooke gave her a sad yet understanding look before Niya made her way to the driver’s seat.

  Snow fell in thick flakes and she was glad her neighbor had swung by earlier this morning and plowed the drive for her. Not leaving until her garage door had shut securely she then put them on the road and headed for the place she least wanted to go in the world. The ride was quiet, J.T. had his music in, the baby slept, and Brooke kept her own counsel.

  An unpleasant knot grew exponentially when Niya finally made it to town and turned into the parking structure of the law office. J.T. got his sister out while Niya assisted Brooke. They all entered together. A unit. A family.

  They rode the elevator to the top floor where Lucas Drilmer had his office. The place was quieter than normal.

  “Morning, Niya.”

  “Denise,” she replied with a small nod for the receptionist.

  “Mr. Drilmer will be right out.”

  “Thanks.” Heart heavy, she took a seat between Brooke and J.T. and reached out to pick up Eliana, needing to touch her again.

  She was awake now and made happy cooing sounds as she smiled up at her. Niya pressed her lips together and nuzzled the child. I’m going to miss you so much.


  The masculine voice had her pulling away from the infant and looking up to find Lucas standing there. An older gentleman with a head full of gray hair and wearing small spectacles.

  “Mr. Drilmer.”


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