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Cam's Promise

Page 3

by Lisa Oliver

  Levi disappeared out the same door while Ranger and Aiden were busy sucking faces. Gods, I can’t wait to have a relationship like that.

  Chapter Four

  Tired after his emotional outpouring, nonetheless, Cam knew he had a job to do. The manual from the council regarding enforcer challenges was clear and he was on the phone with a local contractor trying to get the challenge circle built in time when he heard a knock at the door. Figuring it was probably Ranger wanting to talk to him some more about his own problems, Cam yelled “come in” before giving his attention back to the phone.

  “I really don’t care what the last alpha did or didn’t do,” he said firmly. “Aiden Chalmers is the alpha now and he’s holding enforcer challenges. Just because Joe Blow’s father, brother, and distant cousin used to work as enforcers for the elder Chalmers, they clearly didn’t have Aiden’s back. If they want to be considered, then they need to fight the same as everyone else.”

  His eyes widened and his heart began to beat a path to his cock as he watched Levi saunter in, quietly closing the door. “I said I don’t care,” his words were more forceful as he cut off the whining contractor. “Either you get your ass into gear and do the job, or you and your family can pack your bags and get out of this territory. Aiden’s already done a lot of good for this area and I’m sure it won’t be hard to find someone else who can do a simple job without bad-mouthing him behind his back.”

  “I didn’t mean no disrespect, sir. I’ll get my boys…” The contractor was groveling now but Cam was having trouble breathing. Seeing Levi, his long hair, muscled chest, and thighs outlined perfectly by worn jeans was more than his heart could take. The casual way he sank into the chair in front of the desk; the way he lifted his hair from his neck. The air was quickly saturated with the scent that sent all Cam’s senses reeling. After getting assurances the job would be done Cam disconnected the call.

  “Levi.” It was all he could manage. After years of dreaming, months of hoping, to see him now in the flesh was more than Cam could bear. “You don’t have to worry,” he forced himself to continue as he saw Levi’s jaw harden. “No one knows. I kept my word. I won’t let you down. I’ll be gone in a few days and I’m sure I can stay out of your way until then.” Actually, Cam had no idea how he would keep that promise, but then, like all the other things he held close to his chest, he knew he’d find a way. He would do anything it took to make his mate happy.

  “I spoke to Ranger.” Levi’s voice was like gravel, as though he hadn’t spoken for a while.

  “You’re not staying?” Cam didn’t know why his heart suddenly felt as though it’d been split in two. It wasn’t as though there was much left of his poor battered organ to start with. “Of course, I understand, but why?” Why hunt me down in my office? Why turn up if you were only going to leave again? Why fucking force me to watch you go out that door a second fucking time?

  “I’m staying. I just had to clear a few things with Ranger first.”

  “Okay, right.” Probably council business. Cam busied himself with the papers on his desk. “I’ll be sure to stay out of your way. Was that all you wanted to tell me?”

  “Cam.” The use of his name forced him to look up. “I’m staying.”

  Cam gulped and dropped his eyes again; his papers were easier to look at than the intensity of Levi’s eyes. “Yes, so you said and that’s fine…good…Ranger was worried about protection for Aiden. He’ll be glad you’re here. I’ll…I have to stay for a couple of days, I promised Ranger, but after that, I’ll be out of your hair.”

  He had no idea where he was going to go. He’d been with Ranger his entire adult life. The far end of the Southern territory might be the best idea. Because seeing Levi, smelling him, having him close enough to touch; Cam’s defenses were crumbling faster than an ice cream on a hot plate. He clung to the underneath of his desk, hoping that would be enough to stop him flying over the desk and slamming his mate to the ground. Those full lips, those dark eyes…Cam jumped when he realized Levi was talking again.

  “I’m clearly not very good at this. When I said I was staying, I meant I wanted to stay with you. I want us to be mates. I’ve cleared it with Ranger….”

  “You told Ranger you claimed me?” Cam’s eyes roved over Levi’s body for a completely different reason this time. Apart from a narrow red mark on his neck, he seemed fine. “Are you trying to get yourself killed? He was the reason you didn’t want me in the first place.”

