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The Guardian's Seduction

Page 2

by Aliyah Burke

  His green gaze sympathetic as he stared down at her. “Their uncle is in my conference room. I think it best you wait out here and let them get to know one another.”

  Every cell in her body rebelled with his suggestion. These were her kids. Her babies. Hers! Instead of voicing her displeasure she blew out a breath and nodded. “Okay.” With care she put Eliana back in her carrier then turned to J.T. who had a scowl on his face fierce enough to send the devil back into hiding.

  Niya removed his headphones and took his iPod. Her chin quivered as she tried to get the words out without breaking down. “You take your sister and go meet your uncle. I’ll be right here with Brooke waiting.”

  “I hate him,” he spat out.

  “You don’t have to like him. You have to meet him. He’s your uncle, J.T. show him some respect.” She brushed some blond hair back from his face. “For me.”

  “Fine.” He stood, raked a hand through his hair which immediately fell forward and covered much of his face. Despite the anger in each movement, he was gentle when he lifted the carrier holding his baby sister. Wordlessly, he followed Lucas down to the corner before disappearing around it.

  Niya dropped her head into her hands and didn’t even try to stop the tears. She shook with a blend of pain and sorrow. Barely recognizing Brooke’s touch of comfort, she burst up from the seat and bolted to the bathroom. She barely made it before she lost the contents of her stomach. When there was nothing left in her, she flushed the toilet and made her way to the sink where she cleaned up.

  Dampening a paper towel, she did her best to wipe away the puffiness around her eyes only to get pissed and whip the item into the trash. “What the hell do I care how I look? I’m supposed to be sad.”

  Sad didn’t even begin to cover it. Heartbroken would be a much more apt word. She rinsed out her mouth one more time before making her way back out to reception where as she passed the desk, Denise held out some mints for her that she took gratefully. Slowly she chewed on one as she waited beside Brooke.

  Chapter Two

  Marco paced as he waited. He knew he shouldn’t be impatient, but he was. Another glance at his Rolex told him the kids weren’t late but hell, he’d been here fifteen minutes. He didn’t do well when kept waiting. Time was money.

  The door opened and he paused by the large window which overlooked the ever increasing snow on the ground and streets. Pivoting to face the door, he waited, oddly confused to find he was holding his breath, for his first look at his nephew and niece. The lawyer entered first and nervous smile on his face.

  Behind him walked a tall thin boy who carried a baby seat in his hand. There was no nervousness on this one’s face. It was open hostility. Shaggy blond hair hid most of the lean features, but not the rage.

  Marco didn’t move until the door had been closed behind him. Then he made his way toward them all. He was impressed his nephew didn’t back away as many people did when he walked to them. Not this one, if anything he grew more defensive. His head lifted more than a fraction and the anger increased in his expression.

  “I’m your uncle, Marco.” He stopped and stared down for the first glimpse of his niece.

  She—Eliana was her name—lay there swathed in pink. She had dark hair, jet black, and blue eyes. Her gaze watched him as he did her.

  “This is J.T. and his younger sister, Eliana,” Lucas interjected.

  “I’m sorry for your loss, J.T.”

  “What do you care?” the boy snapped. “You’ve never been around, even despite all the times she tried to get in touch with you.”

  The venom was close to poisoning him it was so potent. Marco bit back his own shame and tried to remind himself the child had just lost his parents.

  “She was my sister.” The words didn’t feel right falling from his lips.

  “She was our mother.” Eliana began to cry and J.T. didn’t even blink over it, just set the carrier down and lifted her out, holding her close, and rocking her.

  Marco blew out a frustrated breath. He’d come here looking for a way to get out of having these kids and yet when he stared at J.T. he saw so much of himself it hurt. He remembered what it was like to be that angry, that disillusioned with everything around him.

  Damn it! It wasn’t supposed to go this way. As if knowing he needed a break, his phone rang. He held up a finger and reached into his pocket to check the screen. Anson’s name glared back at him and Marco made a decision. He ignored the call.

