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Cam's Promise

Page 2

by Lisa Oliver

  “You will stay until after the enforcer challenges, won’t you?” Aiden’s puppy dog eyes were impossible to ignore. “You’ve done all the organizing already, and honestly, I haven’t got a clue how to run one of these things.”

  “Well, I was hoping….”

  Ranger cut in. “You’ve been a huge help and after running this pack on your own you deserve a break. But if you can hold off just a few more days and get these challenges under way. Sean and Levi should have shown up by then and we’ll all muddle along until you get back.”

  Cam knew when he was beaten. “Sure, not a problem.” He stood up and collected his half empty coffee cup. “I’ll be in my office if you need me for anything.”

  Ranger’s voice stopped him before he made it down the hallway. “Cam, you okay? You’re not your usual…you know, smiley self.”

  “Smiley self?” Cam’s grin was automatic. “Being with Aiden is softening you, old man. You’d better watch yourself or before you know it you’ll be tickling babies under their chin and making silly noises at them.”

  “I have to do that already. Joys of being the alpha mate.” Ranger sighed. “Did we do the wrong thing coming here?”

  “What the hell?” Cam was shocked. He thought Ranger and Aiden were happy. “You fell for Aiden the moment you saw him and I bet you were drooling over this house the first time you came up the driveway. You’ve always talked about owning a house like this and having a mate is the icing on the cake.”

  “I know, but….” Ranger looked back down the hallway to the kitchen. “I adore my mate, you know I do, but it’s like every time we step out of the freaking house, he’s surrounded by people. I used to hide between jobs for a reason. This fucking tattoo has got a lot to answer for.”

  Despite his own worries, Cam could understand and empathize with his friend. One of the personality traits that made Ranger a perfect assassin was also the biggest barrier to him living a normal life. It wasn’t so much the tattoo on his face, although that didn’t help, because it signaled to anyone who came within ten feet of him that Ranger was a trained killer. But in a world where shifters everywhere looked to the strongest among them as mating material, Ranger was a target no matter where he went.

  “Maybe you should start going shirtless, or at least wear clothes that clearly show your mating mark,” he suggested. “Everyone knows a mated shifter can’t get hard for anyone else. It might help reduce the amount of attention you are getting.”

  “They don’t seem to care,” Ranger slammed his fist into the wall beside Cam’s head denting the plaster. “They press in, always trying to get closer – I don’t know if it’s to me or Aiden, but either way, my wolf just wants to drop his fangs and take a chunk out of everyone. Do you know, some silly wolf shifter while we were on holiday, tried to suggest I jack off into a cup so she could use my spunk? What’s wrong with these people?”

  Covering his lower face with his hand, Cam coughed to hide his laughter. “How’s Aiden taking all this?”

  “He says it doesn’t bother him, but fuck it, all I want to do is take him to a cave somewhere and growl at anyone who comes near. I’m not sure how much more I can take. I’m not used to living in a pack.”

  “Aiden didn’t ask for this either,” Cam reminded him quietly. “He didn’t know his grandmother named him alpha or that his father and brothers were shits ripping off his money and freeloading in his house. But that little half-pint gets up every day and faces the world, even though I’m sure he’s terrified and he does it because you’re by his side.”

  “I know. I know. He’s fucking amazing.” Ranger ran his hand over his face. “When it comes down to it, he’s far stronger than I’ll ever be. I just wish these ‘people’ wouldn’t take up so much of his time.”

  “It’s a learning curve for all of us. What you need to do is set boundaries. Make sure you and Aiden have time off. A couple of days a week, maybe, or even a couple of hours a day. You are the alpha pair. If you want to schedule meetings and visits and things like that to certain hours of the day, you can. No one can stop you.”

  “I thought an alpha pair had to be available to their pack members at all times. That’s why not many people want the job.”

  “That may have been how other alphas do it, but it’s not like you haven’t got back up. Marcus and Shadow can be available when you aren’t. Marcus is an alpha, too. And in a few days, you will have the other assassins here as well. Use them. This is our new home and….” Cam broke off as there was a heavy pounding on the door and then two familiar faces strode in.

