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Capone_Rebel Guardians MC

Page 12

by Liberty Parker

  “Don’t you go feeling sorry for them,” he growls out at me, “they made their own bed, now it’s time for them to lie in it. Stop worrying about them and get back in the moment with me.” I grin because the moment he’s talking about right now is one of my favorite times with him...naked and wanting.


  “Hmm?” he murmurs, kissing along my hip.

  “I wanna ride you tonight.” His head raises up at my words and I know I’ve shocked him, but I can’t help it. Since we started having sex, I’ve wanted to be the one in control. Not that he controls me, but somehow, I think this’ll help me regain more of who I’m supposed to be. Plus, it’s a fantasy I’ve had for a long time.

  “You been dreaming about riding my cock, Bridge?”

  “Yeah, Kade, I have.”

  “Whatever the lady wants, she has but to ask,” he replies. “First, though, a taste.”

  Fuck, I never knew this would ever be so enjoyable! His tongue, lips and fingers work me over like the most prized instrument. I find myself yelling his name before too long. I feel sweat coating my body. I respond to him like no other before him. I knew things would be different if I had sex with someone I cared about, but he blows my mind every time he touches me. He lays down on his back and pats his abs.

  “Climb aboard, baby, it’s your turn to rock my world,” I do as he asks, and straddle his hips. He holds his dick up, and I slowly slide myself down until I’m so full, and stretched that I feel the delicious burn in my gut. “It’s your show, Bridge,” he tells me. Well hell. I move a little, experimenting to see what feels good and when he moans and his hands clutch my hips, I realize that no matter what I do, it’s going to feel good. I soon find my rhythm, enjoying how my clit hits his pubic bone every time I go all the way down.

  “Love how you feel in me, Kade,” I say, my movements picking up pace. I rock back and forth, then rise up and fall back down his length. His moans tell me he’s enjoying this just as much as I am.

  “Faster, Bridge,” he huffs out. His breathing is erratic and I glow at the thought that I’m the one who’s doing this to him. He starts thrusting upward on my downstrokes and I can feel my orgasm building. When he brushes his fingers over my clit, I lose it, clamping down on his dick and screaming his name as I fly into the stratosphere. A few more thrusts and he joins me, calling out my name in a gravelly voice that triggers another orgasm to burst out of me. Once we’ve both come down, I slump onto his chest, dropping kisses along his jaw and shoulder. I feel boneless and satiated, yet full of energy.

  “Let’s get cleaned up, baby. Then go a few more rounds,” he whispers. A few more rounds? Hell yeah! I don’t know what it is about him, but for the first time ever, I have an actual sex drive and hearing we’re not done yet has me pulling off him and rolling out of the bed. His laughter follows me into the bathroom, but I don’t care.

  The next morning, I stretch and feel the burn of my muscles. They are deliciously sore from over usage last night. I smile as I get out from under his body and make my way to take care of mother nature who is shouting my name. Once business is taken care of, I wash my hands then decide while I’m in here I’ll brush my teeth and hair. I finish my teeth and pick up my hairbrush only to have it taken out of my hands.

  “Let me,” he whispers in my ear, causing shivers to crawl down my spine. He methodically brushes my hair, not missing one strand. When he’s done, there’s a shine to my hair and I smile at him through the mirror. He smiles back, moves my hair to the side and kisses the nape of my neck. “You always smell so good,” he says, and I swear he’s sniffing me again. This causes me to let a giggle loose, and I can see and feel his smile get bigger as his face is still buried in my neck. “We got things to do today woman, get a move on,” he says as he smacks my ass and causes me to jump and squeal.

  “What do we have to do?” I ask him.

  “The road is calling my name and I’m taking you with me.”

  “We’re going for a ride!” I’m excited, I love riding with him.

  “We are, nothing but us and the open road.”

  “Yes!” I do a fist pump and hear his laughter as he leaves me in the bathroom. I braid my hair and run to the bedroom and grab a set of clothes.