  “I know this is new to you but it will get you out of the home you’re in. I have a large place, you’ll be able to have your own room.”

  As the words escaped he realized he was doing this. Going all in and honoring his sister’s request. Funny thing, it wasn’t as scary as he’d thought it would be.

  “You think that’s all it takes?” J.T. demanded. “Give us a roof and a private room and appease your own guilt? You’re tearing us from our family. Got it? We don’t want to go with you. I love my family and don’t want to leave them. We already have more than what you could ever offer.”

  “I’m your family now,” Marco said.

  “You will never be my family.” The words were dagger sharp. “You want to feel better about being a shitty brother. But you don’t care about us. You want to help us, let us stay with Niya. She loves us, knows how to care for us. Do you even know how to take care of an infant? Or would you pay someone to do it for you?”

  The bitterness shocked him. It was more than just having lost his parents. This kid really hated him.

  “Who’s Niya?” he asked. Perhaps this person could give him some pointers then he could be on his way.

  Why are you ignoring what the kid said? You know he touched on the truth, his subconscious added.

  “The closest thing we have to a mother.”

  “Is she here? Can I meet her?” A rational adult he could handle.

  “I’ll go get her,” Lucas said then slipped from the room.

  The silence which descended was thick and angry. Marco didn’t like it, he wanted to ask more questions but from the set on J.T.’s face, he knew answers wouldn’t be forthcoming. Returning to the window, Marco peered out of it and crossed his arms. So this wasn’t going like a business meeting but he had to try.

  The sound of the door sliding along the carpet had him turning only to pause when his breath caught in his throat. Two women entered after Lucas. Both black. One in a wheelchair who had no legs immediately went to J.T. and took the baby from him. Her dark eyes cut into him before her attention returned to the baby. The other woman had her hair in braids. Dark jeans and a sweatshirt covered her body. She had black hiking boots on her feet. She, also went to J.T. and whispered something in his ear.

  “Niya,” Lucas said. “This is Marco Auciello. Marco, Niya Bell.”

  She studied him with her dark eyes before stepping toward him and offering her hand. Marco knew it wasn’t what she wanted to do, he could see the puffiness around her eyes and the redness of them as well. She’d been crying.

  He took her hand and had to remind himself to breathe again. Fissures of pleasure skated up along his spine and overtook him. His knees trembled and he had to lock them, it had been so long since a woman had gotten this kind of reaction from him, it was shocking. And a bit disturbing, part of his entire personality had been based on the fact the woman he’d loved and wanted more than anything was no longer available. There had no chance of attachments and he’d liked it that way. This single touch however had more power over him than the first time he’d met Torrye.

  Her hand was cool yet brief with the strong shake. “Mr. Auciello.

  “Marco, please,” he said with his patented smile, which had been well documented to bring women over to his way of thinking.

  She sighed heavily and met his gaze with a bland stare. “Mr. Auciello.”

  Well that didn’t go very well and not at all as planned. He’d hoped to get this woman on his side and get the children on board as well. From the moment
he decided he was in this all the way, he wanted it done smoothly and efficiently, like he preferred his business to be handled.

  “A word.” He gestured off to the side where they wouldn’t be overheard. One finely arched brow rose. “May I have a word,” he amended.

  She shared a glance with the boy who still shot daggers in his direction before moving away toward the windows. Marco watched her move, with an inherent grace about her she had a lovely flowing quality about her. At the window, she pivoted toward him and shoved her hands into her back pockets.


  Okay, there was no gentleness in her tone.

  “Maybe we could act like we get along,” he said.

  “Why? I don’t know you aside from the fact you’re tearing my family apart.”

  He frowned. “J.T. said the same thing.”

  She shrugged. “And? What’s your point?”