  “He was one of the reasons.” Levi sighed. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me; things I will tell you in time, but please,” Cam couldn’t remember ever hearing that word come from Levi’s lips. “Will you give us a chance?”

  Cam’s hands left the desk and his feet pushed hard on the floor as he leaped out of his chair, crashing into Levi’s. They fell with a thud, the chair splintered but Cam was in heaven. He buried his nose in Levi’s neck; deep breaths taking in the smell of oak moss and basil underlined with the heady scent of leather coming from Levi’s long coat. His cock hard, he humped and writhed, not even realizing his hands were clutching Levi’s shoulders until the man moved.

  “Don’t,” he whispered, terrified he was about to be dumped on the floor. “My wolf.” Cam’s wolf was in a frenzy of excitement, running around, chasing his tail, yelping like a pup. Cam understood. Levi was the stronger shifter, he was their mate, and the way Cam’s wolf grieved when they were left was heartbreaking. A strong hand fluttered in his hair and then pressed down, pushing Cam’s nose where it wanted to be. He groaned and rubbed his face up Levi’s neck and jaw then pulled back.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered unable to meet Levi’s eyes. “I didn’t mean to scent mark you.” He tried to pull away but the hand on his head and the one on his ass didn’t give him anywhere to move. All of a sudden, he was conscious of Levi’s heaving chest and the cloth covered ridge nudging his cock. Peering up, he saw his mate’s eyes swamped with lust. “Oh.” Cam pushed down with his hips and Levi bit his lip. “Double Oh.” Leaning slightly to one side, Cam fumbled with zippers and belts, a gasp escaping his lips as first Levi’s and then his cock hit the air. He shoved Levi’s shirt up and then rolled back down. He couldn’t stop humping if his life depended on it.

  “I won’t last.”

  “Me neither.” Arching his back slightly Cam pushed down again. His head was tilted and suddenly Levi’s lips were bruising his. Our first kiss. That thought alone was enough to send his cock spurting and seconds later Levi’s body went rigid as his mate came. But Levi didn’t let loose his hold, and now the initial urgency had passed, Cam could focus on the softness of Levi’s full lips; his chin rubbed raw by Levi’s closely-groomed facial hair. Fisting his hands in Levi’s locks, Cam hung on for the ride.


  Levi didn’t realize how much he was starving for his mate’s touch until Cam landed on top of him. His wolf snarled, eager to sink his fangs into his mate’s flesh, but Levi pushed him back. He was in the middle of his first ever kiss and nothing was going to stop him from tasting every inch of Cam’s mouth. His tongue, his gums, Levi even ran his tongue over Cam’s white teeth. His hands were gripped on Cam so tight, his knuckles cracked. Even the knowledge he was leaving bruises wasn’t enough to make him let go.

  Bruises. Marks. Cam was his and while Levi had spent a lot of years denying it, he could feel their connection hum between them as his cock hardened – like it’d ever gone down – and his urge to feel Cam’s naked flesh increased. Claws appeared, slashing through Cam’s clothing, Levi’s need rising with every inch revealed. Cam’s abs flexed on his belly, his cock was matching his thrust for thrust but it wasn’t enough. Hoisting Cam’s hips up, he tore his mate’s jeans from his legs, before settling Cam over him again, his cock seeking Cam’s hole.

  “Lube!” Cam yelled as Levi finally hit the opening he was looking for. Scrambling up, Cam kicked his clothes aside. Naked except for his boots, he stumbled over to his desk drawer, papers and
clips cast aside in his haste.

  “Yes.” Cam’s face was a joy to behold as he held up a tiny one-use packet before tearing it open with his teeth. Levi wanted to know what that was doing in his desk drawer but his growl was forgotten as Cam dropped over him, his hands fumbling behind him.

  “Can’t wait,” Cam panted and Levi felt the brush of his hand across his cock, leaving it sticky. “Now we just have to…yes.”

  Cam wasn’t the only one groaning as the head of Levi’s cock was suddenly caught in tight heat. “Slow down. We’ve got time.” Another new thing to add to his list. Levi never cared about partner comfort, but his brain was screaming at him that this wasn’t a one-night fuck and he’d be damned if he’d treat Cam like that…again. “Easy does it, I’m not going anywhere.”