  When I sit on the edge of the bed and begin putting my socks on, I see him standing before me with two boxes in his hands. “For me?” I ask.

  “All for you,” he replies. I tear into them like a kid on Christmas morning. I open the first one and see a new pair of biker boots with a wedged heel. They are gorgeous. I’m so excited to wear them that I forget to thank him right away. He gets down on his knees and helps me put them on.

  “Open the other one,” he tells me. I grab it and open it up and see it’s an old ladies cut.

  “Wow!” I exclaim.

  “We had planned to do your ceremony last night, but Nan’s announcement kind of took over and we got lost in celebrating her future nuptials.”

  “I don’t need a fancy ceremony, Kade. Just having this, knowing that I’m yours, it's more than enough.”

  “The cut ceremony is a rite of passage, baby. You’re definitely going to have yours, I won’t take that away from either of us.” I jump into his lap and not realizing the strength I used, we find ourselves laying on the floor. Well, he is on his back on the floor and I’m lying on top of him. Nuzzling close, I kiss him, pouring everything I don’t have words for yet into what I’m doing. “Keep that up and we’re going to be later heading out,” he warns.

  “And that would be a problem how?” I ask, nipping his jaw.

  “It wouldn’t be one, except I have someplace I wanna show you,” he replies.

  “Okie dokie, play time later then?” I ask him and he swats my ass again.

  “Definitely later.”


  I don’t know why I’m so nervous, but I spend some time riding around the back roads to extend our time so I can get my thoughts in place. I know that we aren’t ready for marriage yet, but she basically said ‘yes’ to being my old lady when she accepted my cut with my patch on it. A couple of hours later, I find myself pulling into my desired location. It’s not too far from my brothers, which is good, but far enough away from town that we get the enjoyment of living in the country.

  “What is this place?” she asks me, as I shut down the bike and put the kickstand down. I get off then help her do the same, I grab a blanket from my saddlebags along with Bridget’s bag that has leftovers from the night before.

  “This,” I point to the five acres of land, “is ours. I bought it a while back with plans of building a place, but now, I want you to help me design our future home and live with me here.”

  “This land, it’s all ours?” she asks with awe in her voice.

  “Yes, I mean, I bought it before I met you, but I’ve always thought it would be the perfect place to live.”

  “It’s so open and secluded. I love the peacefulness and beauty of it all. Can we have a pool?” she asks me, and I’m having a hard time keeping up with the influx of thoughts that she’s voicing.

  “Whatever you want, Bridge.” I know my voice is husky, but seeing her out here, the glow on her face, has me picturing her down the road.

  When the picture of kids enter my mind I have to shake my head, because neither one of us are ready for that reality. It’s a beautiful thought of the future, but I want some time with just the two of us for a couple of years before we start talking of adding children to the equation. “Let’s eat, baby,” I say, walking over to a spot underneath a huge tree and laying the blanket down. She helps me get the food out and soon, we’re eating and planning our house.

  “I want to have a tree swing on this tree,” she announces out of the blue.

  “Oh yeah, why this one?” I am curious of her answer.

  “Because it’s our tree. It’s the first place I’ve felt free while sitting here with you, planning our future.”

  “You’re going to t
urn me into a pussy,” I tell her, because her words have me choking up.

  “Nah, never you. You’re a big biker and a badass motherfucker,” she says, and I spew my drink. The shock of hearing those descriptions of me leave her beautiful lips is something I want to memorize. “That mouth of yours turns me the fuck on.”

  “Oh please, everything I do turns you on.”

  “There’s truth to that statement,” I reply as I lean over and kiss her, then tweak her nipple. I am one happy man when I feel her nipple harden in response to me.

  “How secluded are we?” she asks. I look at her and see her eyes are now hooded and suddenly, I know what we’re doing next.

  “Secluded enough, baby,” I reply, removing my shirt before leaning close and pulling hers up and over her head. She squeals but I pull her close and sprawl out on top of her, cutting off any protests by kissing her and making my intentions known.