  “Levi. Sean. You made it, you pair of reprobates. What do you think of our new home?” Ranger beamed, opening his arms wide.

  “I’ll be in my office if you need me,” Cam said quietly, edging out of the hall. “Hi, guys.” He managed a wave and then sprinted towards the administration wing of the house. What the fuck? I thought I had two more days. It’s too soon, too soon. I can’t do this. As soon as he was in his office, he slammed the door shut, sinking to the floor, his back against the door.

  I thought I had more time. I thought I’d be away from here by now. I thought…. Cam didn’t know what to think. One flash of that well-loved face and his brain ached with memories of love and the grief that came with it. His wolf was howling at him to go back. His cock, which had remained dormant for months was trying to worm its way out of his jeans. His heart was pounding and he was shaking so hard he was making the door rattle. I can’t keep my promise! He wailed to himself. Finally giving in to the emotions that had tormented him for months, Cam fell to the floor and cried.

  Chapter Three

  “You have no idea how happy I am you’re here,” Ranger said, striding over and shaking Levi’s and Sean’s hands. “Maybe now the fair ladies in this pack will stop looking to me to impregnate them.”

  “Ha, ha,” Sean slapped Ranger on the back. “What’s wrong with your faithful sidekick? He ran out of here like the hounds of hell were after him. I know we’ve been gone a while, but I don’t look that bad, do I?” He stroked his long dark beard which stood as a stark contrast to his shaven head.

  “You need to leave him alone,” Levi warned. “Ranger, there’s something….”

  “Oh, there you are, babe. Who’s this? More guys sent to kill me? Haven’t they got the memo I’m under your protection yet?” A beaming, curly haired blond angel sauntered in and Ranger visibly melted.

  “Aiden,” he said, holding out his arm. “Come and meet the last of my brother assassins. They’ll form part of your inner circle. The bald one is Sean and the one who could pass as my twin without the additional hair color is Levi. Guys, I want you to meet the most important person in this territory, Aiden Chalmers, Alpha of the Northern Territories, and before anything smart comes out of your mouth, Sean, he’s my fated mate.”

  “Pleased to meet you both.” Aiden shook hands with a smile. “I know I don’t look much like an Alpha, but Ranger is the brawns of this outfit. I’m just here to sign the checks and look pretty.”

  “Don’t go running yourself down, precious. You’ve done more good for this territory in a month than your old man did in years.” Ranger pulled Aiden close and kissed him hard enough to leave a blush.

  “Ranger, man. Who’d have thought it? You’re positively domesticated.” Sean laughed.

  “I can still beat you.” Sean gulped as a long knife appeared at his throat. The funny thing was, Ranger was still holding Aiden as though he was special. “My skills have become sharper since this man agreed to be mine, not duller, and don’t you forget it.”

  “Perfectly fine by me. Truth be told, I’m jealous,” Sean said as Ranger put his knife away. “So, when do we get the grand tour? I presume we’ll be staying here? And what’s the guts about the council, man? I have to admit I’ve been off the grid for a bit.”

  “Ranger, I need to talk to you. Urgently. Alone.” Levi hissed.

  Ranger must have realized he was serious because after giving Aiden an
other smooch on the cheek he said quietly, “Can you show Sean around? I think Marcus and Shadow are out on the grounds. I’m sure they’ll be happy to fill Sean in on what’s been going on. I’ll talk to Levi and we’ll meet you in your office. Is that okay?”

  “Sure, babe.” Aiden stood on tip toes and gave Ranger another kiss. “Okay, Sean. Grab your bags. This is the main living room. Through there is the kitchen. Over here we have….” Aiden and Sean disappeared.

  “Come into the Alpha office.” Ranger disappeared down another hallway. Levi followed, his guts churning more than that time when he’d faced five drugged up bear shifters. Ironic how death was a possible outcome in both cases.