  “Look,” he said, shoving a hand through his hair. “I know this isn’t what you wanted, it’s not what I wanted either but it’s how it has to be. Could you help me so the change isn’t as difficult as it seems it’s going to be?”

  He’d expected her to soften her demeanor somewhat but he was totally wrong. If anything, her countenance hardened even more.

  “So let me get this straight. You want me to help you when you’re telling me you didn’t want these children anyway?”

  Shit. That’s not how he wanted it to sound. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “It’s how you said it. Then add to that it took Mr. Drilmer so many months to track you down. How do you think that makes them feel? To know their only flesh and blood relative not only never came to see them but couldn’t bothered to be reached when his own sister died.” Her voice was a low hiss even though her expression remained neutral.

  “Look, I was busy, I had work—”

  “They lost their mother and their father. Had you the inclination you could have made time for family. How can you expect them to trust you when you’ve never made time for them before? In time you may be able to sway Eliana but J.T. will take a lot of work. What’s your set up for them?”

  He blinked. “My setup?”

  “Yes. For the children. How are you going to care for them?”

  Her negativity and condescension rubbed him wrong and he narrowed his gaze. “It isn’t really any of your concern now is it? They will be coming with me.”

  He saw the moment the truth smacked her in the face. The pain there nearly drove him to his knees and he hated himself in that second.

  “You’re right. Good luck, Mr. Auciello. J.T. knows where I live so they can get the rest of their things, otherwise, he can show you where your sister used to live and you can do what you will with her things. Good bye.”

  She strode away from him, stiff as rebar. He watched, with a heavy and traitorous heart as she pulled J.T. into her embrace. There was no disguising the tears on her face when they parted. Then she went to the baby and took her from Brooke before nuzzling the infant and whispering something to her as well. The devastation on all their faces blatant and painful when she handed the baby to J.T. after he hugged Brooke. Holding her friend’s hand they made their way to the door and slipped out without even saying anything to him. Both women looked back however at the children who stood across the room from him.

  The door clicked shut and he shoved his hands into his pockets, unsure of what to say now. Clearing his throat, he glanced at the older brother, who loved and protected his sister in a way Marco never had. The knowledge of that annoyed him. And embarrassed him. The expression on J.T.’s face told Marco all he needed to know. It would be one hell of an uphill battle to get through the iron shell around his heart.

  “I’ve lost them, Brooke,” Niya cried as she drove them back to the house. “To a man who didn’t want them anyway.” She tightened her grip on the steering wheel. “How does this happen? I love them, me! Not him. She was going to put custody of them to me, we just kept,” she sniffed and wiped her eyes, “putting it off.”

  Brooke reached over and touched her arm. “No one ever expects this to happen to them. There’s always supposed to be more time.”

  Niya opened the garage and parked the vehicle before getting out to assist Brooke. They made it up into the house and the silence which met her ears nearly made her throw up. No pulsing boom of J.T.’s tunes or sweet baby babble from Eliana as she held conversations with herself.

  “I’ll make us something to eat,” Brooke said.

  “Not hungry.”

  “I don’t care, you will eat what I make. I’ll not have you refusing to eat and getting yourself sick.”

  Despite wanting to argue with her friend, she knew Brooke had the right of it. With a nod, she trekked silently through her house to her room. She couldn’t help, however, stopping at each room for the children and looking into the emptiness.

  One arm snaked around her waist, she stood in the doorway of what had been J.T.’s room. The posters had all been removed from his walls and stuff sat in boxes. Swallowing back her sob, she walked to the room which had been set up as the nursery for Eliana and peered into the darkened room. There was no need for light to see the crib and all of that had been packed as well, reminding her once again just how empty her life was without them in it.

  Finally making it to her room, Niya sat down on the edge of her bed and clicked on the lamp next to her. Immediately her gaze was drawn to the pictures she had beside her bed. Her and Brooke, before the explosion which took her legs, and one of Niya with the children.

