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Capone_Rebel Guardians MC

Page 10

by Liberty Parker

  “You’ve got the same effect on me,” I say, pulling her hand down to my cock. He’s strangling in my boxers and before she can get a good grip, I roll away and shimmy out of my jeans after removing my boots and socks. I leave my boxers on for now, I need some type of barrier to stay between us.

  “For virgins, we’re definitely catching on,” she teases, reaching back down to stroke me through my boxers. I groan when her smaller hand slips through the opening and I feel the softness of her fingers as they glide along my length.

  “Fuck, sweetheart, you keep it up and this’ll be over before it starts,” I moan.

  “Can’t have that happening. I, I want you, Kade,” she whispers, nipping my jaw. “It’s the first time, in a long time, that I’ve wanted something just for me...and that’s you, Kade. I want everything you’ve been speaking about and promising me since the day I met you.” I can tell her heart is behind her words and she means everything she’s just spoken.

  “I want you too, baby, more than words can express.” My fingers have been stroking along her thighs and I don’t miss how she’s writhing. It makes me wonder if she’s ever had an orgasm before and now, I’m a man on a mission. I pull the lace aside that’s hiding her treasure and I stroke her lips gathering her juices to bring them up to her clit and begin circling it. Her hips begin moving with the same rhythm as my fingers are, while stroking her. I pick up the pace and watch as sweat beads between her breasts. It’s a sight that has mesmerized me and I can’t remove my eyes from following the pattern as it trickles along her sides. I place my fingers inside of her and pump them in and out, making sure to pay special attention to the bundle of nerves that rest deep inside of her. She quivers beneath me and I can feel her clamp down on my finger. So, I add an extra finger and scissor them because she’s tight, and I need to make sure she’s ready for me since I’m an above average man where it counts.

  “Kade! I’m gonna come,” she expresses with a moan.

  “Let go, I’ve got you, Bridge. Give me all of you,” I can hear the command in my voice, but can’t seem to soften the words as they leave my mouth. I have this deep-seated need for her to give into my demands, something that I’ve only experienced with her. Her body arches off the bed as she orgasms, her soft moans causing my dick to throb impatiently. Not content to only have her come on my fingers, I maneuver my way between her thighs, spreading them wide as I continue to slowly pump my fingers in and out of her.

  “What...what are you doing?” she asks looking down at me. I grin and without saying a word, I remove my fingers and slide her panties down her legs.

  “I’m going to take you to heaven, Bridge. Trust me,” I reply, needing her to do just that.

  “No one has that before,” she stammers out in embarrassment.

  Another first. I mentally pump my fists as I set about showing her what she’s been missing.

  “Then I’m honored to be the first to taste your sweet nectar,” I tell her, and this time her entire body blushes at my words. I lean down between her thighs and lick from the bottom to the top and pay special attention to her clit that has swollen in need. I suck, nip, and pull the bundle into my mouth until she screams out my name which causes my chest to swell in pride. Knowing that I’ve done that to her, makes me feel like the biggest, baddest, motherfucker of them all. I kiss my way up her body, my hands following in their wake. I reach over to my discarded jeans and grab a condom from my wallet.

  “Let me,” she says shyly, taking the wrapper from me and ripping into it with an urgency that lets me know she needs me as much as I’m desiring her. She rolls it down my length and my eyes roll in the back of my head from feeling her hands touching me. Once the condom is securely placed on me, I line myself up.

  “Last chance to back out,” I say to her, although I think I’d die from blue-balls if she was to deny me at this point in time.

  “Make love to me, Kade,” she implores, pulling me closer. I’ve never made love to a woman before, but for her, I’m willing to give it all I’ve got. I slowly, but methodically enter her, groaning at the tight heat that surrounds me through the condom. Fuck! If she feels this good wrapped, I’ll probably die when we get to the point where I can go bare. Sitting back slightly on my heels, I pull her closer, causing me to bottom out and her pussy to clench.