  “What’s this about?” Ranger leaned against the large oak desk, his arms folded, his legs crossed at the ankle. The pose, although intimidating, helped settle Levi’s nerves. It was familiar, unlike the soppy love fest he’d witnessed moments before.

  “Cam is my true mate.” Levi straightened his spine.

  Ranger’s frown deepened. “Cam, as in my best friend Cam? My spotter? The guy who’s saved my neck a hundred times? That Cam?”


  “I see.” Ranger swapped his feet over and Levi tensed. “You’re both over the age of consent. Have been for decades. You’ve known him for years. When did you realize this wonderful news?” His voice suggested it was anything but.

  “The first time I saw him.” Levi could still remember it as though it was yesterday. Caught in a forest waiting out some rogues, Cam was covered in mud; his bright blue eyes the only color on his splattered face.

  “And you’ve taken until now to ask permission to claim him? What kind of an ass are you?” Ranger’s voice was clipped and harsh.

  Levi tilted his chin. “I’ve already claimed him. Nine months ago, on that last job you and I did together.”

  “You fucking bastard!” Before Levi knew what was happening, Ranger had him pinned to the door. He could easily break his friend’s hold, but the knife pressed hard against his throat made him pause.

  “You knew you and Cam were mates for fucking years and never said anything?” Ranger hissed. “Then you had the audacity to fuck him, bite him, and then left him like he was one of your back-alley fucks?”

  “I didn’t think….”

  “You had no fucking right. He’s under my protection. He’s always been under my protection. You violated him and probably broke his fucking heart and then you saunter in here like it was nothing?”

  “It was consensual.”

  “Of course, it was. You’re mates. He’d never say no to you. Did you let him bite you back?”

  Levi closed his eyes. Of course, he didn’t. Oh, he stayed faithful. His wolf wouldn’t have it any other way, but there was no way anyone would know he was claimed. Except for Cam.

  “I knew you’d be angry….”

  “You do not put this on me!” The knife in Levi’s throat dug deeper. “Cam is a beta wolf. He’d have done whatever you said. What happened? Did you force him not to tell anyone? Did you make him promise to keep your sordid secret as if you were ASHAMED OF HIM?”

  “We’re assassins!” Levi opened his eyes, his hands finding purchase on Ranger’s chest, pushing him and the lethal looking knife away. “You depended on him every job you did. He had your back. Do you think I’d take that away from you? Allow you to be killed just because I couldn’t control myself?”

  Shock etched itself deeply on Ranger’s face. “You did this for me?”

  “We’re brothers from different mothers. We trained together. We swore an oath to protect each other.” Levi struggled to explain. He’d spent months in seclusion, refusing contact with anyone, trying to come to terms with what he’d done. “I know you can handle yourself, but Cam’s always been with you. You’ve never gone on a job without him. You two grew up together for fuck's sake. I wasn’t about to make him choose.”

  “No.” Ranger’s snarl was back. “Instead, you made the choice for him. As if he didn’t have two brain cells to rub together. In the process, he’s lied to all of us; putting on his playboy act when it’s plainly obvious now his dick would never harden for anyone but you. I don’t know how the hell he did it, but he shouldn’t have had to. You should have talked to me about this the first time you knew.”

  “I thought I could control myself.” Levi shook his head at how stupid that idea sounded now. “It’s not as though we were out in the field together much anyway. Most of our jobs were solo. I didn’t want to take him as a mate. I didn’t need the distraction.”

  “You are a true bastard in every sense of the word,” Ranger said scornfully as he twirled his knife expertly through his fingers. Levi knew one wrong word and that knife would be forming a new hole between his eyes. “Cam has never deserved to be treated as though he doesn’t matter. To think my brother in arms, the man I trusted…fuck, you disgust me!”