  With a whimper, she curled up into a little ball and allowed the tears to fall. She barely registered when Brooke came to get her for dinner. Nor did she pay much attention to the pasta and meatballs they ate. Since Brooke had cooked, she cleaned up then retreated back to her room with a hug for her friend.

  Sleep eluded her and she found herself curled up in the overstuffed chair she had by her large window, staring out over the snow-covered landscape as the moon shown down upon it. Normally a peaceful scene for her but right now, it just made her hurt more. Tugging up the quilt, which draped over her legs, she sighed and wiped furiously at the tears that started anew.

  Her phone chimed and instantly her body went on full alert. It was J.T.’s ring. Fumbling for it, she nearly fell from the chair. She accepted the call and said, “J.T. what’s wrong?”

  The screaming child in the background turned her blood to ice. The voice however which reached her wasn’t J.T.’s and it warmed her despite what the owner was doing to her.

  “Ms. Bell, I seem to have a bit of a problem here.”

  “Are they okay?”

  “Aside from the ear piercing crying? Yes.”

  She smirked at the desperation in his tone. “This is what it’s like with children in the house, Mr. Auciello. It tends to get a little nosy from time to time.”

  “Your sarcasm notwithstanding, I figured the kid would cry from time to time but this, is nothing I’ve ever heard before. And J.T. just glares at me.” A deep breath. “Do you think you could put aside your animosity just for a moment and give me some help?”

  I wonder how much it cost him to ask for help? She shook off her curiosity and rested her chin on the back of her chair. “What is it you want me to do, Mr. Auciello? Reach through the phone and feed her, change her, rock her?”

  “Is that what she needs?”

  “She is a baby. Contact is always a good thing. They don’t always sleep through the night.”

  “Let me guess, she did with you?”

  “Most nights, yes.” The cries were getting louder and she dug her nails into the palm of her hand. “Let me talk to J.T.”

  “Thank you.” A few moments passed before a different male voice came on the line.

  “He sucks at this, Niya. When can we come home?”

  “You can’t let your sister suffer like that, J.T.. It’s not fair to her. She’s scared. Help him out with her so she settles in faster.”

“I want to come home!”

  She gulped. “And I want you home but it can’t be.” Biting her lower lip, she prayed for the strength to let them go. “Eliana needs you, J.T., you have to be there for her.”

  “Yes ma’am. I love you, Niya.”

  Hot tears spilled over. “I love you too, sweetie. So much.”

  The call ended and she dropped her phone and rocked herself until she fell asleep. Niya woke a bit stiff from sleeping in her chair. Stretching and yawning, she got up and folded the star quilt before heading to shower. After she’d dried and dressed, she picked up her phone and went to the kitchen to begin on breakfast.

  The doorbell rang just as Brooke entered the kitchen. “I’ll get it,” she said before leaving the room.

  Moments later familiar footsteps thundered across her floor and she turned in time to see J.T. burst into the kitchen, shaggy blond hair flying behind him, a smile on his face.

  “J.T.,” Niya exclaimed drawing him close for a hug. “What are you doing here?”

  “I brought him.”

  There went that deep seductive voice again. The one she knew he used to get women to fall for his charm. Stepping from the boy in her arms, she faced the man who’d spoken. Her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of him. Rumpled. Red-eyed. And not at all the put together person she’d met yesterday. Exhaustion streamed from him and she bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing at him.

  “Mr. Auciello,” she said, glancing behind him to see Brooke with Eliana in her arms not even bothering to hide the laughter in her expression. “Long night?”

  “Yes, a bit.”

  “Surely a man such as yourself has spent all-nighters before.”

  Despite the exhaustion in his eyes, something else sparked there. “Oh, I have but my companions are a bit older.” His gaze raked her up and down making her body come alive with fissures of energy.

  “Bully for you.” She turned back to J.T. who had taken over cooking the sausage on the stove. “I have no desire to hear of your numerous exploits.”

  “Might I have a word with you,” Marco fairly growled.


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