  “Watch us,” I command, my eyes never leaving where we’re joined. She leans up on her arms and her eyes become glued to where we are joined. Seeing her swollen lips surrounding me has me wanting to pound into her. But I hold back, I do it for her so she can experience the difference between making love and fucking.

  “So hot,” she murmurs, reaching down and placing her hand where we’re joined. Feeling her fingers gripping me as I slowly pump in and out has me groaning. I’ve never been a two-pump chump before, but Jesus, she’s about to make me one! The pleasure I’m feeling is out of this world, and I pray that she’s feeling the same effects of us being joined together that I am.

  I pick up my pace, my hands gripping her hips, I lift her lower half up so I can go deeper, doing what I can to hit that spot that’ll drive her crazy. Her moans let me know I’ve been successful and my thrusts become somewhat erratic. Her first my brain reminds me as I chase my release. Letting one of her hips go, my fingers join hers. Gathering the juices from her pussy, I use her fingers and mine to stroke her clit.

  “Oh God!” she screams out as her legs try to clamp me to her. Our bodies have become one, I can’t tell when she begins and I end. I can feel when her orgasm starts as her pussy begins clenching down on my dick. I surge forward, all thoughts of gentle now gone, my sole purpose now to keep her riding that wave as I chase mine.

  “Fuck!” I holler out when it hits. I can feel the condom filling and pray to God it holds up. It’s been a long time since I’ve been with a woman and this one has wrung me dry! No more Rosie Palmer and her five sisters, that’s for fucking sure. I’ve found heaven in this little slip of a woman and there’s no way in hell I’m ever letting her go. I shudder, pulling away since she’s so sensitive. Knowing that I can’t keep going or it will become too much stimulation on her body, I lean in and gently kiss her lips.

  Flopping to my side, I pull her close to me, still joined, as I stroke along her back and kiss her temple. “Fucking heaven, Bridget,” I breathe out. Hell, I feel like I’ve run a marathon.

  “Will it always be this good, Kade?”

  “Between you and me, I have no doubt about that, Bridge.” I say, knowing I need to get up and dispose of the condom, but feeling so sated that my eyes want to close. I reluctantly remove myself from her body and begin getting up from the bed. “Be right back, don’t move,” I say, heading to the bathroom. Making quick work of the condom, I wash up and grab a wet rag and rejoin her in the bed. I gently wipe her down before placing a chaste kiss on her pussy. I feel my dick jump again, but ignore him knowing that it’s been a long time since she’s had a man buried inside of her.

  “Kade?” she asks. I hear the nervousness in her voice so I tilt her chin to look her in the eyes.

  “What, baby?” I question. I can see that she’s relaxed but there’s fear in her voice and she’s stiffened in my arms.

  “I know, I don’t know how to say this,” she stammers.

  “Just spit it out, Bridge. There’s nothing you can say, or tell me, that’s gonna change things between us.”

  “I’ve been tested since leaving there but I want to wait to not use a condom until I’m one hundred percent sure things are...okay.” Fuck, I may be a badass in many ways, but her concern for me is mind-blowing in ways I can’t express. I’ve never been ungloved so I know I’m good, but there’s a good likelihood that the people her brother sent her to were not as...considerate.


  I chew on my lip while waiting on his reply. I don’t know why I’m still so nervous with these types of conversations. I know he’ll be nothing but open and honest with me, but it’s
what he’ll have to say that leaves me nearly breathless in anticipation of how he will respond.

  He takes a deep breath and my heart plummets. This is it. He’s going to break my heart. I can feel my pulse skyrocketing and try to control the trembling that’s taken my body over, but it’s useless. My thoughts are interrupted when he cups my face and softly strokes my cheek.

  “Baby, if I have to wear a rubber for the next twenty years, that’s what I’ll do,” he whispers before kissing me. “Whatever you need, I’ll do, okay? I’ll tell you that every day if I have to until it sinks in. You’re mine, plain and simple. If you want to get tested again, I’ll go with you. If you want to go every six months, I’ll go with you. Whatever it fucking takes, got me?”