  “Sorry, baby,” he says, easing up on how hard he’s applying the lotion to my sunburn. Yeah, we stayed out on the land a bit longer than we expected and I’ve got sunburn in a few...interesting places. Then again, so does he.

  “It was worth all of this,” I tell him as he smooths the aloe over my ass.

  “True, but I hate that you’ve got sunburn.”

  “I’m sure we’ll figure out a way around it,” I reply.

  “Well, I won’t be having you in pain, so the bed is out of the question, but there are things we can do in the shower,” he says wiggling his eyebrows at me.

  “Sounds like fun! But how will you know that I’ know, wet, and it isn’t from the shower?” I’m curious.

  “Trust me, babe, when my dick slides inside of you, you’ll know that’s all you.”

  There’s a knock on the door and he gets up from where we were sprawled out and goes and answers. I hear male voices, so I decide to get myself dressed. Luckily, I find a sundress that has spaghetti straps. I happily pull it over my head, grateful for the reprieve of not having it rub too much against my sensitive skin. I hear Twisted’s voice but can’t hear what’s being said so I focus on making sure I look okay just in case we have to go somewhere.

  “Babe?” he asks, so I head out to the living room.

  “What’s up?”

  “We’ve got church this afternoon. I need to head out, do you want to come and hang out at the clubhouse with the other women?” he asks me. And there’s no doubt about it, I want to see the women, they are my family, and best-friends.


  “Paisley could really use some girl time,” Twisted tells her.

  “Then I’ll be there,” she replies, making the pride I feel for my woman grow by leaps and bounds. She’s a great old lady and fits in so well with the others. The growth I’ve witnessed in her in such a short amount of time is jaw dropping. She took the bull by the horns and ran with it. The love I feel for her has grown tremendously, and yes, I can admit it now, I love her. I haven’t told her with words as of yet, but I hope that all of my actions have portrayed to her what my words haven’t.

  “Let us get ready and we’ll meet you there, unless there’s another reason you’ve stopped by other than to inform us in person about church?” I know my phone is working, so I’m wondering if there’s another purpose for this unannounced drop in.

  “If you have a minute,” he says, but looks Bridget’s way.

  “Bridge, could you give the two of us a minute please?”

  “No problem, I need to shower anyways,” and I groan, because I was looking forward to washing her today.

  “Don’t rush baby, I’ll be joining you there soon,” I pointedly look in Twisted’s direction and see the smirk on his face.

  “I’ll shave my legs and wait for you to join me for the rest,” she winks at me. The sassy vixen! I’d turn her ass red for that display of teasing, but she’s already sunburned. My cock is already standing at attention but goes rock hard at that little wink of’s sexy as fuck.

  Once she leaves the room, and I’ve managed to watch her ass sway down the hallway I turn back to Twisted. “What’s up, brother?”

  “I’m visiting all the brothers one-on-one.” He sighs and sits down on the couch. I sit in the recliner and face him.

  “You know you can tell me anything, right?”

  “Yeah, man, I know. Anyways, remember how Paisley had suffered a miscarriage not long ago?”

  “Of course I do, how’s she doing?” I watch as his face lights up.

  “She’s fantastic! She’s been seeing Bridget’s therapist and has gotten through her depression. Things have gotten so much better for the two of us. We went to the doctor yesterday because she’s been violently ill and it had both of us worried. Turns out, she’s pregnant, with twins, man!”

  “That’s the best news I’ve heard, congratulations!”

  “She’s going to need all of us, this is a high-risk pregnancy for her since she’s recently lost one. She’s going to need all of us, and I didn’t want to announce it publicly. I wanted to have some face time with our friends and family first. She’s over the moon but petrified at the same time. I’m worried that if she sits and dwells on our loss, that she won’t be able to enjoy this pregnancy.”

  “We’ll be here for you, for the both of you,” I tell him. We stand and do a man hug.