  Looking up, Levi could see Cam’s wolf in his eyes, the hint of fang catching his bottom lip. Feral was the only word that could be used to describe the look on his mate’s face and Levi knew if Cam had been alpha born, he’d be the one trying to shove a thick length in a small hole.

  All at once Cam’s intensity made sense. In all the time they’d been apart, Levi had only selfishly worried about how their separation affected him. It wasn’t just the human Cam he’d walked away from; it was his mate’s poor animal half, too. Waiting barely long enough for his mate to be seated, he didn’t want a crimp in his cock, after all, Levi pulled Cam down, slashing his t-shirt at the neck and shoving his coat collar aside. “Bite me,” he grunted as he thrust his hips up. “Fucking bite me for all the world to see.”

  There was no hesitation. Levi felt a pinch of pain before the blood in his body exploded like a supernova. His cock pulsed mid-thrust as his orgasm hit him from nowhere and from the spurt on his belly, Cam had gone off like a rocket, too. Waiting just long enough for Cam to give one lick across a mark Levi knew would scar, Levi plunged his fangs into the pale white mark Cam wore, a groan bubbling in his throat as Levi drank.

  Cam stiffened and then relaxed, and with his cock still firmly encased in the heat of his mate’s body, Levi let go. For the first time with another person, he could be his true self and he felt their bond strengthen with every sip. Well before he was ready, Levi pulled away, gently licking every last drop left on Cam’s skin. His mate was thinner than when they originally bonded and he made a mental note to see to it Cam ate more regularly.

  “Half vampire?” Cam’s voice was low but steady. “Was that what you wanted to tell me?”

  Levi nodded, unsure how Cam would take the news. Hybrids weren’t treated well by pure shifters as a rule.

  “Is that the other reason you left?”

  Levi nodded again. He could do nothing else. If Cam left him now he wouldn’t last a month, which was the only reason he hadn’t drunk from Cam when he originally claimed him. And that had been a lot more difficult than it sounded. His dual natures were equally strong.

  “What does this mean for our mating?” Cam hadn’t moved away, which Levi took as a positive.

  “It means you are not only my mate, you are my beloved mate. From this day forward I won’t be able to feed from anyone else. When I claimed you before, only my wolf teeth engaged. Now all parts of my soul are joined with yours.”

  “Does this mean you’re going to stick around permanently this time?”

  Levi hadn’t realized Cam was still unsure of him. But Ranger’s words rang through his brain. “I will never leave your side again. You have my word.”

  Cam’s eyes scanned his face and Levi relaxed under the scrutiny. He was finally with someone he didn’t need to hide his dual nature from.

  “Does Ranger know about your blood drinking habits?”

  Levi shook his head. “No one does except Dominic and Tron. Ranger’s text indicated Dominic’s no longer a problem for us and Tron will never tell.”

  “You know Ranger wouldn’t care, don’t you? He considers you a brother.”

  Levi wasn’t so sure. Although Ranger was as much an outcast as he was, his friend was now alpha mate. Being with Cam now, Levi could keep his vampire side hidden behind the privacy of their bedroom door. He’d had decades of experience keeping his secrets. But he nodded because Cam seemed to expect it.

  “And our relationship,” Cam hung his head. “Do we have to keep hiding that too now?”

  “I doubt I could keep my hands off you, no matter where we are.” Levi tried smiling. From the crack in his face, as he attempted to use muscles that had lain dormant for years, he wasn’t sure he was successful. “I won’t hide you anymore. In fact, I’d love it if we could go out for a ride. You could show me some of the territory. It’s been years since I’ve been here. And after that, I’d like you to come to dinner with me at Luigi’s.”

  “You don’t have to court me. I’ve been yours since the first time I inhaled your scent.” Cam seemed embarrassed and Levi wasn’t sure why.

  “I haven’t said sorry to you yet,” Levi lowered his voice, sure his scent would indicate just how sincere he was. “While that one word won’t be enough to wipe out the years of torment I’ve put you through, I’d like to try and show you that I mean what I say when I tell you I’ve never stopped wanting you.”

  Cam looked down. Their bellies were encrusted with drying spunk and Levi’s cock was softening, which was also going to leave a mess. “We’d better think of a way of getting from here to my room so we can shower then. There’s no point in my putting on my clothes again. They’re only fit for the rag bin.”