  I can’t help it, the tears well up and start running down my cheeks. I try so hard not to cry but his words have gutted me. I want to bury my head in his neck, but I realize we need to be face-to-face for this talk.

  “’re in it for the long haul?” I don’t know why I ask him this, he’s stated to me consistently that he's never leaving me. For some reason, right now, I need him to state his intentions all over again.

  “Better fucking believe it, sweetheart. Hell, I’ll get it tattooed on my body so you can see it every fucking day if I have to.” Dammit! This man has no clue what he’s done for me. No fucking clue at all.

  “You’re my saving grace, Kade,” I tell him. “Never did I think I would find someone like you, someone who would help me unpack my baggage, throw away the shit, and still want to be around.” I can see the effect my words have on him, he pulls me close and holds me tight, his breathing picks up the pace before he puts me on my back and climbs on top of me.

  “I need you again,” he says, this time, all thoughts of safety fly out the window as he has me screaming his name out in pleasure. He, once again, has rocked my world and instead of feeling like the ground is going to open up and swallow me whole, I feel strong, valued and content in my life with my man, my forever, my Kade.



  “I’m taking myself off the missions list,” I tell the officers during our monthly meeting.

  “What? Why?” Axe asks me.

  “Because I have something to come home to now,” I state.

  “Completely off? What if we need you for something that I don’t want handled outside of the club?”

  “I’ll always be here for my club. Club comes first...always. You know this, Axe.”

  “I do, but I needed clarification,” he tells me and I can see the sparkle of mischief behind his eyes.

  “Are you tired of working with the crazy Nelsons?” Hatch asks me, but he knows how much I loathe the days I’m sent to work side-by-side with the three brothers. He’s trying to get under my skin, so I ignore his outburst...well, I try to anyways.

  “Shit, you had to bring those assholes up. Y’know that when their names are spoken, they suddenly call, right?” I ask. They think I’m kidding, but I swear to all that’s holy that Atticus is a fucking mind reader.

  “So, you officially claiming Bridget?” Twisted questions. “If so, I need to order her cut.”

  “I’d say ‘duh’ but that’s not the language of a badass motherfucker,” I say. The room erupts in laughter and I hide my smirk, I think the guys would pass out if I joined their idiocy.

  “Noted. You’ve turned into a pussy like the rest of us. Knew it would happen someday,” Twisted replies. This causes the room to burst into laughter, yet once a-fucking-gan... I flip them all off because they know how it is when you find the one. Fuckers. Every single one of them. Smokey and Bandit aren’t even in this meeting and we’re still joking around and getting off track. Something I refuse to voice out loud for fear of a fine being tossed my way.

  “So, the businesses are all doing well. Do we want to explore any others?” Axe asks. I think about what he’s said carefully. We’ve got the trucking company, the truck stop and diner, and in a way, Cassarah’s salon.

  “Y’know, we have all that equipment and shit, why not make it official and have a construction company? Jaxson knows his shit and would be a great asset,” Law says.

  “I’ve had a thought as well. What about a gun store and shooting range?” I question. “I could do both, divide my time.”

  “Y’sure that wouldn’t be too much?” Axe asks. “I mean, you’ve got a woman now, so you can’t be gone all the fucking time. They don’t really care for that.”

  “Naw, I can let Jaxson be the face of the construction company, and I can do the range,” I lose track in thought of things I’d like to do with the store. I could teach classes in gun safety, the proper way to use and handle one, and have a class on getting individuals their concealed carry gun license. I imagine myself at the range, teaching Bridget the proper stance, I see myself behind her, hands on her hips and pressing my front to her back to help steady her, as she shoots her small handgun off. I don’t know how I would be able to do that and not show the bulge that would be apparent in my pants. Fuck, now I’m hard for her! I adjust myself as discreetly as possible, grateful again that the Bobbsey Twins aren’t here because they’d notice and have something smartass to say and I’d likely have to beat the shit outta them.