  “You better get in there and take care of your woman, I’ll see you later. Don’t tell Bridget, she plans on doing that today while all the women are together.”

  “You got it,” I say, walking him to the door and locking up behind him.

  Stripping off my clothes as I go, I head to the bathroom and can hear my woman singing some country song at the top of her lungs. Grinning, I pull the shower curtain open and hear her gasp. “Kade!” she exclaims, “you scared me!”

  “Y’knew I was coming in, baby, why are you scared?” I ask, picking up the sponge thing she uses and adding some of her body wash. My woman has come into her own since she arrived. She was broken and bent before but I see a strong woman with scars who is a fucking survivor. And I love her. Every imperfect flawed inch. Pulling her close, I whisper, “I love you, Bridget. You’re it for me and you better get used to what that means.”

  “I never thought I’d have a man, let alone someone so perfect for me as you are. Thank you for taking a chance on me.”

  “I feel like I should be on my hands and knees thanking the man above for brightening my dull existence and putting you before me. I’ll cherish and love you until I draw my last breath.” I don’t expect her to reciprocate given her past, but based on how she is with me, I’m pretty damn sure she loves me too.

  “You have a silver tongue, Mr. Kade. I’m honored and know that there isn’t anyone else I’d want to share my life with other than you.”

  She whispers something else so low that I lean closer. “What, Bridge?”

  “I said, I don’t know if I can say those words yet, Kade.”

  “Baby, it’s not a competition. When you’re ready, you will, okay? In the meantime, too much talking and not enough action.”

  “Capone, tell us where we’re at with the figures on the gun range and the construction company?” Axe requests. I hand over the files I brought with me that contain all of the numbers I was able to crunch. It’s filled with research I’ve done on the startup costs, and I’ve also estimated how long it will take us to get into the green on the two companies.

  “We already own a lot of the equipment, so that helps significantly. Just really need a storefront for the offices, and a few heavy-duty trucks tricked out with tools. Oh, and jobs. We need some of those, too,” I say as he’s looking over the material.

  “I’ve been turning work away,” Jaxson states, looking at me and then Axe. “I bet if everything is solid with what Capone got, we can start on putting in some bids and get the other shit going behind the scenes.”

  He’s right. We could temporarily use one of t
he empty rooms here for an office until we find the right spot. Although I’m sure there are plenty of places right in town available. My mind drifts to the possibility of being that close to Bridget and maybe sneaking her over for a quickie at lunch and suddenly, I find myself hard. A-fucking-gain! A constant state I’ve found myself in since before we even had sex for the first time.

  “We’ll need some land for the gun range project,” Law interjects. “There’re a lot of codes and shit we have to follow for one of those.” I knew he’d get that research done, he’s a helluva brother and does what he can to ensure that our businesses are airtight.

  “Is there any land that’s large enough for what we want to do?” Axe asks.

  “Yeah, I did a search on available properties. Here,” Law replies, handing him several sheets of paper.

  “Okay, looks like we’re going into the construction business and also gonna be running a gun range. All in favor?” Axe questions, looking around the room.

  “Can we maybe add a self-defense course?” Smokey asks. “Thinking it wouldn’t be a bad idea for the community and maybe it would help Bridget some more.” I glance at my future brother-in-law and nod. It’s a good idea and I think it’ll give her even more confidence.

  “I like that idea. Can’t hurt and would definitely help my woman,” I reply.

  “Since Nan’s announcement took away the surprise cut ceremony for Bridget, we should plan one soon. Let our man Capone officially claim his woman in front of his brothers,” Hatch states.

  “Let’s plan it for two weekends from this coming Friday. That way we aren’t interrupting the plans the ladies are making for Mom,” Axe nearly growls out. It’s funny to watch him accepting his mom moving forward and on with her life. He’s so used to her being underfoot, he doesn't know if he’s turning right or left anymore without her being his leader. Cara laughs about it. She thinks it’s hilarious at how much of a momma’s boy our president is, but I know it’s driving my friend insane.


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