  “You can borrow my coat, unless you want to shift?”

  “Aiden’s not fond of fur in the house.” Cam gingerly got up. “I’ll borrow your coat if you don’t mind. Your jeans still seem clean.”

  Recognizing Cam wanted to hold onto his scent a while longer, Levi stood and shrugged off his coat, handing it over. It was heavy, it’s secret pockets full of weapons but Cam pulled it on, wrapping it around him tightly. Levi draped his arm around Cam’s shoulder and left it there as they went to Cam’s room. They caught a few strange looks. It was clear Cam had nothing on but the coat and his boots. But Levi didn’t know these people and he didn’t care what they thought. He had his mate under his arm at last and it was a good feeling. One he didn’t think would dissipate anytime soon.

  Chapter Five

  “This food is amazing.” Cam grinned over his plate of pasta at Levi who was watching him eat. The afternoon had been everything he dreamed of. Levi was attentive, never let him out of his sight, and while he tensed whenever pack members came too close, he was making an effort.

  After being with Ranger for so many years, Cam knew it was difficult for any of the assassins to behave like regular shifters. They tended to keep to the shadows; finding their hook ups in dingy bars in between tracking rogues and killing criminals. They rarely had friends outside their immediate small circle and none of them had family to speak of. Cam was an oddity in that he worked closely with his brother Newton. His few hours with Levi highlighted to Cam Ranger’s difficulties while on vacation. Being in a pack was a totally different way of life and while Cam was able to adjust better; his beta wolf status meant he cared about people, he could understand just how hard the adaption was for Ranger and Levi.

  “Ranger recommended the place,” Levi laid his knife and fork neatly across the plate. “I was told he got his dating tips from you.”

  “He was clueless. Mind you, he met Aiden on a training camp we were running for Dominic. Long story.” Cam didn’t feel a bit disloyal saying what everyone else knew. “The thing is, Aiden loves him anyway. You should’ve seen him when he confronted his father. There he was with two dead brothers on the floor and the blood dripping from Ranger’s knife. But as soon as his father was dragged off to jail, he and Ranger were busy mauling each other, uncaring who saw them.”

  “They seem to make a good alpha pair; not that I’ve got any experience with such things.”

  “Was it hard growing up? Did you grow up in a pack?” Cam hesitated for a moment and then reached ou
t and put his hand on his mate’s. The sensation was still new enough to send the butterflies in his stomach into a frenzy, but for all their physical attraction, Cam knew nothing about his mate at all beyond his job.

  “Nope.” Levi was wearing his assassin mask again and Cam wished he hadn’t asked. “I was a foundling, raised in a shifter orphanage. But the other side of my nature required feeding from birth, so I was marked as different well before my face was tattooed. I ran away when I was eight, lived on the streets for about six years before I was caught by one of the council guards for shoplifting. Dragged before the council, Dominic saw potential in me and sent me to boot camp. I was a grunt for a few years until there was an altercation at the camp one day and I got sent to Tron. The assassins were the only true family I had until now.”

  “Shit. I am sorry.” Cam’s life wasn’t much better, although he and Ranger had been together since they were kids. When Ranger was encouraged to go into assassin training, he refused to go unless Cam went with him. Because he was a beta wolf, Cam wasn’t eligible to become an assassin himself. Not that his kill count was much below Levi’s or Ranger’s. He just didn’t have the tattoo, pay rates, or fan fair and following that went with the assassin’s position.

  “Ranger must have accepted your claim on me or we wouldn’t be sharing this great meal. I hope I can convince you being mated will add to your life, not take away from it. Although….” Cam swallowed, then lowering his voice, he leaned over the table. “Your feeding,” he whispered. “How did you…did you ever…after you bit me…how did you…?” He felt like an ass for asking, but Cam’s wolf was just as possessive as Levi’s and the thought of Levi being intimate with anyone else, even for feeding purposes, had his fangs dropping and claws springing from his fingers.

  “It’s all right.” Thank the Fates Levi seemed to understand the sudden surge of his wolf. “We’ll discuss it when we get back I promise, but from the moment I claimed you I’ve touched no one else unless I was killing them.”


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