  “Well, Smokey and Bandit aren’t here for this, but I like the idea a lot. It would put even more jobs out there for the community,” Axe responds.

  “Speaking of the community, are we gonna participate in the huge downtown block party?” Chief asks. Ugh, I hate those things, but I bet Bridget would enjoy the fuck out of it and it would be good for her to market herself and the salon with the townsfolk.

  “Cara mentioned that to me. Thinking it would be a good idea if we had a few tents, maybe one for the club itself so we can get some prospects,” Axe states. “Also thinking it’s about time we patched in the prospects we’ve got.”

  “Fuck! Why couldn’t those two be here today, anyway?” I question. We’ve got a lot to cover and when we need them for important shit, they’re not here!

  “It’s an officers-only meeting,” Law reminds me. “Bandit had to work, and Smokey isn’t an officer in the club, have you been hitting the happy juice?” Well, if the happy juice is between Bridget’s thighs, then yes, I have, but I’m not sharing that with this crew of assholes, that’s for sure!

  “Fuck off!” Axe shoots him the imaginary bird. This time I do smile, because Axe has my back, either that, or he’s tired of the bullshitting that’s going on at yet another meeting.

  “We’ll have full church later on in the week, then a BBQ. Seems Mom and Gino have something they want to share with all of us.” Uh oh, that might be a scary situation depending on what it is they want to share.

  “Wonder what they have to say that we all have to be here?” Twisted asks.

  “No fucking clue. I just know that they’ve been going out a lot and...fuck, I can’t believe I’m saying this...his car has been parked at my mom’s house overnight rather frequently.” The look on Axe’s face is one I’ve never seen before...I know he’s happy for his mom on one hand, but on the other, he doesn’t want to think about her ‘being’ with a man in any capacity. Guess this wouldn’t be a good time to tell him that Gino’s car was at Nan’s place before they announced they were ‘getting together’ because then he’d really flip his lid since Gino didn’t get approval first. Axe is extremely protective of his mother, wife/old lady and children. I can’t wait until Lily and Layne start to date.

  “She does seem to have a new pep in her step,” I reply, a grin teasing my face. Axe has had a difficult time accepting that his mom has someone in her life so teasing him has become the new thing. “What the hell are you gonna do when your girls decide to start dating?”

  “They’re never dating. Period.” Yeah, like Cara and the other old ladies won’t have something to say about that one. Especially DJ. Ah, to be a fly on the wall when he announces that one.

  “Neither is Claree, so tell Talon to b
ack the fuck off,” Chief growls out.

  “Negative, Ghost Rider,” Hatch says, “you need to talk to my old lady, and yours, about that one.”

  “How does this happen?” Twisted questions. “Doesn’t matter if it’s all of y’all or just the officers, we never stay on fucking track!”

  “Nothing was ever said about officer meetings, only church,” Law reinforces.

  “Ha! That’s true,” I say, since he’s made a good point.

  “Anyways,” Axe puts an end to our musings. “We’ll be having a BBQ this weekend, Gino and Mom are taking care of all of the cooking so just bring yourselves and your family. Meeting adjourned fuckers, I got shit to do,” he states slapping the table and getting up and walking out of the door.

  “Well, that was rude,” Hatch states to the room.

  “It was,” Chief says, as he and Law get up and head out the door. Taking my cue from everyone else, I too, get up and get on with my day. I’ve got some numbers to configure so I can present them to Axe at our church next week. God, I hate crunching numbers, it's why I usually leave that up to Law.

  Saturday Night…

  “Bridge, we’ve gotta get a move on, we’re already running behind,” I call out.

  “Almost ready,” she replies. She’s said that several times already, so I head into the bedroom to see what’s taking her so long. Seeing her standing there in skinny jeans and a tank top, my jaw hits the floor. She’s pulled her hair back into some kind of braid thing and right now, she looks like sex incarnate. Fuck.


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