  Levi couldn’t disagree. In a world where mates were revered, cherished above all others, he’d put Cam in an untenable position. He’d have no one to blame but himself if the man never spoke to him again. “I came back. I came when you called. Your text said this could be our new home; that there was a job for me. I had hoped…I’ve never had a home. I had nothing to offer Cam before except a life of roaming from place to place with the threat of violence around every corner. I came back because you offered the type of future Cam deserves. A stable home. Not having to worry about being killed every day. A chance to build a life with my mate without endangering my brother. Was I wrong to come? Do you want me to leave?”

  “If I told you to go, would you take Cam with you?”

  “If that’s what he wanted. I would talk to him before I went. I’ve taken enough decisions away from him already as you so rightly pointed out. But I won’t force him to choose between us now, the same as I didn’t then.”

  “You’re still blaming my existence for your behavior. He’s your mate, damn it, and my best friend. If you’d told me, I would have wanted him to be happy. How the hell can you be so cavalier about this? How long are you going to kid yourself that walking away is an option? I’d have to be dead before I left Aiden.”

  “I don’t want to walk away. I want him in my life.” Levi gave in to a moment of weakness. “Do you have any idea what it’s been like? I’ve known he was my mate for years. It wasn’t so bad before. I convinced myself we were better off apart. But since claiming him,” Levi closed his eyes, a ragged groan forcing itself from his throat. “It’s been a living hell. I don’t dare shift. I can’t be near people. I cut myself off from everyone. When I got your text, for the first time I had hope that he and I might work. Don’t you understand?”

  Maybe mating softened Ranger somehow. Maybe having a new home and position away from the assassin lifestyle really did bring Ranger the sense of peace Levi knew he’d been looking for. Whatever it was, the knife was now hidden and Ranger offered a twisted grin. “I don’t imagine the reunion you were hoping for is going to happen for a while. Cam asked for a holiday just this morning and now I know why. You’re lucky we’ve got the enforcer challenges coming up or you’d have missed him. I’m sure his bags were already packed and I’m guessing you’re the reason.”

  “I don’t know how he’s going to feel seeing me again.” Levi shrugged. “This relationship shit is like a foreign language to me. How in Fenrir’s name did you manage to hang onto yours? Gossip on the council forum mentioned you’d killed two Chalmers brothers.”

  “I did because they were trying to kill my mate. Aiden was there, he saw it all, and while he didn’t exactly cheer about it, we’ve gotten past it. It’s a long story and one I’m sure we’ll share soon enough. But for now, you have more important things to worry about. Luigi’s in town does an amazing meal and it’s intimate enough to provide the perfect venue for a first date.”

  “Date.” Levi gulped. “I can do that.”

  “Picnics are another good idea; making sure you take the time
to listen to your mate and be understanding of their moods, that’s another one.”

  “Where did you get all this crap?”

  “I’d watch what you were calling crap,” Ranger laughed. “All this advice came from Cam and believe me, it works. Aiden and I are really happy. I even took him on vacation.”

  “You? On vacation. I’d pay big money to see that.” Levi looked towards the door. His wolf let him know his mate was nearby. “Can I go and talk to Cam, or did you want to speak to him first?”

  “You can let him know that I understand why he did what he did and I don’t hold any grudges against him. Cam’s loyal to a fault. His deception with me will have devastated him. I hope you understand just how much damage your selfish actions have done. Trust is everything in our game and you know it.”

  “I trusted Cam.”

  “And he didn’t break that trust, so whatever shit he throws at you, you take it.” Ranger stepped closer and Levi was reminded of why Ranger was the best at what they did. “You only get one chance. Break his heart again and I’ll fucking end you myself. You hear me?”

  “Understood.” Levi felt as though a huge weight lifted from his shoulders. “So, can I track him down?”

  “Good luck with that. You’ve got until noon Friday to make things right. The enforcer challenge is then and Cam’s the one running it.”

  “Will I be fighting for my position?”

  “Nah, neither will Marcus or Sean. No point in scaring off the potentials before they’ve got their shirts off. Unless someone makes a big deal about it, in which case you can show them what you’re made of.” Ranger looked up and his grin widened as the door opened and Aiden walked in. “Go. Good luck. Don’t forget Luigi’s and remember what I said.”


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